Pseudabbreviata nudamphida gen. et sp. n. from the intestine of a "lizard" from Ghana, Africa, is described. Cephalic characters place this spirurin nematode in the family Physalopteridae between Abbreviata and Thubunaea. It is distinguished by a buccal capsule with distinct telorhabdions, a sclerotized cephalic ring that provides attachment points for stomatal muscles and cuticular inflations, and pseudolabia that form a cephalic expansion and do not bear the amphidial openings. The physalopterid nematode described below was collected in Ghana, Africa, in 19631965 by Nathaniel Rothstein. Fifteen females and three males were collected from five "lizards." (Efforts to obtain more specific information on host, locality, and habitat were unavailing.) Characters of the stoma, teeth, and the number and arrangement of cephalic papillae place it in the Physalopteridae. It can be distinguished from other Physalopteridae by the conformation of the buccal capsule and pseudolabia and is described as Pseudabbreviata nudamphida gen. et sp. n. The nematodes were cleared for study in a solution of 80% phenol and 20% absolute alcohol. Sections were cut freehand with a surgical eye knife and studied unstained. Sections cut at 6 to 8 t and stained with hematoxylin and eosin were also examined. The teeth were studied by splitting the head dorsoventrally after severing it from the body. Drawings were made with the aid of either a camera lucida or a microprojector. Measurements were made with an ocular micrometer and are in microns unless indicated otherwise. Pseudabbreviata, gen. n. Physalopteridae. Head with cuticular collar formed by cervical inflation. Buccal capsule laterally compressed; consisting of protorhabdions and telorhabdions; esophagus beginning posterior to base of telorhabdions. Sclerotized cephalic ring girdling stoma; providing attachment points for stomatal muscles and cuticle of cephalic and cervical inflations. Stoma with bilateral banks of teeth, each consisting of an externo-lateral, an interno-lateral, and 2 submedian teeth; denticles grouped between lateral and submedian teeth and between submedian teeth and angles of mouth; submedian teeth not easily distinguished from denticles. Received for publication 25 June 1968. Vulva near posterior end of esophagus. Male bursa well developed; bursal ornamentation confined to raised pericloacal region. Spicules unequal, dissimilar. Pseudabbreviata nudamphida, sp. n. (Figs. 1-10) With characters of the genus. Buccal cavity as wide dorso-ventrally as deep (Fig. 1). Externolateral teeth weakly sclerotized; interno-lateral and submedian teeth bifid; denticles consisting of 3 to 4 elements (some bifid) in each group (Fig. 4). Each pseudolabium bearing spoutlike openings to 2 large cephalic papillae; notched laterally to partially surround prominence that bears amphid. Amphids not on, and do not open on, pseudolabia (Fig. 3). Esophagus about 1/ body length of male, 1/5 that of female; anterior muscular portion 1/1o length of posterior glandular portion. Nerve ring slightly posterior to middle of muscular part of esophagus. Cervical papillae and excretory pore near division of muscular and glandular portions of esophagus. Cuticle with fine transverse striations. Female (10 mature specimens measured): Body 15.7 to 34.2 mm long; 348 to 556 wide at vulva; muscular esophagus 335 to 509 long; buccal cavity 71 to 107 deep. Anterior end to: nerve ring 255 to 302; cervical papillae 342 to 518; excretory pore 409 to 509; vulva 2.97 to 6.84 mm. Eggs thickshelled, embryonated, oval, 54 to 65 by 30 to 35. Vagina long, composed of vagina vera and slightly longer and thicker vagina uterina. Uterus bifurcates twice, forming 4 branches (Fig. 6). Seminal receptacles bulb-shaped (Fig. 7). Tail curved dorsally 302 to 462 long (Fig. 10). Male (2 complete specimens and posterior 1/2 of another measured): Body 14.6, 17.1 mm long; width near middle 240, 270; buccal cavity 57, 59 deep; muscular esophagus 202, 222 long; glandular esophagus 2.20, 2.33 mm long. Anterior end to: nerve ring 200, 240; cervical papillae 280, 370. Anterior margins of bursal alae do not meet ventrally. Bursal cuticular ornamentation confined to raised pericloacal region; consisting of numerous wartlike structures. Ten pairs of bursal papillae (4 pairs stalked, 6 pairs sessile) and one unpaired, small, sessile papilla in medio-ventral position at anterior edge of pericloacal ornamentation between most anterior pair of sessile papillae (Fig. 8).