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56 results

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1. Distributed and individualized computation offloading optimization in a fog computing environment.

2. Application of the Layered Algorithm in search of an airborne contaminant source.

3. EdgeDecAp: An auction-based decentralized algorithm for optimizing application placement in edge computing.

4. Extremal energies of Laplacian operator: Different configurations for steady vortices.

5. Joint optimization of cache placement and request routing in unreliable networks.

6. Fast proximity-gradient algorithms for structured convex optimization problems.

7. Early detection of temporal constraint violations.

8. Feedback vertex set on graphs of low clique-width

9. Efficient transformation of distance-2 self-stabilizing algorithms

10. Energy constrained resource allocation optimization for mobile grids

11. Efficient algorithms for the block edit problems

12. Utility-based QoS optimisation strategy for multi-criteria scheduling on the grid

13. Initial approaches to the application of islands-based parallel EDAs in continuous domains

14. Approximation algorithms for Max-3-Cut and other problems via complex semidefinite programming

15. Extra-Updates Criterion for the Limited Memory BFGS Algorithm for Large Scale Nonlinear Optimizatio

16. Ordinal space projection learning via neighbor classes representation.

17. A hybrid computing method of SpMV on CPU–GPU heterogeneous computing systems.

18. Inverse source problem for the hyperbolic equation with a time-dependent principal part.

19. High-order framewise smoothness-constrained globally-optimal tracking.

20. Computation of local ISS Lyapunov functions for discrete-time systems via linear programming.

21. PSTG-based multi-label optimization for multi-target tracking.

22. Sparse recovery with coherent tight frames via analysis Dantzig selector and analysis LASSO.

23. Optimized projections for compressed sensing via rank-constrained nearest correlation matrix.

24. Combining multi-core and GPU computing for solving combinatorial optimization problems.

25. Window annealing for pixel-labeling problems.

26. Space and speed tradeoffs in TCAM hierarchical packet classification

27. Pose robust face tracking by combining view-based AAMs and temporal filters.

28. Optimization over finite frame varieties and structured dictionary design

29. Optimizing the stretch of independent tasks on a cluster: From sequential tasks to moldable tasks

30. Finite termination of the proximal point algorithm in Banach spaces

31. Complexity bounds for second-order optimality in unconstrained optimization

32. Quasi-optimized Schwarz methods for reaction diffusion equations with time delay

33. A three-string approach to the closest string problem

34. A systematic approach for 2D-image to 3D-range registration in urban environments.

35. A combined segmentation and registration framework with a nonlinear elasticity smoother.

36. Composite splitting algorithms for convex optimization.

37. Minimum Bayes Risk decoding and system combination based on a recursion for edit distance

38. Some algebraic methods for solving multiobjective polynomial integer programs

39. On the source switching problem of Peer-to-Peer streaming

40. Combining shared-coin algorithms

41. Efficient algorithms for the inverse sorting problem with bound constraints under the -norm and the Hamming distance

42. On problems without polynomial kernels

43. An eco-environmental water demand based model for optimising water resources using hybrid genetic simulated annealing algorithms. Part I. Model development

44. A new primal-dual path-following interior-point algorithm for semidefinite optimization

45. An algorithmic approach to finding factorial designs with generalized minimum aberration

46. Reliable shot identification for complex event detection via visual-semantic embedding.

47. Computing all the best swap edges distributively

48. A derivative-free optimization algorithm based on conditional moments

49. Distributed scheduling strategy for divisible loads on arbitrarily configured distributed networks using load balancing via virtual routing

50. Grid computing for parallel bioinspired algorithms