
Your search keyword '"Cumhuriyet Universitesi"' showing total 149 results

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149 results on '"Cumhuriyet Universitesi"'

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1. The Investigation of Social Work Student’s Social Problem Solving Orientation and Problem Solving Styles

2. Concurrent Brucellosis and Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever: A Case Report

3. Comparison of NR and UniClust databases for protein secondary structure prediction [Protein Ikincil Yapi Tahmini için NR ve UniClust Veri Tabanlarinin Karsilastirilmasi]

4. Effects of stirring and aeration rates on lipase production and growth of R. Delemar in the media containing glucose or molasses sucrose and pfc [R.Delemar'in üremes ve lpaz üretm üzerne karitirma ve havalandirma hizlarinin etksnn glukoz veya melas sakkarozu ve pfr çeren ortamlarda aratirilmasi]

5. Vertigo: Is it really a neurological emergency? [Vertigo: Gerçekten bir nörolojik acil midir?]

6. Prevalence of cyst hydatic in slaughtered cattle between April and May 2005 in Sivas [Sivas'ta Nisan-Mayis 2005 tarihleri arasinda Kesilen Si?irlarda Kist Hidatik Yayginli?i.]

7. The incidence of intestinal parasites in the pediatric health and disease service and effect of these parasites on height, weight, anemia and eosinophile values [Cocuk Sa?li?i ve Hastaliklari Servisinde Yatan Hastalarda Ba?irsak Paraziti Görülme Sikli?i, Parazitlerin Boy, Kilo, Anemi ve Eozinofil De?erleri Uzerine Etkileri.]

8. The frequency of intestinal parasites in primary school children in urban and rural regions [Sehir, Ilçe ve Köy Ilkö?retim Okulu O?rencilerinde Ba?irsak Parazitleri Görülme Sikli?i.]

9. Observations on Acanthamoeba trophozoites in axenic cultures and their staining characteristics with different stains [Aksenik kültürlerde Acanthamoeba trofozoitleri üzerindeki gözlemler ve bunlarin farkli boyalarla boyanma özellikleri.]

10. Cystic echinococcosis: a study of consciousness and creating awareness [Kistik ekinokokkoz: Bir toplum bilgilendirme ve farkindalik yaratma çalişmasi]

11. Can garlic (Allium sativum) extract be used as scolocidal agent? [Sarimsak (Allium sativum) özütü skolosidal ajan olarak kullanilabilir mi?]

12. The incidence of Trichomonas vaginalis in vaginal specimens from gynecologic patients [Jinekolojik hastalardan alinan vaginal örneklerde Trichomonas vaginalis görülme sikli?i]

13. Comparison of anesthetic effects and peroperative tolerance of remifentanil and alfentanil based Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA) [Total İntravenöz Anestezide (TİVA) remifentanil ile alfentanilin anestezik etkilerinin ve peroperatif toleransin karşilaştirilmasi]

14. Comparison of the results of examination of fecal samples from students at six months intervals in the Alahaci village primary school in Sivas [Sivas merkez Alahaci köyü ilkö?retim okulu ö?rencilerinde alti ay arayla yapilan dişki incelemesi sonuçlarinin karşilaştirilmasi.]

15. Investigation of the prevalence of Pediculus in Alahaci village primary school students in the Sivas province [Sivas Alahaci köyü ilkö?retim okulu ö?rencilerinde Pediculus yayginli?inin araştirilmasi]

16. Determination of tick species and treatment of cows, sheep and goats in the Sivas-Zara region [Sivas-Zara yöresindeki si?ir, koyun ve keçilerde kene türlerinin belirlenmesi ve sa?altimi]

17. Investigation of vectors for Borrelia burgdorferi and Lyme seropositivity in sivas region [Sivas yöresinde Borrelia burgdorferi vektörlerinin ve Lyme seropozitifli?inin araştirilmasi]

18. Measurement of the carrying angle of the elbow in 2,000 children at ages six and fourteen years [Alti ve on dört yaş grubundaki 2000 çocukta ölçülen dirsek taşima açisi degerleri.]

19. High-level mixed-type hyperbilirubinaemia due to rifampicin

20. Surgical treatment of penil fractures [Penis fraktürlerinin cerrahi tedavisi.]

21. Investigation of Legionella pneumophila in thermal pools of the hot springs in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey [İç Anadolu Bölgesi?nde bulunan kaplicalarin termal havuz sularinda Legionella pneumophila araştirmasi]

22. Evaluation of traffic accident cases admitted to the emergency department of the Cumhuriyet University Hospital in 1998 [1998 yilinda cumhuriyet üniversitesi hastanesi acil birimine başvuran trafik kazasi olgularinin de?erlendirilmesi.]

23. The effect of voletile anaesthetic on the sister chromatid exchange in operation room personnel [Ameliyathane personelinde inhalasyon anesteziklerinin kardes kromatid degisimi uzerine etkisi]

24. Treatment plans and results in iatrogenic ureteral injuries [Iatrojenik üreteral travmalarda tedavi planlarimiz ve sonuçlari.]

