Ants are an important arthropod group due to their involvement in ecological processes amongst others as ecosystem engineers or predators, but some invasive alien species are also implicated in detrimental environmental, economic and human health effects. Despite recent advancements, the ant biodiversity of Cyprus is still in need of further research with previous online species inventories synthesising a checklist of just 65 native and 10 alien species. The "Ants of Cyprus" website ( aims to: (1) raise public awareness and increase local knowledge on the biodiversity and ecological significance of ants, (2) provide ecological data and (3) enhance conservation efforts and management practices for native and alien ant species, respectively. This dynamic, user-friendly website has been designed for use by the scientific community, conservation officers and the wider public and it will be regularly updated as new information and data are generated. Additionally, this information will be critical for reporting on progress towards biodiversity targets and goals., Competing Interests: No conflict of interest to declare Disclaimer: This article is (co-)authored by any of the Editors-in-Chief, Managing Editors or their deputies in this journal., (Jakovos Demetriou, Christos Georgiadis, Sebastian Salata, Lech Borowiec, Mathias Dillen, Quentin Groom, Evan P. Economo, Helen E. Roy, Angeliki F. Martinou.)