23 results on '"variabilnost"'
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2. Marker-trait association study for root-related traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.).
- Author
SHEKARI, Zahra, TAHMASEBI, Zahra, KANOUNI, Homayoun, and MEHRABI, Ali Asherf
- Subjects
CHICKPEA ,DROUGHT tolerance ,PLANT roots ,PLANTS ,PLANT yields - Abstract
Copyright of Acta Agriculturae Slovenica is the property of Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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3. Variabilnost izbranih kemijskih lastnosti evtričnih rjavih tal na flišu na območju oljčnega drevesa
- Author
Umer, Michelle and Grčman, Helena
- Subjects
arrangement ,kemijske lastnosti tal ,variability ,chemical properties of soil ,razporeditev ,oljka ,variabilnost ,average ,olive tree ,povprečje - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali prostorsko variabilnost izbranih kemičnih lastnosti tal v okolici izbranega oljčnega drevesa. Ugotavljali smo vsebnost in variabilnost dostopnega fosforja, kalija, organske snovi in pH tal. Vzorci tal so bili odvzeti v oljčniku na Škofijah na različni oddaljenosti od debla (od 1 do 4 m) in na štirih različnih globinah (0⠒10 cm, 10⠒20 cm, 20⠒30 cm in 30⠒40 cm). Rezultati so pokazali, da je najbolj variabilna vsebnost rastlinam dostopnega fosforja in kalija. Najmanj se spreminjata vsebnost organske snovi in pH. Vsebnost fosforja je bila med 4,45 in 8,67 mg/100 g tal. Vsebnost kalija je znašala med 17,50 in 24,90 mg/100 g tal. Ugotovili smo, da se vsebnosti fosforja in kalija po globini zmanjšujeta. Variabilnost fosforja je bila večja kot variabilnost kalija. Vsebnost organske snovi je bila med 2,1 in 2,5 %. Njena vsebnost se po globini ni bistveno spreminjala. Reakcija tal je bila med 7,14 in 7,27 in njena vrednost se po globini ni zmanjševala. In this thesis, we researched the spatial variability of selected chemical properties of soil in the area of selected olive tree. We specified the content and variability of available phosphorus, potassium, organic matter and soil pH. Soil samples were taken in the olive grove in Škofije at different distances from the trunk (from 1 to 4 m) and at four different depths (0⠒10 cm, 10⠒20 cm, 20⠒30 cm, 30⠒40 cm). The results showed that the most variable were the contents of phosphorus and potassium available to plants. Organic matter content and pH changed the least. The phosphorus content ranged from 4.45 to 8.67 mg/100 g soil. The potassium content ranged between 17.50 and 24.90 mg/100 g soil. We found out that the levels of pottasium and phosphorus decrease with depth with both properties. The variability of phosphorus was greater than of potassium. The organic matter content was between 2.1 and 2.5 %. Its content did not vary significantly with depth. The soil reaction ranged from 7.14 to 7.27 and did not decrease with depth.
- Published
- 2023
4. Interrelationships among traits and morphological diversity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) accessions in base collection of Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Albania.
- Author
XHULAJ, Doriana (Bode), ELEZI, Fetah, and HOBDARI, Valbona
- Subjects
PLANT germplasm ,PLANT morphology ,WHEAT varieties - Abstract
Copyright of Acta Agriculturae Slovenica is the property of Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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5. Variability of generative offspring of field maple (Acer campestre L.) in nursery testing
- Author
Ballian, Dalibor, Memišević Hodžić, Mirzeta, Murlin, Miroslav, and Kvesić, Stjepan
- Subjects
razcep ,udc:630*18 ,variability ,premer koreninskega vratu ,root collar diameter ,variabilnost ,poljski javor ,višina ,slenderness ,field maple ,forkness ,vitkost ,height - Abstract
Field maple (Acer campestre L.) is naturally distributed in most of Europe, with the exception of its northern parts. Field maple can serve as a valuable model for researching the sensitivity of its populations to habitat fragmentation, considering the lack of silvicultural treatments in its stands. The research aims to determine the interpopulation and intrapopulation variability of field maple populations from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the nursery test.The authors researched measured root collar diameter, height, observed forkness and calculated slenderness coefficient of the one-year-old generative material from 18 Bosnian-Herzegovinian populations of field maple, produced in the nursery of Žepče. The descriptive statistics and variance analysis was performed.All analyzed traits showed a high degree of intrapopulation as well as interpopulation variability, as confirmed by the analysis of variance. The highest average height was found in the provenance Bosanski Brod (46.08 cm) and the smallest in Bosanska Dubica (19.11 cm). Kreševo provenance had the highest average root neck dia-meter (8.27 mm) and Bosanska Dubica (5.24 mm) the lowest. A very low percentage of forkness (6.86%) was determined, and the values of the slenderness coefficient were acceptable for all provenances.The results indicate the need for further systematic research on this ecologically valuable species.
