本研究の目的は,看護学士課程の学生の情報活用の実践力と看護実践力の学年間比較を行い,学年次による相違と関連を探究することである。学生327名を対象に,情報活用の実践力尺度と看護実践力尺度を用いた。看護実践力尺度は確認的因子分析によって構成概念妥当性を検討した。学年次による多重比較を行った結果,情報活用の実践力は有意差が見られなかったが,看護実践力は2年次より3年次並びに4年次の方が有意に高いことが示された(P, The objective of this research was to investigate the differences and associations between the practical skills employed in using information and the practical skills used in nursing. This was done by comparing the correlations between the practical skills employed in using information and the practical skills used in nursing among nursing students by the grade achieved by undergraduate nursing students. The investigation was performed among 327 students in the undergraduate nursing course, using the "practical skills employed in using information" scale and the "practical skills used in nursing" scale. For the practical skills used in nursing scale, construct validity was verified through confirmatory factor analysis using a structural equation model. Multiple comparison did not show a significant difference in the practical skills employed in using information in terms of student grade, but it indicated that the practical skills used in nursing were significantly higher in third and fourth-year students than in second-year students (P