In this study, it is aimed to determine with a contrastive approach the causes of the difficulties encountered in the acquisition of article, one of the most important problems Turkish students face during the French learning process. It is suggested that the source of the errors made by the students is that, the article is not among the Turkish lexical categories while it is one of the main lexical categories in French. Error analysis was made on 52 written corpus produced by Turkish students. According to this corpus, there are 948 substantive in which 892 words are required to use article. The correct article was used for 554 (%62) of these substantives whereas the wrong article was used for 338 (%38). When these mistakes are also taken into consideration, it is determined that the most common error with rate 50% is the selection error. The omission error with 41% takes place the second place. The errors of addition (%8) and misordering (%1) are observed to occur at a very low rate. Although a high percentage of selection errors is evaluated within the context of the intralanguage, it is observed that they are a very large percentage of gender selection. Therefore, the lack of gender in Turkish also necessitates the evaluation of these errors within the context of interlanguage. As a result, the basis of the errors made by Turkish students in the context of article lies in the absence of both this article and the gender in Turkish. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]