- Published
- 2022
6. Variabilnost gostote tal na njivskih površinah
- Author
Vodnik, Katarina and Zupan, Marko
- Subjects
agricultural land ,volumska gostota tal ,kmetijska zemljišča ,voda v tleh ,variability ,arable land ,variabilnost ,soil water ,Physical properties of soil ,Fizikalne lastnosti tal ,njivske površine ,udc:631.431/.432(043.2) ,soil bulk density - Abstract
Z dobro pripravljenim načrtom vzorčenja smo pridobili dodatne informacije o heterogenosti volumske gostote tal na oranih tleh. Izbrali smo osem njiv na območju Celja, kjer je od zadnje obdelave pretekel najmanj en mesec. Talni tip je psevdoglej, na eni njivi delno hipoglej. Vse vzorce tal v posameznem letu smo odvzeli isti dan, pri čemer smo predpostavili, da so bila tla izpostavljena enaki količini padavin. Zato smo predvidevali, da je bila variabilnost meritev odvisna od heterogenosti tal na površini njiv in od izvedbe vzorčenja. Po enem letu smo v manjšem obsegu ponovili vzorčenje na treh njivah in primerjali volumsko gostoto ter vsebnost vode v tleh med leti. Ugotovili smo, da je bila povprečna volumska gostota na površini njiv od 0,80 g/cm3 do 0,98 g/cm3 v letu 2020 in od 0,97 g/cm3 do 1,11 g/cm3 v letu 2021. Koeficienti variacije za volumsko gostoto tal so bili med 0,8 % in 10,2 % leta 2020, leta 2021 pa v manjšem razponu med 3,5 % ter 6,0 %. Koeficienti variacije za trenutno vsebnost vode so bili večji, v letu 2020 so bili od 11,9 % do 20,4 %, v letu 2021 pa od 5,9 % do 10,5 %, pri čemer je bila povprečna količina trenutne vode v tleh večja v letu 2021. With a well-prepared sampling plan, we obtained additional information on the heterogeneity of soil bulk density on arable land. We selected eight fields in the Celje area, where at least 1 month has passed since the last tillage. The soil type is stagnosol, on one field partially gleysol. All soil samples in one year were taken on the same day, and we assumed that the soil was exposed to the same amount of precipitation. Therefore, we assumed that the variability of the measurements depended on the heterogeneity of the soil and the method of sampling. After one year, we repeated the sampling on a smaller scale and compared soil bulk density and gravimetric water content in the soil between years. We found that the average bulk density on the field ranged from 0.80 g/cm3 to 0.98 g/cm3 in 2020 and from 0.97 g/cm3 to 1.11 g/cm3 in 2021. The coefficients of variation for soil bulk density ranged from 0.8 % to 10.2 % in 2020 and in a smaller range from 3.5 % to 6.0 % in 2021. The coefficients of variation for gravimetric water content were higher in 2020, ranging from 11.9 % to 20.4 %, and in 2021, ranging from 5.9 % to 10.5 %, with a higher average gravimetric water content in 2021.
- Published
- 2021
7. Quantification of variability sources and evaluation of myocarditis extent from MRI LGE images
- Author
Kralj, Lana and Jeraj, Robert
- Subjects
miokarditis ,region of interest (ROI) ,analiza MRI LGE slik ,variability ,quantitative MRI imaging ,quantification methods ,kvantitativno MRI slikanje ,variabilnost ,MRI LGE image analysis ,myocarditis ,metode kvantifikacije ,območje interesa (ROI) - Abstract
Introduction Clinical experts determine the extent and distribution of myocardial damage in myocarditis by quantitatively analyzing magnetic resonance late gadolinium enhancement (MRI LGE) images. The variability of results originates from two quantitative imaging steps: image acquisition and image analysis. The latter is studied in this master's thesis to rank all analysis steps with respect to their contribution to overall variability. Methods Whilst analyzing MRI LGE images of 35 myocarditis patients with the clinical experts, I determined three analysis steps, all three of them being selection of reference regions of interest (ROI): delineation of myocardium (ROI_myoc), reference pathological or healthy tissue (ROI_ref), and excluded tissue (ROI_excl). To visualize ROI’s and calculate LGE extent, I developed a quantitative MRI LGE image analysis tool. Using developed tool, four experts analyzed five images in three sessions, whereby LGE extent was quantified with two methods: 3σ, which uses signal intensity threshold of three standard deviations above ROI_ref defined in normal myocardium, and FWHM, which uses threshold of 50% of the maximum signal intensity within the scar-defined ROI_ref for pathology determination. Results and discussion I observed artefacts and image resolution impacted ROI_myoc and ROI_excl delineation, and that image contrast was crucial when selecting ROI_ref. These factors, in combination with subjective contour delineation during the analysis process, caused variations in ROI regions selection. The