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1. Defining certainty of net benefit: a GRADE concept paper

2. NHS foundation trusts

3. Consumer demand for caesarean sections in Brazil: informed decision making, patient choice, or social inequality? A population based birth cohort study linking ethnographic and epidemiological methods

4. Should the precautionary principle guide our actions or our beliefs?

5. Medicine, ethics and religion: rational or irrational?

6. Protective truthfulness: the Chinese way of safeguarding patients in informed treatment decisions.

7. Frequency of equivocation in surgical meta-evidence: a review of systematic reviews within IBD literature

8. Right For Me: protocol for a cluster randomised trial of two interventions for facilitating shared decision-making about contraceptive methods

9. Considering chance in quality and safety performance measures: an analysis of performance reports by boards in English NHS trusts

10. What is the evidence for the impact of gardens and gardening on health and well-being : a scoping review and evidence-based logic model to guide healthcare strategy decision making on the use of gardening approaches as a social prescription

11. Explanation and elaboration of the Standards for UNiversal reporting of patient Decision Aid Evaluations (SUNDAE) guidelines: examples of reporting SUNDAE items from patient decision aid evaluation literature

12. Ethical difficulties in clinical practice: experiences of European doctors.

13. Clinical ethical dilemmas: convergent and divergent views of two scholarly communities.

14. The decision making process regarding the withdrawal or withholding of potential life-saving treatments in a children's hospital.

15. Cognitive debiasing 1: Origins of bias and theory of debiasing