34 results on '"Della Morte G"'
Search Results
- Author
Della Morte, Gabriele, Della Morte, G (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), Della Morte, Gabriele, and Della Morte, G (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172)
- Abstract
Il termine coniato da Raphael Lemkin all’indomani della Seconda guerra mondiale per nominare gli eccidi dell’apparato nazista – new conceptions requires new terms – trasse ispirazione dalle riflessioni di George Eastman, imprenditore e pioniere della fotografia, per il marchio Kodak: «primo è breve, secondo non si presta ad errori di pronuncia, terzo non assomiglia a nulla e non può essere associato che alla Kodak». Sebbene sarebbero occorsi 50 anni per giungere alla prima condanna internazionale per il crimine di genocidio, il termine continua a esprimere una singolare unicità e rappresenta una parola-chiave nel dibattito contemporaneo, giuridico e non solo. Questo pone un problema di individuazione delle caratteristiche proprie della figura, specialmente con riferimento alla qualifica strettamente giuridica. Da ultimo, un’eco di tale complessità è rintracciabile nella controversia generata dinanzi alla Corte internazionale di giustizia per il ricorso improprio al termine, da parte della Federazione russa, al fine di giustificare l’aggressione dell’Ucraina.
- Published
- 2022
3. Management of Medico-Legal Risks in Digital Health Era: A Scoping Review
- Author
Oliva, Antonio, Grassi, S., Vetrugno, Giuseppe, Rossi, R., Della Morte, Gabriele, Pinchi, V., Caputo, Matteo, Oliva A. (ORCID:0000-0001-7120-616X), Vetrugno G. (ORCID:0000-0003-0181-2855), Della Morte G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), Caputo M. (ORCID:0000-0001-6792-9349), Oliva, Antonio, Grassi, S., Vetrugno, Giuseppe, Rossi, R., Della Morte, Gabriele, Pinchi, V., Caputo, Matteo, Oliva A. (ORCID:0000-0001-7120-616X), Vetrugno G. (ORCID:0000-0003-0181-2855), Della Morte G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), and Caputo M. (ORCID:0000-0001-6792-9349)
- Abstract
Artificial intelligence needs big data to develop reliable predictions. Therefore, storing and processing health data is essential for the new diagnostic and decisional technologies but, at the same time, represents a risk for privacy protection. This scoping review is aimed at underlying the medico-legal and ethical implications of the main artificial intelligence applications to healthcare, also focusing on the issues of the COVID-19 era. Starting from a summary of the United States (US) and European Union (EU) regulatory frameworks, the current medico-legal and ethical challenges are discussed in general terms before focusing on the specific issues regarding informed consent, medical malpractice/cognitive biases, automation and interconnectedness of medical devices, diagnostic algorithms and telemedicine. We aim at underlying that education of physicians on the management of this (new) kind of clinical risks can enhance compliance with regulations and avoid legal risks for the healthcare professionals and institutions.
- Published
- 2022
4. “Judgements without Judges. The Algorithm’s Rule of Law”
- Author
G. Riva, A. Marchetti, Della Morte, Gabriele, Della Morte, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), G. Riva, A. Marchetti, Della Morte, Gabriele, and Della Morte, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172)
- Abstract
The exceptional aggregate masses of data called ‘Big Data’, as well as the algorithms that are used to interpret and exploit them, are mostly generated and managed by private companies. Since they are becoming increasingly essential in a wide range of sectors – e.g., the administrative, political, educational ones and, more recently, health and legal environments – this is a matter of concern for the jurists, who are perceiving a transfer of regulatory powers from States and international actors to those in the private sector. In this regard, the main issue that arises, is that the ‘algorithm’s rule of law’ assumes that every problem is computable, and it can be resolved through a finite sequence of well-defined operations. However, law is about principles and values, not numbers, and the issue at stake is precisely how to reconcile the regulatory function of law with the rationale that increasingly underlies the policies based on data computing
- Published
- 2022
5. Commento agli artt. 68-76 del Regolamento generale per la protezione dei dati personali
- Author
R. D'Orazio, G. Finocchiaro, O. Pollicino, G. Resta, Della Morte, Gabriele, Della Morte, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), R. D'Orazio, G. Finocchiaro, O. Pollicino, G. Resta, Della Morte, Gabriele, and Della Morte, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172)
- Abstract
Commentario agli articoli 68-76 del Regolamento generale per la protezione dei dati personali dedicati all'European Data Protection Board
- Published
- 2021
6. L’umanità ristretta. Alcune considerazioni a partire dalla questione del sovraffollamento carcerario come definito nel caso Muršić c. Croazia
- Author
Andrea Saccucci, Della Morte, Gabriele, Della Morte, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), Andrea Saccucci, Della Morte, Gabriele, and Della Morte, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172)
- Abstract
Commento a margine della sentenza della Corte europea dei diritti umani Muršić c. Croazia [GC], ricorso n. 7334/13, 20 ottobre 2016 – Sovraffollamento carcerario, minimo spazio vitale in celle con pluralità di detenuti
- Published
- 2021
7. “Covid-19, esigenze di sorveglianza di massa e limiti posti dal diritto internazionale”
- Author
Raul Caruso e Damiano Palano, Della Morte, Gabriele, Della Morte, g. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), Raul Caruso e Damiano Palano, Della Morte, Gabriele, and Della Morte, g. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172)
- Abstract
Intorno alle esigenze di sorveglianza di massa e ai limiti posti a quest'ultima dall'ordinamento di diritto internazionale.