variability of ROI_myoc and ROI_excl was significantly smaller when using the FWHM method. Furthermore, ROI_ref variability was significantly greater than ROI_myoc variability when using the 3σ method. It was demonstrated that overall variability may exceed clinically acceptable 5% limit, with the risk being greater when using the 3σ method, which could lead to misevaluation of the adverse effects risk. Relative shares of ROI variabilities showed that ROI_ref contributes on average 1.8-times more to overall variability than ROI_myoc in the 3σ method. Thereby, clinical experts should be especially careful when selecting ROI_ref. Uvod Obseg in lokacija prizadetega tkiva se pri bolnikih z miokarditisom ocenita na podlagi kvantitativne analize MRI LGE slik (magnetnoresonančne slike s poznim kopičenjem kontrasta gadolinija). Zaradi negotovosti, ki nastanejo v dveh korakih kvantitativnega MRI slikanja, to sta zajem in analiza slik, rezultati analize variirajo. Cilj magistrskega dela je določiti variabilnosti korakov analize in ovrednotiti prispevek vsakega koraka k celotni variabilnosti. Metode V sodelovanju s kliničnimi strokovnjaki smo analizirali MRI LGE slike 35 bolnikov z miokarditisom. V procesu sem določila tri korake analize. Vsak korak ustreza izbiri določenega območja interesa (ROI): izbira območja miokardija ROI_myoc, izbira referenčnega zdravega ali patološkega tkiva ROI_ref in izbira izključitvenih območij ROI_excl. Razvila sem orodje za kvantitativno analizo MRI LGE slik, ki je omogočilo vizualizacijo območij ROI ter izračun obsega LGE-ja. S pomočjo novega orodja so štirje strokovnjaki v treh sejah analizirali pet slik. Obseg LGE-ja smo izračunali s pomočjo dveh kvantifikacijskih metod: 3σ, kjer je prag za izračun patologije definiran kot tri standardne deviacije nad povprečno vrednostjo intenzitete signala znotraj ROI_ref, ki se izbere v zdravem tkivu, in FWHM, kjer je prag enak 50% maksimalne intenzitete znotraj ROI_ref, ki se izbere znotraj brazgotine. Rezultati in razprava Na občtrovanje območij ROI_myoc in ROI_excl vplivajo artefakti in ločljivost slike, medtem ko je pri izbiri območja ROI_ref najbolj pomemben dejavnik kakovosti slike kontrast. Navedeni dejavniki ter subjektivno določanje kontur pri analizi povzročijo variacije v izbiri območij ROI. Variabilnost območij ROI_myoc in ROI_excl, pridobljena z metodo FWHM, je značilno manjša. Variabilnost območja ROI_ref je v primeru uporabe metode 3σ značilno večja kot variabilnost območja ROI_myoc. Izkaže se, da lahko splošna variabilnost preseže klinično sprejemljivo mejo 5%, medtem ko je tveganje večje pri uporabi metode 3σ, kar lahko privede do napačne ocene tveganja neželenih stranskih učinkov miokarditisa. Relativni deleži variabilnosti ROI pokažejo, da ROI_ref pri metodi 3σ prispeva v povprečju 1.8-krat več k splošni variabilnosti kot ROI_myoc. Klinični strokovnjaki morajo tako pri izbiri ROI_ref biti še posebej previdni.
- Published
- 2021
8. Identifikacija in kvantifikacija izvorov variabilnosti pri meritvah krčenja srčne mišice levega prekata z ultrazvočno metodo STE
- Author
Strašek, Katja and Jeraj, Robert
- Subjects
miokarditis ,gradient največje deformacije ,variability ,left ventricle ,največja deformacija ,variabilnost ,levi prekat ,myocarditis ,peak strain ,STE ,gradient of peak strain - Abstract
$textbf{UVOD:}$ Miokarditis je redka bolezen srca, ki pogosteje prizadene mlajše odrasle. Slikovna preiskava deformacije miokarda s sledenjem ultrazvočnega vzorca (STE) se je zaradi večje dostopnosti uveljavila kot alternativna diagnostična metoda. S to metodo je moč zaznati spremembo globalnega krčenja levega ventrikla, lokacije in obsega poškodbe pa zaradi velike variabilnosti rezultatov ne moremo izmeriti. V raziskavi so nas zanimali vzroki negotovosti, ki vplivajo na kvantitativno vrednotenje ultrazvočnih slik. $textbf{METODE:}$ V krivuljah longitudinalne deformacije levega prekata 34 preiskovancev ob diagnozi miokarditsa in šest mescev kasneje, izmerjenih z metodo STE, smo določili točko največje deformacije $varepsilon_P$. Z analiziranjem povprečnih $varepsilon_P$ po sektorjih, projekcijah in rezinah ter izračunom gradienta $varepsilon_P$ od baze do apeksa (k) v vseh treh projekcijah smo analizirali vzroke negotovosti, ki vplivajo na kvantitativno vrednotenje ultrazvočnih slik, in sicer: tri merilne projekcije, odstopajoče meritve deformacije, način izračuna vrednosti $varepsilon_P$ in različne vrednosti $varepsilon_P$ med preiskovanci. Vplive smo ocenjevali s povprečjem in standardno deviacijo. $textbf{REZULTATI:}$ Povprečna vrednost $varepsilon_P$ v naši raziskavi je znašala –20.3 $% pm$ 5.2 $%$. V projekcijah je znašala povprečna vrednost $sigma_P$ 5.2 $%$, k pa –2.15 $% pm$2.68 $%$ statističnih razlik v variabilnosti med projekcijami nismo opazili (p>0.62 in p>0.27). Vpliv odstopajočih meritev na variabilnost je bil v območju pričakovanega. Z izračunom vrednosti $varepsilon_P$ iz več točk smo dobili povprečno vrednost $sigma_P$ 5.1 $%$, k pa –2.04 $% pm$ 2.66 $%$, kar se statistično ni razlikovalo od vrednosti, ki smo jih določili iz ene točke (p>0.26). Interindividualna variabilnost bolnih in zdravih je bila za 30 $%$ večja od intraindividualne variabilnosti pred in po zdravljenju. $textbf{ZAKLJUČEK:}$ Lokalne lastnosti odražajo znano mehaniko levega ventrikla. Največji del variabilnosti vrednosti $varepsilon_P$ in k izvira iz naravne variabilnosti deformacije med preiskovanci, saj z optimizacijo kvantitativne analize (izbor merilnih projekcij, odstranitev najbolj odstopajočih meritev in način izračuna vrednosti $varepsilon_P$) ne prispevamo pomembno k zmanjšanju variabilnosti. $textbf{INTRODUCTION:}$ Myocarditis a rare hearth disease, more common with young adults. As an alternative diagnostic method, speckle tracking echocardigraphy (STE) is used, which is more accessible as other established methods. Changes in global strain can be detected with this method, while location and extent of inflammation remain unknown due to big variability of measurements. In this paper, we researched the causes of variability influencing the quantitative evaluation of ultrasound measurements. $textbf{METHODS:}$ Longitudinal strain curves of the left ventricle were measured with STE in 34 patients upon the diagnosis and 6 months later, in which we detemined the point of maximum deformation $varepsilon_P$. With the analysis of average $varepsilon_P$ in sectors, projections and slices, and the calculation of its gradient from base to apex (k) we determined the effects on variability: three different projections, deviating measurements, method of calculation of $varepsilon_P$ and interpersonal differences. We assessed these effects by calculating mean and standard deviation. $textbf{RESULTS:}$ Average calculated $varepsilon_P$ was –20.3 $% pm$ 5.2 $%$. Average $sigma_P$ in projections was 5.2 $%$, k –2.15 $% pm$ 2.68 $%$, with no statistical differences (p>0.62 and 0.27). The effect of the deviating measurements was in the expected range. When calculating $varepsilon_P$ from multiple points, the average $sigma_P$ was 5.1 $%$, k –2.04 $% pm$ 2.66 $%$ in projections, with no statistical difference from previous values (p>0.26). Interindividual variability of healty individuals and patients was 30 $%$ higher than intraindividual variability before and after tratment. $textbf{CONCLUSION:}$ Local properties reflect the known mechanics of the left ventricle. Most of the variability of $varepsilon_P$ stems from the natural interindividual variability of the deformation since the optimization of the quantitative analysis (selection of measurement projections, exclusion of deviating measurements, improvement of the calculation of $varepsilon_P$) does not contribute significantly to its reduction.
- Published
- 2021
9. Analiza sprememb intenzivnosti Hadleyjeve cirkulacije
- Author
Pikovnik, Matic and Skok, Gregor
- Subjects
trend ,padavine ,Hadley cell ,reanalyses ,variability ,Hadleyjeva celica ,stream function ,variabilnost ,Hadleyjeva cirkulacija ,Hadley circulation ,precipitation ,tokovna funkcija ,reanalize - Abstract
Hadleyjeva cirkulacija (HC) je zonalno simetričen del tropske cirkulacije. Opišemo jo z dvema Hadleyjevima celicama v meridionalno-vertikalni ravnini, ki se stikata v bližini ekvatorja. Tam se zrak dviga in v zgornji troposferi razteka proti subtropskim predelom, kjer se spušča in se v spodnji troposferi s pasatnimi vetrovi steka nazaj proti ekvatorju. Na območjih dviganja zraka so značilne pogoste padavine, območja, kjer se zrak spušča, pa so sušna. HC torej bistveno vpliva na razporeditev rastja in poselitvena območja. Morebitne spremembe HC bi lahko imele dolgotrajen in škodljiv vpliv na velik del biosfere. Mnogo študij je na podlagi simulacij klimatskih modelov ter reanaliz (rekonstrukcij vremena za nazaj) že potrdilo, da se severna Hadleyjeva celica nekoliko širi v smeri proti polu. Po drugi strani simulacije klimatskih modelov kažejo na slabitev severne Hadleyjeve celice v 21. stoletju, medtem ko reanalize kažejo na njeno krepitev v zadnjih 40 letih. V magistrskem delu Hadleyjevo celico opišemo s tokovno funkcijo in analiziramo spremembe njene intenzivnosti v času s pomočjo modernih reanaliz Evropskega centra za srednjeročno napovedovanje vremena (ECMWF). Za oceno intenzivnosti HC namesto tipično uporabljenih točkovnih mer vpeljemo novo integralno mero, ki je reprezentativna za časovne spremembe v celotni celici. Časovni