1. The Role of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Monitoring Rapidly Occurring Landslides
- Author
Servet Yaprak, Omer Yildirim, Tekin Susam, Samed Inyurt, and Irfan Oguz
- Subjects
bespilotne letjelice (UAV) ,klizišta ,ground sample distance (GSD) ,digitalni model površine (DSM) ,ortomozaični ,Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) ,landslides ,Ground Sample Distance (GSD) ,Digital Surface Model (DSM) ,orthomosaic - Abstract
This study used an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that was designed and produced to monitor rapidly occurring landslides in forest areas. It aimed to determine the location data for the study area using image sensors integrated into the UAV. The study area was determined as the landslide sites located in the Taşlıçiftlik campus of Gaziosmanpaşa University, Turkey. It was determined that landslide activities were on going in the determined study area and data was collected regarding the displacement of materials. Additionally, it was observed that data about landslides may be collected in a fast and sensitive way using UAVs, and this method is proposed as a new approach. Flights took place over a total of five different periods. In order to determine the direction and coordinate variables for the developed model, eight Ground Control Points (GCPs), whose coordinates were obtained using the GNSS method, were placed on the study area. In each period, approximately 190 photographs were investigated. The photos obtained were analyzed using the Pix4D software. At the end of each period, the Root Mean Square and Ground Sample Distance (GSD) values of the GCPs were calculated. Orthomosaic and digital surface models (DSM) were produced for the location and height model. The results showed that max RMS=±3.3 cm and max GSD=3.57 cm. When the first and fifth periods were compared, the highest spatial displacement value ΔS=111.0 cm, the highest subsidence value Δh=37.3 cm and the highest swelling value Δh=28.6 cm were measured., U ovom radu korištena je bespilotna letjelica (UAV) koja je dizajnirana i proizvedena za potrebe praćenja nagle pojave klizišta u šumskim područjima. Njezin cilj je određivanje podataka o lokaciji područja istraživanja koristeći slikovne senzore ugrađene u UAV. Područje istraživanja je lokacija klizišta u kampusu Taşlıçiftlik Sveučilišta Gaziosmanpaşa, Turska. Utvrđeno je da se klizišta stalno pojavljuju u području istraživanja, a podaci su prikupljeni na temelju pomaka materijala. Osim toga, ustanovljeno je da se podaci o klizištima mogu prikupljati brzo i precizno koristeći UAV, te je ta metoda predložena kao novi pristup. Letovi su obavljeni kroz pet različitih razdoblja. Kako bi se utvrdile varijable smjera i koordinata za razvijeni model, na području istraživanja, postavljeno je osam stalnih točaka (GCP) čije su koordinate dobivene GNSS metodom. U svakom razdoblju proučeno je otprilike 190 fotografija. Dobivene fotografije su analizirane pomoću softvera Pix4D. Na kraju svakog razdoblja izračunate su vrijednosti Root Mean Square (RMS) i Ground Sample Distance (GSD) za GCP. Ortomozaični i digitalni modeli površine (DSM) izrađeni su za lokacijski i visinski model. Rezultati su pokazali da je maksimalni RMS=±3,3 cm, a maksimalni GSD=3,57 cm. Nakon usporedbe prvog i petog razdoblja, izmjerene su najviša vrijednost prostornog pomaka ΔS=111,0 cm, najviša vrijednost slijeganja Δh=37,3 cm i najviša vrijednost ispupčenosti Δh=28,6 cm.
- Published
- 2018