
Your search keyword '"艾灸"' showing total 197 results

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197 results on '"艾灸"'

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1. Clinical application status of plum blossom needle technique in nursing care of myopia patients (梅花针技术治疗近视的临床应用及护理)

2. Research progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing techniques for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (慢性阻塞性肺疾病中医护理技术研究进展)

3. Research progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing techniques for cough symptoms of lung cancer patients (中医护理技术改善肺癌患者咳嗽症状的研究进展)

4. 耳穴压贴 + 艾灸联合阿普唑仑治疗失眠症效果及对睡眠质量、 生活质量的影响.

5. 艾灸联合穴位埋线对非小细胞肺癌化疗患者化疗 相关恶心/呕吐及生活质量的影响.

6. 艾灸抑制 NLRP3/Caspase-1 通路介导的细胞焦亡减轻脑缺血再灌注损伤.

7. 混联艾灸辅疗机器人设计与运动学分析.

8. Nursing of a patient with postsurgical gastroparesis syndrome treated with acupoint application combined with moxibustion (穴位贴敷联合艾灸疗法治疗1例胃癌术后胃瘫综合征患者的护理体会)

9. Research progress of Traditional Chinese medicine nursing techniques for constipation in stroke patients (中医护理适宜技术在卒中后便秘患者中的应用进展)

10. 艾灸对去卵巢大鼠肌肉功能及骨密度的研究.

11. 隔制附子艾灸百会穴在智力发育迟缓康复护理中的应用.

12. Effect of Muladhara moxibustion on perineal injury during childbirth and physical rehabilitation of parturients (新型底轮灸治疗对产后会阴伤口及体质康复的影响)

13. Integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine nursing of a patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome complicated with dissociative disorder (1例吉兰-巴雷综合征合并分离性障碍患者的中西医结合护理体会)

14. Application of auricular acuopint massage combined with moxibustion and nursing practice of tinnitus in a patient with chronic glomerulonephritis (耳穴按摩联合艾灸治疗1例慢性肾小球肾炎患者耳鸣症状的护理体会)

15. Progress in the application of Huolong pot comprehensive moxibustion in clinical nursing practice (火龙罐综合灸在临床护理中的应用进展)

16. Effect of abdominal massage combined with moxibustion in the treatment of Qi-deficiency type chronicfunctional constipation in elderly people (腹部推拿联合艾灸治疗气虚型老年慢性功能性便秘效果观察)

17. 暖脐散神阙贴敷联合艾灸治疗脾虚型泄泻患儿效果 及对肠道微生态的影响.

18. 艾灸与还原氧化石墨烯 / 二氧化铈纳米复合材料修复感染性创面.

19. Treatment of diabetic gastroparesis by external treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine (中医外治法治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫的研究进展)

20. Practice of psycho-cardiology nursing for a patient with hypertension of deficiency of kidney Yang type (1例肾阳虚型高血压患者的'双心护理'体会)

21. Nursing of a patient with post-stroke constipation of Qi-deficiency type treated by Baliao acupoints moxibustion and acupuncture combined with oral administration of Yiqi Runchang decoction (灸八髎穴联合内服益气润肠中药汤剂治疗1例中风后气虚便秘患者的护理体会)

22. Research progress on moxibustion for relieving chemotherapy-induced adverse drug reactions in cancer patients (艾灸缓解肿瘤化疗相关不良反应的研究进展)

23. Research progress on moxibustion in the treatment of urinary incontinence in the elderly (艾灸治疗老年尿失禁研究进展)

24. Nursing of a gastric cancer patient with intestinal obstruction treated by moxibustion combined with acupoint application (艾灸联合穴位贴敷疗法治疗1例胃癌肠梗阻患者的护理)

25. Nursing of a pancreatic cancer patient with low back pain treated by massage combined with moxibustion (手法推拿联合生姜开穴施灸治疗1例胰腺癌腰痛患者的护理)

26. Nursing of a patient with chemotherapy-induced oral ulcer treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine mouthwash combined with moxibustion (中药含漱疗法联合艾灸治疗化疗相关性口腔溃疡1例的护理)

27. Application of green nursing technology for tumors in a lung cancer patient with COVID-19 (1例肺癌合并新型冠状病毒感染患者的肿瘤绿色调护体会)