25. The effects of malathion alkaline phosphatase activity in the liver, kidney and small intestine in mice [Malathion'un fare karaci?er böbrek ve i?nce ba?irsak alkalen fosfataz aktivitesi üzerine etkisi]

26. The effect of lead inhalation on rat lung morphology

27. Doxycyline induced esophagitis [5] [Doksisiklin kullanimi sonucu gelisen ozofajit]

28. Comparison of alfentanil/propofol with fentanyl/propofol for tracheal intubation without muscle relaxants in children [Cocuklarda kas gevseticisiz entubasyon sirasinda alfentanil/propofol ile fentanil/propofol induksiyonunun karsilastirilmasi]

29. Underorganisation of chromatin structure in human metaphase chromosomes by induction of 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (Decitabine) [Baz analogu 5-aza-2'-deoksisitidin (Desitabin) in insan kromozomlarinda neden oldugu kromatin organizasyon bozukluklari]

30. Mineralogy and petrography of the Upper Paleozoic-Lower Mesozoic diagenetic - very low grade metamorphic rocks from Bolkardagi Unit (central Taurus, Bozkir - Konya) [Bolkardagi, Birligi Orta Toroslar, Bozkir - Konya) Ust Paleozoyik-Alt Mesozoyik yasli diyajenetik - cok dusuk dereceli metamorfik kayaclarin mineralojisi ve petrografisi]

31. Tenoxicam versus bupivacaine on postoperative pain relief after thyroidectomy [Tenoksikam ve bupivakainin tiroidektomi sonrasi agri tedavisindeki etkinliklerinin karsilastirilmasi]

32. The importance of beta hemolytic streptococcus groups in childhood pharyngitis and the comparison of penicillin G procaine and cefuroxime axetile in the treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis [Cocukluk cagi farenjitlerinde beta hemolitik streptokok gruplarinin yeri ve streptokok farenjitlerinin tedavisinde penisilin G prokain ile sefuroksim aksetil in karsilastirilmasi]

33. Comparison of efficiency of morphine, meperidine and fentanyl in treatment of postoperative pain with patient controlled analgesia [HASTA KONTROLLU ANALJEZI ILE POSTOPERATIF AGRI TEDAVISINDE MORFIN, MEPERIDIN VE FENTANILIN ETKINLIGININ KARSILASTIRILMASI]

34. The determination of the discharge distance after discharges done with different kinds of shotguns and cartridges [Cesitli av tufegi ve fisekleriyle yapilan atislarda atis mesafesinin belirlenmesi]

35. Two cases of dissecting aortic aneurysm which had caused sudden death [Ani olume yol acan iki dissekan aort anevrizmasi (DAA) olgusu]

36. Misoprostol versus dinoprostone for labor induction in term pregnancies [Term gebeliklerde dogum induksiyonunda dinoproston yerine misoprostol kullanimi]

37. Cytoprotective effects of octreotide, prostaglandin E1 and diltiazem on experimental hepatic ischemia/reperfusion models [SICANLARDA HEPATIK ISKEMI/REPERFUZYON MODELI UZERINE SOMATOSTATIN ANALOGU OKTREOTID, PROSTAGLANDIN E1 VE DILTIAZEMIN SITOPROTEKTIF ETKISI]

38. The metamorphism and age of the Findicak metamorphite in the Yildizeli metasedimentary group

39. Comparison of fentanyl and alfentanyl for outpatient anaesthesia [POLIKLINIK OLGULARINDA FENTANIL VE ALFENTANILIN KARSILASTIRILMASI]

40. Comparison of the agar diffusion and agar dilution techniques for antimicrobial susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from clinical specimens [KLINIK ORNEKLERDEN IZOLE EDILEN PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA SUSLARININ ANTIMIKROBIK DUYARLILIKLARININ BELIRLENMESINDE AGAR DIFUZYON VE AGAR DILUSYON YONTEMLERININ KARSILASTIRILMASI]

41. Cutaneous pseudolymphoma [KUTANOZ PSODOLENFOMA]

42. Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment [INTRAVENOZ IMMUNOGLOBULIN TEDAVISI]

43. Thyroid hormones in obese patients treated with dexfenfluramine

44. The histopathologic effects of halothane and isoflurane on human liver [HALOTAN VE ISOFLURAN'IN INSAN KARACIGERI UZERINE HISTOPATOLOJIK ETKILERI]

45. The effects of thiopentone on isolated dog peripheral arterial strips [TIYOPENTONUN IZOLE KOPEK PERIFERIK ARTER SERITLERI UZERINE OLAN ETKILERI]

46. The usage of catalase and superoxide dismutase combination and desferrioxamine in colitis [KATALAZ, SUPEROKSIT DISMUTAZ KOMBINASYONU ILE DESFERRIOKSAMIN KULLANIMI; KOLITTE PROFILAKTIK BIR UYGULAMA]

47. Comparison of the intercostal blockade with 0.5% bupivacaine HCl and 1% prilocaine HCl in postoperative analgesia

48. The effects of omeprazole and ranitidine in the prevention of experimental stress ulcer

49. The role of oxygen free radicals and radical scavengers in ethanol induced gastric mucosal damage in rats

50. Antiemetic effect of ondansetron on abdominal gynecologic operations


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