- Published
- 2020
8. La tempesta perfetta. Covid-19, deroghe alla protezione dei dati personali ed esigenze sorveglianza di massa
- Author
Della Morte, Gabriele, Della Morte, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), Della Morte, Gabriele, and Della Morte, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172)
- Abstract
La tempesta perfetta" è quella scatenata, nel bel mezzo di una pandemia, dai venti che soffiano sulla richiesta di sorveglianza di massa e quelli, contrari, che spirano sulla tutela dei dati personali. Un primo studio sui rilievi giuridici internazionali.
- Published
- 2020
9. Algoritmo in tribunale: giudice o imputato?
- Author
Della Morte, Gabriele, DELLA MORTE, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), Della Morte, Gabriele, and DELLA MORTE, G. (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172)
- Abstract
Quanto è intelligente l’intelligenza artificiale? Abbastanza da potere essere adoperata in quell’esperienza così delicata che prende il nome di processo? Il breve intervento prova ad abbozzare alcune risposte in merito
- Published
- 2019
10. Victims of Corporate Violence in the European Union: Challenges for Criminal Justice and Potentials for European Policy
- Author
Forti, G., Mazzucato, C., Mancuso, E.M., Manacorda, S., Gasparini, I., Engelhart, M., Della Morte, G., Visconti, A., Giavazzi, S., Schenk, A., Aertsen, I., Gabrio Forti (Editor in chief), Claudia Mazzucato, Arianna Visconti, Stefania Giavazzi (Editors), Mazzucato, Claudia, Mazzucato Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664), Forti, G., Mazzucato, C., Mancuso, E.M., Manacorda, S., Gasparini, I., Engelhart, M., Della Morte, G., Visconti, A., Giavazzi, S., Schenk, A., Aertsen, I., Gabrio Forti (Editor in chief), Claudia Mazzucato, Arianna Visconti, Stefania Giavazzi (Editors), Mazzucato, Claudia, and Mazzucato Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664)
- Abstract
This book chapter stems from a EU-funded project entitled “Victims and Corporations. Implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU for Victims of Corporate Crimes and Corporate Violence" co-funded by the conjunct programme “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” and “Justice” of the European Union (www.victimsandcorporations.eu). The project’s findings are presented in the collective publication of which this essay is only one among various interdisciplinary contributions. European Union Directive 2012/29/UE introduces a ‘system’ of minimum standards on the rights, support and protection for victims of crimes, and their participation to criminal proceedings, without prejudice to the rights of the offender. Within the scope of the Directive and its definition of ‘victim’, though, there is a relevant group of victims who have not yet received enough consideration, and whose access to justice may be at stake. It is the victims of corporate crimes, and particularly of corporate violence, meaning those criminal offences committed by corporations in the course of their legitimate activities, which result in harms to natural persons’ health, integrity, or life. Within the vast area of corporate crime, the project focuses on three main strands of victimisation: environmental crime, food safety violations and offences in the pharmaceutical industry with the aim to explore intersections and potential synergies between Directive 2012/29/EU and the existing body of EU legal tools in these three sectors. Section 1 of this particular chapter provides an overview of the current ‘state of the art’ with respect to the general issue of victims’ rights, support and protection in light of the EU legal system. Directive 2012/29/UE is analysed in connection with the comprehensive, multi-level, ‘package’ of legal tools and measures concerning the rights and the protection of victims of crime in the EU. The chapter analyses the EU legal instruments devoted to both victims of crime in general and speci
- Published
- 2018
11. Victims in International Law: An Overview
- Author
Gabrio Forti, Claudia Mazzucato, Arianna Visconti, Stefania Giavazzi, Della Morte, Gabriele, della morte, g (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172), Gabrio Forti, Claudia Mazzucato, Arianna Visconti, Stefania Giavazzi, Della Morte, Gabriele, and della morte, g (ORCID:0000-0001-9140-8172)
- Abstract
Some reflexions on the definition of victim in international law
- Published
- 2018
12. Il Sudafrica, ovvero il problema della presenza dell''altro' e la sfida della giustizia
- Author
Potestà, G.L., De Gruchy, J.W., van der Borght, E., van der Riet, L., Ceretti, A., Visconti, A., Della Morte, G., Cattaneo M.C., Cattaneo, A., van Heerden, E., Mazzucato, C., Cati, A., Toniolo, F., Forti, G., Potestà, Gian Luca, Mazzucato, Claudia, Cattaneo, Arturo, Mazzucato Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664), Potestà, G.L., De Gruchy, J.W., van der Borght, E., van der Riet, L., Ceretti, A., Visconti, A., Della Morte, G., Cattaneo M.C., Cattaneo, A., van Heerden, E., Mazzucato, C., Cati, A., Toniolo, F., Forti, G., Potestà, Gian Luca, Mazzucato, Claudia, Cattaneo, Arturo, and Mazzucato Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664)
- Abstract
