Reese, Trevor, Cell, John, Inglis, K. S., Bramsted, Ernest, Cumpston, I. M., Johnson, T. J., Dowse, Robert, Taylor, David, Whitcombe, Elizabeth, Bloomfield, Valerie, Lutchman, Harold, Panter-Brick, S. K., Ballard, J. A., May, R. A., West, Francis, Murray, D. J., Dore, R. P., and Wolpe, H.
Commonwealth: A History of the British Commonwealth of Nations by H. Duncan Hall (London, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1971, £10.00)Colonialism in Africa, 1870-1860. Volume 3. Profiles of Change: African Society and Colonial Rule edited by Victor Turner (Cambridge, CUP, 1971, £5.00)Australia in New Guinea by L. P. Mair (Melbourne University Press, London: ISBS, first published 1948 second edition 1970, $A6.75, £3.15)Problems of Australian Defence edited by H. G. Gelber. (Melbourne, OUP, 1971, £7.25)Federated Australia by Alfred Deakin edited by J. A. La Nauze (Melbourne University Press, London: Cambridge University Press 1968, $A7.20, £4.35)Equality and Authority: A Study of Class, Status and Power in Australia by S. Encel (London, Tavistock, New York, Barnes & Noble, 1970, £3.50)The Uses and Abuses of Political Power: A Case Study of Continuity and Change in the Politics of Ghana by Maxwell Owusu (Chicago and London, Chicago University Press, 1970, £5.20)Language Conflict and National Development: Group Politics and National Language Policy in India by Jyotirindra Das Gupta (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1970, $6.75)National Communication and Language Policy in India by Baldev Raj Nayar (New York, Praeger, 1969, £5.25)The Limited Elite: Politics and Government in Two Indian Cities by Donald B. Rosenthal (Chicago and London, Chicago University Press, 1970, £5.80)The Process of Opposition in India: Two Case Studies of How Policy Shapes Politics by Robert W. Stern (Chicago and London, Chicago University Press, 1970, £3.60)Land and the Constitution in India by H. C. L. Merillat (London and New York, Columbia University Press, 1970, $10.00, £4.50)Union Catalogue of the Government of Pakistan publications held by libraries in London, Oxford and Cambridge by Rajeshwari Datta (London, Mansell, 1967, £1.50)Union Catalogue of the Central Government of India publications held by libraries in London, Oxford and Cambridge by Rajeshwari Datta (London, Mansell, 1970, £5.00)Union Catalogue of the Government of Ceylon publications held by libraries in London, Oxford and Cambridge by Teresa Macdonald (London, Mansell, 1970, £1.50) (Set of three volumes: £7.00)Manley and the New Jamaica: Selected Speeches and Writings 1938-1968 edited by Rex Nettleford (Kingston, Longman Caribbean, 1971, £5.00)Crisis and Conflict in Nigeria. A Documentary Source-book 1966-70 by A. H. M. Kirk-Greene (London, OUP, 1971, Vol. I, £4.25, Vol. II, £5.25)The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Analysis of Authority 1960-67 by Robin Luckham (Cambridge, CUP, 1971, £6.00)The Nigerian Army 1956-1966 by N. J. Miners (London, Methuen, 1971, £2.25, paperback £1.40)The Police in Modem Nigeria by T. N. Ta-muno (Ibadan University Press, 1970, £2.50, paperback £1.00)Politics in Sierra Leone 1947-1967 by John R. Cartwright (Toronto University Press, London: OUP, 1971, £7.25)Samoa 1830-1 goo: The Politics of a Multi-Cultural Community by R. P. Gilson with an introduction and conclusion by J. W. Davidson (Melbourne, OUP, 1970, £6.25)Constitutional Change in the British West Indies 1880-1903 by H. A. Will (Oxford, Clarendon Press, OUP, 1971, £4.00)Contemporary Change in Traditional Societies edited by Julian H. Steward (Urbana Illinois, University of Illinois Press, 1967, 3 vols: I Introduction and African Tribes, $12.50; II Asian Rural Societies, $10.00; III Mexican and Peruvian Communities, $10.00)Les Systemes politiques africains by P. F. Gonidec (Paris, R. Pichon & R. Durand-Auzias, 1971, np)L'Administration publique a Madagascar by Michel Massiot (Paris, R. Pichon & R. Durand-Auzias, 1971, np)De l'Empire britannique au Commonwealth by Henri Grimal (Paris, Armand Colin, 1971, np)Modernizing Racial Domination: The Dynamics of South African Politics by Heribert Adam (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1971, £3.00)A Federation of Southern Africa by Leo Marquard (London, OUP, 1971, £2.00)