To use massage cream effective on periodontal diseases and to massage gingiva as daily preventive means for periodontal diseases is a simple but effective measure by giving the idea for the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases.In order to prove this fact, studies were made by the use of Hinokitiol massage cream.As the materials, adult female 27 patients were employed, they were suffering from periodontal diseases.And they were instructed to make massage on gingiva at the frontal part of the teeth with fingers by the use of Hinokitiol massage cream everyday, morning and evening, for 36 days continuously.As for observation methods, objective symptoms were observed on the index related to epidemic research of periodontal diseases, while, subjective symptoms were observed by checking questionaires, also pathological tests were combinedly performed.As the result of comparing objective symptoms after making massage, marked reduction of index was observed after massaging than before. In calculating the reducing rate, the following order was observed from its high rate to low; OH I followed by bacterial plaque score, PIA index and Periodontal index. And also, subjective symptoms were decreased after making massage than before, proving the following order on the reduction rate; bad breath, swelling, bleeding from gingiva and teeth mobility.While subjective symptoms proved the following order of reducing rate; bad breath, swelling, bleeding from gingiva and tooth mobility. As for pathological findings, the finding under the gingiva attached epithel was more improved after making massage than before. In conclusion, the progress of subjective and objective symptoms proved that continuous use of the above cream was very effective in the progress of treatment for more than 28 days.