La storia tragica e violenta dell’apartheid in Sudafrica e l’esperienza complessa ma pacifica del suo superamento possono essere studiati a partire dal problema dell’altro: con una popolazione fortemente multietnica, undici lingue ufficiali e molte religioni, il Sudafrica è un luogo in cui la presenza dell’altro si impone ‘paradigmaticamente’ come fatto, divenendo al tempo stesso un problema e una necessità. L’esserci dell’altro è ineludibile. Il saggio rilegge la transizione sudafricana dall’apartheid alla democrazia, alla luce del tema dell’altro (e della convivenza con gli altri), in cerca dei fili giuridico-politici che, in quel Paese, hanno tessuto un modello innovativo di risposta a violenze e atrocità collettive, culminato nell’esperienza insuperata della Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), nei suoi fondamenti costituzionali e in alcune coraggiose decisioni della Corte costituzionale. Il Postamble della Costituzione ad interim, che ha aperto la via alla TRC, scolpisce una serie di principi – comprensione, anziché vendetta; riparazione, anziché ritorsione; ubuntu, anziché vittimizzazione – dai quali legislatori, giudici, policy makers e studiosi in tutto il mondo possono (ri)partire per (ri)pensare un modello di giustizia (penale). Il saggio introduce altresì il lettore alla seconda parte del capitolo, cioè al dialogo (curato e tradotto in italiano dall’Autrice) tra due dei protagonisti della transizione sudafricana, i quali incarnano gli ideali di giustizia a cui l’intero testo è dedicato: la psicologa Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, che ha preso parte ai lavori della TRC, e il giurista Albie Sachs, avvocato e attivista anti-apartheid, vittima di un attentato, divenuto giudice della Corte costituzionale., The South African transition from apartheid to democracy is analysed from the perspectives of law and justice: the constitutional principles of the ‘new’ South Africa, the experience of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and landmark decisions by the Constitutional Court of South Africa draft a new model of justice, which is of extreme interest for law scholars, lawmakers and policymakers worldwide. This model of justice quits and overcomes the idea that justice consists ultimately in ‘striking back’, and it embraces, on the contrary, an idea of justice based on understanding instead of vengeance, a reparation instead of retaliation, ubuntu instead of victimisation as stated in the Postamble of the South African ad interim Constitution which represented the constitutional roadmap towards the TRC. The essay also provides an introduction to the subsequent text of the book chapter (a text the Author has edited and translated into Italian), i.e. a dialogue between two of the main characters of the South African transition: Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, a psychologist and scholar who took part in the works of the TRC, and Albie Sachs, lawyer, freedom fighter, and apartheid victim who became Justice of the Constitutional Court.
- Published
- 2017
13. Introduzione. Il faticoso ritorno di Gandhi. La via sudafricana alla mano tesa
- Author
De Gruchy, J.W., van der Borght, E., van der Riet, L., Ceretti, A., Visconti, A., Della Morte, G., Cattaneo, M.C., Cattaneo, A., van Heerden, E., Mazzucato, C., Cati, A., Toniolo, F., Forti, G., Potestà, G.L., Potesta', Gian Luca, Potestà, Gian Luca (ORCID:0000-0001-5595-3122), De Gruchy, J.W., van der Borght, E., van der Riet, L., Ceretti, A., Visconti, A., Della Morte, G., Cattaneo, M.C., Cattaneo, A., van Heerden, E., Mazzucato, C., Cati, A., Toniolo, F., Forti, G., Potestà, G.L., Potesta', Gian Luca, and Potestà, Gian Luca (ORCID:0000-0001-5595-3122)
- Abstract
Short historical Introduction to the volume on Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa, with special interest to the teaching of Gandhi and the evolution of the attitude of the Churches to apartheid
- Published
- 2017
14. Victims of Crime in the European Union and the Directive 2012/29/EU
- Author
Aertsen I., Della Morte, G., Engelhart M., Forti, G., Giavazzi, S., Lauwaert, K., Manacorda, S., Mancuso, E.M., Mazzucato, C., Visconti, A., Mazzucato, Claudia, Mazzucato, Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664), Aertsen I., Della Morte, G., Engelhart M., Forti, G., Giavazzi, S., Lauwaert, K., Manacorda, S., Mancuso, E.M., Mazzucato, C., Visconti, A., Mazzucato, Claudia, and Mazzucato, Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664)
- Abstract
This book chapter stems from a EU-funded project entitled “Victims and Corporations” (www.victimsandcorporations.eu). The project’s first findings are presented in the collective publication of which this essay is only one among various interdisciplinary contributions. European Union Directive 2012/29/UE introduces a ‘system’ of minimum standards on the rights, support and protection for victims of crimes, and their participation to criminal proceedings, without prejudice to the rights of the offender. Within the scope of the Directive and its definition of ‘victim’, though, there is a relevant group of victims who have not yet received enough consideration, and whose access to justice may be at stake. It is the victims of corporate crimes, and particularly of corporate violence, meaning those criminal offences committed by corporations in the course of their legitimate activities, which result in harms to natural persons’ health, integrity, or life. Within the vast area of corporate crime, the project focuses on three main strands of victimisation: environmental crime, food safety violations and offences in the pharmaceutical industry with the aim to explore intersections and potential synergies between Directive 2012/29/EU and the existing body of EU legal tools in these three sectors. This particular chapter provides an overview of the current ‘state of the art’ with respect to the general issue of victims’ rights, support and protection in light of the EU legal system. Directive 2012/29/UE is analysed in connection with the comprehensive, multi-level, ‘package’ of legal tools and measures concerning the rights and the protection of victims of crime in the EU. The chapter analyses the EU legal instruments devoted to both victims of crime in general and specific ‘vulnerable’ groups of victims (children, victims of gender violence, victims of human trafficking, etc.). Particular attention is devoted to the issue of victims’ protection, seen as a crucial - yet probl
