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1. Decisive Atmospheric Circulation Indices for July–August Precipitation in North China Based on Tree Models.

2. The NUIST Earth System Model (NESM) version 3: description and preliminary evaluation.

3. Multi-Time-Scale Climatic Variations over Eastern China and Implications for the South-North Water Diversion Project.

4. Dynamical downscaling of regional climate over eastern China using RSM with multiple physics scheme ensembles.

5. Study on Variations in Climatic Variables and Their Influence on Runoff in the Manas River Basin, China.

6. Characteristics of Long-Term Climate Change and the Ecological Responses in Central China.

7. Using the SPEI to Assess Recent Climate Change in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, South Tibet.

8. Modeling the Impacts of Future Climate Change on Irrigation over China: Sensitivity to Adjusted Projections.

9. Projected Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Extremes in China by the CMIP5 Multimodel Ensembles.

10. A 457-year reconstruction of precipitation in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China using tree-ring records.

11. Effects of climate change on annual streamflow using climate elasticity in Poyang Lake Basin, China.

12. Trend Analysis of Precipitation in the Jinsha River Basin in China.

13. Soil moisture controls on patterns of grass green-up in Inner Mongolia: an index based approach.

14. Detection of trends in precipitation extremes in Zhejiang, east China.

15. Climate change impact on water resource extremes in a headwater region of the Tarim basin in China.

16. Pollen-Based Quantitative Reconstruction of Holocene Climate Changes in the Daihai Lake Area, Inner Mongolia, China.

17. Snowfall trends and variability in Qinghai, China.

18. Observed changes of drought/wetness episodes in the Pearl River basin, China, using the standardized precipitation index and aridity index.

19. The Influence of Mechanical and Thermal Forcing by the Tibetan Plateau on Asian Climate.

20. Impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C on precipitation patterns in China by regional climate model (COSMO-CLM).

21. Responses of Streamflow to Climate Change and Human Activities in a River Basin, Northeast China.

22. Spatiotemporal Variability and Trends of Extreme Precipitation in the Huaihe River Basin, a Climatic Transitional Zone in East China.

23. Spatiotemporal Variations of Extreme Precipitation and Study on Chaotic Characteristics in the Xijiang River Basin, China.

24. Spatial and temporal variations of precipitation in Haihe River basin in the recent 53 years.

25. Addressing Climate Change Impacts on Streamflow in the Jinsha River Basin Based on CMIP5 Climate Models.

26. MaxEnt model-based prediction of potential distributions of Parnassia wightiana (Celastraceae) in China.

27. The relationship of Streamflow-Precipitation-Temperature in the Yellow River Basin of China during 1961-2000.

28. Projected regional responses of precipitation extremes and their joint probabilistic behaviors to climate change in the upper and middle reaches of Huaihe River Basin, China.

29. Urbanization Enhanced Summertime Extreme Hourly Precipitation over the Yangtze River Delta.

30. Detectable Anthropogenic Influence on Changes in Summer Precipitation in China.

31. On the Stationarity of Annual Precipitation over China (1959–2018).

32. Mechanisms for Spatially Inhomogeneous Changes in East Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation during the Mid-Holocene.

33. Effects of seasonal precipitation change on soil respiration processes in a seasonally dry tropical forest.

34. Differential roles of species richness versus species asynchrony in regulating community stability along a precipitation gradient.

35. Optimization and evaluation of a monthly air temperature and precipitation gridded dataset with a 0.025° spatial resolution in China during 1951–2011.

36. The 600-mm precipitation isoline distinguishes tree-ring-width responses to climate in China.

37. Variations in droughts and wet spells and their influences in China: 1924-2013.

38. Changes in Different Classes of Precipitation and the Impacts on Sediment Yield in the Hekouzhen-Longmen Region of the Yellow River Basin, China.

39. The impact of drought on vegetation conditions within the Damqu River Basin, Yangtze River Source Region, China.

40. Interannual Variations and Trends in Remotely Sensed and Modeled Soil Moisture in China.

41. Improvement of Short-Term Climate Prediction with Indirect Soil Variables Assimilation in China.

42. High-resolution precipitation data derived from dynamical downscaling using the WRF model for the Heihe River Basin, northwest China.

43. Out-phased decadal precipitation regime shift in China and the United States.

44. Can reanalysis datasets describe the persistent temperature and precipitation extremes over China?

45. Contrasting Daytime and Nighttime Precipitation Variability between Observations and Eight Reanalysis Products from 1979 to 2014 in China.

46. Impacts of the superimposed climate trends on droughts over 1961-2013 in Xinjiang, China.

47. Statistical analysis of the relationship between climate-induced maize yield and rainy-season precipitation across Inner Mongolia, North China.

48. Reconstructed Inter-Annual Variation in September-October Precipitation for the Upper Reaches of the Heihe River and Its Implications for Regional Drought Conditions.

49. Risk of Extreme Precipitation under Nonstationarity Conditions during the Second Flood Season in the Southeastern Coastal Region of China.

50. Characteristics of the precipitation recycling ratio and its relationship with regional precipitation in China.