Govoreći o egzistenciji kao samo-izvjesnoj komunikaciji, potrazi i čežnji za Drugim, u radu ćemo nastojati istaknuti važnost i presudnost jezika, relacije i Drugoga, koji nas zove iz naše anonimnosti i poziva nas natrag nama samima u naš samobitak, vraća nam našu vlastitost i cjelovitost. Koristeći neke navode i iskaze filozofa poput Levinasa, Jaspersa i Heideggera, istaknut ćemo važnost i presudnost skrbi za Drugoga, kao etičkog imperativa i etičkog principa djelovanja. Levinas ističe kako Drugi nastupa kao jezična relacija, čija je bit poziv, vokativ. Drugi postaje svrha našega djelovanja, pokazuje se kao blizina koja izdvaja i »izvlači« iz anonimnosti i bezličnosti, kao blizina koja konstituira vlastitost, koja se objavljuje kao apriorno apriornoga. Drugi nam isijava jasnije negoli naša vlastitost i egzistencija i poziva nas na odgovor. Postaje mogućnost naše vlastitosti i našeg pravog Moći-biti cijelim. Očekivani je doprinos rada mogućnost uvida i praktičnih implikacija toga uvida i, s njim u vezi, izgrađenost stava da samo kao odgovornost i odgovarajući na apel koji nam Drugi upućuje, čovjek biva ono sve što može i treba biti., Talking about the existence of a self-certain communication, searching and longing for the Other, this paper will highlight the importance and essentiality of language, relationships, and the Other, who calls us out from our anonymity and back to ourselves in our being, returning to us our own identity and integrity. This paper will address relevant authors (Levinas, Jaspers, and Heidegger) in the attempt of highlighting the importance of care for the Other, as the ethical imperative and the ethical principle of action. Levinas emphasizes that the Other appears as the linguistic relation, the essence of which is the call. The Other becomes the purpose of our activities, shows up as the proximity that extracts and “draws” us from anonymity and impersonality, the proximity which constitutes our own identity (Self), presented as the a priori of a priori (the Other precedes the Self). The Other radiates more clearly than our own identity (Self) and existence, and asks for an answer – to experience our own responsibility. The Other is becoming the possibility of the Self and of our true wholeness. The expected contribution of this paper refers to theoretical and practical potentiality of such an insight and, in a connection to it, to exploration of the standpoint which claims that only as the responsibility and through responding to the appeal that the Other addresses to us, we as human beings can become everything we can and should be.