- Published
- 2016
15. Implemening the Directive 2012/29/EU with Victims of Corporate Crime and Corporate Violence: First Findings
- Author
Aertsen I, Della Morte, G, Engelhart, M, Forti, G, Giavazzi, S, Lauwaert, K, Manacorda S, Mancuso, EM, Mazzucato, C, Visconti, A, Mazzucato, Claudia, Mazzucato, Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664), Aertsen I, Della Morte, G, Engelhart, M, Forti, G, Giavazzi, S, Lauwaert, K, Manacorda S, Mancuso, EM, Mazzucato, C, Visconti, A, Mazzucato, Claudia, and Mazzucato, Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664)
- Abstract
This book chapter stems from a EU-funded project entitled 'Victims and Corporations' (www.victimsandcorporations.eu). The project’s first findings are presented in the collective publication of which this essay is only one among various interdisciplinary contributions. European Union Directive 2012/29/UE introduces a ‘system’ of minimum standards on the rights, support and protection for victims of crimes, and their participation to criminal proceedings, without prejudice to the rights of the offender. Within the scope of the Directive and its definition of ‘victim’, though, there is a relevant group of victims who have not yet received enough consideration, and whose access to justice may be at stake. It is the victims of corporate crimes, and particularly of corporate violence, meaning those criminal offences committed by corporations in the course of their legitimate activities, which result in harms to natural persons’ health, integrity, or life. Within the vast area of corporate crime, the project focuses on three main strands of victimisation: environmental crime, food safety violations and offences in the pharmaceutical industry with the aim to explore intersections and potential synergies between Directive 2012/29/EU and the existing body of EU legal tools in these three sectors. The book chapter provides a first outline of the issues raised by the implementation of the 'Victims Directive' in cases of corporate violence. Victims of corporate violence appear to be a further category of vulnerable subjects. Victims of corporate violence also appear to have a ‘specific’ need to receive appropriate information, support and protection, and to be supported and made ‘able to participate in criminal proceedings’. Asymmetry of information and of means between individual victims and corporate offenders has heavy repercussions on corporate victims’ recognition, support, protection and access to justice and fair judicial decisions. The rights and safeguards of the suspe
- Published
- 2016
16. Rights of Victims, Challenges for Corporations. Project’s First Findings
- Author
Mazzucato, Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664), Aertsen, I, Della Morte, G, Engelhart, M, Forti, G, Giavazzi, S, Lauwaert, K, Manacorda, S, Mancuso, EM, Mazzucato, C, Visconti, A, Mazzucato, Claudia, Mazzucato, Claudia (ORCID:0000-0003-4040-2664), Aertsen, I, Della Morte, G, Engelhart, M, Forti, G, Giavazzi, S, Lauwaert, K, Manacorda, S, Mancuso, EM, Mazzucato, C, Visconti, A, and Mazzucato, Claudia
- Abstract
The publication presents the first findings of the EU-funded project titled “Victims and Corporations” (www.victimsandcorporations.eu). European Union Directive 2012/29/UE introduces a ‘system’ of minimum standards on the rights, support and protection for victims of crimes, and their participation to criminal proceedings, without prejudice to the rights of the offender. Within the scope of the Directive and its definition of ‘victim’, though, there is a relevant group of victims who have not yet received enough consideration, and whose access to justice may be at stake. It is the victims of corporate crimes, and particularly of corporate violence, meaning those criminal offences committed by corporations in the course of their legitimate activities, which result in harms to natural persons’ health, integrity, or life. Within the vast area of corporate crime, the project and this publication focus on three main strands of victimisation: environmental crime, food safety violations and offences in the pharmaceutical industry with the aim to explore intersections and potential synergies between Directive 2012/29/EU and the existing body of EU legal tools in these three sectors. The publication starts from an overview of the current ‘state of the art’ with respect to the general issue of victims’ rights, support and protection in light of the EU Directive. An examination of the European, international and national (Belgium, Germany, Italy) legal background is also carried out. An analysis of the promising business and human law perspective also integrates this initial overview. A thorough study of the existing criminological and victimological literature on corporate crime, its harms, and its victims, is presented as a basis for a first attempt at assessing the negative consequences of environmental crimes and food and drugs safety violations for communities and individuals. The issues related to access to justice by victims of corporate violence are studied through a s
- Published
- 2016
17. Le régime des épreuves devant le juge pénal international
- Author
Cataldi G. and Della Morte G.
