High ice water content (HIWC) regions with small ice crystals, where ice water contents (IWCs) are greater than 1.5 g m-3 and median mass diameters (MMDs) less than about 300 micrometers, occur above tropical mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) and can have detrimental impacts on aircraft engines. Data collected by the French Falcon aircraft and the National Research Council of Canada Convair-580 during the 2014 and 2015 High Altitude Ice Crystals and High Ice Water Content (HAIC/HIWC) projects are revisited here along with coordinated modeling studies to investigate processes that can produce such HIWCs. In particular, data collected from 2014 in the vicinity of Darwin Australia and from 2015 in the vicinity of Cayenne French Guyana are used to determine how bulk microphysical properties (e.g., number concentration, IWC, median volume diameter) and characteristics of ice crystal size distributions (i.e., multimodal nature, parameters fit to gamma distributions for each mode) vary with environmental conditions such as temperature, vertical velocity, MCS age, distance from MCS core, and surface characteristics. It is determined that temperature and vertical velocity are the biggest controls of small ice crystals, but younger cells, stronger convective strengths and closer proximity to convective cores also increase the relative importance of small crystals.Numerical simulations conducted using the Weather Research and Forecasting model with four different bulk microphysics schemes generally reproduce the observed temperature, dew-point, and wind structure. However, comparison of regime-specific observations against properties simulated over Cayenne using a variety of existing parameterization schemes show that although the coverage and evolution of convection is well predicted, simulations overestimate the intensity and spatial extent of observed airborne X-band radar reflectivity and do not well depict the peak of observed size distributions with maximum dimensions between 0.1 and 1 mm. To explore formation mechanisms for large numbers of small ice crystals, a series of simulations varying the representation of secondary ice production (SIP) processes were conducted. Simulations including one of three SIP mechanisms separately (i.e., the Hallett–Mossop mechanism, fragmentation during ice–ice collisions, and shattering of freezing droplets) did not replicate the observed ratio of number concentration divided by IWC. However, the simulation including all three SIP processes produced HIWC regions consistent with observations in terms of number concentration and radar reflectivity, which was not replicated using the original P3 two-ice category configuration that only included the Hallett-Mossop mechanism. In summary, observations and simulations show primary ice production plays a key role in generating HIWC regions at temperatures < -40 Celsius, shattering of freezing droplets dominates ice particle production in HIWC regions between -15 and 0 Celsius during the early stage of convection, and fragmentation during ice–ice collisions dominates between -15 and 0 Celsius during the later stage of convection and between -40 and -20 Celsius over the whole convection period. This study thus shows the dominant role of SIP processes in the formation of numerous small crystals in HIWC regions. Implications for future measurement and modeling needs are discussed.