trendi v zadnjih 40 letih kažejo na krepitev severne in južne Hadleyjeve celice v reanalizi ERA5, najbolj v Hadleyjevi celici na zimski polobli, v ERA-Interim pa je trend zanemarljiv. Meridionalno HC opišemo s Kuo-Eliassenovo enačbo za tokovno funkcijo in poiščemo tiste fizikalne procese, ki največ prispevajo k spremembam intenzivnosti HC. Ugotovimo, da imata glavni prispevek diabatno gretje (kondenzacijsko, radiacijsko) ter trenje v zonalni smeri. S primerjanjem trendov in korelacij s podatki o ocenjenih padavinah GPCP ovržemo nekatere nedavne študije, ki so naraščajoče trende intenzivnosti HC pripisovale napačnim vrednostim kondenzacijskega gretja v reanalizah. Obstaja možnost, da so spremembe Hadleyjeve cirkulacije posledica naravne variabilnosti klimatskega sistema, ki pa je klimatski modeli ne opišejo dobro. Hadley circulation (HC) is the zonally symmetric part of the tropical circulation. It consists of two zonally-averaged cells, which are positioned symmetrically about the Equator. A single cell consists of the ascending motion in the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ), poleward flow in the upper troposphere, descending motion in the subtropical region [20°, 35°] and equatorward flow in the lower troposphere. Strong convective precipitation is present in the ITCZ, while descending motion in the subtropics is associated with precipitation deficit. Therefore, HC has a significant impact on the distribution of vegetation and population density and any changes of it could have significant damaging impacts on the biosphere. Studies involving climate model projections and reanalyses (retrospective analysis of past global weather) have already shown that the northern Hadley cell is widening poleward. On the other hand, climate model projections show a robust weakening of the northern Hadley cell in the 21st century, while reanalyses indicate its strengthening in the past 40 years. In this thesis, the zonally-averaged Hadley cell is described in the vertical-meridional plane by a stream function and its strength is evaluated by taking average stream function value within a cell. Changes in HC strength are studied using modern ECMWF reanalyses. ERA5 reanalysis exhibits strengthening of northern and southern Hadley cell in the past 40 years, mostly in the winter hemisphere. Trends in ERA-Interim reanalysis are not statistically significant. The extended Kuo-Eliassen equation is derived and solved numerically to identify how different physical processes drive the changes in HC. Diabatic heating (condensational and radiative heating) and zonal friction are found to be contributing the most to the observed changes. The HC variability and trends are then compared to GPCP precipitation time series. Contrary to some recent studies involving reanalyses, we find that the trends of HC strength in ERA5 reanalysis are not an artifact of the misrepresentation of latent heating. Thus, HC changes are most likely a consequence of internal multidecadal climate variability.
- Published
- 2021
10. Calibration of the LINGRA-N model to simulate herbage yield of grass monocultures and permanent grassland in Slovenia.
- Author
- Subjects
GRASS growing ,GRASS yields ,ORCHARD grass ,RYEGRASSES ,MONOCULTURE agriculture ,GRASSLANDS - Abstract
Copyright of Acta Agriculturae Slovenica is the property of Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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11. Morfološke in taksonomske značilnosti nekaterih vrst rodu Stenotaenia (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha)
- Author
Huzimec, Darija and Kos, Ivan
- Subjects
strige ,variability ,taksonomski znaki ,Slovenia ,udc:591.5:595.6(043.2) ,variabilnost ,centipedes ,Stenotaenia ,Slovenija ,taxonomic characters - Published
- 2020
12. Strategije privzema Cd, Zn in Pb pri populacijah ranega mošnjaka (Thlaspi praecox Wulfen) z onesnaženega in neonesnaženega rastišča
- Author
Kokovnik, Mojca and Regvar, Marjana
- Subjects
privzem kovin ,onesnaženost s kovinami ,metal tolerance ,variability ,hiperakumulacija ,Cd ,toleranca na kovine ,hyperaccumulation ,metal pollution ,udc:581.1:549.25(043.2) ,metal uptake ,Zn ,variabilnost ,Thlaspi praecox ,Pb - Published
- 2020
13. Razširjenost in variabilnost močerila (Proteus anguinus Laurenti)
- Author
Kranjec, Neda and Sket, Boris
- Subjects
kraške jame ,močeril ,udc:597.98(497.1)(043.2) ,Jugoslavija ,biologija ,Proteus anguinus Laurenti ,človeška ribica ,variabilnost ,Slovenija ,razširjenost - Published
- 2020
14. Phenology of leaf development in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) on a site in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2020
- Author
Nina Škrk, Zalika Črepinšek, and Katarina Čufar
