The behavior of a xanthene derivative with one bismuthane and one phosphane function, Xan(PPh2)(BiPh2), as a ligand toward group 11 metal cations was investigated. It was found that contact with [Cu(MeCN)4]OTf, AgOTf, [Au(PPh3)OTf], in all three cases leads to a transformation of Xan(PPh2)(BiPh2) into a tridentate PBiP system, where a BiPh unit connects two phosphinoxanthyl moieties. In the resulting compounds, [PhBi(Xan(PPh2))2Cu]OTf, 1, [PhBi(Xan(PPh2))2Ag]OTf, 2, and [PhBi(Xan(PPh2))2AuPPh3]OTf, 3, the metal cations are coordinated tetrahedrally by two phosphane donors, one bismuthane donor and a fourth ligand, corresponding to OTf–in case of 1and 2, or PPh3in the case of 3. DFT calculations in combination with NBO analysis showed that the bismuth atoms in these PBiP ligands act as σ-donors. 3thus corresponds to the first known AuI← BiIIIcomplex.