1. Krajinska zgradba in biotska pestrost
- Author
Groznik Zeiler, Katarina
- Subjects
raba tal ,species diversity ,landscape forestry ,biodiverziteta ,land use ,biotska pestrost ,indikator pestrosti ,mnogonamensko gozdarstvo ,krajinsko gozdarstvo ,ptice ,multiple use forestry ,udc:630 ,birds ,zgradba krajine ,večnamenska vloga gozda ,Ljubljansko barje ,landscape structure ,vrstna raznolikost ,biodiversity ,Ljubljana Marches - Abstract
@ivalske in rastlinske vrste se pojavljajo le tam, kjer najdejo ustrezne razmere za pre`ivetje in razmno`evanje. Z raziskavo krajinske zgradbe na Ljubljanskem barju smo potrdili pozitivno povezanost pestrej{e rabe tal s {tevilom vrst ptic. Ornitolo{ka obmo~ja, v katerih so prisotne vrste ptic nacionalnega pomena, se od ostalih povr{in po opazovanih zna~ilnosti krajinskezgradbe jasno razlikujejo. Analiza krajinske zgradbe modelnega obmo~ja v preteklosti lahko pripomore k odkrivanju smeri sprememb v prihodnosti in k oblikovanju izhodi{~ za ohranjanje biotske pestrosti v prostoru. Raziskava je potrdila teoreti~na spoznanja, da je za u~inkovito ohranjanje `ivalskih in rastlinskih vrst v kulturnih krajinah pomembno ohranjanje klju~nih zna~ilnosti krajinske zgradbe. Animal and plant species depend on suitable environmental conditions for theirsurvival and reproduction. In the case study of the Ljubljana Marshes theassumption that land use diversity has a positive effect on the number of bird species was confirmed. It was found that the main ornithological areas, which were objectively selected according to the occurrence of birds of national importance, differ from other parts of the Marshes concerning some landscape structure characteristics. The analysis of the past conditions in the landscape is also important in order to detect current trends of changes. Results of the study confirm theoretical statements that the conservation of characteristic features of landscape structure plays a major role in an efficient conservation of animal and plant species in cultural landscapes.
- Published
- 2017