- Subjects
udc:630*181.8:630:176.1 Fagus sylvatica ,razvoj listov ,variability ,Fagus sylvatica ,Slovenia ,bukev ,european beech (fagus sylvatica) ,phenology ,fenologija ,European beech ,lcsh:SD1-669.5 ,variabilnost ,Slovenija ,slovenia ,lcsh:Forestry ,leaf development - Abstract
In spring of 2020 we observed leaf phenology in mature European beech (Fagus sylvatica) trees in Tivoli, Rožnik and Šišenski hrib Landscape Park in Ljubljana, Slovenia (46.05°N, 14.49°E, 310 m a. s. l.). A group of 11 trees was selected for daily monitoring of leaf development. We recorded seven phases from dormant buds, through leaf unfolding till development of mature leaves. At the same time, photos were taken to illustrate the leaf development. First developing leaves were observed on 4 April in one tree. General leaf unfolding, as defined by International Phenological Gardens (IPG), was observed in different trees between 7 and 25 April 2020. The occurrence and duration of individual phases of leaf development showed great variation within and between trees. General leaf unfolding of the tree included in the long-term monitoring program of the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (ARSO) occurred on DOY 105 (14 April 2020), which is 4 days earlier than long-term average of the same tree/location, and this is ascribed to above average temperatures in the winter of 2019/2020. V Krajinskem parku Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib v Ljubljani (46,05°S, 14,49°V, 310 m n. m.) smo spomladi leta 2020 opazovali fenologijo razvoja listov odraslih dreves navadne bukve ( Fagus sylvatica ). Izbrali smo skupino enajstih dreves za dnevno opazovanje, beleženje in fotografiranje razvoja listov. Razlikovali smo sedem faz od mirujo - čih brstov, preko različnih faz olistanja do zrelih listov. Prve razvijajoče se liste smo na enem drevesu opazili 4. aprila 2020. Fazo splošnega olistanja, kot jo določa metodologija Mednarodnih fenoloških vrtov, smo pri različnih drevesih beležili od 7. do 25. aprila 2020. Pri nastopu in trajanju različnih faz razvoja listov smo zabeležili velike razlike znotraj posameznega drevesa in med drevesi. Splošno olistanje pri drevesu, ki ga dolgotrajno opazuje Agencija RS za okolje (ARSO), je nastopilo na zaporedni dan 105 (14. aprila 2020), kar je 4 dni prej kot kaže dolgoletno povprečje za isto drevo/lokacijo. Slednje pripisujemo nadpovprečno visokim temperaturam v zimi 2019/2020
- Published
- 2020
15. Indikatorji in trend Walkerjeve cirkulacije
- Author
Žnidaršič, Zala and Žagar, Nedjeljka
- Subjects
Kelvin wave ,trend ,variability ,Walkerjeva cirkulacija ,trend Walkerjeve cirkulacije ,variabilnost ,Kelvinov val ,Walker circulation - Abstract
Walkerjeva cirkulacija predstavlja eno od tropskih cirkulacij, ki z medsebojno prepletenostjo tvorijo središče tropske konvekcije v območju zahodnega ekvatorialnega Pacifika. Celica Walkerjeve cirkulacije opisuje zonalno-vertikalno cirkulacijo, pri kateri se zrak dviguje nad ekvatorialnim zahodnim Pacifikom, v višji troposferi nad Pacifikom pihajo zahodni vetrovi, nad vzhodnim Pacifikom prevladuje spuščanje, celico pa zaključujejo vzhodni vetrovi v spodnji troposferi od vzhodnega proti zahodnem Pacifiku. V magistrski nalogi bodo predstavljeni možni indikatorji variabilnosti intenzitete Walkerjeve cirkulacije s stališča hitrostnega potenciala in inercijsko-težnostne komponente cirkulacije. Predstavljena bo analiza trenda Walkerjeve cirkulacije pri predpostavki, da je trend predvsem posledica odziva na spremembe v siljenju na območju Indijskega oceana in JV Azije v zadnjih 100 letih. Preučene bodo spremembe v Kelvinovem valu, ki je najznačilnejši val tropske cirkulacije in najbolj intenziven prav na območju zahodnega Pacifika. Walker circulation represents one of the components of tropical circulation which are tightly coupled with each other, producing strong convection centre around the Western equatorial Pacific. The Walker circulation cell describes the zonal-vertical circulation with air rising above equatorial Western Pacific, westerly winds in the upper troposphere above Pacific, sinking air above equatorial Eastern Pacific and easterly winds in the lower troposphere in direction towards Western Pacific. In this master's thesis possible indicators of Walker circulation variability will be presented in terms of velocity potential and inertial-gravity components of flow. The trend analysis of the intensity of Walker circulation will be described assuming the trend as a consequence of differential forcing above Indian ocean and Southeastern Asia in the last century. Changes in Kelvin wave will be studied, due to Kelvin wave being the most significant wave in the tropics.