- Published
- 2007
18. Sistemi locali del lavoro e differenze di genere in Italia
- Author
Cristaldi, Flavia and DELLA MORTE, G.
- Subjects
pendolarismo ,Italia - Published
- 2007
19. La complicità, l’omissione, il perdono, il rimorso. Aspetti della giustizia nell’opera di Primo Levi
- Author
Cascetta, A, D'Alessandro, F, Frare, P, Eusebi, L, Bellini, E, Garavini, F, Solimano, S, Provera, A, Gasparini, G, Forti, G, Astorina Marino, P, La Mendola, V, Scarpinato, R, Di Lello Finuoli, M, Forte, L, Rognoni, F, Visconti, A, Balestra, G, Pagetti, C, Mazzucato, C, Canova, G, Danovi, R, Eugeni, R, Paliero, CE, Dell'Osso, AM, Levi, F, Cavaglion, A, Barenghi, M, Santambrogio, G, Segre, C, Antonietti, A, Bienati, A, Gentile, S, Della Morte, G, De Sena, P, Cazzola, R, Oleari, A, Cattaneo, A, Gaeta, P, Spricigo, B, BARENGHI, MARIO LUIGI, Cascetta, A, D'Alessandro, F, Frare, P, Eusebi, L, Bellini, E, Garavini, F, Solimano, S, Provera, A, Gasparini, G, Forti, G, Astorina Marino, P, La Mendola, V, Scarpinato, R, Di Lello Finuoli, M, Forte, L, Rognoni, F, Visconti, A, Balestra, G, Pagetti, C, Mazzucato, C, Canova, G, Danovi, R, Eugeni, R, Paliero, CE, Dell'Osso, AM, Levi, F, Cavaglion, A, Barenghi, M, Santambrogio, G, Segre, C, Antonietti, A, Bienati, A, Gentile, S, Della Morte, G, De Sena, P, Cazzola, R, Oleari, A, Cattaneo, A, Gaeta, P, Spricigo, B, and BARENGHI, MARIO LUIGI
- Abstract
La questione che si pone con maggior urgenza al reduce di Auschwitz è quello della memoria: paradossalmente, è la stessa enormità dei crimini commessi a mettere a repentaglio la possibilità di ricordare. Tuttavia nel corso degli anni la riflessione di Primo Levi si rivolge in maniera via via sempre più esplicita verso temi connessi alla dimensione della giustizia, tant’è che I sommersi e i salvati del 1986 mette a fuoco con esemplare lucidità i fenomeni della “zona grigia” e della vergogna di essere sopravvissuti. Non meno significativi sono però anche altri aspetti, che trovano la loro espressione meno reticente in opere collaterali o minori, come il tema del perdono, trattato con incisiva sintesi in un commento al Girasole di Simon Wiesenthal. Ma è soprattutto nelle poesie che affiorano, in tutta la loro controversa drammaticità, i sentimenti connessi al bisogno di giudicare: dal senso di colpa dei superstiti, così straziante da risultare a tratti incontrollabile, a un desiderio di ottenere giustizia che riesce a esprimersi in tutta la sua veemenza solo nella forma della traduzione o della citazione
- Published
- 2014
20. Comparison of active stretching technique and static stretching technique on hamstring flexibility
- Author
Meroni, R, Cerri, C, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Gessava, V, Cesana, G, DE VITO, G, MERONI, ROBERTO, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, CESANA, GIANCARLO, DE VITO, GIOVANNI, Meroni, R, Cerri, C, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Gessava, V, Cesana, G, DE VITO, G, MERONI, ROBERTO, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, CESANA, GIANCARLO, and DE VITO, GIOVANNI
- Abstract
OBJECTIVES: To compare a passive and an active stretching technique to determine which one would produce and maintain the greatest gain in hamstring flexibility. To determine whether a passive or an active stretching technique results in a greater increase in hamstring flexibility and to compare whether the gains are maintained. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING: Institutional. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-five volunteer healthy subjects completed the enrollment questionnaire, 33 completed the required 75% of the treatment after 6 weeks, and 22 were assessed 4 weeks after the training interruption. INTERVENTION: A 6-week stretching program with subjects divided into 2 groups with group 1 performing active stretching exercises and group 2 performing passive stretching exercises. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Range of motion (ROM) was measured after 3 and 6 weeks of training and again 4 weeks after the cessation of training and compared with the initial measurement. RESULTS: After 3 weeks of training, the mean gain in group 1 (active stretching) on performing the active knee extension range of motion (AKER) test was 5.7 degrees, whereas the mean gain in group 2 (passive stretching) was 3 degrees (P = .015). After 6 weeks of training, the mean gain in group 1 was 8.7 degrees , whereas the mean gain in group 2 was 5.3 degrees (P = .006). Twenty-two subjects were reassessed 4 weeks after the cessation of the training with the maintained gain of ROM in group 1 being 6.3 degrees , whereas the maintained gain in group 2 was 0.1 degrees (P = .003). CONCLUSIONS: Active stretching produced the greater gain in the AKER test, and the gain was almost completely maintained 4 weeks after the end of the training, which was not seen with the passive stretching group. Active stretching was more time efficient compared with the static stretching and needed a lower compliance to produce effects on flexibility.
