Let F be a collection of n d-variate, possibly partially defined, functions, all algebraic of some constant maximum degree. We present a randomized algorithm that computes the vertices, edges, and 2-faces of the lower envelope (i.e., pointwise minimum) of F in expected time O(nd+ϵ), for any ϵ>0. For d=3, by combining this algorithm with the point location technique of Preparata and Tamassia, we can compute, in randomized expected time O(n3+ϵ) for any ϵ>0, a data structure of size O(n3+ϵ) that, given any query point q, can determine in O(log2n) time whether q lies above, below or on the envelope. As a consequence, we obtain improved algorithmic solutions to many problems in computational geometry, including (a) computing the width of a point set in 3-space, (b) computing the biggest stick in a simple polygon in the plane, and (c) computing the smallest-width annulus covering a planar point set. The solutions to these problems run in time O(n17/11+ϵ), for any ϵ>0 improving previous solutions that run in time O(n8/5+ϵ). We also present data structures for (i) performing nearest-neighbor and related queries for fairly general collections of objects in 3-space and for collections of moving objects in the plane, and (ii) performing ray-shooting and related queries among n spheres or more general objects in 3-space. Both of these data structures require O(n3+ϵ) storage and preprocessing time, for any ϵ>0, and support polylogarithmic-time queries. These structures improve previous solutions to these problems.