- Published
- 2020
16. Pridelek, variabilnost in heterotični učinek v F1 generaciji Lj-križancev koruze (Zea mays L.) z različno gensko strukturo
- Author
Vanco, Anja and Rozman, Ludvik
- Subjects
hybrids ,variability ,koruza ,variabilnost ,pridelek ,heterosis effect ,udc:633.15:631.527.5(043.2) ,maize ,yield ,križanci ,heterotični učinek - Published
- 2020
17. Ekstraktivi v lesu debel, grč in vej bele jelke ter njihov fungicidni potencial
- Author
Keržič, Eli and Vek, Viljem
- Subjects
natural antioxidants ,variability ,extractives ,udc:630*813..2 ,knots ,variabilnost ,chromatography ,ekstraktivi ,bela jelka ,kromatografija ,silver fir ,grče ,naravni antioksidanti - Abstract
Analizirali smo kemijsko sestavo ekstraktivov v beljavi, jedrovini, grčah in vejah bele jelke (Abies alba Mill.) ter preučili njihove fungistatične, antimikrobne in antioksidativne lastnosti. Preiskali smo variabilnost v vsebnosti ekstraktivov v centripetalni smeri, torej od perifernega dela debla proti strženu, ter v longitudinalni smeri. Izolirali smo vzorce lesa debla, grč in vej. Jelovino smo ekstrahirali pri povišani temperaturi in tlaku s cikloheksanom in acetonom. Vsebnosti ekstraktivov in celokupnih fenolov smo določili z gravimetrično in s spektrofotometrično metodo. Fenolne ekstraktive smo identificirali s tankoplastno kromatografijo in s tekočinsko kromatografijo visoke ločljivosti. Fungistatične, antimikrobne in antioksidativne lastnosti ekstraktivov smo ocenili z difuznim testom in z metodo lovljenja difenilpikrilhidrazilnega radikala. Ugotovili smo, da največ hidrofilnih ekstraktivov vsebuje les grč in vej, manj jedrovina, najmanj pa beljava. Med identificiranimi spojinami so lignani, fenolne kisline in flavonoidi. V živih grčah in vejah je bilo največ sekoizolaricirezinola, v jedrovini pa matairezinola. Največ fenolnih spojin smo ekstrahirali iz delov grč, ki so vključene v beljavo ter delov vej tik ob deblu. Jedrovina je vsebovala več lignanov v njenih starejših delih. Značilne variabilnosti v vsebnosti ekstraktivov v longitudinalni smeri debla nismo ugotovili. Hidrofilni ekstrakti grč in vej so inhibirali razvoj gliv razkrojevalk lesa ter plesni, vendar pa inhibicija ni bila močna. Ekstrakti grč in vej so izkazali dobre antioksidativne lastnosti. Ugotovili smo, da so ekstrakti grč in vej boljši lovilci prostih radikalov kot ekstrakti jedrovine. Rezultati pričujoče raziskave opisujejo les grč in vej kot najbogatejši vir fenolnih ekstraktivov in lignanov v drevesu bele jelke. Rezultati testov bioloških aktivnosti kažejo na to, da lahko zaščitno funkcijo fenolnih ekstraktivov v lesu bele jelke pojasnimo tudi z njihovimi antioskidativnimi lastnostmi. We analysed the chemical composition of extracts in the sapwood, heartwood, knots and branches of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and examined their fungistatic, antimicrobial and antioxidative properties. We investigated the variability in extract content in the centripetal direction, that is, from the periphery of the trunk towards the pith, and in the longitudinal direction. We isolated wood samples from the trunk, knots and branches. The wood was extracted at an elevated temperature and pressure. Cyclohexane and acetone were used as solvents. Extract and total phenol content were determined by the gravimetric and spectrophotometric methods. Phenolic extracts were identified using thin-layer chromotography and high-resolution liquid chromatography. Fungistatic, antimicrobial and antioxidative properties of the extracts were assessed with a diffusion test and the diphenylpicrylhydrazyl radical scavenging method. We found that knot and branch wood contains the highest amount of hydrophilic extracts, heartwood less so and sapwood the least. Among the identified compounds are lignans, phenolic acids and flavonoids. Secoisolariciresinol was predominent in live knots and branches, while matairesinol was prevalent in heartwood. The largest amount of phenolic compounds was extraced from sections of knots included in the sapwood and from parts of branches closest to the trunk. Heartwood contained more lignans in its older sections. A characteristic variability in extract content in the longitudinal direction of the trunk was not found. Hydrophilic extracts from knots and branches inhibited the growth of wood-decay fungi and molds, but the inhibition was not strong. Knot and branch extracts exhibited good antioxidative properties. We found that knot and branch extracts are better free radical scavengers than heartwood extracts. The results of this study describe knot and branch wood as the richest sources of phenolic extracts and lignans in a silver fir tree. Results of biological activity tests indicate that the protective function of phenolic extracts in silver fir wood can also be explained by their antioxidative properties.