- Published
- 2010
21. Non-specific LBP movement impairment syndrome classification
- Author
DE VITO, G, Meroni, R, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Valagussa, G, Cerri, C, Cesana, G, DE VITO, GIOVANNI, MERONI, ROBERTO, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, CESANA, GIANCARLO, Della Morte, GC, DE VITO, G, Meroni, R, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Valagussa, G, Cerri, C, Cesana, G, DE VITO, GIOVANNI, MERONI, ROBERTO, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, CESANA, GIANCARLO, and Della Morte, GC
- Published
- 2007
22. Comparison of two stretching techniques on harmstrings flexibility
- Author
DE VITO, G, Meroni, R, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Valagussa, G, Cerri, C, Cesana, G, DE VITO, GIOVANNI, MERONI, ROBERTO, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, CESANA, GIANCARLO, Della Morte, GC, DE VITO, G, Meroni, R, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Valagussa, G, Cerri, C, Cesana, G, DE VITO, GIOVANNI, MERONI, ROBERTO, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, CESANA, GIANCARLO, and Della Morte, GC
- Published
- 2007
23. Pelvic rotation and low back pain
- Author
DE VITO, G, Meroni, R, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Valagussa, G, Cerri, C, Cesana, G, DE VITO, GIOVANNI, MERONI, ROBERTO, CESANA, GIANCARLO, Della Morte, GC, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, DE VITO, G, Meroni, R, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Valagussa, G, Cerri, C, Cesana, G, DE VITO, GIOVANNI, MERONI, ROBERTO, CESANA, GIANCARLO, Della Morte, GC, and CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE
- Published
- 2007
24. De-Mediatizing the Media Case: Elements of a Critical Approach
- Author
Della Morte, G., primary
- Published
- 2005
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25. La clémence saisie par le droit : amnistie, prescription et grâce en droit international et comparé
- Author
Lefranc, Sandrine, Institut des Sciences sociales du Politique (ISP), École normale supérieure - Cachan (ENS Cachan)-Université Paris Nanterre (UPN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Ruiz Fabri H., Della Morte G., Lambert A.E. et al. (dir.), VAUTELIN, Magali, and Ruiz Fabri H., Della Morte G., Lambert A.E. et al. (dir.)
- Subjects
amnistie ,prescription ,Droit ,[SHS.SCIPO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Political science ,[SHS.SCIPO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Political science - Published
- 2007
26. La complicità, l’omissione, il perdono, il rimorso. Aspetti della giustizia nell’opera di Primo Levi
- Author
BARENGHI, MARIO LUIGI, Cascetta, A, D'Alessandro, F, Frare, P, Eusebi, L, Bellini, E, Garavini, F, Solimano, S, Provera, A, Gasparini, G, Forti, G, Astorina Marino, P, La Mendola, V, Scarpinato, R, Di Lello Finuoli, M, Forte, L, Rognoni, F, Visconti, A, Balestra, G, Pagetti, C, Mazzucato, C, Canova, G, Danovi, R, Eugeni, R, Paliero, CE, Dell'Osso, AM, Levi, F, Cavaglion, A, Barenghi, M, Santambrogio, G, Segre, C, Antonietti, A, Bienati, A, Gentile, S, Della Morte, G, De Sena, P, Cazzola, R, Oleari, A, Cattaneo, A, Gaeta, P, and Spricigo, B
- Subjects
memorialistica ,Levi, Primo ,Shoah ,L-FIL-LET/11 - LETTERATURA ITALIANA CONTEMPORANEA - Abstract
La questione che si pone con maggior urgenza al reduce di Auschwitz è quello della memoria: paradossalmente, è la stessa enormità dei crimini commessi a mettere a repentaglio la possibilità di ricordare. Tuttavia nel corso degli anni la riflessione di Primo Levi si rivolge in maniera via via sempre più esplicita verso temi connessi alla dimensione della giustizia, tant’è che I sommersi e i salvati del 1986 mette a fuoco con esemplare lucidità i fenomeni della “zona grigia” e della vergogna di essere sopravvissuti. Non meno significativi sono però anche altri aspetti, che trovano la loro espressione meno reticente in opere collaterali o minori, come il tema del perdono, trattato con incisiva sintesi in un commento al Girasole di Simon Wiesenthal. Ma è soprattutto nelle poesie che affiorano, in tutta la loro controversa drammaticità, i sentimenti connessi al bisogno di giudicare: dal senso di colpa dei superstiti, così straziante da risultare a tratti incontrollabile, a un desiderio di ottenere giustizia che riesce a esprimersi in tutta la sua veemenza solo nella forma della traduzione o della citazione
- Published
- 2014
27. Comparison of active stretching technique and static stretching technique on hamstring flexibility
- Author
Roberto Meroni, Giovanni De Vito, Cesare Cerri, Giancesare Della Morte, Viviana Gessaga, Guido Barindelli, Giancarlo Cesana, Carlo Lanzarini, Meroni, R, Cerri, C, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Gessava, V, Cesana, G, and DE VITO, G
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Flexibility (anatomy) ,stretching, hamstrings ,Statistics as Topic ,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation ,Static stretching ,Young Adult ,Muscle Stretching Exercises ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Confidence Intervals ,Medicine ,Humans ,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine ,Range of Motion, Articular ,Muscle, Skeletal ,Simulation ,Analysis of Variance ,Leg ,business.industry ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Athletic Injuries ,Physical therapy ,Female ,business ,MED/48 - SCIENZE INFERMIERISTICHE E TECNICHE NEURO-PSICHIATRICHE E RIABILITATIVE ,Hamstring - Abstract
