Željka Cvrtila Fleck, Jelena Sigurnjak, Vanda Siročić, Bela Njari, Miroslav Benić, Jelka Pleadin, Maja Popović, Lidija Kozačinski, Željka Cvrtila Fleck, Jelena Sigurnjak, Vanda Siročić, Bela Njari, Miroslav Benić, Jelka Pleadin, Maja Popović, and Lidija Kozačinski
Uzgoj magaraca i proizvodnja magarećeg mlijeka sve je češća, naročito u obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima na području Istre i Dalmacije, ali i kontinentalne Hrvatske. U radu je istražen osnovni kemijski i masnokiselinski sastav, broj somatskih stanica te senzorska svojstva magarećeg mlijeka. Sveukupno je analizirano 11 uzoraka mlijeka magarica dviju pasmina podrijetlom s gospodarstava na području Zagrebačke i Istarske županije. Udio masti bio je izrazito nizak i iznosio je najviše 1,16 %, dok je prosječna količina masti u mlijeku istarskih magarica bila 0,14 %, odnosno 0,69 % u dalmatinskih magarica. Prosječna količina bjelančevina iznosila je 1,29 %, a laktoze 6,5 %. Mlijeko dalmatinskih magarica sadržavalo je 3,8 log10 mL-1 somatskih stanica čija je vrijednost bila manja u mlijeku istarskih magarica (3,2 log10 mL-1). Istovremeno, utvrđen je veći ukupni broj leukocita (4,9-5,3 x 109/L) u uzorcima mlijeka istarskih magarica u odnosu na mlijeko dalmatinskih magarica (najviše 5,1 x 109/L). Masnokiselinski sastav pokazao je da udjel zasićenih masnih kiselina (SFA) u mlijeku istarskih magarica iznosi 70,45 % a dalmatinskih 59,92 %. Mononezasićene masne kiseline (MUFA) prosječno su bile zastupljene s 21,23 % i 24,61 %, a polinezasićene masne kiseline (PUFA) s 8,31 % i 15,46 % u istarskih i dalmatinskih magarica. Ukupni omjer zasićenih prema nezasićenim masnim kiselinama iznosio je od 0,37 do 0,72 i bio je niži u uzorcima mlijeka istarskih magarica. Magareće mlijeko odlikuje nizak sadržaj masti i visok sadržaj laktoze, masnokiselinski sastav s povoljnim omjerom zasićenih i nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Broj somatskih stanica u mlijeku je niži u odnosu na mlijeko drugih domaćih životinja., Jenny breeding and the production of jenny milk are becoming more common, especially on family farms in the area of Istria and Dalmatia, but in continental Croatia as well. The aim of this study was to explore basic chemical and fatty acid composition, somatic cell count and sensory traits of jenny milk. In total eleven milk samples were analized from two breeds: Littoral-Dinaric (Dalmatian) jennies (N=6) and Istrian jennies (N=5) originating from farms in the area of Zagreb and Istrian County. Fat content was markedly low and was 1.16 % at the most, whereas the average fat content in the milk of Istrian jennies was 0.14 %, i.e. 0.69 % in Dalmatian jennies. The average protein content was 1.29 % and average lactose content 6.5 %. The milk of Dalmatian jennies contained 3.8 log10 mL-1 of somatic cells whose values were lower in the milk of Istrian jennies (3.2 log10 mL-1). At the same time a higher total count of white blood cells (4.9-5.3 x 109/L) was determined in milk samples of Istrian jennies, in comparison to the milk of Dalmatian jennies (5.1 x 109/ L at the most). The fatty acid composition showed that the content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) in the milk of Istrian jennies was 70.45 %, while in the milk of Dalmatian jennies it was 59.92 %. The monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were represented on average with 21.23 % and 24.61 %, while polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) with 8.31 % and 15.46 % in Istrian and Dalmatian jennies. The total ratio saturated/unsaturated fatty acids ranged from 0.37 to 0.72 at the most and it was lower in milk samples of Istrian jennies. Jenny milk is characterized by a low fat content and high lactose content, and fatty acid composition with a favourable ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The somatic cell count in the milk is lower in comparison to the milk of other domestic animals.