C. K. Jung, J. L. Raaf, Y. Takeuchi, D. Kielczewska, Y. Watanabe, G. Mitsuka, J. S. Jang, Y. Yokosawa, N. Tanimoto, Y. Obayashi, K. S. Ganezer, Song Chen, Hiroshi Watanabe, John G. Learned, K. Connolly, W. R. Kropp, H. Nishino, S. Yamada, M. Dziomba, Minoru Yoshida, C. W. Walter, C. McGrew, Masato Shiozawa, Y. Choi, T. Iida, T. Tsukamoto, J. Kameda, H. Toyota, Y. Hayato, B. S. Yang, Ken-ichiro Kobayashi, P. Mijakowski, M. Koshiba, T. Ishida, Y. Takenaga, M. Goldhaber, Yuichi Oyama, K. Ueshima, R. J. Wilkes, John Hill, T. Tanaka, S. Moriyama, Haoxiong Zhang, S. Hazama, M. Miura, R. Terri, Masayuki Nakahata, Ko Okumura, A. Kibayashi, Michael Litos, W. Wang, A. T. Suzuki, Hiroyuki Sekiya, Y. Fukuda, S. B. Kim, H. W. Sobel, J. Y. Kim, N. Tamura, S. Nakayama, Y. Heng, Takaaki Mori, Frédéric Dufour, Atsushi Takeda, L. M. Magro, K. Abe, S. Tasaka, J. L. Stone, R. A. Wendell, M. Ikeda, M. R. Vagins, T. Nakadaira, W. E. Keig, K. Nishikawa, H. Kaji, K. Kaneyuki, Koji Nakamura, Ken Sakashita, L. Labarga, T. Sekiguchi, K. Bays, T. Ishii, T. Kobayashi, Makoto Sakuda, C. Yanagisawa, Yasunari Suzuki, Justin Albert, A. Minamino, I. T. Lim, Y. Shimizu, Y. Kuno, Yoshitaka Itow, K. Nishijima, Takaaki Kajita, G. D. Lopez, S. Mino, A. L. Renshaw, E. Kearns, Masashi Yokoyama, Yusuke Koshio, T. Ishizuka, T. McLachlan, Tsuyoshi Nakaya, H. Okazawa, S. Matsuno, K. Iyogi, J. P. Cravens, T. Yokozawa, David William Casper, H. Ogawa, C. Ishihara, L. R. Sulak, M. B. Smy, Koh Ueno, Hirokazu Ishino, Y. Totsuka, T. Wongjirad, Y. Kozuma, E. Thrane, Zishuo Yang, Kate Scholberg, S. Mine, Takehisa Hasegawa, C. Regis, and UAM. Departamento de Física Teórica
Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAM, The results of the third phase of the Super-Kamiokande solar neutrino measurement are presented and compared to the first and second phase results. With improved detector calibrations, a full detector simulation, and improved analysis methods, the systematic uncertainty on the total neutrino flux is estimated to be ± 2.1%, which is about two thirds of the systematic uncertainty for the first phase of Super-Kamiokande. The observed 8B solar flux in the 5.0 to 20 MeV total electron energy region is 2.32 ± 0.04 (stat.) ± 0.05 (sys.) x 10^6 cm^-2sec^-1, under the assumption of pure electron-flavor content, in agreement with previous measurements. A combined oscillation analysis is carried out using SK-I, II, and III data, and the results are also combined with the results of other solar neutrino experiments. The best-fit oscillation parameters are obtained to be sin^2 {\theta}12 = 0.30+0.02-0.01(tan^2 {\theta}12 = 0.42+0.04 -0.02) and {\Delta}m2_21 = 6.2+1.1-1.9 *10^-5eV^2. Combined with KamLAND results, the best-fit oscillation parameters are found to be sin^2 {\theta}12 = 0.31±0.01 (tan^2 {\theta}12 = 0.44±0.03) and {\Delta}m2_21 = 7.6 ± 0.2 x 10^-5 eV^2. The 8B neutrino flux obtained from global solar neutrino experiments is 5.3 ± 0.2 (stat + sys) x 10^6cm^-2s^-1, while the 8B flux becomes 5.1 ± 0.1 (stat +sys ) x 10^6cm^-2s^-1 by adding KamLAND result. In a three-flavor analysis combining all solar neutrino experiments, the upper limit of sin^2 {\theta}13 is 0.060 at 95% C.L.. After combination with KamLAND results, the upper limit of sin^2 {\theta}13 is found to be 0.059 at 95% C.L., The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of the Kamioka Mining and Smelting Company. Super-K has been built and operated from funds provided by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. National Science Foundation. This work was partially supported by the Research Foundation of Korea (BK21 and KNRC), the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Science Foundation of China, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grants No. FPA2009- 13697-C04-02 and No. Consolider-Ingenio-2010/CPAN)