Amac: Bu calismada, ikinci kez yinelenen kapak degisimi olgularinda ameliyat oncesi ve ameliyat sirasi risk faktorleri, kullanilan kapak turleri ve ameliyat yontemleri arastirildi. Calisma plani:Klinigimizde Ocak 1994 Aralik 2009 tarihleri arasinda toplam 2089 kapak replasmani gerceklestirildi ve bu ameliyatlarin 182’sini (112 kadin, 70 erkek) yinelenen kapak ameliyatlari olusturdu. Bul gu lar: Yinelenen ameliyat icin ortalama yas 49.2±27.4 yil, ilk ameliyat ile ikincisi arasindaki ortalama sure ise 11.8±5.7 yil olarak hesaplandi. Tekrar ameliyat sonrasi takip suresi 2.6±1.3 yil idi. Toplam 142 (%78) hastadan biyoprotez kapak, 40 (%22) hastadan ise mekanik kapak sokuldu. Toplam degistirilen kapak sayisi 221 idi. Toplam takilan kapak sayisi 219 idi, sadece kapak onarimi ise uc hastada uygulandi. Tekrar ameliyatta takilan kapaklarin 197’si (%90) mekanik kapak idi. Hastalarin ameliyat oncesi ekokardiyografik bulgulari, esas sorunun kapak disfonksiyonu (%84) oldugunu gosterdi, bunu enfeksiyon takip ediyordu. Yinelenen ameliyat uygulanan 15 olgu (%8.2) ameliyat sirasinda veya ameliyattan sonraki ilk bir ay icinde kaybedildi. Sonuc: Yinelenen kalp kapak ameliyatlari, standart ameliyat islemleri kullanilarak, kabul edilebilir mortalite ile uygulanabilir. Bu ameliyatlarda riski artiran nedenler, acil girisimler ve enfeksiyona bagli nedenlerdir, bununla birlikte pulmoner hipertansiyon, yinelenen kapak degisimi cerrahisi olasiligini artiran bir neden degildir. Anah tar soz cuk ler: Aort kapak; mitral kapak; yinelenen kalp kapak ameliyatlari. Background: In this study, we aimed to investigate the preoperative and operative risk factors in patients undergoing valve replacement for the second time, including the types of valves and surgical methods used. Methods: Between January 1994 and December 2009, a total of 2089 valve replacements were performed in our clinic, and 182 (112 females, 70 males) of these operations (8.7%) were repeat valve surgeries. Results:The mean age for repeat surgery was 49.2±27.4 years while the mean time elapsed between the first and second surgeries was 11.8±5.7 years. The follow-up period after repeat surgery was 2.6±1.3 years. Bioprosthesis valves were removed from a total of 142 patients (78%), and mechanical valves were removed from 40 patients (22%). In total, 221 valves were replaced. The total number of valves implanted was 219, and valve repair alone was performed on three patients. Of the valves implanted in repeat surgery, 197 (90%) were mechanical valves. The preoperative echocardiography findings revealed that the major problem (84%) observed was valve dysfunction, followed by infection. Fifteen patients (8.2%) who underwent repeat surgery died during the operation or within the first month afterwards. Conclusion:Repeat heart valve surgery may be performed using the standard surgical procedures with acceptable mortality. Factors increasing the probability of repeat surgery include emergency interventions and infections; however, pulmonary hypertension is not a factor that increases the probability of repeat valve replacement surgery.