IN CHAPTER 3 of his book Magic Squares and Cubes W. S. Andrews states in concise form what is known about the particular magic square invented by Benjamin Franklin. Included in this chapter is "An Analysis of the Franklin Square" by Paul Carus. Each of these authors gives a most penetrating treat ment of the subject, and an ingenious method of construction is described. Of this method, however, Carus admits: "We do not know the method employed by Franklin; we possess only the result, but it is not probable that he derived his square according to the scheme employed here" (P112). Without recapitulating the discussion in Andrews's book, to which the reader is referred, it may be observed that the chief peculiarity of Franklin's squares?8 X 8 and 16 X 16?is their excess of rows add ing up to the required sum. The ordinary magic square has horizontal rows, vertical rows, and 2 oblique rows?that is, 2(n + 1), making 18 such rows for an 8X8 square and 34 for a 16 X 16 square. In the Franklin squares there are no oblique rows, but in place of these there are 2n horizontal "bent" rows and 2n vertical bent rows?that is, 6n rows in all, making 48 such rows for an 8 X 8 square and 96 for a 16 X 16 square. (It is understood, of course, that the usual assumption holds true? that the left and right edges and the upper and lower edges in each case touch and are continuous.) Construction of the Franklin Square The construction of Franklin's two squares and the unlimited extension of the Franklin series (as well as an equivalent number of similar squares) is simplicity itself, not involving anything comparable to Carus's "simple alternation" and "quaternate transposition" but consisting of little more than an elementary exercise in counting and copying, with the applica tion of two or three simple rules. If we are looking for some method so simple that Franklin could amuse himself with it while performing his duties as clerk in the Pennsylvania Assembly, this method recommends itself as a likely candidate. The following steps will illustrate the formation of the 8X8 square: 1. Draw an 8 X 8 square. 2. Counting from the left edge, draw a heavy broken line from top to bottom between the second and third vertical rows (that is, n/4 squares from the edge). 3. Enter the numbers from 1 through 8 along this broken line in the following zigzag manner: o) Enter a quarter (1, 2) at the bottom, a quarter (3, 4) at the top, proceed ing upward with the odd numbers at the left of the broken line, the even numbers at the right, as seen in (a) of figure 1. b) Enter the remaining half (5-8) proceeding downward in the remain ing squares, odd numbers at the right of the broken line, even num bers at the left, also as seen in (a) of figure 1.