27 results on '"M. Hashim"'
Search Results
2. Higher dose corticosteroids in hospitalised COVID-19 patients requiring ventilatory support (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trialResearch in context
- Author
O. Abani, A. Abbas, F. Abbas, J. Abbas, K. Abbas, M. Abbas, S. Abbasi, H. Abbass, A. Abbott, N. Abdallah, A. Abdelaziz, M. Abdelfattah, B. Abdelqader, A. Abdul, B. Abdul, S. Abdul, A. Abdul Rasheed, A. Abdulakeem, R. Abdul-Kadir, A. Abdullah, A. Abdulmumeen, R. Abdul-Raheem, N. Abdulshukkoor, K. Abdusamad, Y. Abed El Khaleq, M. Abedalla, A. Abeer Ul Amna, L. Abel, K. Abernethy, M. Abeywickrema, C. Abhinaya, A. Abidin, A. Aboaba, A. Aboagye-Odei, C. Aboah, H. Aboelela, H. Abo-Leyah, K. Abouelela, A. Abou-Haggar, M. Abouibrahim, A. Abousamra, M. Abouzaid, M. Abraham, T. Abraham, A. Abraheem, J. Abrams, R. Abrams, H.J. Abu, A. Abu-Arafeh, S.M. Abubacker, A. Abung, Y. Abusamra, Y. Aceampong, A. Achara, D. Acharya, F. Acheampong, P. Acheampong, S. Acheampong, J. Acheson, S. Achieng, A. Acosta, R. Acquah, C. Acton, J. Adabie-Ankrah, P. Adair, A.S. Adam, F. Adam, M. Adam, H. Adamali, M. Adamczyk, C. Adams, D. Adams, K. Adams, L. Adams, N. Adams, R. Adams, T. Adams, L. Adamu-Ikeme, K. Adatia, K. Adcock, L. Addai-Boampong, A. Addo, O. Adeagbo, A. Adebiyi, O. Adedeji, Y. Adegeye, K. Adegoke, V. Adell, S. Adenwalla, F.W. Adeoye, O.A. Adesemoye, E.O. Adewunmi, A. Adeyanju, J. Adeyemi, T. Adeyemo, B. Adhikari, S.A. Adhikari, R. Adhikary, A. Aditya, P. Adjepong, G. Adkins, A. Adnan, M. Adriaanse, J. Aeron-Thomas, D. Affleck, C. Afnan, M. Afridi, P. Afrim, F.A. Afriyie, Z.A. Aftab, A. Afum-Adjei Awuah, M. Agarwal, P.N. Agasiya, R. Agbeko, C. Agbo, S. Aggarwal, A. Aghababaie, L. Aguilar Jimenez, J.A. Agyekum, K. Agyen, E.K. Ahadome, S. Ahamed Sadiq, M.H. Ahammed Nazeer, M. Ahmad, S. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, B.A.R. Ahmed, B. Ahmed, F. Ahmed, H. Ahmed, I. Ahmed, K. Ahmed, L. Ahmed, M. Ahmed, M.C. Ahmed, M.S. Ahmed, N. Ahmed, O. Ahmed, R.A. Ahmed, R. Ahmed, S. Ahmed, S.G. Ahmed, S.H. Ahmed, R. Ahmed Ali, B. Ahmed Mohamud, S. Ahmer, A. Ahonia, C. Aidoo, C. Aiken, D. Ail, M. Ainsworth, M. Aissa, L. Aitken, B. Ajay, A. Ajibode, A. Ajmi, N. Akhtar, S. Akili, B. Akinbiyi, O. Akindolie, Y. Akinfenwa, O. Akinkugbe, I. Akinpelu, M. Akram, O. Aktinade, U. Akudi, A.S.A.R. Al Aaraj, A. Al Balushi, M. Al Dakhola, A. Al Swaifi, E. Al-Abadi, A. Alabi, N. Aladangady, M. Alafifi, A. Alam, S. Alam, A. Al-Asadi, K. Alatzoglou, P. Albert, A. Albertus, L. Albon, A. Alcala, G. Alcorn, S. Alcorn, A. Aldana, D. Alderdice, A. Aldesouki, R. Aldouri, J. Aldridge, N. Aldridge, R. Ale, R.M. Ale, A. Alegria, A. Alexander, C. Alexander, J. Alexander, P.D.G. Alexander, J. Al-fori, L. Alghazawi, O. Alhabsha, B. Al-Hakim, R. Alhameed, M. Al-Hayali, S. Al-Hity, A. Ali, F.R. Ali, J. Ali, M. Ali, M.S. Ali, N. Ali, O. Ali, R. Ali, S. Ali, E. Aliberti, J. Alin, A. Alina, A. Alipustain, B. Alisjahbana, F. Aliyuda, K. Alizadeh, M. Al-Jibury, S. Al-Juboori, M. Al-Khalil, A. Alkhudhayri, M. Alkhusheh, F. Allan, N. Allan, A. Allanson, R. Allcock, E. Allen, J. Allen, K. Allen, L. Allen, P. Allen, R. Allen, S. Allen, T. Allen, A. Alli, K. Allison, B. Allman, H.K. Allsop, L. Allsop, D. Allsup, A.F.T. Almahroos, H. Al-Moasseb, M. Al-Obaidi, L. Alomari, A. Al-Rabahi, B. Al-Ramadhani, Z. Al-Saadi, R. Al-Sammarraie, I. Alshaer, R. Al-Shahi Salman, W. Al-Shamkhani, F. Alsheikh, B. Al-Sheklly, S. Altaf, A. Alty, M. Alvarez, M. Alvarez Corral, E. Alveyn, M. Alzetani, S. Amamou, N. Amar, S. Ambalavanan, R. Ambrogetti, C. Ambrose, A. Ameen, A. Amelia Ganefianty, K. Ames, M.R. Amezaga, A. Amin, K. Amin, S. Amin, T. Amin, B. Amit, A. Amjad, N. Amjad, J. Amoah-Dankwa, A. Amoako-Adusei, V. Amosun, M. Amsal, K. Amsha, J. Amuasi, N. Amutio Martin, P. Amy, A. Anada, A. Anand, S. Anandappa, S.D. Anantapatnaikuni, N.K.N. Andari, E. Anderson, J. Anderson, L. Anderson, M. Anderson, N. Anderson, R. Anderson, S. Anderson, W. Anderson, P. Andreou, A. Andrews, J. Andrews, K. Aneke, A. Ang, W.W. Ang, T. Angel, A. Angela, P. Angelini, L. Anguvaa, O. Anichtchik, M. Anim-Somuah, K. Aniruddhan, J. Annett, L. Anning, M. Ansah, P.J. Anstey, R. Anstey, A. Anthony, A. Anthony-Pillai, P. Antill, Z. Antonina, V. Anu, M. Anwar, S. Anwar, E. Apetri, A. Apostolopoulos, S. Appleby, D. Appleyard, M.F. Aquino, B. Araba, S. Aransiola, M. Araujo, A. Archer, D. Archer, S. Archer, D. Arcoria, C. Ardley, G. Arhin-Sam, A.-M. Arias, O. Aribike, R. Arimoto, N.L.P.E. Arisanti, C. Arkley, C. Armah, I. Armata, J. Armistead, A. Armitage, C. Armstrong, M. Armstrong, S. Armstrong, W. Armstrong, P. Armtrong, H. Arndt, C. Arnison-Newgass, D. Arnold, R. Arnold, A. Arnott, D. Arora, K. Arora, P. Arora, R. Arora, A. Arter, A. Arthur, N.M. Artini, A. Arumaithurai, A. Arya, R. Arya, D. Aryal, D. Asandei, G.A. Asare, A. Asghar, M. Asghar, A. Ashab, C. Ashbrook-Raby, H. Ashby, J. Ashcroft, S. Ashcroft, G. Asher, Z. Ashfak, A. Ashfaq, H.A. Asiamah, A. Ashish, D. Ashley, S. Ashman-Flavell, S. Ashok, A.-E.-A. Ashour, M.Z. Ashraf, S. Ashraf, M.B. Ashraq, D. Ashton, S. Ashton, A. Ashworth, F.J. Ashworth, R. Ashworth, A. Aslam, I. Aslam, S. Aslam, L. Aslett, H. Asogan, A. Asrar, O. Assaf, R. Astin-Chamberlain, Y.E. Atabudzi, P. Athavale, D. Athorne, B. Atkins, C. Atkins, S. Atkins, J. Atkinson, V. Atkinson, A. Atomode, B. Atraskiewicz, A.A. Attia, E. Attubato, M. Attwood, P. Aubrey, Z. Auer, A. Aujayeb, A.T. Aung, H. Aung, H.W.W. Aung, K.K. Aung, K.T. Aung, N. Aung, Y. Aung, Z.M. Aung, E. Austin, K. Austin, A. Auwal, M. Avari, M. Avery, N. Aveyard, J. Avis, G. Aviss, C. Avram, P. Avram, A. Awadelkareem, G. Awadzi, M. Awaly, A. Awan, S. Awisi, A. Aya, E. Ayaz, J.M. Ayerh, A. Ayers, J. Azam, A. Azeem, M. Azharuddin, A. Aziz, G. Aziz, I. Aziz, N. Aziz, A. Azkoul, A. Azman Shah, G. Azzopardi, H. Azzoug, F. Babatunde, M. Babi, B. Babiker, G. Babington, M. Babirecki, M. Babores, A.O. Babs-Osibodu, T. Bac, S. Bacciarelli, R. Bachar, M.-E. Bachour, A. Bachti, G. Bacon, J. Bacon, B. Badal, A. Badat, M. Bader, G.R. Badhan, S. Badhrinarayanan, J.P. Bae, A. Baggaley, A. Baggott, G. Bagley, D. Bagmane, L. Bagshaw, K. Bahadori, Y. Bahurupi, A. Bailey, J. Bailey, K. Bailey, L. Bailey, M.A. Bailey, M. Bailey, P. Bailey, S. Bailey, H. Baillie, J.K. Baillie, J. Bain, V. Bains, D. Baird, E. Baird, K. Baird, S. Baird, T. Baird, Y. Baird, A. Bajandouh, M. Bajracharya, D.C. Baker, E. Baker, J. Baker, K. Baker, M. Baker, R. Baker, T.-A. Baker, V. Baker, H. Bakere, N. Bakerly, M. Baker-Moffatt, A. Bakhai, N. Bakhtiar, P. Bakoulas, D. Bakthavatsalam, N. Balachandran, A. Balan, P. Balasingam, T. Balaskas, M. Balasubramaniam, N. Balatoni, A. Balcombe, A. Baldwin, C. Baldwin, D. Baldwin, F. Baldwin, R. Baldwin-Jones, N. Bale, J. Balfour, M. Ball, Ro Ball, K. Ballard, I. Balluz, C. Balmforth, E. Balogh, A. Baltmr, A. Baluwala, G. Bambridge, A. Bamford, P. Bamford, A. Bamgboye, E. Bancroft, H. Bancroft, J. Banda, K. Bandaru, S. Bandi, N. Bandla, S. Bandyopadhyam, A. Banerjee, R. Banerjee, P. Bang, S. Baniya, O. Bani-Saad, H. Banks, L. Banks, P. Banks, C. Bann, H. Bannister, O. Bannister, L. Banton, D.G. Bao, T. Bao, M. Baptist, T. Baqai, A.M. Baral, S.C. Baral, D. Baramova, R. Barber, E. Barbon, M. Barbosa, J. Barbour, A. Barclay, C. Barclay, G. Bardsley, S. Bareford, S. Bari, M. Barimbing, A. Barker, D. Barker, E. Barker, H. Barker, J. Barker, L. Barker, O. Barker, K. Barker-Williams, S. Barkha, J. Barla, G. Barlow, R. Barlow, V. Barlow, J. Barnacle, A. Barnard, D. Barnes, N. Barnes, R. Barnes, T. Barnes, C. Barnetson, A. Barnett, A. Barnett-Vanes, P.G. Barning, W. Barnsley, A. Barr, D. Barr, J. Barr, C. Barr, N. Barratt, S. Barratt, M. Barrera, A. Barrett, Fi Barrett, J. Barrett, S. Barrett, E. Barrow, J. Bartholomew, M.S. Barthwal, C. Bartlett, G. Bartlett, J. Bartlett, L. Bartlett, S. Bartley, S. Bartolmeu-Pires, A. Barton, G. Barton, J. Barton, L. Barton, R. Barton, R. Baruah, S. Baryschpolec, H. Bashir, A. Bashyal, B. Basker, S. Basnet, B. Basnyat, A. Basoglu, A. Basran, J. Bassett, G. Bassett, C. Bassford, B. Bassoy, V. Bastion, A. Bastola, A. Basumatary, P. Basvi, J.A. Batac, V.R. Bataduwaarachchi, T. Bate, H.J. Bateman, K. Bateman, V. Bateman, E. Bates, H. Bates, M. Bates, S. Bates, S. Batham, A. Batista, A. Batla, D. Batra, H. Batty, T. Batty, A. Batty, M. Baum, R. Baumber, C. Bautista, F. Bawa, T. Bawa, F.S. Bawani, S. Bax, M. Baxter, N. Baxter, Z. Baxter, H. Bayes, L.-A. Bayo, F. Bazari, R. Bazaz, A. Bazli, L. Beacham, W. Beadles, K. Beadon, P. Beak, A. Beale, K. Beard, J. Bearpark, A. Beasley, S. Beattie, K. Beaumont, D. Beaumont-Jewell, T. Beaver, S. Beavis, C. Beazley, S. Beck, V. Beckett, R. Beckitt, S. Beckley, H. Beddall, S. Beddows, D. Beeby, S. Beeby, G. Beech, M. Beecroft, N. Beer, Sa Beer, J. Beety, G. Bega, A. Begg, S. Begg, S. Beghini, A. Begum, S. Begum, T. Behan, R. Behrouzi, J. Beishon, C. Beith, J. Belcher, H. Belfield, K. Belfield, A. Belgaumkar, D. Bell, G. Bell, J. Bell, L. Bell, N. Bell, P. Bell, S. Bell, J. Bellamu, M. Bellamy, T. Bellamy, A. Bellini, A. Bellis, F. Bellis, L. Bendall, N. Benesh, N. Benetti, S.A. Bengu, L. Benham, G. Benison-Horner, S. Benkenstein, T. Benn, A. Bennett, C. Bennett, D. Bennett, G. Bennett, K. Bennett, L. Bennett, M.R. Bennett, S. Bennett, K. Bennion, G. Benoy, V. Benson, A. Bentley, J. Bentley, I. Benton, E. Beranova, M. Beresford, C. Bergin, M. Bergstrom, J. Bernatoniene, T. Berriman, Z. Berry, F. Best, K. Best, A.-M. Bester, Y. Beuvink, E. Bevan, S. Bevins, T. Bewick, A. Bexley, S. Beyatli, F. Beynon, A. Bhadi, S. Bhagani, S. Bhakta, R. Bhalla, K. Bhandal, A. Bhandari, L. Bhandari, L.N. Bhandari, S. Bhandari, J. Bhanich Supapol, A. Bhanot, R. Bhanot, S. Bhasin, A. Bhat, P. Bhat, R. Bhatnagar, K. Bhatt, J. Bhayani, D. Bhojwani, P. Bhuie, M.S. Bhuiyan, S. Bhuiyan, A. Bibby, F. Bibi, N. Bibi, S. Bibi, T. Bicanic, S. Bidgood, J. Bigg, S. Biggs, A. Biju, A. Bikov, S. Billingham, J. Billings, P. Binh, A. Binns, M. BinRofaie, O. Bintcliffe, C. Birch, J. Birch, K. Birchall, S. Bird, M. Birt, C. Bishop, K. Bishop, L. Bishop, K. Bisnauthsing, N. Biswas, M. Bittaye, S. Biuk, K. Blachford, E. Black, H. Black, K. Black, M. Black, P. Black, V. Black, H. Blackgrove, B. Blackledge, J. Blackler, S. Blackley, H. Blackman, C. Blackstock, C. Blair, F. Blakemore, H. Blamey, A. Bland, S. Blane, S. Blankley, P. Blaxill, K. Blaylock, J. Blazeby, N. Blencowe, B. Bloom, J. Bloomfield, A. Bloss, A. Blowers, S. Blows, H. Bloxham, S. Blrd, L. Blundell, A. Blunsum, M. Blunt, T. Blunt, I. Blyth, K. Blyth, A. Blythe, K. Blythe, K.A. Boahen, M. Boampoaa, S. Board, E. Boatemah, B. Bobie, K. Bobruk, P.N. Bodalia, N. Bodasing, M. Boden, T. Bodenham, G. Boehmer, M. Boffito, K. Bohanan, K. Bohmova, N. Bohnacker, S. Bokhandi, M. Bokhar, S. Bokhari, S.O. Bokhari, I. Bokobza, A. Boles, C. Bolger, C. Bonaconsa, C. Bond, H. Bond, S. Bond, T. Bond, A. Bone, G. Boniface, J. Bonney, L. Bonney, L. Booker, S. Boot, M. Boothroyd, J. Borbone, N. Borman, S. Bosence, K. Bostock, N. Botting, F. Bottrill, H. Bouattia, L. Bough, H. Boughton, Z. Boult, T. Boumrah, M. Bourke, S. Bourke, M. Bourne, R. Bousfield, L. Boustred, A. Bowes, P. Bowker, T. Bowker, H. Bowler, L. Bowman, S. Bowman, R. Bowmer, A. Bowring, H. Bowyer, A. Boyd, J. Boyd, L. Boyd, N. Boyer, N. Boyle, P. Boyle, R. Boyle, L. Boyles, L. Brace, A. Bracken, J. Bradder, C.J. Bradley, P. Bradley, J. Bradley-Potts, L. Bradshaw, Z. Bradshaw, C. Brady, R. Brady, S. Brady, P. Braga Sardo, D. Braganza, M. Braithwaite, S. Brammer, M. Branch, T. Brankin-Frisby, J. Brannigan, S. Brattan, F. Bray, N. Bray, M. Brazil, L. Brear, Tr Brear, S. Brearey, L. Bremner, M. Brend, C. Bresges, C. Bressington, G. Bretland, C. Brewer, M. Bridgett, G. Bridgwood, S. Brigham, J. Bright, C. Brightling, T. Brigstock, L. Brimfield, P. Brinksman, E. Brinkworth, R. Brittain-Long, V. Britten, H. Britton, L. Broad, S. Broadhead, R. Broadhurst, A. Broadley, M. Broadway, C. Brockelsby, M. Brocken, T. Brockley, M. Brodsky, F. Brogan, L. Brohan, F. Brokke, J. Brolly, D. Bromley, H. Brooke-Ball, V. Brooker, M. Brookes, D. Brooking, A. Brooks, D. Brooks, J. Brooks, K. Brooks, N. Brooks, P. Brooks, R. Brooks, S. Brooks, M. Broom, N. Broomhead, C. Broughton, N. Broughton, M. Brouns, A. Brown, C. Brown, E. Brown, H. Brown, J. Brown, L. Brown, N. Brown, P. Brown, R. Brown, S. Brown, T. Brown, B. Browne, C. Browne, D. Browne, M. Browne, S. Brownlee, A. Brraka, J. Bruce, M. Bruce, W. Brudlo, A. Brunchi, N. Brunskill, A. Brunton, M. Brunton, M. Bryant, E. Bryden, H. Brzezicki, A. Buazon, M.H. Buch, R. Buchan, R. Buchanan, D. Buche, A. Buck, L. Buck, M. Buckland, C. Buckley, L. Buckley, P. Buckley, S. Buckley, C. Buckman, A. Budds, G. Bugg, R. Bujazia, M. Bukhari, S. Bukhari, R. Bulbulia, A. Bull, D. Bull, K. Bull, R. Bull, Th Bull, E. Bullock, S. Bullock, N. Bulteel, K. Bumunarachchi, R. Bungue-Tuble, O. Burbidge, C. Burchett, D. Burda, C. Burden, T.G. Burden, Mi Burgess, R. Burgess, S. Burgess, E. Burhan, H. Burhan, H. Burke, K. Burke, A. Burman, S. Burnard, C. Burnett, S. Burnett, A. Burns, C. Burns, J. Burns, K. Burns, D. Burrage, K. Burrows, C. Burston, A. Burton, B. Burton, F. Burton, H. Burton, M. Burton, M. Butar butar, D. Butcher, A. Butler, E. Butler, J. Butler, P. Butler, S. Butler, A.