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1. Using clustered data to develop biomass allometric models: The consequences of ignoring the clustered data structure.

2. Global trends of local ecological knowledge and future implications.

3. Mesolithic projectile variability along the southern North Sea basin (NW Europe): Hunter-gatherer responses to repeated climate change at the beginning of the Holocene.

4. Synergistic effects of the components of global change: Increased vegetation dynamics in open, forest-steppe grasslands driven by wildfires and year-to-year precipitation differences.

5. Niche shifts and the potential distribution of Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) under climate change.

6. Climate Change Across Seasons Experiment (CCASE): A new method for simulating future climate in seasonally snow-covered ecosystems.

7. Effect of Tree-to-Shrub Type Conversion in Lower Montane Forests of the Sierra Nevada (USA) on Streamflow.

8. Climate Response of Tree Radial Growth at Different Timescales in the Qinling Mountains.

9. Trait-based plant ecology a flawed tool in climate studies? The leaf traits of wild olive that pattern with climate are not those routinely measured.

10. Climate change will reduce suitable Caatinga dry forest habitat for endemic plants with disproportionate impacts on specialized reproductive strategies.

11. Can mowing restore boreal rich-fen vegetation in the face of climate change?

12. Using climate envelope models to identify potential ecological trajectories on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

13. Climatic factors shaping intraspecific leaf trait variation of a neotropical tree along a rainfall gradient.

14. Upper thermal limits differ among and within component species in a tritrophic host-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid system.

15. Aridity drives plant biogeographical sub regions in the Caatinga, the largest tropical dry forest and woodland block in South America.

16. Understanding the dynamics in distribution of invasive alien plant species under predicted climate change in Western Himalaya.

17. Characterization of cocoa production, income diversification and shade tree management along a climate gradient in Ghana.

18. Reproductive ecology and stand structure of Joshua tree forests across climate gradients of the Mojave Desert.

19. Harvesting interacts with climate change to affect future habitat quality of a focal species in eastern Canada’s boreal forest.

20. Changes in the geographical distribution of plant species and climatic variables on the West Cornwall peninsula (South West UK).

21. Climate change versus deforestation: Implications for tree species distribution in the dry forests of southern Ecuador.

22. Reduced spore germination explains sensitivity of reef-building algae to climate change stressors.

23. Climate change influences on the potential geographic distribution of the disease vector tick Ixodes ricinus.

24. A degradation debt? Large-scale shifts in community composition and loss of biomass in a tropical forest fragment after 40 years of isolation.

25. Microhabitats and canopy cover moderate high summer temperatures in a fragmented Mediterranean landscape.

26. Climate change-induced water stress suppresses the regeneration of the critically endangered forest tree Nyssa yunnanensis.

27. Climate change and sugarcane expansion increase Hantavirus infection risk.

28. The feasibility of local participation in Measuring, Reporting and Verification (PMRV) for REDD+.

29. Response of spatial vegetation distribution in China to climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).

30. Rainfall changes affect the algae dominance in tank bromeliad ecosystems.

31. Incorporating exposure to pitch canker disease to support management decisions of Pinus pinaster Ait. in the face of climate change.

32. Pollen-based reconstruction of vegetational and climatic change over the past ~30 ka at Shudu Lake in the Hengduan Mountains of Yunnan, southwestern China.

33. When Winners Become Losers: Predicted Nonlinear Responses of Arctic Birds to Increasing Woody Vegetation.

34. Current and Future Distribution of the Tropical Tree Cedrela odorata L. in Mexico under Climate Change Scenarios Using MaxLike.

35. Humic Acid Composition and Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter in Relation to the Elevation Gradient of Moso Bamboo Plantations.

36. Fire Severity Controlled Susceptibility to a 1940s Spruce Beetle Outbreak in Colorado, USA.

37. Human Impacts and Climate Change Influence Nestedness and Modularity in Food-Web and Mutualistic Networks.

38. Climate-Driven Synchronized Growth of Alpine Trees in the Southeast Tibetan Plateau.

39. Improved Predictions of the Geographic Distribution of Invasive Plants Using Climatic Niche Models.

40. Missing Rings, Synchronous Growth, and Ecological Disturbance in a 36-Year Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) Provenance Study.

41. Estimating and Analyzing Savannah Phenology with a Lagged Time Series Model.

42. Potential Implications of Climate Change on Aegilops Species Distribution: Sympatry of These Crop Wild Relatives with the Major European Crop Triticum aestivum and Conservation Issues.

43. Agricultural Management and Climatic Change Are the Major Drivers of Biodiversity Change in the UK.

44. Exploring Climate Niches of Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex Lawson) Haplotypes in the Western United States: Implications for Evolutionary History and Conservation.

45. Climatic Signals in Tree Rings of Heritiera fomes Buch.-Ham. in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh.

46. Modeling Soil Carbon Dynamics in Northern Forests: Effects of Spatial and Temporal Aggregation of Climatic Input Data.

47. Considering Future Potential Regarding Structural Diversity in Selection of Forest Reserves.

48. Quantifying the Impact of Land Cover Composition on Intra-Urban Air Temperature Variations at a Mid-Latitude City.

49. Growth-Mortality Relationships in Piñon Pine (Pinus edulis) during Severe Droughts of the Past Century: Shifting Processes in Space and Time.