A FEW YEARS AGO when we began developing programs for the severely retarded residents of our 3347-bed institution, we based our planning on the belief that each resident should be considered as an individual. Such an approach was necessary at tile beginning, and it proved useful because it focused so emphatically on the needs of individual residents. However, as time passed we became more and more aware of the great commonalities of the residents’ needs. We also realized that no matter how successful we were at training individual residents in certain skills, we were not effectively modifying the behavior of the group as a whole. In addition, we knew that individual gains could be maintained only if they were reinforced by the total living situation. We concluded that the residents’ needs could best be met in an environmental program that supported their abilities, however limited, and compensated somewhat for their handicaps. Thus we decided to shift our major efforts away from individual training and concentrate instead on improving the environment. In October 1969 we introduced our compensatory environment program on two residential units that separately housed the men and women who were the most severely retarded and most behaviorally disturbed in our institution. The program, whicil has succeeded beyond our greatest expectations, has shown that when humane and comfortable living conditions are made available for such people, more often than not their bizarre, disturbed behaviors automatically disappear. They begin to acquire new skills almost on their own initiative or with only minimal formal training. A full-time director is in charge of the program; he is aided by two assistants and a program development and training coordinator. The program has focused on two particular areas that have been