1. Candle holder made from rifle cartridges.
- Subjects
- Bullets., Candlesticks., Metal candlesticks., Candelabra., Eagles, depicted., Leaves, depicted., Scrolls, depicted., Bow and arrow, depicted., Seals and labels (Philately), depicted., Appliqué, depicted., Solder and soldering, depicted., Metal-cutting, depicted., Art 20th century., World War, 1914-1918., World War, 1914-1918 Equipment and supplies., World War, 1914-1918 Art and the war., Balles (Armement), Candélabres., Aigles., Feuilles., Rouleaux (Paléographie), Timbres de Noël, de Pâques, etc., Appliques (Arts décoratifs), Soudure., Métaux Coupe., Guerre mondiale, 1914-1918., bullets., leaf (plant material), scrolls (information artifacts), appliqué (technique), solder., Appliqué., Art., Bow and arrow., Bullets., Candelabra., Candlesticks., Eagles., Equipment and supplies., Leaves., Metal candlesticks., Metal-cutting., Scrolls., Seals and labels (Philately), Seals (Numismatics), Solder and soldering., United States Seal., United States.
- Abstract
Candle holder is made from three rifle shells, along with their projectiles, soldered together. The middle shell has been soldered to a circular base, decorated with abstract leaf patterns. The end of each shell has been cut off diagonally to accommodate a small candle, and their size suggests that they are .303-inch caliber shells. Affixed to the middle shell is an appliqué similar to the Great Seal of the United States, bearing an eagle clutching arrows in its right talon. There is what appears to be a scroll in the foreground, with the inscription "E PLUR", likely the partially obscured phrase "E PLURIBUS UNUM" which appears on the U.S. Seal. There also appear to be leaves in the background.
- Published
- 1919