
Showing total 105 results
105 results

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51. Temporal and spatiotemporal investigation of tourist attraction visit sentiment on Twitter.

52. Micro-blog user community discovery using generalized SimRank edge weighting method.

53. An improved advertising CTR prediction approach based on the fuzzy deep neural network.

54. Cryptocurrency price drivers: Wavelet coherence analysis revisited.

55. Retailer Stackelberg game in a supply chain with pricing and service decisions and simple price discount contract.

56. Mention effect in information diffusion on a micro-blogging network.

57. The value of supply chain coordination under moral hazard: A case study of the consumer product supply chain.

58. We will make you like our research: The development of a susceptibility-to-persuasion scale.

59. How to evaluate sentiment classifiers for Twitter time-ordered data?

60. An improved anonymous authentication scheme for roaming in ubiquitous networks.

61. An extended car-following model at un-signalized intersections under V2V communication environment.

62. Knowledge categorization affects popularity and quality of Wikipedia articles.

63. Testing the event witnessing status of micro-bloggers from evidence in their micro-blogs.

64. Forecasting success via early adoptions analysis: A data-driven study.

65. Piecing together the puzzle: Improving event content coverage for real-time sub-event detection using adaptive microblog crawling.

66. Analysis of topological relationships and network properties in the interactions of human beings.

67. Provably secure identity-based identification and signature schemes from code assumptions.

68. Social adaptation in multi-agent model of linguistic categorization is affected by network information flow.

69. Development of a set of community-informed Ebola messages for Sierra Leone.

70. Random domain name and address mutation (RDAM) for thwarting reconnaissance attacks.

71. Optimal pricing and marketing planning for deteriorating items.

72. Learning from Bees: An Approach for Influence Maximization on Viral Campaigns.

73. On the Reconstruction of Text Phylogeny Trees: Evaluation and Analysis of Textual Relationships.

74. Predicting Virtual World User Population Fluctuations with Deep Learning.

75. Bibliographic Analysis of Nature Based on Twitter and Facebook Altmetrics Data.

76. Avian Influenza Risk Surveillance in North America with Online Media.

77. Maximizing the Spread of Influence via Generalized Degree Discount.

78. Modeling Periodic Impulsive Effects on Online TV Series Diffusion.

79. Inferring Atmospheric Particulate Matter Concentrations from Chinese Social Media Data.

80. Abundant Topological Outliers in Social Media Data and Their Effect on Spatial Analysis.

81. Product Aspect Clustering by Incorporating Background Knowledge for Opinion Mining.

82. Cooperation Is Not Enough Exploring Social-Ecological Micro-Foundations for Sustainable Common-Pool Resource Use.

83. A Graph is Worth a Thousand Words: How Overconfidence and Graphical Disclosure of Numerical Information Influence Financial Analysts Accuracy on Decision Making.

84. The Role of Temporal Trends in Growing Networks.

85. A Data-Based Approach to Discovering Multi-Topic Influential Leaders.

86. Mining Twitter to Assess the Public Perception of the “Internet of Things”.

87. LiPISC: A Lightweight and Flexible Method for Privacy-Aware Intersection Set Computation.

88. DEFENDER: Detecting and Forecasting Epidemics Using Novel Data-Analytics for Enhanced Response.

89. Enabling Remote Health-Caring Utilizing IoT Concept over LTE-Femtocell Networks.

90. The Dynamics of Initiative in Communication Networks.

91. Institutions and Cultural Diversity: Effects of Democratic and Propaganda Processes on Local Convergence and Global Diversity.

92. Network Diversity and Affect Dynamics: The Role of Personality Traits.

93. Identifying Topics in Microblogs Using Wikipedia.

94. Windows Instant Messaging App Forensics: Facebook and Skype as Case Studies.

95. Exploring Entrainment Patterns of Human Emotion in Social Media.

96. Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Biometric-Based Multi-Server Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme.

97. Qualities and Inequalities in Online Social Networks through the Lens of the Generalized Friendship Paradox.

98. What Makes Sports Fans Interactive? Identifying Factors Affecting Chat Interactions in Online Sports Viewing.

99. An Algorithm to Automatically Generate the Combinatorial Orbit Counting Equations.

100. Predicting the Perceived Sound Quality of Frequency-Compressed Speech.