OBJECTIVES: To compare a passive and an active stretching technique to determine which one would produce and maintain the greatest gain in hamstring flexibility. To determine whether a passive or an active stretching technique results in a greater increase in hamstring flexibility and to compare whether the gains are maintained. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING: Institutional. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-five volunteer healthy subjects completed the enrollment questionnaire, 33 completed the required 75% of the treatment after 6 weeks, and 22 were assessed 4 weeks after the training interruption. INTERVENTION: A 6-week stretching program with subjects divided into 2 groups with group 1 performing active stretching exercises and group 2 performing passive stretching exercises. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Range of motion (ROM) was measured after 3 and 6 weeks of training and again 4 weeks after the cessation of training and compared with the initial measurement. RESULTS: After 3 weeks of training, the mean gain in group 1 (active stretching) on performing the active knee extension range of motion (AKER) test was 5.7 degrees, whereas the mean gain in group 2 (passive stretching) was 3 degrees (P = .015). After 6 weeks of training, the mean gain in group 1 was 8.7 degrees , whereas the mean gain in group 2 was 5.3 degrees (P = .006). Twenty-two subjects were reassessed 4 weeks after the cessation of the training with the maintained gain of ROM in group 1 being 6.3 degrees , whereas the maintained gain in group 2 was 0.1 degrees (P = .003). CONCLUSIONS: Active stretching produced the greater gain in the AKER test, and the gain was almost completely maintained 4 weeks after the end of the training, which was not seen with the passive stretching group. Active stretching was more time efficient compared with the static stretching and needed a lower compliance to produce effects on flexibility.
- Published
- 2010
28. Pelvic rotation and low back pain
- Author
DE VITO, GIOVANNI, MERONI, ROBERTO, CESANA, GIANCARLO, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, GC, Valagussa, G, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, DE VITO, G, Meroni, R, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Valagussa, G, Cerri, C, and Cesana, G
- Subjects
low back pain, rehabilitation - Published
- 2007
29. Comparison of two stretching techniques on harmstrings flexibility
- Author
DE VITO, GIOVANNI, MERONI, ROBERTO, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, CESANA, GIANCARLO, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, GC, Valagussa, G, DE VITO, G, Meroni, R, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Valagussa, G, Cerri, C, and Cesana, G
- Subjects
low back pain, rehabilitation - Published
- 2007
30. Non-specific LBP movement impairment syndrome classification
- Author
DE VITO, GIOVANNI, MERONI, ROBERTO, CERRI, CESARE GIUSEPPE, CESANA, GIANCARLO, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, GC, Valagussa, G, DE VITO, G, Meroni, R, Lanzarini, C, Barindelli, G, Della Morte, G, Valagussa, G, Cerri, C, and Cesana, G
- Subjects
rehabilitation, gait analysis - Published
- 2007
31. Potentiality of algorithms and artificial intelligence adoption to improve medication management in primary care: a systematic review.
- Author
Damiani G, Altamura G, Zedda M, Nurchis MC, Aulino G, Heidar Alizadeh A, Cazzato F, Della Morte G, Caputo M, Grassi S, and Oliva A
- Subjects
- Humans, Child, Medication Errors prevention & control, Patient Safety, Primary Health Care, Artificial Intelligence, Medication Therapy Management
- Abstract
Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of artificial intelligence (AI) and/or algorithms on drug management in primary care settings comparing AI and/or algorithms with standard clinical practice. Second, we evaluated what is the most frequently reported type of medication error and the most used AI machine type., Methods: A systematic review of literature was conducted querying PubMed, Cochrane and ISI Web of Science until November 2021. The search strategy and the study selection were conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and the Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome framework. Specifically, the Population chosen was general population of all ages (ie, including paediatric patients) in primary care settings (ie, home setting, ambulatory and nursery homes); the Intervention considered was the analysis AI and/or algorithms (ie, intelligent programs or software) application in primary care for reducing medications errors, the Comparator was the general practice and, lastly, the Outcome was the reduction of preventable medication errors (eg, overprescribing, inappropriate medication, drug interaction, risk of injury, dosing errors or in an increase in adherence to therapy). The methodological quality of included studies was appraised adopting the Quality Assessment of Controlled Intervention Studies of the National Institute of Health for randomised controlled trials., Results: Studies reported in different ways the effective reduction of medication error. Ten out of 14 included studies, corresponding to 71% of articles, reported a reduction of medication errors, supporting the hypothesis that AI is an important tool for patient safety., Conclusion: This study highlights how a proper application of AI in primary care is possible, since it provides an important tool to support the physician with drug management in non-hospital environments., Competing Interests: Competing interests: None declared., (© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2023. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.)
