1. Odnos Nemačke prema aktuelnim pitanjima na Zapadnom Balkanu kroz prizmu izbora 2021.
- Author
Kovačević, Despot, Kovačević, Despot, Kovačević, Despot, and Kovačević, Despot
- Abstract
The role of elections in the Federal Republic of Germany to the processes in the European Union and the surrounding countries has gained in importance in previous election cycles. The elections in 2021 are just a continuation of the growing influence on the processes related to European integration, and even the political processes in the Western Balkans. Political elites from the countries of the Western Balkans always have their own expectations from the elections in Germany, but also from the consequences of those elections, primarily in terms of the composition of the German government. The subject of research in this paper are the perceptions of political elites in the Western Balkans about the future attitudes of German parties and the new government towards Western Balkans and the source of these perceptions, which I basically find in election manifestos (election programs) of political parties. The analysis is based on election manifestos and the perception that the parties’ views on the Western Balkans have produced among political elites. These attitudes resulted in the initiation of certain unresolved issues in the Western Balkans, both during the election campaign and during the process of forming the government. Current issues that have implications for elections in Germany are primarily the rule of law and democracy in the Western Balkans, relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the High Representative, the Brussels Dialogue, and major projects such as the Open Balkans., Uloga izbora u Saveznoj Republici Nemačkoj na procese u Evropskoj uniji i zemljama u okruženju dobija na značaju u prethodnim izbornim ciklusima. Izbori 2021. samo su nastavak rasta uticaja na procese koji se tiču evropskih intregracija, pa i političkih procesa na Zapadnom Balkanu. Političke elite iz zemalja Zapadnog Balkana uvek imaju svoja očekivanja od izbora u Nemačkoj, ali i od posledica tih izbora pre svega u pogledu sastava nemačke vlade. Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu jesu percepcije političkih elita na Zapadnom Balkanu o budućem odnosu nemačkih partija i nove vlade i izvor tih percepcija koji bazično nalazim u izbornim manifestima (izbornim programima) političkih partija. Analiza se zasniva na izbornim manifestima i percepciji koju su stavovi partija o Zapadnom Balkanu proizveli kod političkih elita. Navedeni stavovi su i u toku izborne kampanje i toku procesa formiranja vlade rezultirali pokretanju pojedinih nerešenih pitanja na Zapadnom Balkanu. Aktuelna pitanja koja imaju implikacije izbora u Nemačkoj su prvenstveno pitanje vladavine prava i demokratije na Zapadnom Balkanu, odnosi u Bosni i Hercegovini i pitanje Visokog predstavnika, pitanje Briselskog dijaloga, kao i pitanja velikih projekata kao što je Otvoreni Balkan.
- Published
- 2021