-T. Butt, M. Butt, M.M. Butt, C. Butterworth, N. Butterworth-Cowin, R. Buttery, T. Buttle, H. Button, D. Buttress, H. Bye, J. Byrne, W. Byrne, V. Byrne-Watts, N.K. C, A. Cabandugama, L. Cabrero, S. Caddy, R. Cade, A. Cadwgan, Z. Cahilog, A. Cahyareny, D. Cairney, J. Calderwood, D. Caldow, E. Cale, G. Calisti, D. Callaghan, J. Callaghan, C. Callens, D. Callum, C. Calver, M. Cambell-Kelly, T. Camburn, D.R. Cameron, E. Cameron, F. Cameron, S. Cameron, C. Camm, F.D. Cammack, A. Campbell, B. Campbell, D. Campbell, H. Campbell, J. Campbell, K. Campbell, M. Campbell, R. Campbell, W. Campbell, Q. Campbell Hewson, J. Camsooksai, L. Canclini, S.M. Candido, J. Candlish, C. Caneja, A. Cann, J. Cann, R. Cannan, A. Cannon, E. Cannon, M. Cannon, P. Cannon, V. Cannons, E. Canonizado, J. Cantliff, N. Cap, N.T. Cap, B. Caplin, S. Capocci, N. Caponi, A. Capp, R. Capstick, T. Capstick, C. Caraenache, A. Card, M. Cardwell, C. Carey, R. Carey, S. Carley, F. Carlin, T. Carlin, S. Carmichael, M. Carmody, M. Carnahan, C. Caroline, J. Carpenter, S. Carr, A. Carrasco, Z. Carrington, A. Carroll, P. Carroll, R. Carson, C. Cart, E. Carter, J. Carter, M. Carter, N. Carter, P. Carter, D. Cartwright, J.-A. Cartwright, C. Carty, L. Carty, J. Carungcong, C. Carver, E. Carver, R. Carver, S. Casey, A. Cassells, T. Castiello, G. Castle, B. Castles, M. Caswell, A.M. Catana, H. Cate, A. Catelan Zborowski, S. Cathcart, K. Cathie, D. Catibog, C. Catley, L. Catlow, M. Caudwell, A. Cavazza, A. Cave, L. Cave, S. Cavinato, F. Cawa, K. Cawley, C. Caws, K. Cawthorne, H. Cendl, H. Century, J. Cernova, M. Cesay, E. Cetti, S. Chabane, M. Chablani, C. Chabo, J. Chacko, D. Chadwick, J. Chadwick, R. Chadwick, E. Chakkarapani, A. Chakraborty, M. Chakraborty, M. Chakravorty, P. Chalakova, B. Chalise, B.S. Chalise, J. Chalmers, R. Chalmers, G. Chamberlain, S. Chamberlain, E. Chambers, J. Chambers, L. Chambers, N. Chambers, A. Chan, C. Chan, E. Chan, M. Chan, K. Chan, P. Chan, R. (P-C). Chan, X.H.S. Chan, C. Chandler, H. Chandler, K.J. Chandler, S. Chandler, Z. Chandler, S. Chandra, N. Chandran, B. Chandrasekaran, Y. Chang, H. Chanh, H.Q. Chanh, G. Chaplin, J. Chaplin, G. Chapman, J. Chapman, K. Chapman, L. Chapman, M. Chapman, P. Chapman, T. Chapman, L. Chappell, A. Charalambou, B. Charles, D. Charlton, S. Charlton, K. Chatar, C. Chatha, D. Chatterton, N. Chau, R. Chaube, A. Chaudhary, M.Y.N. Chaudhary, B. Chaudhary, I. Chaudhry, Z. Chaudhry, K. Chaudhuri, N. Chaudhuri, M. Chaudhury, A. Chauhan, R.S. Chauhan, L. Chaulagain, A. Chavasse, N. Chavasse, V. Chawla, L. Cheater, J. Cheaveau, C. Cheeld, M. Cheeseman, F. Chen, H.M. Chen, T. Chen, F. Cheng, L.Y. Cheng, Z. Cheng, H. Chenoweth, C.H. Cheong, J.J. Cherian, S. Cherian, M. Cherrie, H. Cheshire, C.K. Cheung, E. Cheung, K. Cheung, M. Cheung, C. Cheyne, S. Chhabra, W.L. Chia, E. Chiang, A. Chiapparino, R. Chicano, G. Chikara, M. Chikungwa, Z.A. Chikwanha, G. Chilcott, S. Chilcott, A. Chilvers, P. Chimbo, K.W. Chin, W.J. Chin, R. Chineka, A. Chingale, E. Chinonso, C. Chin-Saad, M. Chirgwin, H. Chisem, C. Chisenga, C. Chisholm, B. Chisnall, C. Chiswick, S. Chita, N. Chitalia, M. Chiu, L. Chiverton, B. Chivima, C. Chmiel, S. Choi, W. Choon Kon Yune, M. Chopra, V. Choudhary, O. Choudhury, S. Choudhury, B.-L. Chow, M. Chowdhury, S. Chowdhury, A. Chrisopoulou, V. Christenssen, P. Christian, A. Christides, F. Christie, D. Christmas, G. Christoforou, T. Christopherson, A. Christou, M. Christy, P. Chrysostomou, Y. Chua, D. Chudgar, R. Chudleigh, S. Chukkambotla, M.E. Chukwu, I. Chukwulobelu, C.Y. Chung, E. Church, S.R. Church, D. Churchill, N. Cianci, P. Cicconi, P. Cinardo, Z. Cipinova, B. Cipriano, S. Clamp, B. Clancy, M. Clapham, E. Clare, S. Clare, A. Clark, C. Clark, D. Clark, E. Clark, F. Clark, G. Clark, J. Clark, K. Clark, L. Clark, M. Clark, N. Clark, P. Clark, R. Clark, T. Clark, Z. Clark, A. Clarke, J. Clarke, P. Clarke, R. Clarke, S. Clarke, A. Claxton, L. Claxton, K. Clay, C. Clayton, E. Clayton, O. Clayton, J. Clayton-Smith, B. Clearyb, C. Cleaver, R. Cleeton, I. Clement, C. Clemente de la Torre, J. Clements, S. Clements, S. Clenton, S. Cliff, R. Clifford, S. Clifford, A. Clive, J. Clouston, V. Clubb, S. Clueit, L. Clutterbuck, A. Clyne, M. Coakley, P.G.L. Coakley, K. Cobain, A. Cochrane, P. Cochrane, L. Cockayne, M. Cockerell, H. Cockerill, S. Cocks, R. Codling, A. Coe, S. Coetzee, D. Coey, D. Cohen, J. Cohen, O. Cohen, M. Cohn, L. Coke, O. Coker, N. Colbeck, R. Colbert, E. Cole, J. Cole, G. Coleman, M. Coleman, N. Coleman, H. Coles, M. Colin, A. Colino-Acevedo, J. Colley, K. Collie, A. Collier, D. Collier, H. Collier, T. Collingwood, P. Collini, E. Collins, J. Collins, K. Collins, M. Collins, N. Collins, S. Collins, V. Collins, A. Collinson, B. Collinson, J. Collinson, M. Collis, M. Colmar, H.E. Colton, J. Colton, K. Colville, C. Colvin, E. Combes, D. Comer, A. Comerford, D. Concannon, A. Condliffe, R. Condliffe, E. Connell, L. Connell, N. Connell, K. Connelly, G. Connolly, E. Connor, A. Conroy, K. Conroy, V. Conteh, R. Convery, F. Conway, G. Conway, R. Conway, J.-A. Conyngham, A. Cook, C. Cook, E. Cook, G. Cook, H. Cook, J. Cook, M. Cook, S. Cook, D. Cooke, G. Cooke, H. Cooke, J. Cooke, K. Cooke, T. Cooke, V. Cooke, A. Cooper, C. Cooper, D. Cooper, H. Cooper, J. Cooper, L. Cooper, N. Cooper, R. Cooper, S. Cooray, T. Cope, S. Corbet, C. Corbett, A. Corbishley, J. Corcoran, C. Cordell, J. Cordle, A. Corfield, J. Corless, A. Corlett, J. Cornwell, M. Cornwell, D. Corogeanu, A. Corr, M. Corredera, R. Corrigan, P. Corry, R. Corser, J. Cort, D. Cosgrove, T. Cosier, P. Costa, T. Costa, C. Coston, S. Cotgrove, Z. Coton, L.-J. Cottam, R. Cotter, D. Cotterill, C. Cotton, G. Couch, M. Coulding, A. Coull, D. Counsell, D. Counter, C. Coupland, E. Courtney, J. Courtney, R. Cousins, A.J. Coutts, A. Cowan, E. Cowan, R. Cowan, R. Cowell, L. Cowen, S. Cowman, A. Cowton, E. Cox, G. Cox, H. Cox, K. Cox, M. Cox, K. Coy, A. Cradduck-Bamford, H. Craig, J. Craig, V. Craig, F. Craighead, M. Cramp, H. Cranston, S.S. Crasta, J. Crause, A. Crawford, E. Crawford, I. Crawford, S. Crawshaw, B. Creagh-Brown, A. Creamer, A. Creaser-Myers, J. Cremona, S. Cremona, A. Crepet, J. Cresswell, M. Cribb, C. Crichton, D. Crilly, L. Crisp, N. Crisp, D. Crocombe, M. Croft, J. Crooks, H. Crosby, E. Cross, T. Cross, A. Crothers, S. Crotty, S. Crouch, M. Crow, A. Crowder, K. Crowley, T. Crowley, R. Croysdill, C. Cruickshank, I. Cruickshank, J. Cruise, C. Cruz, T. Cruz Cervera, D. Cryans, G. Cui, H. Cui, L. Cullen, G. Cummings-Fosong, V. Cunliffe, N. Cunningham, J. Cupitt, H. Curgenven, G. Curnow, D. Curran, S. Curran, C. Currie, J. Currie, S. Currie, J. Curtis, K. Curtis, M. Curtis, O. Curtis, T. Curtis, R. Cuthbertson, J. Cuthill, S. Cutler, S. Cutts, M. Czekaj, P. Czylok, S. D’Souza, J. da Rocha, G.S. Dadzie, M. Dafalla, A. Dagens, H. Daggett, J. Daglish, S. Dahiya, A. Dale, K. Dale, M. Dale, S. Dale, J. Dales, U. D'Alessandro, H. Dalgleish, H. Dallow, C. D'aloia, D. Dalton, M. Dalton, Z. Daly, M. Damani, E. Damm, L. Dan, A. Danga, J. Dangerfield, A. Daniel, P. Daniel, A. Daniels, A. Dann, K.G. Danso, S. Danso-Bamfo, Q.T. Dao, S. Darby, A. Darbyshire, J. Darbyshire, P. Dargan, P. Dark, K. Darlington, S. Darnell, T. Darton, G. Darylile, A. Das, M. Das, S. Das, M. Daschel, J. Dasgin, D. Datta, A. Daunt, V. Dave, E. Davenport, M. Davey, M. David, A. Davidson, L. Davidson, N. Davidson, R. Davidson, A. Davies, B. Davies, C. Davies, D. Davies, E. Davies, F. Davies, G. Davies, H. Davies, J. Davies, K. Davies, L. Davies, M. Davies, N. Davies, O. Davies, P. Davies, R. Davies, S. Davies, A. Davis, J.-A. Davis, K. Davis, P. Davis, A. Davis-Cook, A. Davison, C. Dawe, H. Dawe, M. Dawkins, A. Dawson, D. Dawson, E. Dawson, J. Dawson, L. Dawson, M. Dawson, S. Dawson, T. Dawson, I. Dawson, A. Daxter, A. Day, J. Day, J. D'Costa, P. De, D. de Fonseka, T. de Freitas, P. De Los Santos Dominguez, R. De Pretto, F. De Santana Miranda, E. de Sausmarez, S. de Silva, T. de Silva, J. De Sousa, P. De Sousa, J. de Souza, P. De Souza, A. De Soyza, N. de Vere, J. de Vos, B. Deacon, S. Dealing, A. Dean, J. Dean, K. Dean, S. Dean, T. Dean, J. Deane, J. Dear, E. Dearden, C. Deas, S. Debbie, G. Debreceni, V. Deelchand, M. Deeley, J. Deery, E. Defever, M. Del Forno, A. Dela Rosa, G. De-La-Cedra, A. Dell, C. Demetriou, D. DeMets, J. Democratis, J. Denham, E. Denis, L. Denley, C. Denmade, A. Dent, K. Dent, M. Dent, E. Denton, T. Denwood, N. Deole, D. Depala, M. Depante, S. Dermody, A. Desai, P. Desai, S. Deshpande, V. Deshpande, S. Devkota, U. Devkota, D. Devonport, M. Devonport, P. Dey, V. Dey, R. Deylami, K. Dhaliwal, P. Dhangar, S. Dhani, A. Dhanoa, M. Dhar, A. Dhariwal, D. Dharmasena, D. Dhasmana, E. Dhillon, R. Dhillon, S. Dhillon, M. Dhimal, D. Dhiru, T. Dhorajiwala, P. Dias, S. Diaz, K. Diaz-Pratt, M. Dibas, D. Dickerson, P. Dicks, M. Dickson, S. Dickson, J. Digby, R. Digpal, S. Dillane, S. Diment, P. Dimitri, G. Dimitriadis, S. Din, T.H. Dinh, T.T.T. Dinh, C. Dipheko, A. Dipper, S. Dipro, L. Dirmantaite, L. Dismore, L. Ditchfield, S. Diver, L. Diwakar, P. Diwan, C. Dixon, G. Dixon, K. Dixon, B. Djeugam, S. Dlamini, P. Dlouhy, A. D'Mello, P. Dmitri, T. Do, T.T. Do, L. Dobbie, M. Dobranszky Oroian, C. Dobson, L. Dobson, M. Docherty, D. Dockrell, J. Dodd, J. Dodds, R. Dodds, S. Dodds, R. Dogra, C. Doherty, E. Doherty, W. Doherty, Y. Doi, I. Doig, E. Doke, D. Dolan, M. Dolman, R. Dolman, L. Donald, K. Donald, C. Donaldson, D. Donaldson, G. Donaldson, K. Donaldson, P. Dong, P.K. Dong, M. Donkor, S. Donlon, J. Donnachie, E. Donnelly, R. Donnelly, P. Donnison, A. Donohoe, G. Donohoe, B. Donohue, E. Dooks, R. Doonan, R. Doorn, G. Doran, R. Dore, K. Dorey, S. Dorgan, K. Dos Santos, M. Dosani, D. Dosanjh, P. Dospinescu, I. Doss, T. Doudouliaki, A. Dougherty, J. Doughty, K. Douglas, J. Douse, A. Dow, L. Dowden, M. Dower, S. Dowling, N. Downer, C. Downes, R. Downes, T. Downes, D. Downey, R. Downey, C. Downing, L. Downs, S. Dowson, C. Dragan, C. Dragos, M. Drain, C. Drake, V. Drew, O. Drewett, A. Drexel, C. Driscoll, H. Drogan, O. Drosos, G. Drummond, K. Drury, K. Druryk, R. Druyeh, J. Dryburgh-Jones, S. Drysdale, P. Dsouza, A. Du Thinh, I.K. Duah, H. Dube, J. Dube, S. Duberley, P. Duckenfield, H. Duckles-Leech, N. Duff, E. Duffield, H. Duffy, K. Duffy, L. Dufour, A. Duggan, P. Dugh, R. Duhoky, J. Duignan, J. Dulay, S. Dummer, A. Duncan, C. Duncan, F. Duncan, G. Duncan, H. Duncan, R. Duncan, S. Dundas, D.V. Dung, N.T.P. Dung, A. Dunleavy, J. Dunleavy, A. Dunn, C. Dunn, D. Dunn, L. Dunn, P. Dunn, C. Dunne, K. Dunne, F. Dunning, A. Dunphy, T. Duong, T.T.H. Duong, V. Duraiswamy, B. Duran, I. DuRand, L. Durdle, N. Duric, A. Durie, E. Durie, S. Durogbola, C. Durojaiye, L. Durrans, K. Durrant, H. Durrington, I. Duru, H. Duvnjak, A. Dwarakanath, L. Dwarakanath, D. Dwomoh Nkrumah, E. Dwyer, Z. Dyar, C. Dyball, K. Dyer, H. Dymond, T. Dymond, E.D. Dzidzomu, C. Eades, L. Eadie, R. Eadie, L. Eagles, B. Eapen, N. Earl, J. Early, M. Earwaker, N. Easom, C. East, A. Easthope, F. Easton, J. Easton, P. Easton, R. Eatough, O. Ebigbola, M. Ebon, A. Eccles, S. Eccles, C. Eddings, M. Eddleston, M. Edgar, K. Edgerley, N. Edmond, M. Edmondson, T. Edmunds, A. Edwards, C. Edwards, J. Edwards, K. Edwards, M. Edwards, S. Edwards, J. Eedle, A. Eggink, S. Eggleston, L. Ehiorobo, S. Eisen, M. Ekoi, A. Ekunola, N. Elashbar, L. Elawamy, D. Eleanor, S. El Behery, M. Elbeshy, K. El-Bouzidi, M. El-Din, E. Eldridge, U. Elenwa, I. Eletu, E. Elfar, M. Elgamal, A. Elgohary, N. Elkaram, R. Elmahdi, S. Eliammmknjhhhh, J. Elias, T. Elias, A. Elkins, J. Ellam, L. Ellerton, L. Elliot, A. Elliott, F. Elliott, K. Elliott, S. Elliott, A. Ellis, C. Ellis, K. Ellis, L. Ellis, R. Ellis, T. Ellis, T.