28. Moxibustion treatment and nursing of a patient with peripheral neuropathic pain of lower limbs caused by oxaliplatin (艾灸疗法治疗1例奥沙利铂致下肢周围神经病变性疼痛的护理)

29. Moxibustion combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine ointment massage for a patient with grade II myelosuppression after chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer (艾灸联合中药膏摩疗法治疗1例胰腺癌化疗后II度骨髓抑制患者的护理)

30. Scraping and moxibustion therapy and nursing of a breast cancer patient with COVID-19 in convalescence (1例乳腺癌患者新型冠状病毒感染恢复期应用刮灸疗法的护理体会)

31. Clinical practice and research progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing of neurogenic cervical spondylosis (神经根型颈椎病中医护理干预及研究进展)

32. Research progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing technology in patients with early-stage acute mastitis (中医护理技术在急性乳腺炎早期患者中的应用研究进展)

33. Nursing of a patient with allergic rhinitis- induced nasal congestion treated by Huolong cupping therapy combined moxibustion (火龙罐综合灸治疗过敏性鼻炎鼻塞症状1例的护理体会)

34. 艾灸、拔罐结合耳针对肝肾亏虚型腰椎间盘突出症 患者腰部活动度的影响

35. 基于TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB信号通路探讨安肠汤联合艾灸治疗肝郁脾虚证腹泻型肠易激综合征的疗效及其机制.

36. Nursing of a patient with post-stroke constipation treated with moxibustion combined with auricular acupoint pressing based on the brain-gut axis theory (基于脑-肠轴理论艾灸联合耳穴压豆干预1例脑卒中后便秘患者的护理体会)

37. Research progress of auricular acupoint stickingin the treatment of insomnia in the elderly (耳穴贴压治疗老年失眠患者的研究进展)

38. Review on the application of acupoint sticking therapy for constipation in adult patients (中医穴位贴敷疗法在成人便秘中的应用研究进展)

39. Psychological counseling and nursing interventions with Traditional Chinese Medicine characteristics for a patient with cluster headache (心理辅导护理联合中医特色疗法治疗丛集性头痛1例的护理体会)

40. Progress of research on Traditional Chinese Medicine characteristic nursing of patients with cognitive impairment after stroke (脑卒中后认知障碍的中医特色护理研究进展)

41. Application progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing technology in constipation after stroke (中医护理技术在脑卒中后便秘中的应用进展)

42. Scraping and moxibustion therapy in the treatment of chest pain caused by liver depression and Qi stagnation in a patient with cervical cancer (刮灸疗法治疗1例宫颈癌患者肝郁气滞致胸胁胀痛的护理体会)

43. Scraping therapy combined with moxibustion and Traditional Chinese Medicine retention enema for a female patient with lower abdominal pain caused by pelvic inflammatory disease (刮痧联合艾灸及中药保留灌肠治疗1例女性盆腔炎腹痛患者的护理)

44. 艾灸与中医情志护理模式对膝关节骨性关节炎患者 心理状态的影响.

45. Application and exploration of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing for COVID-19 patients in convalescence (中医护理在新型冠状病毒感染恢复期的应用与探索)

46. Comparison of the effects of acupoint application combined with moxibustion in different sequences on alleviating symptoms in patients with knee osteoarthritis based on inheritance concept (基于传承理念的穴位贴敷联合艾灸不同顺序缓解膝骨关节炎患者症状的效果比较)

47. Traditional Chinese Medicine holographic scraping combined with moxibustion in the treatment of targeted therapy and immunotherapy-associated diarrhea in a patient with renal cell carcinoma (中医全息刮痧联合艾灸治疗1例肾恶性肿瘤患者靶向治疗和免疫治疗相关腹泻的护理体会)

48. Effect of acupoint application combined with moxibustion in the treatment of postoperative constipation in patients with thoracolumbar compression fracture (艾灸联合穴位贴敷治疗胸腰椎压缩性骨折患者术后便秘的效果观察)

49. Research progress of moxibustion for postoperative urinary retention in patients with hip fracture (艾灸在髋部骨折术后尿潴留中的研究进展)

50. Moxibustion combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine ointment treatment and nursing management of a patient with low back pain caused by lumbar disc herniation (艾灸联合中药膏摩治疗1例腰痹病疼痛患者的护理体会)


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