The pollen morphology of eight species from the section Orobus (L.) Gren. et Godr. (Lathyrus, Fabaceae) distributed in Bulgaria (Lathyrus alpestris, L. aureus, L. linifolius, L. niger, L. palustris, L. transsilvanicus, L. venetus and L. vernus.) was studied with light and scanning electrone microscope. The pollen grains are 3-zonocolporate of subprolate (semi-erectus) type (P/E=1.20–1.31), medium to large in size, elliptical or rectangular-obtuse- convex (equatorial view) and circular to slightly triangular-obtuse-convex (polar view). The ornamentation is predominantly perforate-foveolate but there are pollen grains with perforate-reticulate sculpture (L. alpestris, L. palustris) or almost reticulate (L. aureus).