-Y. Ellis, Y. Ellis, A. Ellwood, E. Elmahi, H.-M. Elmasry, A. Emery, M. El-Naggar, N. Elndari, O. Elneima, M. Elokl, A. Elradi, M. Elsaadany, M.A.S.A. Elsayed, S. El-Sayeh, H. El-Sbahi, M. Elsebaei, T. Elsefi, K. El-Shakankery, A. Elsheikh, H. El-Taweel, S. Elyoussfi, J. Emberey, J.R. Emberson, J. Emberton, J. Emmanuel, I. Emmerson, M. Emms, F. Emond, M. Emonts, N. Enachi, D. Enenche, A. Engden, K. English, C. Enimpah, E. Entwistle, H. Enyi, M. Erotocritou, P. Eskander, H. Esmail, F. Essa, B. Evans, C. Evans, D. Evans, E. Evans, G. Evans, I. Evans, J. Evans, L. Evans, M. Evans, R. Evans, S. Evans, T. Evans, C. Everden, S. Everden, L. Every, H. Evison, L. Evison, C. Ezenduka, J. Faccenda, L. Fahel, Y. Fahmay, I. Fairbairn, S. Fairbairn, T. Fairbairn, A. Fairclough, L. Fairlie, M. Fairweather, A. Fajardo, N. Falcone, E. Falconer, J. Fallon, A. Fallow, D. Faluyi, V. Fancois, A. Farah, M. Farah, Q. Farah, N.Z. Fard, L. Fares, A. Farg, A. Farmer, K. Farmer, T. Farmery, S. Farnworth, F. Farook, H. Farooq, S. Farooq, F. Farquhar, H. Farr, A. Farrell, B. Farrell, F. Farrukh, J. Farthing, S. Farzana, R. Fasina, A. Fatemi, M. Fatemi, S. Fathima, N. Fatimah, M. Faulkner, S. Faust, C. Favager, A. Fawad, J. Fawke, S. Fawohunre, A. Fazal, A. Fazleen, S. Fearby, C. Fearnley, A. Feben, F. Fedel, D. Fedorova, C. Fegan, M. Felongo, L. Felton, T. Felton, K. Fenlon, A. Fenn, R. Fennelly, I. Fenner, C. Fenton, M. Fenton, G. Ferenando, C. Ferguson, J. Ferguson, K. Ferguson, S. Ferguson, V. Ferguson, D. Fernandes, C. Fernandez, E. Fernandez, M. Fernandez, S. Fernandez Lopez, J. Fernandez Roman, C.J. Fernando, J. Fernando, A. Feroz, P. Ferranti, T. Ferrari, E. Ferrelly, A. Ferrera, E. Ferriman, S. Ferron, N. Fethers, B. Field, J. Field, R. Field, K. Fielder, L. Fieldhouse, A. Fielding, J. Fielding, S. Fielding, A. Fikree, S. Filipa, S. Filson, S. Finan, S. Finbow, D.J. Finch, J. Finch, L. Finch, S. Finch, N. Fineman, J. Finlayson, L. Finlayson, A. Finn, J. Finn, D. Finnerty, C. Finney, D. Finucane, S. Fiouni, J. Fiquet, P. Firi, J. Fisher, N. Fisher, D. Fishman, K. Fishwick, C. Fitton, F. Fitzgerald, K. Fitzjohn, J. Flaherty, M. Flanagan, C. Flanders, N. Flaris, G. Fleming, J. Fleming, L. Fleming, P. Fleming, W. Flesher, A. Fletcher, J. Fletcher, L. Fletcher, S. Fletcher, F. Flett, K. Flewitt, S. Flockhart, C. Flood, I. Floodgate, J. Flor, V. Florence, M. Flowerdew, S. Floyd, M.J. Flynn, R. Flynn, C. Foden, A. Fofana, G. Fogarty, P. Foley, L. Folkes, T. Fong, D.M. Font, A. Foo, J. Foo, A. Foot, H.R. Foot, J. Foot, J. Forbes, A. Ford, J. Ford, I. Fordham, J. Foreman, M. Forester, M. Forkan, C. Fornolles, A. Forrest, E. Forsey, M. Forsey, T. Forshall, E. Forster, A. Forsyth, J. Forton, C. Foster, E. Foster, J. Foster, R.A. Foster, T. Foster, A. Foulds, I. Foulds, F. Fowe, N. Fowkes, E. Fowler, R. Fowler, S. Fowler, A. Fox, C. Fox, H. Fox, J. Fox, L. Fox, N. Fox, O. Fox, S. Fox, S.-J. Foxton, E. Fraile, R. Frake, A. Francioni, O. Francis, R. Francis, S. Francis, T. Francis-Bacon, H. Frankland, J. Franklin, S. Franklin, C. Fraser, A. Fratila, S. Frayling, M. Fredlund, A. Freeman, C. Freeman, E. Freeman, H. Freeman, N. Freeman, C. Freer, E. French, T. French, K. Freshwater, M. Frise, R. Fromson, A. Frosh, J. Frost, V. Frost, O. Froud, R. Frowd, A. Fryatt, A. Frygier, B. Fuller, L. Fuller, T. Fuller, D. Fullerton, C. Fung, G. Fung, S. Funnell, J. Furness, A. Fyfe, N. G, E. Gabbitas, C. Gabriel, Z. Gabriel, H. Gachi, S. Gaffarena, S. Gage, J. Gahir, S. Gajebasia, K. Gajewska-Knapik, B. Gajmer, Z. Galani, C. Gale, H. Gale, L. Gale, R. Gale, S. Gali, B. Gallagher, J. Gallagher, R. Gallagher, W. Gallagher, F. Gallam, J. Galliford, C. Galloway, E. Galloway, J. Galloway, A. Galvin, V. Galvis, G. Gamble, L. Gamble, B. Gammon, C.N. Gan, M.B. Ganaie, J. Ganapathi, R. Ganapathy, K. Gandhi, S. Gandhi, U. Ganesh, T. Ganeshanathan, S. Ganguly, A. Gani, P. Ganley, U. Garcia, E.-J. Garden, A.D. Gardener, E. Gardiner, M. Gardiner, P. Gardiner, S. Gardiner, C. Gardiner-Hill, J. Gardner, L. Gardner, M. Garfield, A. Garg, I. Garg, N. Garlick, D. Garner, J. Garner, L. Garner, Z. Garner, R. Garr, K.A. Garrero, M. Gartaula, F. Garty, R. Gascoyne, H. Gashau, A. Gatenby, E. Gaughan, A. Gaurav, M. Gavrila, J. Gaylard, S. Gayle, C. Geddie, I. Gedge, S. Gee, F. Geele, K. Geerthan, M. Gellamucho, K. Gelly, L. Gelmon, S. Gelves-Zapata, G. Genato, N. Gent, S. Gent, N. Geoghegan, A. George, B. George, S. George, T. George, V.P. George, S. Georges, D. Georgiou, P. Gerard, L. Gerdes, L. Germain, H. Gerrish, A. Getachew, L. Gethin, S. Gettings, H. Ghanayem, B. Ghavami Kia, S. Ghazal, A. Gherman, A. Ghosh, D. Ghosh, J. Ghosh, S. Ghosh, T. Giang, T.V. Giang, S. Giannopoulou, M. Gibani, C. Gibb, B. Gibbison, K. Gibbons, A. Gibson, B. Gibson, J. Gibson, K. Gibson, S. Gibson, M. Gigi, C. Gilbert, J. Gilbert, K. Gilbert, B. Giles, J. Gilham, M. Gill, L. Gill, P. Gillen, A. Gillesen, K. Gillespie, E. Gillham, A. Gillian, D. Gilliland, R. Gillott, D. Gilmour, K. Gilmour, L. Gilmour, L. Ginn, F. Ginting, T. Giokanini-Royal, A. Gipson, B. Giri, J. Girling, R. Gisby, A. Gkioni, A. Gkoritsa, E. Gkrania-Klotsas, A. Gladwell, J. Glanville, J. Glasgow, S. Glasgow, J. Glass, L. Glass, S. Glaysher, L. Gledhill, E. Glenday, A. Glennon, J. Glossop, J. Glover, K. Glover, M. Glover, J. Glover Bengtsson, D. Glowski, S. Glynn, C. Gnanalingam, J. Goddard, W. Goddard, E. Godden, J. Godden, S. Godlee, E. Godson, G. Godwin, S. Gogoi, A. Goh, M. Gohel, R. Goiriz, S. Gokaraju, R. Goldacre, A. Goldsmith, P. Goldsmith, D. Gomersall, L. Gomez, R. Gomez-Marcos, A. Gondal, C. Gonzalez, J. Goodall, V. Goodall, B. Goodenough, A. Goodfellow, L. Goodfellow, J. Goodlife, C. Goodwin, E. Goodwin, J. Goodwin, P. Goodyear, R. Gooentilleke, M. Goonasekara, S. Gooseman, S. Gopal, C. Gordon, S. Gordon, R. Gore, H. Gorick, C. Gorman, S. Gormely, M. Gorniok, D. Gorog, M. Gorst, T. Gorsuch, J. Gosai, R. Gosling, S. Gosling, G. Gosney, V. Goss, D. Gotham, N. Gott, E. Goudie, N. Gould, S. Gould, C. Goumalatsou, L. Gourbault, A. Govind, R. Govindan, S. Gowans, G. Gowda, R. Gowda, H. Gower, P. Goyal, S. Goyal, C. Graham, J. Graham, L. Graham, R. Graham, S. Graham, M. Graham-Brown, J. Grahamslaw, G. Grana, T. Grandison, L. Grandjean, A. Grant, D. Grant, K. Grant, M. Grant, P. Grant, R. Gravell, J. Graves, A. Gray, C. Gray, G. Gray, J. Gray, K. Gray, N. Gray, R. Gray, S. Gray, A. Grayson, F. Greaves, P. Greaves, A. Green, A.S. Green, C. Green, C.A. Green, D. Green, F. Green, J. Green, M. Green, N. Green, S. Green, D. Greene, P. Greenfield, A. Greenhalgh, D. Greenwood, S. Greer, J. Gregory, K. Gregory, T. Gregory, J. Greig, R. Grenfell, T. Grenier, J. Grenville, J. Gresty, S. Grevatt, G. Grey, S. Gribben, A. Gribbin, A. Gribble, N. Grieg, D. Grieve, B. Griffin, D. Griffin, M. Griffin, S. Griffith, A. Griffiths, D. Griffiths, I. Griffiths, M. Griffiths, N. Griffiths, O. Griffiths, S. Griffiths, Y. Griffiths, S. Grigoriadou, S. Grigsby, P. Grist, E. Grobovaite, D. Grogono, C. Grondin, R. Groome, P. Grose, L. Grosu, J. Grounds, M. Grout, H. Grover, J. Groves, N. Grubb, J. Grundy, F. Guarino, S. Gudur, J. Guerin, S. Guettari, S. Gulati, V. Gulia, H. Gunasekara, P. Gunasekera, M. Gunawardena, K. Gunganah, J. Gunn, E. Gunter, A. Gupta, A.K. Gupta, R. Gupta, T. Gupta, V. Gupta, A. Gupta-Wright, V. Guratsky, A. Gureviciute, S. Gurram, A. Gurung, B. Gurung, L. Gurung, S. Gurung, S. Gurung Rai, H. Guth, N. Guthrine, S. Gyambrah, P. Gyanwali, S. Gyawali, N. Ha, N.T. Ha, N.X. Ha, R. Habibi, B. Hack, J. Hackett, P. Hackney, C. Hacon, A. Haddad, D. Hadfield, N. Hadfield, S. Hadfield, M. Hadjiandreou, N. Hadjisavvas, A. Haestier, N. Hafiz, R. Hafiz-Ur-Rehman, J. Hafsa, S. Hagan, J.W. Hague, R. Hague, N. Haider, K. Haigh, V. Haile, J. Hailstone, C. Haines, S. Hainey, M. Hair, B. Hairsine, J. Hajnik, D. Hake, L. Hakeem, A. Haldeos, W. Halder, E. Hale, J. Hale, C. Halevy, P. Halford, W. Halford, A. Halim, A. Hall, C. Hall, E. Hall, F. Hall, H. Hall, J. Hall, K. Hall, L. Hall, J. Hallas, K. Hallas, C. Hallett, J. Halliday, A. Hallman, H. Halls, M. Hamdollah-Zadeh, I.A. Hamed-Adekale, B. Hameed, M. Hameed, R. Hamers, I. Hamid, M. Hamie, R. Hamill, B. Hamilton, F. Hamilton, G. Hamilton, L. Hamilton, M. Hamilton, N. Hamilton, S. Hamilton, R. Hamlin, E. Hamlyn, B. Hammans, S. Hammersley, K. Hammerton, B. Hammond, E. Hammond, L. Hammond, S. Hammond, F. Hammonds, I. Hamoodi, K. Hampshire, J.A. Hampson, J. Hampson, L. Hampson, L. Hamzah, J. Han, O. Hanci, S. Hand, L. Handayani, J. Handford, S. Handrean, N.K. Handzewniak, S. Haney, D.T.T. Hang, V. Hang, V.T.K. Hang, D. Hanh, S. Hanif, E. Hanison, J. Hannah, A. Hannington, M. Hannun, A. Hanrath, H. Hanratty, D. Hansen, A. Hanson, H. Hanson, J. Hanson, K. Hanson, S. Hanson, N. Hao, A. Haqiqi, M. Haque, H. Harcourt, L. Harden, Z. Harding, S. Hardman, M. Hardwick, G. Hardy, J. Hardy, Y. Hardy, K. Haresh, R. Harford, B. Hargadon, J. Hargraves, C. Hargreaves, A. Harin, M. Haris, E. Harlock, P. Harman, T. Harman, M. Harmer, M.A. Haroon, C. Harper, H. Harper, J. Harper, P. Harper, R. Harper, S. Harrhy, K. Harrington, S. Harrington, Y. Harrington-Davies, J. Harris, L. Harris, M.-C. Harris, N. Harris, S. Harris, D. Harrison, L. Harrison, M. Harrison, O.A. Harrison, R. Harrison, S. Harrison, T. Harrison, W. Harrison, E. Harrod, C. Hart, D. Hart, J. Hartley, L. Hartley, R. Hartley, T. Hartley, W. Hartrey, P. Hartridge, S. Hartshorn, A. Harvey, M. Harvey, C. Harwood, H. Harwood, Z. Harzeli, B. Haselden, H. Hasford, K. Hashem, M. Hashimm, T. Hashimoto, I. Hashmi, J. Haslam, Z. Haslam, G. Hasnip, A. Hassan, Z. Hassan, S. Hassasing, J. Hassell, P. Hassell, A. Hastings, B. Hastings, J. Hastings, S. Hathaway-Lees, J. Hatton, J. Hau, M. Havinden-Williams, S. Havlik, D.B. Hawcutt, K. Hawes, L. Hawes, N. Hawes, L. Hawker, A. Hawkins, J. Hawkins, N. Hawkins, W. Hawkins, D. Hawley, E. Hawley-Jones, E. Haworth, A.W. Hay, C. Hay, A. Hayat, J. Hayat, M.