1. Some comments on the terminology of the Late Glacial in Central Europe and the problem of its application to SW Europe
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- Subjects
tardiglaciar ,cambio climático ,bioestratigrafía de la vegetación ,sondeos en groenlandia ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
Today, the Late Glacial interstadials Bølling and Allerød, originally defined in northern Europe, are often applied as chronozones in different palaeoclimate contexts across the Northern Hemisphere. The scientific community in both palaeoclimate research and archaeology often disregards the fact that the Meiendorf interstadial has long been identified as preceding the Bølling-Allerød sequence, and that there are lots of difficulties with the synchronization of the Oldest Dryas-Bølling-Older Dryas-sequence. Synchronization of important Central European high-resolution pollen records with the Greenland GRIP ice core demonstrates a strong climatic gradient from the South to the North of Europe over the entire Late Glacial. Therefore, the northern European interstadials (Meiendorf, Bølling, Allerød) cannot serve universally as Late Glacial chronozones with reference to their characteristic pollen compositions, even though they are of greatest importance for the understanding of the regional vegetational history. The Greenland ice cores offer continous climate information over the entire Late Glacial and may serve as chronostratigraphical type sections. In the close future, detailed synchronization of terrestrial sequences with the Greenland ice core records will be achieved, using high-precision radiocarbon calibration based on Late Glacial dendrochronologies.
- Published
- 2013