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1. Similar roles, different strategies: Brazil, India and South Africa trade policies.

2. Unfree labour and adverse incorporation in the global economy: comparative perspectives on Brazil and India.

3. China, India and Brazil: Tiger technologies, dragon multinationals and the building of national systems of economic learning.

4. A New Politics of Confrontation? Brazil and India in Multilateral Trade Negotiations*.

5. Is a BRIC alliance coming?: Driving-forces, Obstacles and Possible Influences.

6. The India, Brazil, South Africa Alliance: A Sensible Alternative to South-South Cooperation.

7. Different paths to power: The rise of Brazil, India and China at the World Trade Organization.

8. Resource powers? Minerals, energy and the rise of the BRICS.

9. What determines BRICSA Preferences in the Global Financial Architecture? The Case of India and the G20.

10. ‘Donors go home’: non-traditional state actors and the creation of development space in Zambia.

11. Bugger thy Neighbour? ibsa and South–South Solidarity.

12. India, Brazil, and South Africa (IBSA): South-South Cooperation and the Paradox of Regional Leadership.

13. Back to BASICs? The Rejuvenation of Non-traditional Donors' Development Cooperation with Africa.

14. Introduction*.

15. The Trade-Labour Linkage from the Eyes of the Developing Countries: A Euphemism for Protectionist Practices?

16. Reflections: India, IBSA and the IOR.