-R. Hayathu, A. Hayes, J. Hayes, K. Hayes, M. Hayes, F. Hayes, P. Hayle, C. Haylett, A. Hayman, M. Hayman, M. Haynes, R. Haynes, R. Hayre, C. Hays, S. Haysom, J. Hayward, P. Haywood, H. Haywood Hasford, T. Hazelton, P. Hazenberg, Z. He, E. Headon, C. Heal, B. Healy, J.L. Healy, A. Hearn, D. Heasman, A. Heath, D. Heath, R. Heath, D. Heaton, A. Heavens, K. Hebbron, C. Heckman, G. Hector, S. Heddon, A. Hedges, K. Hedges, C. Heeley, E. Heeney, R. Heinink, R. Heire, I. Helgesen, J. Hemingway, U. Hemmila, B. Hemmings, S. Hemphill, D. Hemsley, A. Henderson, E. Henderson, J. Henderson, S. Henderson, J. Henry, K. Henry, L. Henry, M. Henry, N. Henry, D. Henshall, G. Herdman, R. Herdman-Grant, M. Herkes, L.E. Hermans, F. Hernandez, E. Heron, L. Heron, W. Herrington, E. Heselden, P. Heslop, T. Heslop, S. Hester, E. Hetherington, J. Hetherington, C. Hettiarachchi, P. Hettiarachchi, H. Hewer, J. Hewertson, A. Hewetson, S. Hewins, N. Hewitson, C. Hewitt, D. Hewitt, R. Hewitt, S. Hey, R.S. Heyderman, M. Heydtmann, J. Heys, J. Heywood, M. Hibbert, J. Hickey, N. Hickey, P. Hickey, N. Hickman, A. Hicks, J. Hicks, S. Hicks, P. Hien, T. Hien, T.T. Hien, D. Higbee, L. Higgins, A. Higham, M. Highcock, J. Highgate, M. Hikmat, A. Hill, H. Hill, J. Hill, L. Hill, P. Hill, U. Hill, A. Hilldrith, C. Hillman-Cooper, J. Hilton, Z. Hilton, S. Hinch, A. Hindle, E. Hindley, A. Hindmarsh, P. Hine, K. Hinshaw, C. Hird, C. Hirst, L. Hirst, J. Hives, H.M. Hlaing, B. Ho, D.K.K. Ho, R. Ho, L. Hoa, L.N.M. Hoa, M. Hoare, D. Hobden, G. Hobden, M. Hobrok, S. Hobson, C. Hodge, S. Hodge, L. Hodgen, G. Hodgetts, H. Hodgkins, S. Hodgkinson, D. Hodgson, H. Hodgson, L. Hodgson, S. Hodgson, G. Hodkinson, K. Hodson, M. Hodson, A. Hogan, M. Hogben, L. Hogg, L. Hoggett, A. Holborow, C. Holbrook, R. Holbrook, C. Holden, J. Holden, M. Holden, S. Holden, T. Holder, N. Holdhof, H. Holdsworth, L. Holland, M. Holland, N. Holland, P. Holland, S. Holland, M.L. Hollands, E. Holliday, K. Holliday, M. Holliday, N. Holling, L. Hollos, N. Hollos, L. Holloway, S. Holloway, M. Hollowday, M. Hollyer, A. Holman, A. Holmes, M. Holmes, R. Holmes, K. Holroyd, B. Holroyd-Hind, L. Holt, S. Holt, A. Holyome, M. Home, R. Homewood, K. Hong, L. Hoole, C. Hooper, S. Hope, B. Hopkins, P.W. Horby, S. Horler, A. Hormis, D. Hornan, N. Hornby, T. Horne, Z. Horne, R. Horner, C. Horrobin, L. Horsford, M. Horsford, V. Horsham, A. Horsley, E. Horsley, S. Horton, J. Hosea, T. Hoskins, M.S. Hossain, R. Hossain, M. Hough, S. Hough, C. Houghton, K. Houghton, R. Houlihan, K. Housely, H. Houston, R. Hovvels, L. How, L. Howaniec, J. Howard, K. Howard, L. Howard, M. Howard, S. Howard, R. Howard-Griffin, L. Howard-Sandy, S. Howe, A. Howell, M. Howells, L. Howie, K. Howlett, S. Howlett, R. Howman, J. Hrycaiczuk, H. Htet, N.Z. Htoon, S. Htwe, Y. Hu, C.O.H. Huah, S. Huang, K. Hubbard, A. Huckle, S. Huda, A. Hudak, L. Hudig, H. Hudson, S. Hudson, O. Hudson, A. Hufton, C. Huggins, A. Hughes, C. Hughes, E. Hughes, G. Hughes, H. Hughes, L. Hughes, M. Hughes, R. Hughes, S. Hughes, V. Hughes, W. Hughes, L. Huhn, C. Hui, R. Hulbert, D. Hull, G. Hull, R. Hull, A. Hulme, P. Hulme, W. Hulse, G. Hulston, R. Hum, M. Hume, C. Humphrey, A. Humphries, J. Humphries, T. Hung, C. Hunt, F. Hunt, J. Hunt, K. Hunt, L. Hunt, M. Hunt, S. Hunt, A. Hunter, C. Hunter, E. Hunter, K. Hunter, N. Hunter, R. Hunter, S. Hunter, G. Huntington, F. Huq, E. Hurditch, J. Hurdman, C. Hurley, K. Hurley, M.A. Husain, S. Husaini, C. Huson, A. Hussain, C. Hussain, I. Hussain, M. Hussain, R. Hussain, S. Hussain, Y. Hussain, M. Hussam El-Din, S.F.E.M. Hussein, Z. Hussein, R. Hussey, A.H. Hussien, A. Hutchinson, C. Hutchinson, D. Hutchinson, E. Hutchinson, J. Hutchinson, C. Hutsby, P. Hutton, N. Huy, N.Q. Huy, N. Huyen, N.T.T. Huyen, T. Huyen, T.B. Huyen, N.T. Huyen Thuong, H. Huynh, D. Hydes, J. Hyde-Wyatt, N. Hynes, M. Hyslop, A. Iakovou, K. Ibison, M. Ibraheim, A. Ibrahim, J. Ibrahim, M. Ibrahim, W. Ibrahim, B. Icke, A.I. Idowu, M. Idrees, N. Idrees, H. Iftikhar, M. Iftikhar, C. Igwe, O. Igwe, M. Ijaz, A. Ikomi, C. Iles, S. Iliodromiti, M. Ilsley, L. Ilves, F.M. Ilyas, L. Imam-Gutierrez, M. Iman, C. Imray, H. Imtiaz, J. Ingham, R. Ingham, T. Ingle, J. Inglis, S. Inglis-Hawkes, A. Ingram, L. Ingram, T. Ingram, N. Innes, P. Inns, V. Inpadhas, K. Inweregbu, A.A. Ionescu, A. Ionita, I. Iordanov, A. Ipe, J. Iqbal, M. Iqbal, F. Iqbal Sait, I. Irabor, J. Irisari, R. Irons, M. Irshad, M.S. Irshad, J. Irvine, V. Irvine, R. Irving, M. Ishak, E. Isherwood, G. Isitt, A. Islam, M.D.T. Islam, S. Islam, A. Ismail, O. Ismail, C. Ison, M. Israa, S. Isralls, H. Istiqomah, M. Ivan, C. Ivenso, N. Ivin, A. Ivy, S. Iwanikiw, K. Ixer, M. Iyer, K. Jabbar, C. Jack, J. Jackman, S. Jackman, A. Jackson, B. Jackson, E. Jackson, H. Jackson, L. Jackson, M. Jackson, N. Jackson, S. Jackson, Y. Jackson, J. Jacob, P. Jacob, R. Jacob, N. Jacques, H. Jadhav, A. Jafar, D. Jafferji, A. Jaffery, C. Jagadish, V. Jagannathan, A. Jagne, M. Jagpal, N. Jain, S. Jain, S. Jaiswal, D. Jajbhay, T. Jaki, P. Jali, B. Jallow, Y. Jaly, R. Jama, A. Jamal, S. Jamal, Z. Jamal, Y. Jameel, A. James, C. James, K. James, L. James, M. James, N. James, O. James, P. James, R. James, S. James, T. James, J. Jameson, L. Jamieson, A. Jamison, P. Jane, K. Janes, A. Janmohamed, D. Japp, P. Jaques, V. Jardim, C. Jardine, C. Jarman, E. Jarnell, E. Jarvie, C. Jarvis, R. Jarvis, P. Jastrzebska, H. Javed, A. Javier, M. Jawad, L. Jawaheer, A. Jayachandran, D. Jayachandran, A. Jayadev, A. Jayakumar, D. Jayaram, R. Jayaram, G. Jayasekera, T. Jayatilleke, A. Jayebalan, J. Jeater, S. Jeddi, V. Jeebun, M.S. Jeelani, K. Jeffery, H. Jeffrey, R. Jeffrey, N. Jeffreys, B. Jeffs, C. Jeffs, J.P. Jeganathan Ponraj, D. Jegede, T. Jemima, I. Jenkin, A. Jenkins, C. Jenkins, D. Jenkins, E. Jenkins, I. Jenkins, P. Jenkins, S. Jenkins, F. Jennings, J. Jennings, L. Jennings, V. Jennings, E. Jerome, D. Jerry, G. Jervis, E. Jessup-Dunton, J. Jesus Silva, C. Jetha, K. Jethwa, R. Jha, S. Jhanji, K. Jian, Z. Jiao, L. Jimenez, A. Jimenez Gil, J. Jith, T. Joefield, N. Johal, S. Johal, K. Johannessen, A. Johari, A. John, M. John, N. John, E. Johns, M. Johns, A. Johnson, E. Johnson, G. Johnson, K. Johnson, L. Johnson, M. Johnson, N. Johnson, O. Johnson, R. Johnson, B. Johnston, C. Johnston, J. Johnston, S. Johnston, V. Johnston, D. Johnstone, E. Johnstone, J. Johnstone, M. Joishy, A. Jones, B. Jones, C. Jones, C.E. Jones, D. Jones, E. Jones, G. Jones, J. Jones, K. Jones, K.E. Jones, L. Jones, L.M. Jones, M. Jones, N. Jones, O. Jones, P. Jones, P.H. Jones, R. Jones, R.E. Jones, S. Jones, T. Jones, R. Jonnalagadda, R. Jordache, M. Jordan, S. Jordan, A. Jose, L. Jose, S. Jose, A. Joseph, G. Joseph, P.A. Joseph, R. Joseph, S. Joseph, D. Joshi, M. Joshi, P. Joshi, T. Joshi, B. Josiah, D.K. Joy, L. Joy, T. Joyce, H. Ju, A. Ju Wen Kwek, A. Judd, E. Jude, P. Judge, J. Juhl, S. Jujjavarapu, M. Juniper, E. Juszczak, D. Jyothish, R. Jaiswal, R.K. Jha, K. Kabiru Dawa, M. Kacar, D. Kadad, N. Kadam, N. Kader, A. Kailey, M. Kain, G. Kakoullis, A. Kakrani, A. Kala Bhushan, R.J.K. Kalayi, R. Kaliannan Periyasami, D. Kalita, I. Kalla, E. Kallistrou, T. Kalmus Eliasz, S. Kalsoom, E. Kam, J. Kamara, A. Kamath, P. Kamath, R. Kamath, S.A. Kamerkar, N. Kametas, M. Kamfose, C. Kamundi, D. Kanabar, L. Kane, S. Kanitkar, O. Kankam, T. Kannan, A. Kant, V. Kapil, R. Kapoor, S. Kapoor, S. Kaprapina, S. Kar, J. Kara, E. Karbasi, S. Karelia, R. Kark, A. Karkey, A. Karki, S. Karki, S. Karmali, V. Karunanithi, N. Karunaratne, N. Kasianczuk, A. Kasiappan Balasubramanian, V. Kasipandian, R. Kassam, J. Kathirgamachelvam, M. Kati, V. Katsande, K. Kaul, D. Kaur, J. Kaur, S. Kaur, Z. Kausar, L. Kavanagh, S. Kavanagh, M.A.A. Kawser, A. Kay, J. Kay, R. Kay, S. Kay, J.N. Kayappurathu, S. Kayastha, C. Kaye, A. Kazeem, P. KC, M. Ke, T. Keady, R. Kearns, N. Kearsley, J. Keating, L. Keating, E. Keddie-Gray, B. Keegan, R. Keen, N. Keenan, J. Kefas, S. Kegg, L. Keith, U. Keke, J. Kellett, J. Kelliher, A. Kelly, D. Kelly, E. Kelly, H. Kelly, L. Kelly, M. Kelly, R. Kelly, S. Kelly, M. Kelly-Baxter, O. Kelsall, M. Keltos, T. Kemp, E. Kendall, A. Kendall-Smith, S. Kennard, A. Kennedy, J. Kennedy, M. Kennedy, S. Kennedy-Hay, J. Kenny, M. Kent, L. Keogan, A. Keough, D. Kernaghan, A. Kerr, C. Kerrison, A. Kerry, H. Kerslake, I. Kerslake, H. Kerss, J. Keshet-Price, E. Kestelyn, G. Keyte, A. Khadar, D. Khadka, N.V. Khai, P. Khairunnisa, A. Khalid, H. Khalid, M. Khalid, M.U. Khalid, S. Khalid, T. Khalifa, A. Khalil, S. Khalil, A. Khan, B. Khan, F. Khan, M. Khan, K. Khan, M.A. Khan, N. Khan, O. Khan, R. Khan, S. Khan, T. Khan, W. Khan, Z. Khan, M.S. Khan Tharin, N.H. Khanh, U. Khatana, J. Khatri, H. Khatun, T. Khatun, M. Kheia, J. Khera, D. Khiem, D.P. Khiem, H.H.E. Khin, T.D. Khoa, N. Khoja, K. Khokhar, M.Q. Khong, J. Khoo, V.T. Khuong, C. Khurana, J. Kibaru, F. Kibutu, A. Kidd, M. Kidd, J. Kidney, S. Kidney, W. Kieffer, T. Kien, T.V. Kien, J. Kilbane, C. Kilby, E. Killen, B. Kilner, S. Kilroy, B. Kim, J.W. Kim, M. Kim, A. Kimber, S. Kimber, A. King, B. King, H. King, J. King, K. King, M. King, R. King, S. King, V. King, E. King-Oakley, L. Kingsmore, D.J. Kinnear, F. Kinney, S. Kiran, A. Kirby, A. Kirk, J. Kirk, A. Kirkby, E. Kirkham, G. Kirkman, L. Kirkpatrick, U. Kirwan, T. Kitching, L. Kitto, L. Kittridge, T. Kjoa, S. Klaczek, F. Kleemann, S. Kmachia, V. KN, C.P. Knapp, L. Knibbs, A. Knight, F. Knight, M. Knight, S. Knight, T. Knight, E. Knights, J. Knights, M. Knolle, P. Knopp, C. Knowles, K. Knowles, L. Knowles, E. Knox, L. Knox, O. Koch, M. Kocsor, R. Kodituwakku, G. Koduri, Y.J. Koe, J. Koirala, A. Koirata, E. Kolakaluri, M. Kolodziej, E. Kolokouri, S. Kon, N. Konar, M. Kononen, A. Konstantinidis, R. Kontogonis, H. Koo, I. Koopmans, E. Kopyj, L. Korcierz, J. Korolewicz, G. Koshy, C. Kosmidis, C. Kosztolanyi, J. Kotecha, E. Kothandaraman, R. Kothavale, K. Koukou, A. Kountourgioti, K. Kouranloo, R. Kousar, M. Kousteni, A. Koutalopoula, M. Kovac, A. Kozak Eskenazia, K. Krasauskas, R. Krishnamurthy, V. Krishnamurthy, M. Krishnan, H. Krishnan, N. Krishnapalli, S. Krizak, S. Krueper, S. Krupej, J. Krzowski, R. Kubaisi, S. Kubheka, A. Kubisz-Pudelko, S. Kuckreja, S. Kudsk-Iversen, A. Kudzinskas, C. Kukadiya, N. Kulkarni, S. Kumala Dewi, M. Kuma-Mintah, A. Kumar, G. Kumar, M. Kumar, R. Kumar, S. Kumar, V. Kumar, P. Kumar Panda, A. Kundu, H. Kunst, S.S. Kunwar, K. Kupiec, A. Kurani, M. Kurdy, K. Kuriakose, R. Kurian, V. Kurmars, C. Kuronen-Stewart, R.S. Kusangaya, V. Kushakovsky, A. Kutera, A. Kuverji, A. Kyei-Mensah, H. Kyepa, T. Kyere-Diabour, M. Kyi, N.M. Kyi, L. Kyle, K.-T. Kyriaki, J. Labao, L. Labuschagne, L. Lacey, N. Lack, M. Lacson, Z. Ladan, E. Ladlow, H. Lafferty, A. Lagnado, S. Laha, S. Lahane, C. Lai, J. Lai, P. Laidler, R. Laing, I. Laing-Faiers, E. Laity, K. Lake, N. Lakeman, D. Lalloo, F. Lalloo, A. Lam, C. Lam, F. Lamb, L. Lamb, T. Lamb, O. Lambert, P. Lambert, C. Lameirinhas, M.K.G. Lami, H. Lamont, M. Lamparski, D. Lamrani, C. Lanaghan, I. Lancona-Malcolm, G. Landers, M.J. Landray, M. Lane, N. Lane, A. Lang, S. Lang, D. Langer, M. Langley, C. Langoya, E. Langridge, E. Langthorne, H. Langton, B. Lara, T. Large, L.N. Lartey, S. Lassa, A. Last, S. Latham, V. Latham, A. Latheef, L. Latif, N. Latt, C. Lau, D. Lau, E. Lau, G.G. Laura, M. Laurenson, E. Lavington, H. Law, J. Law, K.Y. Law, P. Law, R. Law, L. Lawless, C. Lawrence, E. Lawrence, G. Lawrence, H.M. Lawrence, N. Lawrence, R. Lawrie, L. Lawson, N. Lawson, R. Lawson, M. Lay, S. Laybourne, C. Laycock, R. Layug, M. Lazo, D.H. Le, T.T. Le, V. Le, A. Lea, W. Lea, L.E. Leach, I. Leadbitter, T. Leahy, R. Lean, L. Leandro, D. Leaning, R. Leary, S. Leason, M.A. Ledingham, C. Lee, E. Lee, G. Lee, H. Lee, I. Lee, J. Lee, S. Lee, S.H. Lee, T. Lee, X. Lee, R. Lee, D. Lees, J. Lees, H. Legge, J. Leggett, K. Leigh-Ellis, D. Leitch, N. Leitch, E. Lekoudis, P. Lemessy, N. Lemoine, R. Lenagh, K. Leng, K. Lennon, L. Lennon, B. Leonard, K. Leonard, W. Leong, N. Leopold, O. Lepiarczyk, I. Leslie, E.N. Lestari, E. Lester, E. Levell, C. Levett, A. Levynska, A. Lewin, A. Lewis, C. Lewis, D. Lewis, H. Lewis, J. Lewis, K. Lewis, L. Lewis, M. Lewis, N. Lewis, R. Lewis, C. Lewis-Clarke, A. Lewszuk, P. Lewthwaite, S. Ley, A. Liao, V. Licence, D. Lieberman, S. Liebeschuetz, T. Light, N. Lightfoot, P. Lillie, A. Lillis, B. Lim, C. Lim, E.T. Lim, I. Lim, T. Lim, W. Lim, W.S. Lim, J. Limb, D. Limbu, U. Limbu, C. Linares, D. Linden, G. Lindergard, K. Lindley, C. Lindsay, E. Lindsay, M. Lindsay, H. Lindsay-Clarke, M. Ling, C. Lingam, N.V.H. Linh, V.D. Linh, L. Linkson, T. Linn, M. Linney, C. Lippold, G. Lipscomb, K. Lipscomb, L. Lipskis, A. Lisboa, E. Lister, J. Little, S. Little, L. Littlejohn, S. Liu, X. Liu, D.K. Llanera, R. Llewellyn, M. Llewelyn, A. Lloyd, O. Lloyd, R. Lloyd, S. Lo, D. Loader, C. Loan, L. Lobosco, L. Lock, S. Lock, A. Locke, J. Locke, T. Locke, T. Lockett, J. Lodge, K. Lodhia, M. Lofthouse, H. Loftus, M. Logan, C. Logue, S.Y. Loh, S. Lokanathan, K. Lomme, E. London, G. Long, N. Long, K. Longbottom, B. Longhurst, M. Longshaw, S. Longstaffe, J. Lonnen, C. Lonsdale, L. Looby, R. Loosley, L. Lopes, P. Lopez, R.W. Lord, S. Lord, C. Lorimer, F. Loro, R. Lorusso, C. Loughlin, W. Lovegrove, R. Loveless, M. Lovell, A. Loverdou, A. Low, J. Low, S. Low, A. Lowe, C. Lowe, E. Lowe, F. Lowe, L. Lowe, M. Lowe, R. Lowsby, V. Lowthorpe, G. Lubimbi, A. Lubina Solomon, G. Lucas, J. Lucas, A. Lucey, O. Lucey, S. Luck, L.H. Lui, A. Luintel, H. Luke, J. Luke, N. Lungu, A. Lunia, M. Lunn, J. Luo, M. Luscombe, J. Luveta, C.N. Luximon, K. Lwin, M. Lwin, A. Lye, B. Lyell, E. Lyka, A. Lynas, C. Lynch, D. Lynch, S. Lynch, R.