Studies carried out in this area indicate that the Permian-Mesozoic limestone series, which were previously named the Comprehensive series, show various facies. Detailed chrono-stratigraphic studies of the rock stratigraphy units of the area were carried out, based on the fossil content of the formations of various ages. Stratigraphic deposition in the area shows that the oldest rocks encountered are limestones and dolomites of Permian age. Triassic rhythmic series, which conformably overlie the Permian formations, show various lithological types. This series is represented by sandstone, radiolarites and platy limestones. Liassic, Dogger and Malm are represented by reef limestones, oolitic limestones, dolomites and bedded biomicrite limestones, respectively. Cretaceous is divided into two sub-systems: namely, Lower Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous. Lower Cretaceous formations are represented by white-colored reef limestones. Upper Cretaceous, on the other hand, consists of thick-bedded and crystallized limestones and dolomites. These formations, as a whole, show a marine facies. Tertiary formations are characterized by Pliocene polymictic conglomerates and Quaternary coarse-grained conglomerates of the orthoconglomerate type, and by slope breccia, talus cones and alluvium. Igneous rocks occurring in the area under investigation consist of peridotite, gabbro, verlite, serpentinized harzburgite and serpentine contained within the Triassic ophiolitic series. These are ophiolites of alpine type found in the folded geosynclines. Triassic extrusives, on the other hand, mainly consist of pillow lavas, spilites, keratophyres, albite dolerites and diabases. The pillow lavas and the porphyritic lavas gave the beds their characteristic form. These rocks were deposited within the Triassic formations prior to the solidification of the Triassic deposits. The tectonic structure of the area under investigation is characterized by numerous faults, upthrusts, overthrusts and imbricate structures. Tectonic units, namely anticlines and synclines which are found in a successive sequence, generally strike sub-parallelly to the western coast of the Antalya Bay. The deposition and facies of beds and the axis and strike of the folding indicate that the tectonic structure of the area is not complex; it is characterized by simple imbricate structures. Based on the evaluation of the measured strike and dip of the beds on the Schmidt diagrams, it was found that the directions of the folding axes of the Permian, Triassic and Malm formations show a conformity. However a distinct deviation is observed in the Liassic formations. Lower Kimmeridgian, Austrian, Laramian and Wallachian orogenic phases are also found in the area.