* This survey was compiled by the editorial staff of the Bulletin. It draws on various sources, including a survey of East Java prepared by Dr Sukadji Ranuwihardjo of Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, with Arief Suadi, Budianto, Gunawan Adisapoetro and Harsono; Pembangunan Pertanian Djawa Timur, a report prepared for the Agro-Economic Survey Seminar on Agricultural Development in the Regions by Moeljadi Banoewidjojo et al of Brawidjaja University, Malang; Laporon Tahunan 1970 Dinas Perindiustrian Propinsi Djano Timur (in seven parts); Laporon Tahunan Direktorat Djenderal Pertanion 1970/1971 (Djakarta), April 1971; Data Ekonomi Regional Djawa Timur published by the Direktorat Djenderal Bina Marga, Departemen Pekerdjaan Umum dan Tenaga Listrik (undated); various reports from the Sekretariat DPRGR Propinsi Djawa Timur 1968 and 1969; various annual reports submitted by kabupaten to the DPRGR during 1969 and 1970; and press reports, particularly from Business News and Antara. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]