-G. Maamari, H. Mabb, L. Mabelin, G. Mabeza, J. Macaro, K. Macconaill, C. Macdonald, A. Macduff, C. Macfadyen, J.G. Macfarlane, J. Macfarlane, L. Macfarlane, I. Macharia, L. MacInnes, I. MacIntyre, J. MacIntyre, K. Mack, C. Mackay, E. Mackay, L. Mackay, A. Mackenzie, M. Mackenzie, R. MacKenzie Ross, A. Mackey, F. Mackie, J. Mackie, R. Mackie, C. Mackinlay, C. Mackintosh, K. Mackintosh, M.J. MacLeod, S. Macleod, M. Macmahon, A. MacNair, C. Macphee, I. Macpherson, C. Macrae, A. MacRaild, Y. Madani, A. Madden, M. Madden, C. Madden-McKee, S. Maddison, N. Madeja, P. Madhivathanan, M. Madhusudhana, A. Madu, L. Madziva, M. Mafham, S. Magar, N. Magee, F. Magezi, N. Maghsoodi, C. Magier, L.M. Magnaye, M. Magriplis, M. Magtalas, N.P. Magula, N. Mahabir, S. Mahadevan-Bava, S. Mahajan, A. Maharajh, K. Maharjan, M. Maharjan, A. Mahaveer, B. Mahay, K. Mahay, A. Mahdi, H. Mahdi, N. Mahdi, T. Mahendiran, S. Mahendran, S. Maher, A. Maheswaran, S. Maheswaran, T. Maheswaran, P. Mahjoob-Afag, A. Mahmood, F. Mahmood, H. Mahmood, W. Mahmood, Z. Mahmood, H. Mahmoud, M. Mahmud, E. Mahony, T. Mahungu, O. Maiga, L. Mair, T. Majekdunmi, K. Majid, A. Major, R. Major, J. Majumdar, M.K.H. Majumder, T.L.A. Mak, A. Makan, E. Makanju, S. Makin, W.-O. Makinde, Y. Makkeyah, O.N. Makoetlane, M. Malanca, H. Malcolm, F. Malein, N. Malhan, A. Malicka, A. Malik, G. Malik, M. Maljk, P. Mallett, P. Mallinder, G. Mallison, L. Mallon, E. Malone, G. Maloney, M. Mamman, I. Man, K. Man, R. Mancinelli, M. Mancuso-Marcello, S. Mandal, S.K. Mandal, T. Manders, L. Manderson, J. Mandeville, T. Mane, R. Manhas, C. Maniero, R. Manikonda, I. Manjra, R. Mankiewitz, B. Mann, J. Manning, S. Manning, P. Mannion, K. Mansi, K. Manso, D. Mansour, M. Mansour, R. Mansour, I.T. Mapfunde, P. Mappa, A. Maqsood, H. Maraj, C. Marchand, N. Marcus, A. Marcyniuk, M. Marecka, D. Maren, G. Margabanthu, J. Margalef, L. Margarit, G. Margaritopoulos, M. Margarson, F. Maria del Rocio, T. Maria Pfyl, V. Mariano, A. Maric, G. Markham, B. Marks, M. Marks, P. Marks, E. Marler, E. Marouzet, A. Marriott, C. Marriott, N. Marriott, C. Marsden, K. Marsden, P. Marsden, S. Marsden, T. Marsden, C. Marsh, G. Marsh, R. Marsh, A. Marshall, G. Marshall, H. Marshall, J. Marshall, N. Marshall, R. Marshall, S. Marshall, E. Martin, G. Martin, H. Martin, J. Martin, K. Martin, L. Martin, M. Martin, N. Martin, T. Martin, W. Martin, S. Martin, T. Martindale, M. Martineau, L. Martinez, J.C. Martinez Garrido, J. Martin-Lazaro, V.K. Maruthamuthu, B. Marwan, G. Maryan, R. Mary-Genetu, S. Maryosh, V. Masani, A. Mascagni, D. Maseda, Z. Maseko, S. Mashate, Y. Mashhoudi, A. Mashta, I. Masih, S. Masih, N. Maskell, P. Maskell, P. Maskey, M. Masoli, J. Mason, R. Mason, C. Mason, M. Masood, M.T. Masood, S.S.M.E. Masood, T. Massa, I. Massey, J. Masters, A. Masud, L. Matapure, C. Matei, R. Matewe, E. Matey, M. Matharu, S. Mathen, A. Mather, N. Mather, J. Mathers, J. Matheson, A. Mathew, M. Mathew, V. Mathew, J. Mathews, K. Mathias, A. Mathioudakis, S. Matibela, D. Matila, W. Matimba-Mupaya, N. Matin, E. Matisa, E. Matkins, M. Matonhodze, E. Matovu, J. Mattappillil, A.J. Matthews, C. Matthews, H. Matthews, L. Mattocks, C. Maughan, T.T. Maulidya, E. Mawson, F. Maxton, A. Maxwell, V. Maxwell, E. May, J. May, P. May, I. Mayanagao, M. Maycock, J. Mayer, G. Mayers, V.A. Maynard, K. Mayne, T. Mayo, L. Mayola, S. Mayor, I. Mazen, T. Mazhani, A. Mazzella, N. Mburu, A. Mbuyisha, C. Mc Cague, E. McAleese, P. McAlinden, L. McAllister, A. McAlpine, G. McAlpine, J. McAndrew, H. McAuley, S. McAuliffe, C. McBrearty, E. McBride, M. McBuigan, J. McBurney, L. McCabe, G.L. McCafferty, L. McCafferty, A. McCairn, J. McCammon, N. McCammon, C. McCann, E. McCann, A. McCarrick, B. McCarron, E. McCarthy, M. McCarthy, N. McCarthy, S. McCaughey, T. McClay, B. McClelland, D. McClintock, M. McCloskey, K. McCollum, A. McCorkindale, P. McCormack, J. McCormick, W. McCormick, P. McCourt, J. McCrae, S. McCready, G. McCreath, H. McCreedy, C. McCue, I.J. McCullagh, L. McCullagh, M. McCullagh, C. McCullough, K. McCullough, N. McCullough, S. McCullough, F. McCurrach, J. McDermott, P. McDermott, R. McDermott, K. McDevitt, H. McDill, B. McDonald, C. McDonald, D. McDonald, R. McDonald, S. McDonald, N. McDonnell, C. McDougall, L. McDougall, R. McDougall, I. McEleavy, F. McElwaine, J. McEntee, E. McEvoy, C. McEwan, R. McEwen, M. McFadden, D. McFarland, M. McFarland, R. McFarland, J. McFlynn, E. McGarry, L. McGarvey, A. McGeachan, F. McGee, L. McGenily, C. McGettigan, M. McGettrick, C. McGhee, F. McGill, S. McGinnity, N. McGlinchey, P. McGlone, D. McGlynn, C. McGoldrick, E. McGough, C. McGovern, R. McGovern, A. McGowan, A. McGown, B. McGrath, A. McGregor, M.P. McGuigan, H. McGuinness, S. McGuire, T. McHugh, C. McInnes, N. McInnes, J. McIntosh, K. McIntyre, M. McIntyre, L. McKay, C.P. McKeag, J. McKeane, M. McKee, J. McKeever, J. McKenna, S. McKenna, M. McKenzie, D. McKeogh, C. McKerr, A.M. McKie, H. Mckie, L. Mckie, G. McKnight, H. McLachlan, A. McLaren, B. McLaren, N. McLarty, D. Mclaughlan, M. McLaughlin, J. McLay, M. McLeish, T. McLennan, S. McLure, A.M. McMahon, G. McMahon, M. McMahon, S. McMahon, T. McManus, M. McMaster, P. McMaster, F. Mcmeeken, S. McMeekin, N. McMillan, K. McMillen, J. McMinn, L. McMorrow, H. McMullen, C. McMurran, H. McNally, F. McNeela, L. McNeil, C. McNeill, J. McNeill, S. McNeill, U. McNelis, M. McNulty, R. McNulty, C. McParland, M. McPhail, A. McQueen, A. McSkeane, D. McSorland, T. McSorley, G. McTaggart, J. McTaggart, J. Mead, P. Mead, E. Meadows, O. Meakin, B. Mearns, C. Mearns, K. Mears, W. Mears, M. Meda, A. Mediana, R. Medine, T. Medveczky, S. Meehan, E. Meeks, A. Megan, N. Meghani, S. Meghjee, S. Megson, A. Mehar, M.N. Mehmood, R. Mehra, R. Mehta, G. Meintjes, J. Meirill, J. Meiring, R. Mejri, E. Mekonnen, S. Melander, A.-S. Melinte, J. Mellersh, L. Melling, C. Mellish, F. Mellor, J. Mellor, S. Mellor, Z. Mellor, K. Mellows, V. Melnic, A. Melville, D. Melville, J. Melville, H. Membrey, M. Mencias, A. Mendelski, M. Mendelson, C. Mendonca, C. Meney, C. Menezes, W. Mensah, J.E. Mensshan, A. Mentzer, D. Menzies, S. Menzies, S. Mepham, O. Mercer, P. Mercer, A. Merchant, F. Merchant, M. Mercioniu, M. Meredith, M. Merida Morillas, B. Merrick, J. Merritt, S. Merritt, P. Merron, E. Merwaha, S. Message, J. Messenger, G. Metcalf-Cuenca, A. Metcalfe, B. Metcalfe, K. Metcalfe, S. Metherell, A. Metryka, L. Mew, S. Meyrick, N. Mguni, J. Mhlongo, A. Miah, J. Miah, N. Miah, A. Mian, G. Mic, L. Micah-Amuah, D. Micallef, A. Michael, S. Michael, N. Michalak, L. Michalca-Mason, O. Michalec, J. Middle, H. Middleton, J. Middleton, M. Middleton, S. Middleton, S. Mieres, L. Mihalca-Mason, T. Mikolasch, S. Milgate, C. Millar, J. Millar, J. Millard, D. Miller, J. Miller, L. Miller, R. Miller, N. Miller-Biot, A. Miller-Fik, L. Millett, B. Milligan, H. Milligan, I. Milligan, C. Milliken, K. Millington, R. Millington, S. Millington, H. Mills, J. Mills, R. Mills, H. Millward, R. Miln, A. Milne, C. Milne, L. Milne, J. Milner, L. Milner, Z. Min, S. Mindel, N. Minh, P.A. Minkah, C. Minnis, P. Minnis, K. Minou, N. Minskip, J. Minton, F. Miranda, M. Mirela, T. Mirza, A. Misbahuddin, A. Mishra, B. Mishra, E. Mishra, R. Mishra, S. Misra, D. Mistry, H. Mistry, D. Mital, S. Mitchard, B. Mitchell, C. Mitchell, L.J. Mitchell, P. Mitchell, P. Mitchelmore, A. Mitra, S. Mitra, N. Mlambo, E. Moakes, K. Moar, E. Moatt, D. Mock Font, G. Modgil, A. Mohamed, O. Mohamed, A. Mohammad, W. Mohammad, A. Mohammed, O. Mohammed, Y.N.S. Mohammed, B. Mohamud, A. Moharram, H.-P. Mok, J. Mok, L. Mokogwu, M. Molina, C. Moller-Christensen, M. Mollet, M. Molloholli, A. Molloy, L. Molloy, A. Molyneux, R. Molyneux, T. Momoniat, H. Monaghan, K. Monaghan, S. Mongolu, T. Monika, K. Monsell, M. Montasser, A. Montgomery, H. Montgomery, P. Moodley, M. Moody, N. Moody, A. Moon, J. Moon, J.-H. Moon, M. Moon, M. Moonan, P. Moondi, S. Moorby, J. Moorcroft, A. Moore, C. Moore, D.A.J. Moore, F. Moore, J. Moore, L. Moore, N. Moore, S. Moore, V. Moore, R. Moores, E. Morab, J. Morales, N. Moramorell, L. Moran, G. Moray, J. Moreno-Cuesta, A. Morgan, C. Morgan, H. Morgan, K. Morgan, L. Morgan, M. Morgan, P. Morgan, K. Morgan-Jones, E. Morgan-Smith, J. Morilla, A. Morley, T. Morley, W. Morley, A. Morris, D. Morris, F. Morris, H. Morris, J. Morris, K. Morris, L. Morris, M.-A. Morris, N. Morris, P. Morris, S. Morris, D. Morrison, M. Morrison, S. Morrison, M. Morrissey, A.C. Morrow, A. Morrow, F. Morselli, G. Mortem, V. Mortland, C. Morton, G. Morton, P. Morzaria, D. Mosby, L. Moseley, K. Moshal, B. Moshy, A. Moss, C. Moss, J. Moss, S. Moss, O. Mostafa, G. Moth, N. Motherwell, S. Mottershaw, H. Moudgil, J. Mouland, C. Moulds, H. Moulton, G. Mounce, E. Mousley, C. Mowatt, K. Moxham, B. Moya, Q. Moyo, E. Mshengu, S. Mtuwa, A. Muazzam, I.A. Muazzam, N. Muchenje, D. Mudawi, G. Muddegowda, R. Mufti, I. Mugal, A. Mughal, J. Muglu, F. Muhammad, J. Muhammad, C. Muir, A. Mukherjee, D. Mukherjee, J. Mukhtar, S.A.A. Mukhtar, D. Mukimbiri, J. Mulcahy, M. Mulcahy, P. Mulgrew, B. Mulhearn, A. Mulla, D. Mullan, D. Mullasseril Kutten, N. Mullen, R. Mullett, C. Mulligan, S. Mulligan, L. Mumelj, A. Mumford, M. Munavvar, H. Munby, H. Munday, A. Munro, S. Munt, M. Mupudzi, A. Murad, O.H. Muraina, K. Muralidhara, M. Murdoch, J. Murira, A. Murphy, B. Murphy, C. Murphy, E. Murphy, G. Murphy, H. Murphy, P. Murphy, R. Murphy, S. Murphy, C. Murray, D. Murray, E. Murray, K. Murray, L. Murray, T. Murray, E. Murtagh, M. Murthy, C. Murton, R. Murton, N. Muru, R. Musanhu, M. Mushabe, O. Mushtaq, S. Musini, A.M.M. Mustafa, E. Mustafa, M. Mustafa, I. Mustapha, N. Mustfa, Z. Mustufvi, C. Mutch, R. Mutch, E. Mutema, B. Muthukrishnan, S. Mutton, N. Muzengi, M. Mwadeyi, B. Mwale, E. Mwaura, R. Myagerimath, A. Myers, S. Myers, J.S. Myerson, K. Myint, Y. Myint, G. Mynott, L. Myslivecek, P. Nabayego, E. Nadar, I. Nadeem, M. Nadheem, B. Nadjm, A. Naeem, H. Naeem, S. Naeem, S. Nafees, M. Nafei, W. Naftalia, T. Nagarajan, L. Naglik, I. Nagra, D. Nagra, M. Naguib, K. Naguleswaran, K.S. Nagumantry, K. Naicker, S. Naidoo, V. Naidoo, G. Naik, R. Naik, S. Naik, D.S. Nair, R. Nair, T. Nair, J. Naisbitt, K. Naismith, D. Nakiboneka-Ssenabulya, S. Nallapareddy, S. Nallapeta, A. Nallasivan, H. Nam, U. Nanda, A. Nandani, T. Nandwani, A.R. Naqvi, A. Naqvi, S. Naqvi, S. Nasa, D. Nash, N. Nasheed, A. Nasimudeen, U. Nasir, N. Nasronudin, T. Nasser, A. Natarajan, G. Natarajan, N. Natarajan, R. Natarajan, P. Nath, N. Nathaniel, M. Nathvani, P. Nathwani, G. Nava, N. Navaneetham, J. Navaratnam, H. Navarra, S. Naveed, J. Navin, K. Nawaz, S. Nawaz, B. Nayar, S. Naylor, M. Nayyar, F. Naz, M. Naz, B. Nazari, A. Nazir, S. Nazir, D. Ncomanzi, O. Ndefo, N.B. Ndoumbe, A. Neal, E. Neary, M. Negmeldin, J. Neil, P. Neill, H.E. Neils, A. Nejad, J. Nel, L. Nel, A. Nelson, B. Nelson, L. Nelson, M. Nelson, R. Nelson, S. Nelson, E. Nelwan, E.J. Nelwan, R. Nemane, S. Nepal, D. Nethercott, K. Netherton, K. Nettleton, J. Neupane, K. Neupane, A. Newby, D. Newby, T. Newcombe, H. Newell, C. Newman, D. Newman, H. Newman, J. Newman, O. Newman, T. Newman, R. Newport, M. Newton, A.Y.K.C. Ng, H.E.J. Ng, K.W. Ng, M. Ng, S. Ng, W.J. Ng, Y.W.M. Ng, T. Ngan, T.H. Ngo, G.C.E. Ngui, A. Ngumo, H.K. Nguyen, M.T. Nguyen, N. Nguyen, N.T. Nguyen, N.T.T. Nguyen, Q. Nguyen, T.H. Nguyen, T.H.T. Nguyen, T.T. Nguyen, T.T.N. Nguyen, T.T.P. Nguyen, K. Ngwenya, N.Y. Nhi, C. Nic Fhogartaigh, N. Nicholas, P. Nicholas, R. Nicholas, D. Nicholls, L. Nicholls, S. Nicholls, A. Nicholson, I. Nickson, E. Nicol, R. Nicol, P. Nicola, A. Nicoll, T. Nightingale, F. Nikita, P. Nikolaos, G. Nikonovich, A. Nilsson, K. Nimako, L. Nimako, C. Nimmo, P. Ninan, T. Ninh, M. Nirmalan, R. Niroula, A. Nisar, M. Nisar, T. Nisar, T. Nisbett, A. Nisha James, S. Nishat, T. Nishiyama, S. Nix, J. Nixon, M. Nixon, K. Nizam Ud Din, M. Nizami, S. Nizamis, R. Njafuh, I. Noakes, L. Noba, J. Noble, H. Noble, H.M. Noe, J. Nolan, J. Nolasco, Z. Noor, Z. Noori, J. Norcliffe, L. Norman, R. Norman, E. Norris, K. Norris, L. Norris, S.A. Nortcliffe, F. North, J. North, T. North, J. Northfield, S. Northover, J. Nortje, D. Norton, R. Norton, H. Notman, K. Nourein, T. Novak, N. Novas Duarte, C. Novis, J.A. Nowak, K.P. Nu, M. Nugdallah, A. Nugent, J. Nugent, C. Nugroho, N. Numbere, K. Nundlall, A. Nune, K. Nunn, M. Nunn, J. Nunnick, Y. Nupa, F. Nur, Z. Nurgat, R. Nurpeni, A. Nuttall, L. Nwafor, P. Nwajiugo, G. Nyamugunduru, L. Nyanor, M. Nyirenda, K. Nyland, D.O. Rinn, D.O. Shea, M. O Toole, M. O’Hara, C. O’Hara, L. O’Keefe, K. O’Reilly, W. O’Rourke, C. Oakley, N. Oakley, S. Oakley, H.T.K. Oanh, B. Obale, C. Oboh, C. O'Brien, J. O'Brien, K. O'Brien, L. O'Brien, N. O'Brien, R. O'Brien, T. O'Brien, E. O'Bryan, R. Obukofe, C. O'Callaghan, L. O'Connell, T. OConnor, C. O'Connor, G. O'Connor, M. Odam, S. Oddie, S. Oddy, Y. Odedina, K. Odedra, S. Odelberg, N. Odell, O. Oderinde, J. Odone, L. O'Donohoe, C. O'Donovan, I. Odysseos-Beaumont, S. O'Farrell, P. Offord, M. O'Flaherty, E. Ofori, T. Ogbara, C. Ogilvie, C. O'Gorman, I. Ogunjembola, O. Ogunkeye, U. Ohia, S. Ojha, O. Ojo, F. O'kane, M. O'Kane, T. Okeke, E. OKell, A. Okines, I. Okpala, E. Okpo, F. Okpoko, M. Okubanjo, C. Oladipo, L. Olaivar, R. Olaiya, J. Olatujoye, T. Old, G. Oleszkiewicz, A. Oliver, C. Oliver, J. Oliver, L. Oliver, M. Oliver, Z. Oliver, J. Oliver-Commey, N.O. Olokoto, F. Olonipile, O. Olufuwa, O. Olukoya, A. Oluwole-Ojo, L. O'Malley, I.V. Omale, P.K. Omane-Donkor, M. Omar, Z. Omar, N. Omer, E. Omoregie, C. O'Neill, L. O'Neill, C. Ong, O. Onuoha, C. Onyeagor, C.N. Oo, Z. Oo, H.C. Ooi, S.H. Ooi, A. Oomatia, A. Opata, M. Opena, R. Oram, C. Ord, J. Ord, C. Oreilly, L. Orekoya, D. O'Riordan, S. O'Riordan, I. Orlikowska, A. Orme, H. Orme, L. O'Rourke, C. Orr, S. Orr, C. Orton, A. Osadcow, R. Osagie, R. Osanlou, L. Osborne, N. Osborne, R. Osborne, W. Osborne, C. Osbourne, J. Osei-Bobie, J. Osman, W. Osman, B. Osman, G. Osoata, M. Ostermann, E. O'Sullivan, S. O'Sullivan, M.A. Oteng, N. Otey, O.K. Otite, M. O'Toole, J. Ouyang, R. Owen, S. Owen, E. Owens, C. Owoo, Y. Owoseni, M. Owston, R. Oxlade, F. Ozdes, J. Pack, A. Packham, S. Packham, P. Paczko, G. Padden, A. Padmakumar, C. Page, I. Page, J. Page, S. Page, V. Page, J. Paget, K. Pagett, V. Pai, L. Paisley, S. Pajak, G. Pakou, A. Pakozdi, S. Pal, A. Palacios, V.B. Palagiri Sai, V. Palaniappan, P. Palanivelu, A. Palfreeman, H. Palfrey, V. Palissery, D. Palit, S. Pallipparambil Antony, J. Palman, A. Palmer, H. Palmer, J. Palmer, L. Palmer, R. Palmer, A. Pambouka, I. Pamphlett, D. Pan, A. Pandey, N. Pandian, K. Pandya, T. Pandya, H.R. Paneru, A. Panes, J. Pang, Y.W. Pang, R. Pangeni, L. Pannell, K. Pannu, S. Pant, S. Panthakalam, C.T. Pantin, N. Pao, H. Papaconstantinou, N.S. Papavarnavas, P. Papineni, K. Paques, A.W. Paracha, K. Paradowski, V. Parambil, S. Paranamana, S.R. Parashar, I. Parberry, A. Parekh, D. Parekh, L. Parfitt, H. Parfrey, O. Parikh, G. Parish, J. Park, V. Parkash, A. Parker, B. Parker, E. Parker, H. Parker, J. Parker, L. Parker, N. Parker, S. Parker, K. Parkin, A. Parkinson, M. Parkinson, V. Parkinson, C. Parmar, V. Parmar, V. Parris, C. Parrish, B. Parry, H.C. Parry, S. Parslow-Williams, M. Parsonage, G. Parsons, J. Parsons, P. Parsons, R. Partridge, Z. Parvez, K. Parvin, L. Passby, S. Passey, H. Passmore, J. Pastrana, J. Patachako, M. Patal, S. Patch, A. Patel, B. Patel, D. Patel, H. Patel, J. Patel, K. Patel, M. Patel, N. Patel, P. Patel, S. Patel, T. Patel, Z. Patel, V. Patel, K. Paterson, S. Pathak, N. Pathan, A. Patience, D. Patience, B. Patil, R. Patmore, S. Patole, L. Paton, A. Patrick, G. Patrick, J. Patrick, S. Patten, B. Pattenden, C. Patterson, J. Patterson, L. Patterson, M. Patterson, R. Patterson, M. Pattrick, D. Paudel, K. Paudel, M. Paudel, S. Paudel, M. Paul, S. Paul, L. Pauls, S. Paulus, A. Pavely, M.J. Pavitt, S. Pavord, B. Payne, E. Payne, M. Payne, R. Payne, L. Peacock, S. Peacock, H. Peake, J. Pearce, R. Pearse, A. Pearson, D. Pearson, H. Pearson, K. Pearson, S. Pearson, S.A. Pearson, A. Peasley, H. Peddie, S. Peebles, R. Peek, A. Peer, S. Peerbhoy, C. Pegg, E. Peggie, H. Peggie, S. Peglar, B.H. Peirce, M. Peirse, C. Pelham, A. Pemberton, M. Penacerrada, A. Pender, C. Pendlebury, J. Pendlebury, R. Penfold, C. Penman, J. Penman, R. Penman, J. Penner, K. Penney, A. Pennington, J. Penny, J. Pepperell, R. Percival, A. Pereira, R. Pereira, C. Pereira Dias Alves, I. Perera, M. Perera, E. Perez, J. Perez, T. Perinpanathan, L. Periyasamy, E. Perkins, I. Pernicova, E. Perritt, A. Perry, E. Perry, M. Perry, T.M. Perumpral, G. Pessoa-Amorim, R. Petch, L. Peter, C. Peters, L. Peters, M. Peters, S. Peters, T. Peters, A. Peterson, R. Petersen, L. Peto, I. Petras, B. Petrova, M. Petrova, E. Petrovics, T. Pettigrew, M. Pezard-Snell, P. Pfeffer, G. Phalod, N.T. Pham, V.P. Pham, T.T.H. Phan, M. Phanish, P. Phelan, C. Philbey, J. Philbin, A. Phillips, B. Phillips, D. Phillips, N. Phillips, P. Phillips, R. Phillips, T. Phillips, M. Phipps, N. Phong, N.T. Phong, V. Phongsathorn, P. Phuc, P.V. Phuc, M. Phull, H. Phung, H.T.K. Phung, H.M. Phuong, N. Phuong, A. Phuyal, A.K. Phyo, M.T.T. PI, S. Pick, J. Pickard, C. Pickering, F. Pickering, G. Pickering, T. Pickett, J. Pickles, S. Pickstock, B. Pickwell-Smith, N. Pieniazek, C. Piercy, A. Pieris, S. Pilgrim, P.A. Pillai, S. Pillay, L. Pilling, Z. Pilsworth, H. Pinches, S. Pinches, K. Pine, M.T. Pinjala, S. Pintus, G. Piper, T. Pirani, M. Pitchford, M. Pittman, S. Pitts, N. Plaatjies, N. Platt, R. Pleass, M. Plowright, L. Plummer, C. Plumptre, J. Pobjoy, T. Pogreban, C. Poku, S. Poku, P. Polgarova, R. Pollard, L. Pollock, O. Poluyi, G.J. Polwarth, F. Pomery, I.M.F. Ponce, P. Ponnusamy, S. Ponnusamy, A. Ponnuswamy, I. Ponte Bettencourt dos Reis, S. Pooboni, A. Poole, L. Poole, M. Poole, S. Poon, T. Poonian, J. Porteous, M. Porteous, D. Porter, J. Porter, L. Porter, R. Porter, A. Posada, K. Postlethwaite, M. Potdar, C. Pothecary, N. Pothina, P. Potla, D. Potoczna, J. Pott, A. Potter, J. Potter, S. Potter, T. Potter, E. Potton, J.B. Potts, J. Potts, K. Potts, K. Poudel, B. Poudyal, U. Poultney, K. Poulton, V. Poustie, J. Powell, N. Powell, S. Powell, D. Power, N. Power, S. Power, J. Poxon, E. Poyner, R. Poyner, A. Prabhu, S. Prabowo, V. Pradhan, G. Pradip, H. Prady, R. Prananingtias, A. Prasad, K. Prasad, U. Prasad, F. Prasanth Raj, S. Prasath, Prathima, N. Pratiwi, A. Pratley, S. Pratt, C.B. Prayuda, D. Preiss, C. Prendergast, L. Prentice, P. Prentice, V. Prescott, L. Presland, C. Prest, S. Preston, M. Pretorius, N. Prevatt, S. Prew, A. Price, C. Price, D. Price, E. Price, K. Price, L.J. Price, N. Price, V. Price, R. Price-Eland, A. Priest, J. Prieto, L. Primrose, C. Prince, J. Prince, L. Prince, S. Pringle, M. Prior-Ong, V. Pristopan, K. Pritchard, L. Pritchard, S. Pritchard, V. Priyash, A. Procter, C. Proctor, M. Protopapas, R. Proudfoot, B. Prudon, D. Pryor, S. Pudi, A. Puffett, J. Pugh, L. Pugh, M.T. Pugh, N. Pugh, R. Pugh, V. Puisa, E. Puji Lestari, S. Puliyakkadi, J. Pullen, K. Punia, S. Punnilath Abdulsamad, L. Purandare, D. Purchase, C. Purdue, R. Purdy, B. Purewal, R. Purnell, M. Pursell, G. Purssord, R. Purves, S. Purvis, K. Puspatriani, D. Putensen, S.I. Putu, B. Puvaneswaran, A. Puxty, K. Puxty, Z. Puyrigaud, E. Pyart, E. Pye, M. Pynn, T. Qadeer, M. Qayum, C. Quah, S. Quaid, N. Quail, C. Quamina, K. Quang, N.N. Quang, L. Quarm, G. Quartermaine, R. Quartey, T. Quasim, S. Quaye, A. Quayle, E. Quek, S. Quenby, P. Qui, X. Qui, V. Quick, J. Quigley, J.-C. Quijano-Campos, J. Quindoyos, A. Quinn, J. Quinn, T. Quinn, L.J. Quist, Q. Quratulain, D. Qureshi, E. Qureshi, H. Qureshi, I. Qureshi, K. Qureshi, N. Qureshi, Q. Qurratulain, S. Qutab, D.T.H. Quyen, D.T.N. Quyen, N.T.H. Quyen, M.S. Rabbani, S. Rabinowicz, M. Raceala, A. Rachid, B. Rachman, R. Rachman, L. Rad, J. Radford, L. Radford, J. Radhakrishnan, H. Rafferty, M.Y. Rafiq, S. Rafiq, C. Rafique, J. Rafique, M. Rafique, R. Ragatha, A. Raghunathan, A. Raguro, S.D. Raha, S. Rahama, M. Rahardjani, K. Rahilly, F. Rahim, A.H. Rahimi, H.R. Rahimi, M. Rahman, S.U. Rahman, S. Rahmany, P. Rai, S. Rai, L. Raisova, A. Raithatha, A. Raj, A. Rajagopal, P. Rajagopalan, N. Rajaiah, K. Rajalingam, A. Rajasekaran, A. Rajasri, B. Rajbhandari, S. Rajbhandari, T. Rajeswaran, J. Rajeswary, J. Rajkanna, I. Rajkumar, G. Rajmohan, R. Rallan, K. Ralston, M. Ralston, M. Ram, B. Ramabhadran, F. Ramali, M. Ramali, A. Ramanan, S. Ramanna, M. Ramasamy, I. Rambe, A. Ramchandani, D. Ramdin, J. Ramirez, M. Ramirez, G. Ramnarain, A. Ramnarine, L. Ramos, T. Rampling, S. Ramraj, J. Ramsay, A. Ramshaw, A. Rana, G.F. Rana, N. Rana, R. Rana, A. Rand, J. Rand, H. Randheva, P. Ranga, M. Rangar, H. Rangarajan, S. Ranjan, H. Rank, P. Ranka, R. Rankhelawon, A. Rankin, A. Rao, S. Rao, D. Rao, A.A. Rasheed, K. Rashid, M. Rason, V. Raspa, S. Rastogi, F. Rasul, S. Ratcliff, S. Ratcliffe, P. Rath, S. Rath, M.I. Rather, K. Rathod, S. Rathore, A. Ratnakumar, J. Ratoff, D. Rattehalli, D. Ravaccia, M. Raval, P. Ravencroft, J. Raw, R. Raw, M. Rawal, S.A. Rawashdeh, H. Rawlins, G. Ray, A. Raymond-White, D. Raynard, H. Rayner, N. Rayner, A. Raynsford, S. Razvi, Z. Razvi, K. Read, S. Read, M. Reay, A. Reddington, A. Reddy, H. Reddy, H. Redfearn, A. Redfern-Walsh, I. Redknap, N. Redman, A. Redome, J. Redome, A. Reed, J. Reed, A. Rees, C. Rees, H. Rees, J. Rees, M. Rees, S. Rees, T. Rees, E. Rees-Jones, F. Regan, K. Regan, M. Regan, S. Regan, K. Rege, A. Regmi, A. Rehan, A. Rehman, H. Rehman, S. Rehman, Z. Rehman, A. Reid, J. Reid, S. Reid, M. Reilly, S. Reilly, C. Reith, A. Reka, A. Remegoso, D. Rengan, L. Renouf, S. Renshaw, R. Renu Vattekkat, H. Reschreiter, M. Revels, A. Revill, G. Rewitzky, S. Rey, C. Reynard, D. Reynish, H. Reynolds, P. Reynolds, J. Rhodes, N. Riaz, P. Ribeiro, E. Rice, M. Rice, N. Rice, M. Rich, A. Richards, L. Richards, S. Richards, C. Richardson, E. Richardson, F. Richardson, J. Richardson, M. Richardson, N. Richardson, J. Riches, K. Riches, L. Richmond, R. Richmond, W. Ricketts, H. Rickman, A. Riddell, S. Ridgway, M. Ridha, C. Ridley, P. Ridley, G. Rieck, L. Rigby, M. Rigby, D. Rigler, S. Rijal, N. Rika, H. Riley, M. Riley, P. Riley, A. Rimainar, Z.V.P. Rimba, D. Rimmer, W. Rina, R. Rintoul, A. Riordan, D. Ripley, N. Rippon, C. Rishton, M. Riste, D. Ritchie, J. Ritchie, A. Ritchings, P. Rivera