- Published
- 2019
18. Učinek poučevanja z gibanjem na zmanjšanje gibalne neaktivnosti in učne cilje
- Author
Ajdovec, Andreja and Volmut, Tadeja
- Subjects
udc:796:373.3(043.2) ,šolski pouk ,gibalna/športna aktivnost ,merilnik pospeška ,variabilnost ,osnovnošolski otroci ,intervencijski program - Published
- 2018
19. Variabilnost jelke (Abies alba Mill.) v Jugoslaviji
- Author
Horvat-Marolt, Sonja
- Subjects
gorski gozdovi ,provenienca ,Picea abies Mill ,filogenija ,variabilnost ,udc:630*16 ,jelka - Published
- 2017
20. Návrh konstrukčního řešení lůžka s možností variability funkce na dvoulůžko
- Author
Dvořák, Ladislav
- Subjects
ergonomie ,antropometrie ,konstrukce ,variabilnost ,privátní interiér ,lůžko ,ComputerApplications_COMPUTERSINOTHERSYSTEMS - Abstract
The topic of this batchelor work is design of single bed construction with the possibility of variable extension to double bed which respects conditions specified by contracting authority and inverstor, also meets the conditions of valid norms and safety.Teoretical part of this thesis is delegated to problematics of bed design, solutions of private interior design possibilities, antropometrics, ergoniometrics and research of nowadays solution of bed design with the possibilities of extension to a double bed as well as problematics of used materials, structural joints and more design aspects of bed design.The structural design solution is prepared by production drawings with product bills, visualization, economic evaluation of direct material costs.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Ivačič, Alja and Lobnik, Uroš
- Subjects
udc:728.22:711.582.5(043.2) ,residential neighbourhood ,urban block ,variability ,rob mesta ,obvoznica ,variabilnost ,city edge ,obodna zazidava ,stanovanjska soseska ,bypass - Abstract
V magistrskem delu smo v skladu s trajnostnimi principi 21. stoletja zasnovali stanovanjsko sosesko na izteku zahodne mariborske obvoznice. Izbrana lokacija je trenutno pridelovalna površina s cerkvijo, šolo in gasilskim domom na JV delu območja. Načrtovana stanovanjska soseska z lego ob mestni obvoznici zaključuje niz stanovanjskih blokov in oblikuje mestni rob. Predvidena urbanistična ureditev lokacije omogoča sproščen način bivanja na robu mesta, k čemer pripomorejo fleksibilna stanovanja, ki stanovalcem omogočajo poljubno oblikovanje lastnega bivanjskega prostora. Poleg kvalitetnih bivalnih enot pa stanovanjska soseska ponuja tudi raznolik – obstoječi in novi – javni program. Območje tako deluje kot majhno (tudi samooskrbno) mesto. In accordance with sustainable building principles of the 21st century, we have devised a residential neighbourhood at the end of the western Maribor bypass. The chosen location is currently a production area containing a church, school and a fire station (SE part). The planned residential area along the city bypass ends a line of residential buildings and forms the edge of the city. The assumed urban planning of the location allows a relaxed way of living on the outskirts of the city, particularly due to flexible apartments, allowing residents to design their living space randomly. Next to quality accommodation units the residential area offers a diverse - both the existing and the new - public program. Thus, the area functions as a small (self-sustainable) town.
- Published
- 2016
22. Vpliv slanosti na variabilnost reproduktivnih potez invazivnega neofita Dittrichia graveolens ob slovenskih avtocestah : diplomsko delo
- Author
Adamlje, Kristijan and Kaligarič, Mitja
- Subjects
avtoceste ,slanost ,biologija ,vpliv ,reprodukcija ,variabilnost ,Slovenija ,udc:57/59(043.2) ,diplomska dela ,invazivni neofiti - Published
- 2011
23. Strukturni gradniki celične stene in variabilnost kemijske sestave lesa
- Author
Oven, Primož, Rep, Gregor, and Vek, Viljem
- Subjects
udc:630*813.1 ,les ,variability ,polyoses ,celuloza ,lignin ,variabilnost ,hemiceluloze ,polioze ,hemicelluloses ,wood properties ,lastnosti ,cellulose - Abstract
V pričujočem prispevku so klasificirane kemijske snovi v lesu in definirane strukturne komponente celične stene. Opisana je variabilnost kemijske sestave celične stene lesa iglavcev in listavcev ter pojasnjen prispevek posameznega stenskega polimera k izbranim lastnostim lesa. Chemical compounds of wood are classified and structural components of cell wall defined in this paper. Variability in chemical composition of cell wall in softwoods and hardwoods and contribution of individual wall component to selected wood properties is described.
- Published
- 2009
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