Read to the American Medical Association, May, 1884.Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Association:The Section of State Medicine, as many of you are doubtless aware, was established and thoroughly organized at the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Association, at Detroit, in 1874, and has been presided over by some of the ablest, most learned, and illustrious members of this Association. In accepting the chairmanship one year ago, it was with no inconsiderable degree of apprehension and doubt as to my ability to properly discharge one of the duties of the position, and to place before you an address worthy the attention of those who have listened with pleasure and benefit to such men as Bowditch, of Boston; Kedzie, of Michigan; Cabell, of Virginia; Hunt, of New Jersey; and others whose names have been heralded far and wide, at home and abroad, as active, earnest, and able workers in