James S. Ettema, Ronald E. Frank, Martin W. Sandler, Emily S. Davidson, W. Russell Neuman, Peggy Charren, Joyce Sprafkin, Christine D. Urban, Robert M. Liebert, Marshall G. Greenberg, and Jerome Johnston
CHANGING CHANNELS: LIVING (SENSIBLY) WITH TELEVISION by Peggy Charren and Martin W. Sandler (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1983---$24.95/S11.95). THE EARLY WINDOW: EFFECTS OF TELEVISION ON CHILDREN AND YOUTH by Robert M. Liebert, Joyce Sprafkin and Emily Davidson (New York: Pergamon Press, 1982--- $25.00/$9.95). POSITIVE IMAGES: BREAKING STEREOTYPES WITH CHILDREN'S TELEVISION by Jerome Johnston and James S. Ettema (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1982-- S22.00/$10.95). AUDIENCES FOR PUBLIC TELEVISION by Ronald E. Frank and Marshall G. Greenberg (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1982---$25.00). THE SOCIAL IMPACT OF TELEVISION: A RESEARCH AGENDA FOR THE 1980s by W. Russell Neuman, ed., (Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Publications Office, P.O. Box 150, Queenstown, Maryland 21658---price not given, paper). FACTORS INFLUENCING MEDIA CONSUMPTION: A SURVEY OF THE LITERATURE by Christine D. Urban (Program on Information Resources Policy, 200 Aiken, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass...