High quality water is paramount in protecting and maintaining natural ecosystems and the species that depend upon them, ensuring the productivity of industry, sustaining commerce and growth. Safe drinking water is a vital component in the protection of public health and disease prevention and therefore essential for the health and well-being of citizens across the globe. In the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, the quality of drinking water, the conditions of systems that produce it and the protection of source water is one of the top priorities and continues to be an important public health and environmental goal. As such, ensuring safe drinking water is a shared responsibility amongst a number of provincial ministries and agencies including ministries of Environment, Health and Municipal Affairs and Saskatchewan Water Corporation. Key partners outside the provincial government include the federal government through Health Canada and various infrastructure funding initiatives, municipalities and other waterworks owners, the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association, the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, the Saskatchewan Water and Wastewater Association, and the Operator Certification Board. This paper includes the results of sampling/research studies that are conducted to determine the levels of Haloacetic acids (HAA5), Trihalomethanes (THMs) and N- nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in Saskatchewan municipal distribution systems. This paper also outlines the regulatory framework, water management and activities undertaken by the Government of Saskatchewan, Canada to manage drinking water in the province.