- Published
- 2023
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32. Space flight and central nervous system: Friends or enemies? Challenges and opportunities for neuroscience and neuro-oncology.
- Author
Marfia G, Navone SE, Guarnaccia L, Campanella R, Locatelli M, Miozzo M, Perelli P, Della Morte G, Catamo L, Tondo P, Campanella C, Lucertini M, Ciniglio Appiani G, Landolfi A, and Garzia E
- Subjects
- Astronauts, Humans, Central Nervous System physiology, Space Flight, Weightlessness adverse effects
- Abstract
Space environment provides many challenges to pilots, astronauts, and space scientists, which are constantly subjected to unique conditions, including microgravity, radiations, hypoxic condition, absence of the day and night cycle, etc. These stressful stimuli have the potential to affect many human physiological systems, triggering physical and biological adaptive changes to re-establish the homeostatic state. A particular concern regards the risks for the effects of spaceflight on the central nervous system (CNS), as several lines of evidence reported a great impact on neuroplasticity, cognitive functions, neurovestibular system, short-term memory, cephalic fluid shift, reduction in motor function, and psychological disturbances, especially during long-term missions. Aside these potential detrimental effects, the other side of the coin reflects the potential benefit of applicating space-related conditions on Earth-based life sciences, as cancer research. Here, we focused on examining the effect of real and simulated microgravity on CNS functions, both in humans and in cellular models, browsing the different techniques to experience or mime microgravity on-ground. Increasing evidence demonstrate that cancer cells, and brain cancer cells in particular, are negatively affected by microgravity, in terms of alteration in cell morphology, proliferation, invasion, migration, and apoptosis, representing an advancing novel side of space-based investigations. Overall, deeper understandings about the mechanisms by which space environment influences CNS and tumor biology may be promisingly translated into many clinical fields, ranging from aerospace medicine to neuroscience and oncology, representing an enormous pool of knowledge for the implementation of countermeasures and therapeutic applications., (© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Neuroscience Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.)
- Published
- 2022
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33. Assessing the potentiality of algorithms and artificial intelligence adoption to disrupt patient primary care with a safer and faster medication management: a systematic review protocol.
- Author
Oliva A, Altamura G, Nurchis MC, Zedda M, Sessa G, Cazzato F, Aulino G, Sapienza M, Riccardi MT, Della Morte G, Caputo M, Grassi S, and Damiani G
- Subjects
- Cross-Sectional Studies, Health Personnel, Humans, Meta-Analysis as Topic, Primary Health Care, Systematic Reviews as Topic, Artificial Intelligence, Patient Care
- Abstract
Introduction: In primary care, almost 75% of outpatient visits by family doctors and general practitioners involve continuation or initiation of drug therapy. Due to the enormous amount of drugs used by outpatients in unmonitored situations, the potential risk of adverse events due to an error in the use or prescription of drugs is much higher than in a hospital setting. Artificial intelligence (AI) application can help healthcare professionals to take charge of patient safety by improving error detection, patient stratification and drug management. The aim is to investigate the impact of AI algorithms on drug management in primary care settings and to compare AI or algorithms with standard clinical practice to define the medication fields where a technological support could lead to better results., Methods and Analysis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of literature will be conducted querying PubMed, Cochrane and ISI Web of Science from the inception to December 2021. The primary outcome will be the reduction of medication errors obtained by AI application. The search strategy and the study selection will be conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and the population, intervention, comparator and outcome framework. Quality of included studies will be appraised adopting the quality assessment tool for observational cohort and cross-sectional studies for non-randomised controlled trials as well as the quality assessment of controlled intervention studies of National Institute of Health for randomised controlled trials., Ethics and Dissemination: Formal ethical approval is not required since no human beings are involved. The results will be disseminated widely through peer-reviewed publications., Competing Interests: Competing interests: None declared., (© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.)
- Published
- 2022
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34. Management of Medico-Legal Risks in Digital Health Era: A Scoping Review.
- Author
Oliva A, Grassi S, Vetrugno G, Rossi R, Della Morte G, Pinchi V, and Caputo M
- Abstract
Artificial intelligence needs big data to develop reliable predictions. Therefore, storing and processing health data is essential for the new diagnostic and decisional technologies but, at the same time, represents a risk for privacy protection. This scoping review is aimed at underlying the medico-legal and ethical implications of the main artificial intelligence applications to healthcare, also focusing on the issues of the COVID-19 era. Starting from a summary of the United States (US) and European Union (EU) regulatory frameworks, the current medico-legal and ethical challenges are discussed in general terms before focusing on the specific issues regarding informed consent, medical malpractice/cognitive biases, automation and interconnectedness of medical devices, diagnostic algorithms and telemedicine. We aim at underlying that education of physicians on the management of this (new) kind of clinical risks can enhance compliance with regulations and avoid legal risks for the healthcare professionals and institutions., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2022 Oliva, Grassi, Vetrugno, Rossi, Della Morte, Pinchi and Caputo.)
- Published
- 2022
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