Name of Gene. Inhibin-[Alpha] (INHA). Genus and Species. Capra hircus. Source and Description of Primers. The primers were designed from the flanking sequences of a [(TG).sub.n], microsatellite identified in a 2.2-kb PstI fragment of an ovine cosmid clone, containing the INHA gene (Jager and Hiendleder, 1994). Primer Sequences. Forward Primer: 5'-AGCGTGTGAAGCTGGAGAT-3'; reverse Primer 5'-ACGTGATCACTACCACAGTACGGA-3'. Method of Detection. The PCR (15-[micro]L final volume) was performed using 50 to 100 ng of caprine genomic DNA, 10 pM of each primer, 200 [micro]M of each dNTP, .4 unit of Taq polymerase (AGS, Heidelberg), 1.5 mM [MgCl.sub.2], and PCR buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.55; 1.6 mM [NH.sub.4] [SO.sub.4]). Thermal cycling began with an initial cycle of 94 [degrees] C (1.5 min), followed by 30 cycles of 94 [degrees] C (1 min), 60 [degrees] C (1 min), and 72 [degrees] C (1 min), and concluded with a final extension at 72 [degrees] C (5 min) using a Perkin Elmer Gene Amp PCR system 9600 cycler. For obtaining the allele frequency data, the forward primer was Cy5 fluorescence end-labeled (Amersham-Pharmacia, Freiburg) and the analyses were done using an automated laser detection system (A.L.F. express, Amersham Pharmacia, Freiburg). Amplification of caprine genomic DNA resulted in 210- to 230-bp products that were run on a 5.5% Long Ranger gel (.5 mm, 6 M urea). The genotyping for linkage mapping was done by incorporation of radioactive gamma [P.sup.33] according to Schibler et al. (1998). Description of Polymorphism. The microsatellite containing amplification products showed fragment lengths indicating repeat numbers ranging from [(TG).sub.12] to [(TG).sub.22]. Inheritance Pattern. Codominant inheritance was observed in 12 families. Frequency. The frequencies of alleles in a total of 25 unrelated animals from different breeds (Wei [Beta] e Deutsche Edelziege, Bunte Deutsche Edelziege, Burenziege, Toggenburger Ziege) were .091, .432, .114, .114, .068, .136, and .045 for fragments of 210, 214, 216, 218, 224, 226, and 230 bp. The calculated heterozygosity and PIC (Botstein et al., 1980) in these animals were .75 and .73, respectively. Chromosomal Location. Previous physical mapping by FISH has placed INHA on caprine chromosome 2q41-42 (Goldammer et al., 1995). Linkage Mapping. Significant linkages between the polymorphic INHA-microsatellite and gene markers on chromosome 2 were found using CRI-MAP, version 2.4 (Greene et al., 1989). In the male linkage analysis, the significant two-point LOD scores reported ranged from 3.52 to 7.65 (Table 1). The identified microsatellite was placed in a chromosomal region containing the microsatellite loci ARO 28, BMS 829A, and BMS 829B by multipoint analysis between 110 and 130 cM on chromosome 2, where the microsatellites BMS 829A and BMS 829B were amplified using the same primer pair. Table 1. Results of two-point linkage analyses between the identified microsatellite and genetic markers on goat chromosome 2 Recombination LOD Coinformative Marker fraction score meioses IDVGA37 .18 3.52 67 McM512 .14 6.6 63 BMS829A .10 4.25 41 BMS829B .05 7.65 29 Comments. The PCR product was cloned into the vector pCR 2.1 TOPO (Invitrogen, Leek) and sequenced to confirm homology to the original ovine sequence (GenBank accession no. AF115342) obtained from the ovine cosmid clone. The sequence similarity in microsatellite flanking regions between ovine and caprine loci was 88%. Inhibin is a glycoprotein hormone that suppresses pituitary follicle stimulating hormone secretion (Ling et al., 1985). Two different inhibins have been identified sharing a common [Alpha]-subunit but different [Beta]-subunits ([[Beta].sub.A] and [[Beta].sub.B]). The two forms of inhibin are named with inhibin A ([[Alpha]-[Beta].sub.A]]) and inhibin B ([[Alpha]-[Beta].sub.B]) (Mason et al., 1985). The subunits of inhibin A and B are encoded in three different, independent genes, INHA, INHBA, and INHBB (Findlay et al., 1993). Literature Cited Botstein, D., R. L. White, M. Skolnick, and R. W. Davis. 1980. Construction of a genetic linkage map in man using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 32:314-331. Findlay, J. K., S. Xiao, L. Shukovski, and U. Michel. 1993. Novel peptides in ovarian physiology--inhibin, activin and follistatin. In: E. Y. Adashi and P. C. K. Leung (ed.) The Ovary. pp 413-432. Raven Press, New York. Green, P., K. Falls, and S. Crooks. 1989. Documentation for CRIMAP, version 2.4. Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Goldammer, T., R. M. Brunner, S. Hiendleder, and M. Schwerin. 1995. Comparative mapping of sheep inhibin subunits [Alpha] (INHA) and [[Beta].sub.B] (INHBB) to chromosome 2 in goat by FISH. Mamm. Genome 6:685-686. Jager, C., and S. Hiendleder. 1994. Cosmid cloning and characterization of the coding regions and regulatory elements of the ovine [Alpha]- (INHA), [[Alpha].sub.A]-(INHBA) and [[Beta].sub.B]-inhibin (INHBB) genes. Anim. Genet. 25(Suppl. 2):33. Ling, N. 1985. Isolation and patial characterization of a Mr 32000 protein with inhibin activity from porcine follicular fluid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82:7217-7221. Mason, A. J., J. S. Hayflick, N. Ling, F. Esch, N. Ueno, S.-Y. Ying, R. Guillemin, H. Niall, and P. H. Seeburg. 1985. Complementary DNA sequences of ovarian follicular fluid inhibin show precursor structure and homology with transforming growth factor-[Beta]. Nature (Lond.) 318:659-663. Schibler, L., D. Vaiman, A. Oustry, C. Giraud-Delville, and E. P. Cribiu. 1998. Comparative gene mapping: a fine-scale survey of chromosome rearrangements between ruminants and humans. Genome Res. 8:901-915. Key Words: Goats, Linkage Groups, Microsatellites