Ortega, V. Rivers, B. Rizvi, S.A.S. Rizvi, S.H.M. Rizvi, J. Robb, E. Robbins, C. Roberts, G. Roberts, I. Roberts, J. Roberts, K. Roberts, M. Roberts, N. Roberts, P. Roberts, R. Roberts, V. Roberts, C. Robertson, J. Robertson, K. Robertson, N. Robertson, S. Robertson, M. Robertson, N. Robin, C. Robinson, E. Robinson, G. Robinson, H. Robinson, J. Robinson, K. Robinson, L. Robinson, M. Robinson, N. Robinson, R. Robinson, S. Robinson, A. Robinson, S. Robson, A. Rocca, L. Roche, S. Roche, N. Rodden, A. Roddick, E. Roddy, J. Roddy, M. Roderick, A. Rodger, F. Rodger, M. Rodger, A. Rodgers, D. Rodgers, N. Rodgers, P. Rodgers, R. Rodriguez-Belmonte, N. Roe, C. Roehr, G. Rogers, J. Rogers, L. Rogers, M. Rogers, P. Rogers, S. Rogers, T. Rogers, J. Rojkova, K.K. Roka, S. Rokadiya, L. Rollins, J. Rollo, C. Rolls, A. Rond-Alliston, C. Rook, K. Rooney, L. Rooney, L.P. Rosaroso, E.J. Rosby, A. Rose, S. Rose, Z. Rose, J. Rosier, A. Roskilly, G.A. Ross, I. Ross, J. Ross, J. Rossdale, A. Ross-Parker, A. Rostron, A. Rosyid, A. Rothman, J. Rothwell, L. Roughley, C.A. Rourke, K. Rowan, N. Rowan, S. Rowan, A. Rowe, N. Rowe, L. Rowe-Leete, B. Rowlands, E. Rowlands, M. Rowley, S. Roy, M. Roycroft, A. Roynon-Reed, A.R. Royson, S. Rozewicz, A. Rudenko, S. Rudrakumar, B. Rudran, S. Ruff, P. Rughani, R. Rule, S. Rundell, E. Rushforth, J. Rushmer, D. Rusk, P. Russell, R. Russell, C. Russo, M. Rutgers, K. Rutkowski, A. Ryan, B. Ryan, K. Ryan, L. Ryan, M. Ryan, P. Ryan, D. Ryan-Wakeling, E. Rybka, M. Ryder, S. Ryder, M. Saad, G. Saalmink, J. Sabale, S. Sabaretnam, N. Sadiq, E. Sadler, A. Saffy, B. Sage, H. Sagoo, S. Sagrir, R. Saha, S. Saha, N. Sahdev, S. Sahedra, J. Sahota, N. Said, S. Saini, V. Saini, B. Saint, N. Sairam, A. Sajid, S. Sakthi, H. Sakuri, M. Saladi, A. Salam, A. Salberg, E. Salciute, G. Saleeb, M. Saleh, H. Salih, L. Salih, D. Salim, S. Salisbury, S. Saliu, R. Salman, J. Salmon, R. Salmon, D. Salutous, M. Sam, S. Sam, T. Samakomva, R. Saman, S. Samar, S. Saminathan, R. Samlal, E. Sammons, D. Sammut, M. Sammut, S. Sammut, T. Sammut, S. Sampath, C. Sampson, J. Sampson, A. Samson, J. Samuel, M. Samuel, R. Samuel, T.D.L. Samuel, Y. Samuel, K. Samuels, T. Samuels, J. Samways, M. Samyraju, I. Sana, V. Sanchez, A. Sanchez Gonzalez, A. Sanda-Gomez, P. Sandercock, J. Sanders, A. Sanderson, T. Sanderson, K. Sandhu, L. Sandhu, S. Sandow, V. Sandrey, S. Sands, L. Sanga, H. Sangha, J. Sanghera, M. Sangombe, M. Sanju, L. Sankaran, F. Santos, C. Santos Ferreira De Almeida, R. Santosh, J. Sanyal, A.F. Sanz-Cepero, Y. Sapkota, D. Saragih, D. Saralaya, A. Saraswati, A. Saraswatula, P. Saravanamuthu, S. Sarawade, J. Sarella, A. Sarfatti, R. Sargent, B. Sari, D. Sari, D. Sarkar, K. Sarkar, N. Sarkar, R. Sarkar, S. Sarma, P. Sarmiento, Z. Sarwar, T. Sass, K. Satchithananthasivam, S. Sathe, S. Sathianandan, A. Sathyanarayanan, S.J.P. Sathyanarayanan, T. Sathyapalan, P. Satodia, V. Saulite, A. Saunders, R. Saunders, S. Saunders, A. Saunderson, H. Savill, K. Savlani, G. Saxena, M. Saxton, A. Sayan, I. Sayers, D. Scaletta, D. Scanlon, J. Scanlon, L. Scarratt, S. Scattergood, A. Schadenberg, J. Schafers, W. Schneblen, E. Schofield, R. Schofield, S. Schofield, D. Scholes, K. Scholes, A. Schoolmeesters, N. Schumacher, N. Schunke, M. Schuster Bruce, K. Schwarz, A. Scobie, T. Scoones, T. Scorrer, A. Scott, C. Scott, E. Scott, K. Scott, L. Scott, M. Scott, S. Scott, T. Scott, Z. Scott, S. Scourfield, W. Scrase, N.A. Scriven, A. Scullion, T. Scullion, E. Seager, C. Seagrave, R. Seaman, E. Sear, I. Seaton, A. Seatter, A. Seckington, J. Sedano, G. Seddon, G. Sedgwick, Y. See, M.A. Seelarbokus, C. Sefton, M. Segovia, F. Seidu, G. Sekadde, F. Selby, G. Selby, C. Sellar, R. Sellars, K. Sellers, J. Selley, V. Sellick, G. Selvadurai, B. Selvarajah, H. Selvaskandan, S.S. Selvendran, J. Selwyn, A. Semmens, G. Semple, M. Sen, N. Sen, S. Sen, A. Sengupta, N. Sengupta, S. Senra, H. Senya, T. Serafimova, E. Sernicola, D. Sethi, S. Sethi, N. Setty, A. Seward, T. Sewdin, T.-A. Sewell, J. Seymour, K. Seymour, H. Shabbir, F. Shackley, T. Shafi, F. Shafique, A. Shah, B. Shah, H.-A. Shah, M. Shah, N. Shah, P. Shah, Q. Shah, R. Shah, S. Shah, S.H. Shah, W. Shah, S. Shahad, S. Shahi, S. Shahnazari, N. Shahzad, M. Shahzeb, A. Shaibu, Z. Shaida, A.Y. Shaikh, M. Shaikh, R. Shail, M. Shaji, M. Shakeel, R. Shakya, K. Shalan, M. Shameem, N. Shamim, U. Shamji, A. Shams, K. Shams, R. Shamsah, T. Shanahan, H. Sharaf, A. Sharif, A. Sharma, B. Sharma, M. Sharma, O. Sharma, P. Sharma, R. Sharma, S. Sharma, S.D. Sharma, A. Sharp, C. Sharp, G. Sharp, K. Sharp, L.M. Sharp, P. Sharratt, K. Sharrocks, S. Shashaa, A. Shaw, C. Shaw, D. Shaw, J. Shaw, L. Shaw, M. Shaw, T.G. Shaw, A. Shawcross, J. Shawcross, J. Shawe, L. Shayler, S. Shedwell, J. Sheffield, Z. Shehata, A. Sheik, A. Sheikh, N. Sheikh, B. Shelley, S. Shelton, A. Shenoy, J. Shenton, S. Shephardson, A. Shepherd, K. Shepherd, L. Shepherd, S. Shepherd, G. Sheppard, R. Sheppeard, H. Sheridan, R. Sheridan, S. Sherridan, L. Sherris, S. Sherwin, S. Shibly, F.F. Shiham, C. Shilladay, B. Shillitoe, D. Shingadia, C. Shioi, A. Shirgaonkar, K. Shirley, H. Shirt, A. Shonubi, J. Shoote, R. Shorrocks, R. Shortman, R. Shotton, S. Shotton, C. Shovelton, E. Shpuza, A. Shrestha, G. Shrestha, N. Shrestha, R. Shrestha, S. Shrestha, K. Shuker, J. Shurlock, J. Shurmer, E.R. Shuvo, S.K. Siabi, G. Siame, L. Siamia, M. Siaw-Frimpong, S. Siddavaram, N. Siddique, S. Siddique, E. Siddle, E. Sidebotham, J. Sidebottom, R. Sievers, K. Siggens, N. Sikondari, I. Silanas, S.V. Silva, C. Silva Moniz, M. Sim, T. Simangan, V. Simbi, R. Sime, G. Simmons, O. Simmons, R. Simms, L. Simon, M. Simon, N. Simon, S. Simpkins, A. Simpson, D. Simpson, G. Simpson, J. Simpson, K. Simpson, M. Simpson, P. Simpson, T. Simpson, S. Sinclair, C. Sing, A. Singh, C. Singh, D. Singh, J. Singh, L. Singh, M. Singh, N. Singh, P. Singh, S. Singh, P. Singhal, B. Singizi, V. Singler, M. Sinha, P. Sinha, S. Sinha, U. Sinha, G. Sisson, S. Sithiravel, K. Sivakumar, S. Sivakumar, D. Sivakumran, S. Sivanadarajah, P.-R. Sivasothy, A. Skaria, N. Skehan, R. Skelly, O. Skelton, I. Skene, D. Skinner, T. Skinner, V. Skinner, A. Skorko, I. Skorupinska, M. Skorupinska, A. Slack, K. Slack, H. Slade, M. Slade, L. Slater, N. Slawson, R. Slingsby, A. Sloan, B. Sloan, D. Sloan, G. Sloane, M. Slowinska, B. Small, E. Small, S. Small, A. Smallridge, D. Smalls, K.D. Smallshaw, A. Smallwood, B. Smart, L. Smart, J. Smeaton, C. Smit, A. Smith, C. Smith, D. Smith, E. Smith, H. Smith, I. Smith, J. Smith, K. Smith, L. Smith, M. Smith, M.A. Smith, N. Smith, O. Smith, P. Smith, R. Smith, S. Smith, T. Smith, V. Smith, S. Smolen, S. Smuts, N. Smyth, A. Snell, D. Snell, L. Snell, A. So, B. So, M. Soan, R.F. Sobama, T. Sobande, S. Sobowiec Kouman, A. Sobrino Diaz, B. Sohail, H. Sohal, R. Soiza, O. Solademi, B. Soleimani, A. Solesbury, M. Soliman, B. Solis, R. Solly, L. Solomon, S. Somalanka, C. Somashekar, S. Sommerfield, G. Soni, R. Sonia, T. Sonoiki, S.-C. Soo, P. Soor, G. Soothill, J. Soren, A. Sothinathan, P. Sothirajah, J. Sousa, N. Soussi, D. Southam, D. Southern, I. Southern, L. Southern, S.M. Southin, J. Southwell, T. Southworth, S. Sowden, J. Sowter, C. Spalding, E. Spata, C. Speare, K. Spears, M. Spears, L. Speirs, S. Speirs, M. Spence, N. Spence, B. Spencer, G. Spencer, R. Spencer, S. Spencer, T. Spencer, H. Spickett, J. Spillane, W. Spiller, K. Spinks, M. Spinks, N. Spittle, S. Spray, J. Spriggs, O. Spring, G. Squires, J. Squires, R. Squires, R. Sreenivasan, S. Sreenivasan, M. Sri, K. Sri Paranthamen, R. Srikantaiah, K. Srinivasan, R. Srinivasan, A. Srirajamadhuveeti, V. Srirathan, S.K. Ssiabi, R. Stacey, S. Stacpoole, L. Stadon, W.J. Stagg, J. Staines, N. Staines, K. Stammers, R. Stanciu, G. Stanczuk, T. Standley, B. Staniforth, A. Stanton, L. Stanton, R. Staples, S. Stapley, N. Staplin, A. Stark, E. Starkey, D.S. Starnes, M. Starr, R. Stead, C. Stebbing, C. Steele, H. Steer, J. Steer, V. Stefania, P. Stefanowska, F. Steffensen, C. Stemp, E. Stenson, A. Stephens, D. Stephensen, E. Stephenson, M. Sterrenburg, J. Stevens, M. Stevens, W. Stevens, A. Stevenson, L. Stevenson, S. Stevenson, M. Steward, C. Stewart, D.A. Stewart, K. Stewart, M. Stewart, R. Stewart, J. Stickley, G. Stiller, S. Stirrup, S. Stock, A. Stockdale, D. Stocker, L. Stockham, P. Stockton, E. Stoddard, K. Stoffberg, C. Stokes, B. Stone, R. Stone, S. Stone, E.-J. Stoner, I. Storey, K. Storton, F. Stourton, A. Strachan, C. Strait, E. Stratton, J. Stratton, S. Straw, D. Streit, E. Stride, S. Stringer, S. Strong-Sheldrake, S. Struik, C. Stuart, A. Stubbs, H. Stubbs, A. Sturdy, S. Sturney, M. Stuttard, C. Suarez, K. Subba, C.P. Subbe, K. Subramaniam, M. Subramanian, V. Subramanian, C. Subudhi, R. Suckling, S. Sudershan, P. Sugden, P.A. Suherman, R. Sukla, A. Sukumaran, E. Suleiman, A. Suliman, F. Suliman, S. Sultan, U. Sumardi, S. Sundar, R. Sundaram, R. Sundhar, E. Sung, N. Sunni, J. Suntharalingam, A. Sur, D. Suresh, N. Suresh, S. Suresh, M. Surtees, C. Susan, D. Suter, R. Suthar, H. Sutherland, R. Sutherland, S. Sutherland, D. Sutinyte, D. Sutton, S. Sutton, M. Sutu, M.-L. Svensson, S. Svirpliene, A. Swain, R. Swain, T. Swaine, C. Swales, C. Swanson-Low, T. Swart, S. Sweetman, E. Swift, P. Swift, R. Swift, R. Swingler, S. Swinhoe, K. Swist-Szulik, L. Swithenbank, O. Syed, C. Sykes, D. Sykes, E. Sykes, L. Sylvester, D. Symington, D. Symon, A. Syndercombe, Z. Syrimi, J. Syson, G. Szabo, D. Szabó, T. Szakmany, N. Szarazova, M. Szekely, A. Szekeres, M. Szeto, K. Szymiczek, M. Tabish, M. Tadros, A. Tageldin, L. Tague, H. Tahir, M. Tahir, M. Tai, J. Tait, A. Takyi, P. Talbot, A. Talbot-Smith, J. Talbot-Ponsonby, R. Tallent, B. Tallon, A. Talukdar, A. Tan, B.T. Tan, H. Tan, J. Tan, J.S. Tan, K. Tan, W.T. Tan, A. Tana, A. Tanner, C. Tanney, T. Tanqueray, E. Tanton, A. Tantri, T. Tanzil-Al-Imran, H. Tarft, P. Taribagil, O. Tarin, S. Tariq, D. Tarpey, E. Tarr, L. Tarrant, A. Tasiou, A. Tate, M. Tate, M.L. Tate, P. Tate, K. Tatham, S.S. Tavares, V. Tavoukjian, S.A.I. Tay, A. Taylor, B. Taylor, C. Taylor, C.A. Taylor, D. Taylor, E. Taylor, H. Taylor, J. Taylor, K. Taylor, L. Taylor, M. Taylor, N. Taylor, R. Taylor, S. Taylor, T. Taylor, V. Taylor, M. Taylor-Siddons, T. Taynton, A. Te, F. Teasdale, J. Teasdale, K. Teasdale, J. Tebbutt, C. Tee, I. Teeluck, B. Tejero Moya, R. Tejwani, A. Telfer, V. Teli, J. Tempany, J. Temple, N. Temple, H. Tench, Y.H. Teoh, R. Tereszkowski-Kaminski, L. Terrett, L. Terry, T.I.M. Tesha, D. Tetla, S. Tewari, D. Tewkesbury, J. Texeira, C. Tey, P.N. Thach, M. Thake, C. Thakker, M. Thakker, J. Thakrar, B.J. Thakuri, B. Thamu, H. Thao, H.P. Thao, N.N. Thao, N. Thao, A. Thapa, H. Thatcher, A. Thayanandan, K. Thazhatheyil, E. Thein, L. Theocharidou, P. Thet, K. Thevarajah, M. Thevendra, V.T.K. Thi, D. Thien, N. Thiri Phoo, Y. Thirlwall, M. Thirumaran, A. Thomas, C. Thomas, E. Thomas, H. Thomas, J. Thomas, J.L. Thomas, K. Thomas, L. Thomas, R. Thomas, S. Thomas, T. Thomas, V. Thomas, K. Thomasson, R. Thomas-Turner, C. Thompson, E. Thompson, F. Thompson, H. Thompson, J. Thompson, K. Thompson, L. Thompson, M. Thompson, O. Thompson, R. Thompson, Y. Thompson, B.G. Thomson, N. Thomson, P. Thorburn, N. Thorn, C. Thorne, N. Thorne, A. Thornton, D. Thornton, J. Thornton, R. Thornton, S. Thornton, T. Thornton, C. Thorpe, N. Thorpe, S. Thorpe, P. Thozthumparambil, L. Thrasyvoulou, H. Thraves, N. Thu, N.M. Thu, G. Thueux, N. Thuong, P. Thu-Ta, D. Thuy, D.T.T. Thuy, V. Thwaiotes, C. Thwaites, C.L. Thwaites, G. Thwaites, S. Tiberi, S. Tieger, C. Tierney, M. Tighe, S. Tilbey, C. Till, A. Tiller, H. Tiller, J. Timerick, E. Timlick, A. Timmins, A. Timmis, H. Timms, A.-M. Timoroksa, S. Tinashe, S. Tingley, N. Tinker, H. Tinkler, M. Tinkler, J. Tipper, A. Tirumalai Adisesh, H. Tivenan, K. Tluchowska, H. T-Michael, A. Todd, J. Todd, S. Todd, O. Toffoletti, M. Tohfa, S. Tohill, M. Tolson, A. Tomas, N. Tomasova, S. Tomlin, S. Tomlins, J. Tomlinson, K. Tomlinson, J. Tonkin, I. Tonna, C. Toohey, K. Topham, M. Topping, A. Torokwa, C. Torrance, O. Touma, L. Tous Sampol, R. Tousis, M. Tout, P. Tovey, G. Towersey, J. 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Young, G. Young, L. Young, A. Yousafzar, S. Youssouf, A. Yousuf, H. Yovita, C. Yu, J.S.J. Yuan, N. Yufaniaputri, B. Yung, D. Yusef, S. Yusef, I. Yusuf, A.-S. Zafar, S. Zagalo, S. Zaher, A. Zahoor, M. Zainab, T. Zak, K. Zaki, N. Zakir, K. Zalewska, A. Zamalloa, M. Zaman, S. Zaman, J. Zamikula, L. Zammit, M. Zammit-Mangion, M. Zawadzka, M. Zayed, E. Zebracki, D. Zehnder, L. Zeidan, D. Zeinali, J. Zhang, X. Zhao, D. Zheng, D. Zhu, M. Zia, O. Zibdeh, R. Zill-E-Huma, E.T. Zin, E. Zincone, G. Zindoga, E. Zinkin, V. Zinyemba, C. Zipitis, L. Zitter, A. Zmierczak, G. Zubikarai, A. Zubir, N. Zuhra, R. Zulaikha, S. Zulfikar, C. Zullo, and A. Zuriaga-Alvaro more...
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COVID-19 ,Corticosteroid ,Dexamethasone ,Mortality ,Clinical trial ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Summary: Background: Low dose corticosteroids (e.g., 6 mg dexamethasone) have been shown to reduce mortality for hypoxic COVID-19 patients. We have previously reported that higher dose corticosteroids cause harm in patients with clinical hypoxia but not receiving ventilatory support (the combination of non-invasive mechanical ventilation, including high-flow nasal oxygen, continuous positive airway pressure and bilevel positive airway pressure ventilation, and invasive mechanical ventilation or extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation), but the balance of efficacy and safety in patients receiving ventilatory support is uncertain. Methods: This randomised, controlled, open-label platform trial (Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy [RECOVERY]) assessed multiple possible treatments in patients hospitalised for COVID-19. Eligible and consenting adult patients receiving ventilatory support were randomly allocated (1:1) to either usual care with higher dose corticosteroids (dexamethasone 20 mg once daily for 5 days followed by 10 mg once daily for 5 days or until discharge if sooner) or usual standard of care alone (which includes dexamethasone 6 mg once daily for 10 days or until discharge if sooner). The primary outcome was 28-day mortality; secondary outcomes were duration of hospitalisation and (among participants not on invasive mechanical ventilation at baseline) the composite of invasive mechanical ventilation or death. Recruitment closed on 31 March 2024 when funding for the trial ended. The RECOVERY trial is registered with ISRCTN (50189673) and clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04381936). Findings: Between 25 May 2021 and 9 January 2024, 477 COVID-19 patients receiving ventilatory support were randomly allocated to receive usual care plus higher dose corticosteroids vs. usual care alone (of whom 99% received corticosteroids during the follow-up period). Of those randomised, 221 (46%) were in Asia, 245 (51%) in the UK and 11 (2%) in Africa. 143 (30%) had diabetes mellitus. Overall, 86 (35%) of 246 patients allocated to higher dose corticosteroids vs. 86 (37%) of 231 patients allocated to usual care died within 28 days (rate ratio [RR] 0.87; 95% CI 0.64–1.18; p = 0.37). There was no significant difference in the proportion of patients discharged from hospital alive within 28 days (128 [52%] in the higher dose corticosteroids group vs. 120 [52%] in the usual care group; RR 1.04, 0.81–1.33]; p = 0.78). Among those not on invasive mechanical ventilation at baseline, there was no clear reduction in the proportion meeting the composite endpoint of invasive mechanical ventilation or death (76 [37%] of 206 vs. 93 [45%] of 205; RR 0.79 [95% CI 0.63–1.00]; p = 0.05). Interpretation: In patients hospitalised for COVID-19 receiving ventilatory support, we found no evidence that higher dose corticosteroids reduced the risk of death compared to usual care, which included low dose corticosteroids. Funding: UK Research and Innovation (Medical Research Council) and National Institute for Health Research (Grant ref: MC_PC_19056), and Wellcome Trust (Grant Ref: 222406/Z/20/Z). more...
- Published
- 2025
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3. A statistically based fault detection and diagnosis approach for non-residential building water distribution systems
- Author
Eoghan Clifford, Hafiz M. Hashim, Paraic C. Ryan, and Science Foundation Ireland
- Subjects
0209 industrial biotechnology ,Water distribution system ,business.industry ,Computer science ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,Univariate ,Water supply ,02 engineering and technology ,Fault detection and diagnosis ,Fault detection and isolation ,Reliability engineering ,Water scarcity ,Support vector machine ,020901 industrial engineering & automation ,Principal component analysis (PCA) ,Artificial Intelligence ,021105 building & construction ,Principal component analysis ,Carbon footprint ,Non-routine events ,Support vector machine (SVM) ,Performance monitoring ,business ,Water use ,Information Systems - Abstract
Large non-residential buildings can contain complex and often inefficient water distribution systems. As requirements for water increase due to water scarcity and industrialization, it has become increasingly important to effectively detect and diagnose faults in water distribution systems in large buildings. In many cases, if water supply is not impacted, faults in water distribution systems can go unnoticed. This can lead to unnecessary increases in water usage and associated energy due to pumping, treating, and heating water. The majority of fault detection and diagnosis studies in the water sector are limited to municipal water supply and leakage detection. The application of detection and diagnosis for faults in building water networks remains largely unexplored and the ability to identify and distinguish between routine and non-routine water usage at this scale remains a challenge. This study using case-study data, presents the application of principal component analysis and a multi-class support vector machine to detect and classify faults for non-residential building water networks. In the absence of a process model (which is typical for such water distribution systems), principal component analysis is proposed as a data-driven fault detection technique for building water distribution systems for the first time herein. Hotelling T2-statistics and Q-statistics were employed to detect abnormality within incoming data, and a multi-class support vector machine was trained for fault classification. Despite the relatively limited training data available from the case-study (which would reflect the situation in many buildings), meaningful faults were detected, and the technique proved successful in discriminating between various types of faults in the water distribution system. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is compared to a univariate threshold technique by comparison of their respective performance in the detection of faults that occurred in the case-study site. The results demonstrate the promising capabilities of the proposed fault detection and diagnosis approach. Such a strategy could provide a robust methodology that can be applied to buildings to reduce inefficient water use, reducing their life-cycle carbon footprint. This paper has emanated from research conducted as a part of Energy Systems Integration Partnership Programme (ESIPP) project with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under the SFI Strategic Partnership Programme Grant Number SFI/15/SPP/E3125. peer-reviewed more...
- Published
- 2020
4. Case study on solar water heating for flat plate collector
- Author
Tayser Sumer Gaaz, Hasan Ali Jurmut, Walaa M. Hashim, Ali Talib Shomran, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, and Ahmed A. Al-Amiery
- Subjects
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes ,Maximum temperature ,geography ,Materials science ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,020209 energy ,Flow (psychology) ,02 engineering and technology ,Mechanics ,Inlet ,Volumetric flow rate ,lcsh:TA1-2040 ,Thermal ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Fluid dynamics ,Square (unit) ,Solar water heating ,lcsh:Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,Engineering (miscellaneous) - Abstract
This paper describes performance solar water heating for flat plate collector. The system of thermal performance designed for dimensions 125 × 110 cm and width 25 cm, in such a way that fluid can flow from inlet to outlet through pipe with longer is 15.9 m, designed as lope square pattern, used the water as fluid flow working with two different flow rate (5.3 and 6.51 L/min). The experiments were carried out under the University of Technology, conditions of Baghdad, Iraq. The result shows that the water at flow rate 5.3 L/min heated more than the flow rate 6.51 L/min, which causes the higher efficiency and effectiveness of the collector, so the maximum temperature was (51.4 °C and 49 °C) at flow rate (5.3 L/min and 6.51 L/min) respectively. The main conclusion is that used this system to heated the water and then used in-house, building and other purposes. Keywords: Flat plate collector, Thermal performance, Solar water heated more...
- Published
- 2018
5. Enhancement the performance of swirl heat exchanger by using vortices and NanoAluminume
- Author
Huda A. Al-Salihi, Hisham Assi Hoshi, and Walaa M. Hashim
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Swirl ,Materials science ,Flow (psychology) ,Cmax ,Article ,Cylinder (engine) ,law.invention ,03 medical and health sciences ,Cmin ,0302 clinical medicine ,law ,Heat exchanger ,Nanotechnology ,lcsh:Social sciences (General) ,lcsh:Science (General) ,Multidisciplinary ,NanoAluminume ,Rotational speed ,Mechanics ,Vortices ,Mechanical engineering ,Vortex ,030104 developmental biology ,Heat transfer ,lcsh:H1-99 ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,lcsh:Q1-390 - Abstract
Heat exchangers are widely used in many industrial applications. It is well known that the effectiveness of these exchangers is normally measured by the amount of the heat transfer, which should be minimized as much as possible according to their size. Present study pays more attention to examine Taylor vortex which formed in the flow of the hot water of the smooth surface heat exchanger and a swirl flow of cold air. Also, an attempt was made to improve the result by replacing the heat transfer surface by Nanoaluminume metal. Experimental results revealed that the effectiveness of the exchanger at the ratio (Cmin/Cmax = 0.08) could be enhanced the effectiveness of the standard exchanger at the ratio (Cmin/Cmax = 0). Further, it was found that using nano Aluminume as a medium material for heat transfer increased the effectiveness (3.2%, 4.3% and 4.58%) for a rotational speed of inner cylinder which were used (0, 65and 80) rpm, respectively. more...
- Published
- 2019
6. Treatment strategy for locally advanced breast cancer in our department
- Author
H. Komatsu, K. Ishida, Y. Matsui, S. Amano, M. Hashimoto, and A. Sasaki
- Subjects
Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens ,RC254-282 - Published
- 2021
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7. Effects of temperature on the properties of HL32 oil in the conventional hydraulic actuators
- Author
Walaa M. Hashim, Huda A. Al-Salihi, and Faten N. Al Zubaidi
- Subjects
HL32 oil ,Kinematic and dynamic viscosity ,Stroke displacement ,Accurate position ,Conventional hydraulic actuators ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Present study pays more attention to optimize the performance of the hydraulic system by selecting the accurate position of the traditional hydraulic actuators. It was used HL32 as working oil, due to its ability to withstand high temperatures (15–200) °C as well as having the best mechanical properties, since the density and viscosity are the most important factors that are extremely affected on the hydraulic system. Hence, this work examined the effect of the variation kinematic, dynamic viscosity, and the density of HL32 oil on the accurate position of conventional hydraulic actuators. The kinematic and dynamic viscosity was obtained theoretically and experimentally over a wide range of temperatures ranged (20–80) °C. It was found that the percentage error between the theoretical and experimental results ranged (21∗10−6–0.023), respectively. Whereas, the deviation of the results in the actuator stroke displacement were observed 4.8%, 6%, 6.5% and 4.8% for pressure supply of 20, 30, 40 and 50 bar separately. more...
- Published
- 2022
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8. Feeding of yeast cell wall extracts during a necrotic enteritis challenge enhances cell growth, survival and immune signaling in the jejunum of broiler chickens
- Author
Casey N. Johnson, Mohammed M. Hashim, Christopher A. Bailey, James A. Byrd, Michael H. Kogut, and Ryan J. Arsenault
- Subjects
yeast cell wall ,necrotic enteritis ,kinome ,immunity ,broiler ,Animal culture ,SF1-1100 - Abstract
Necrotic enteritis (NE) is one of the most common and costly diseases in the modern broiler industry, having an estimated economic impact of $6 billion dollars annually. Increasing incidents of NE have resulted from restrictions on the use of antibiotic feed additives throughout the broiler industry. As such, finding effective antibiotic alternatives has become a priority. In this study, an experimental model of NE was used, comprising a commercial infectious bursal disease virus vaccine and Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) inoculation. Yeast cells wall (YCW) components, β-glucan (BG), and mannoproteins (MPTs) were evaluated for their effects on disease development. Chicken-specific immunometabolic kinome peptide arrays were used to measure differential phosphorylation between control (uninfected), challenged (infected), and challenged and treated birds in duodenal, jejunal, and ileal tissues. Treatment groups included crude YCW preparation, BG, MPT, or BG+MPT as feed additives. Data analysis revealed kinome profiles cluster predominantly by tissue, with duodenum showing the greatest relative signaling and jejunum showing the greatest response to treatment. BG, MPT, and BG+MPT cluster together, separate from controls and challenge birds in each tissue. Changes in signaling resulting from the treatments were observed in cell growth and survival responses as well as immune responses. None of the treatments of disease challenge returned the profiles to control-like. This is attributable to immune modulation and metabolic effects of the treatments generating distinct profiles from control. Importantly, all the treatments are distinct from the challenge group despite being challenged themselves. Only BG+MPT treatment had a significant effect on bird weight gain compared with the NE challenge group, and this treatment had the greatest impact on gut tissue signaling in all segments. The signaling changes elicited by BG+MPT during an NE challenge were increased cell growth and survival signaling, reducing cell death, apoptosis and innate inflammatory responses, and generating compensatory signaling to reduce disease severity. more...
- Published
- 2020
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9. The impact of curcumin-graphene based nanoformulation on cellular interaction and redox-activated apoptosis: An in vitro colon cancer study
- Author
Lina A. Al-Ani, Farkaad A. Kadir, Najihah M. Hashim, Nurhidayatullaili M. Julkapli, Ali Seyfoddin, Jun Lu, Mohammed A. AlSaadi, and Wageeh A. Yehye
- Subjects
Cancer research ,Cell biology ,Nanotechnology ,Natural products ,Anticancer ,Cell membrane ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Natural plants derivatives have gained enormous merits in cancer therapy applications upon formulation with nanomaterials. Curcumin, as a popular research focus has acquired such improvements surpassing its disadvantageous low bioavailability. To this point, the available research data had confirmed the importance of nanomaterial type in orienting cellular response and provoking different toxicological and death mechanisms that may range from physical membrane damage to intracellular changes. This in turn underlines the poorly studied field of nanoformulation interaction with cells as the key determinant in toxicology outcomes. In this work, curcumin-AuNPs-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite (CAG) was implemented as a model, to study the impact on cellular membrane integrity and the possible redox changes using colon cancer in vitro cell lines (HT-29 and SW-948), representing drug-responsive and resistant subtypes. Morphological and biochemical methods of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), apoptosis assay, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants glutathione and superoxide dismutase (GSH and SOD) levels were examined with consideration to suitable protocols and vital optimizations. TEM micrographs proved endocytic uptake with succeeding cytoplasm deposition, which unlike other nanomaterials studied previously, conserved membrane integrity allowing intracellular cytotoxic mechanism. Apoptosis was confirmed with gold-standard morphological features observed in micrographs, while redox parameters revealed a time-dependent increase in ROS accompanied with regressive GSH and SOD levels. Collectively, this work demonstrates the success of graphene as a platform for curcumin intracellular delivery and cytotoxicity, and further highlights the importance of suitable in vitro methods to be used for nanomaterial validation. more...
- Published
- 2020
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10. Fatal Coronavirus Disease 2019-associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis; A Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature
- Author
Shiema Abdalla, Muna A. Almaslamani, Samar M. Hashim, Abdulsalam S. Ibrahim, and Ali S. Omrani
- Subjects
COVID-19 ,aspergillosis ,ICU ,viral pneumonia ,Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 - Abstract
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)-associated pulmonary aspergillosis is an emerging entity. We report two fatal cases of putative COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis. Both cases were diagnosed on the basis of respiratory tract cultures yielding Aspergillus species and otherwise unexplained clinical and radiological deterioration. Existing published literature on COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis indicate poor outcomes and high mortality. CAPA should be considered in patients with critical COVID-19 who have unexplained progressive respiratory failure despite optimized supportive care. Diagnostic work-up should be initiated as early as possible and should ideally include fungal cultures, galactomannan detection and Aspergillus PCR on tracheal aspirates or broncho-alveolar lavage fluid. Empiric systemic antifungal therapy may be justified in selected cases, pending diagnostic work up results. Large, multi-center studies are required to further understand the pathogenesis of invasive aspergillosis in COVID-19, and the optimal diagnostic and treatment strategies. more...
- Published
- 2020
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11. Enhancement the performance of swirl heat exchanger by using vortices and NanoAluminume
- Author
Walaa M. Hashim, Hisham A. Hoshi, and Huda A. Al-Salihi
- Subjects
Mechanical engineering ,Nanotechnology ,Heat exchanger ,NanoAluminume ,Swirl ,Vortices ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Heat exchangers are widely used in many industrial applications. It is well known that the effectiveness of these exchangers is normally measured by the amount of the heat transfer, which should be minimized as much as possible according to their size. Present study pays more attention to examine Taylor vortex which formed in the flow of the hot water of the smooth surface heat exchanger and a swirl flow of cold air. Also, an attempt was made to improve the result by replacing the heat transfer surface by Nanoaluminume metal. Experimental results revealed that the effectiveness of the exchanger at the ratio (Cmin/Cmax = 0.08) could be enhanced the effectiveness of the standard exchanger at the ratio (Cmin/Cmax = 0). Further, it was found that using nano Aluminume as a medium material for heat transfer increased the effectiveness (3.2%, 4.3% and 4.58%) for a rotational speed of inner cylinder which were used (0, 65and 80) rpm, respectively. more...
- Published
- 2019
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12. Modelling enzyme electrodes - What do we learn and how is it useful?
- Author
Bartlett PN and Khan MH
- Abstract
There has been an enormous increase in the computational power readily available since the first numerical treatments of electrochemical problems in the early 1960s. This development has been accompanied by the development of powerful, widely available, commercial software modelling tools. Despite this, approximate analytical treatments remain extremely useful in the modelling of coupled diffusion/reaction problems in electrochemistry because of the insights they provide into the different possible behaviours of the system. In this paper we discuss the modelling of amperometric enzyme electrodes, taking as our exemplar redox hydrogel-based enzyme electrodes in which the enzyme is immobilized in a redox active polymer which wires the enzyme to the electrode. In this system the measured current is related to many different experimental variables including substrate concentration and diffusion coefficient, reaction rate constants, and film properties and thickness. The interplay of these factors is described and the role of Case diagrams in understanding coupled diffusion/reaction problems of this type is discussed., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2025 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.) more...
- Published
- 2025
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13. A Targeted Review of Worldwide Indirect Treatment Comparison Guidelines and Best Practices.
- Author
Tanaka S, Igarashi A, De Moor R, Li N, Hirozane M, Hong LW, Wu DB, Yu DY, