BUONDONNO, EMMA, ANDREOZZI, GIULIANA, ESPOSITO, LUIGI, Rendina M., Tonhati H., Mariotti E., Tornitore L., Sica M., Fiore E, LUIGI ESPOSITO, Buondonno, Emma, Rendina, Marco, H., Tonhati, E., Mariotti, Andreozzi, Giuliana, L., Tornitore, M., Sica, E., Fiore, Esposito, Luigi, Luigi Esposito & Carlos Diez Valle, Rendina, M., Tonhati, H., Mariotti, E., Tornitore, L., Sica, M., and Fiore, E
Minor urban systems have to evolve towards models in which the nebula of settlements merges in a unique district, as proposed in the R.L. 54/74. In the functional regional hierarchy, some inland settlements in the district of Salerno are also subordinated to Napoli, which goes on with its long-term process of orthogenetic development. According to the analysis of the anthropological, civilian, livestock and agricultural capacity of the area that it is being examined, it is evident that the estimated sustainability potential of the proposed urban system (Colliano, Laviano, Santomenna, Castelnuovo di Conza e Valva) is largely underused (housing capacity 79’000 vs inhabitants 8’387). The evolutionary processes of the minor urban systems have to be investigated, since a good management of the territory will be obtained only through a reformist programming that matches development with environment. Key words: Urban systems, Environment, Government, Nature Reserve Introduction: The imbalance of the territory in Campania origins from the dualism between the coastal and the inland areas. In ecological terms, the sheltered environment of the inland areas can use only part of the connection with the outer coastal areas. The European guidance highlights the necessity to conceive functional systems of ecological networks able to connect biological and environmental diversities, with a particular attention to the interactions with anthropic systems. Moreover, in Campania there is an empty urban space that encloses the southern part of the region; for that reason inland areas depend on metropolitan and coastal ones. A big part of the urban structure of the inland areas of Salerno district is tendentially weak, and only a few centres are provided with the necessary infrastructures to contrast evasion and urban migration. Structural peculiarities of the agronomic sector of Salerno district can be defined by some clarifying data: on a Total Agricultural Area (SAT) of 337’596.00 hectares, only 193’363.00 hectares are Agricultural Used Surface (SAU). Farms (agriculture and animal exploitations) and forest firms count 83’000 units. Materials and methods: The research is structured in different analytic steps (ecological, functional and anthropological), aimed to track down evolutionary trends of natural, half-natural and human habitats. These steps involve specific knowledge proper for each analysis (archive, literary, documentary, cartographic and statistical sources). The district of our study, ‘Monti Eremita-Marzano’ is subject to the Regional Law 33/93 and presents: 1) urbanized areas with the remaining agricultural land, 2) urban areas with high natural value, 3) areas characterized by a lag in demographic development, with alternation of land where is not possible build and land in which, even if you can build, there are specific limitations (planning, hydro-geological constraints, overall conservation) and laws enacted specifically for the nature reserves (NR). The nature reserve is characterized in the mountaintop by strong deciduous woodland matrixes, mixed with xerophilous grassland. The town of Valva, with a territorial surface of 26.21 Km2 and about 1’827 inhabitants, stands on the slopes of Monte Marzano at the altitude of 510 m above sea-level. An important element of the urban mosaic is Villa d’Ayala, playing a role of connection towards ecologically delicate areas and potentially constitutes the entrance to the Nature Reserve (size 3’680 ha), instituted by R.L. 33/93, DPGR 5574/95 and DGR 66/99. The geographical framework of the mountainous area is bounded on the West by the Site of importance n. 93 ‘Alta valle del fiume Sele’, on the North by the river Temete and by the national road S.S. 381 and, on the East, by the swollen river of Muro and by the rivers Platano and Bianco. The Site of importance n. 109 ‘Massiccio del Monte Eremita’ (size 10’570 ha) is part of the reserve. In order to improve the knowledge of the area being analyzed, it appears convenient to give a spatial definition of the system, that is bounded on the North by the town of Laviano, with a territorial surface of 56.56 Km2 and 1’523 inhabitants, by the river Temete and by S.S. 381 and S.S. 7, on the West by N.R. ‘Foce Sele-Tanagro’ and by S.S. 91, on the East by the border of the Region, on the South by the town of Colliano, with a territorial surface of 54.07 Km2 and 3’813 inhabitants, and by the A3 highway and the road E847. Two centres complete the analyzed district: Castelnuovo di Conza, with an area of 14.00 Km2 and 682 inhabitants, and Santomenna, with an area of 8.00 Km2 and 542 inhabitants. The scenery is characterized by the alternation of thick woods of beech (Fagus sylvatica), hosting isolated yew trees (Taxus baccata) and luxuriant hollies (Ilex aquifolium) and meadows where it is possible to meet quails (Coturnix coturnix), tree pipits (Anthus trivialis), small shrikes (Lanius collurio) and corn buntings (Miliaria calandra). The calcareous rocks are the ideal place for the nesting of buzzards (Buteo buteo) and kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). Results and discussion: The analyzed district is underused (Housing capacity 79’000 vs Inhabitants 8’387). Specifically, Valva has 1’827 inhabitants vs 13’000 estimated housing capacity, as well as the other two main centres of the district, Laviano and Colliano, have respectively 1’523 inhabitants vs 28’000 estimated housing capacity and 3’813 inhabitants vs 27’000 estimated housing capacity. In the end, the small centres of Santomenna and Castelnuovo di Conza have respectively 542 inhabitants vs 4’000 estimated housing capacity and 682 inhabitants vs 7’000 estimated housing capacity. A consistent use of the available resources and the diversification of territory development are required for a better distribution of urban areas and functional planning, in observance of the natural environment. A balanced development can be pursued through the consolidation and the diversity of the functions of the minor urban systems that, joined together, can be substrate for economic development free from the subsistence faults connected to the metropolis. Conclusion: The reforming strategies for the territorial management, to be carried out as means of valorisation of the structural and social components within the Mediterranean areas, impose measures aimed to prevent depopulation processes and abandoning of the rural areas, useful to mitigate the effects of territorial imbalance, in accordance with what previously stated in the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (Paris, 16th November 1972). References: 1) Buondonno E., Plachesi A., Rendina M., Siniscalchi F., Tornitore L., Cannavacciuolo R., 2005. Coordinated planning of the Regional Natural Reserve Mounts Eremita and Marzano and of naturally expanding territories in order to have a compatible environmental management. IV Int. Symposium on Wild Fauna Slovakia: edited by Trávniček M., pp.155/156, (ISBN80-8077-019-0). 2) Buondonno E., Rendina M., Andreozzi G., Tornitore L., Plachesi A., Sica M., Pinto S., Esposito L., 2007. Experimental system of containment of the bright pollutions and management of the impact on the fauna of the Natural Reserve Reg. Monti Eremita e Marzano and of territories of natural expansion, according to the regional law N.12 of the 25-07-2002. 5th International Congress on Wild Fauna Chalkidiki, Greece: edited by Charalambos Billinis & Polychronis Kostoulas, p.73. 3) Rendina M., Tornitore L., 2006. Dinamiche evolutive del P.co Villa d’Ayala-Valva: risorse e volano del territorio della Medio Alta Valle del fiume Sele. Gestione Ambientale, Faunistica e Venatoria: anno IV, n. 10 p. 38, (ISSN1828-3640).