1. Changes in the perception of infants among university nursing students(2):A comparison with college childcare students
- Author
Masato, ICHIKAWA and Keiko, HOSONO
- Subjects
乳幼児のイメージ ,学習効果 ,保育系短大生 ,看護系大学生 ,university nursing students ,学科間比較 ,comparison between department ,childcare students ,perception of infants ,learning effect - Abstract
本研究の目的は、看護系大学生と保育系短大生のもつ乳幼児に対するイメージを比較することにより、小児看護学領域の学習が乳幼児に対するイメージの形成に与える効果を明らかにすることである。調査は看護系大学生及び保育系短大生を対象に質問紙法にて実施した。質問項目は井上らが子ども観の測定に有効であるとした51組の形容詞対を参考に、独自に7段階の評価尺度を設け、その値を得点とした。調査はそれぞれ専門領域の学習の前後で実施し、Mann-WhitneyのU検定にて分析した。分析の結果、保育系短大生は専門領域の学習によって乳幼児に対するイメージを肯定化する傾向が強く見られたが、看護系大学生はイメージが肯定・否定の双方向に広がっていた。結果より、看護系大学生は幼稚園・保育所演習により乳幼児に対するイメージを肯定化し、臨床実習においてイメージを否定的にも広げているという相対的特徴が示唆された。, The purpose of this study is to compare the images of infants held by university nursing students with those held by college childcare majors with the goal of clarifying the effect of pediatric nursing training on the formation of students'perception of infants. The survey of students was conducted using a questionnaire comprising lnoue et a1.'s 51 pairs of adjective opposites determined to be effective in measuring attitudes toward children,each pair item placed on a seven-point scale. The survey was administered before and after study periods for both groups of students and numerical values of responses were analyzed using a Mann-Whitney U test. Results indicated that the college childcare majors overwhelmingly tended to develop a more positive image of infants through their studies, while the university nursing students showed development of both positive and negative images. Such results suggest that the image of infants developed by university nursing students is relative to the type of practical training in which they are engaged,with kindergarten and nursery school practicums fostering positive perceptions and clinical practicums contributing to negative perceptions of infants.
- Published
- 2011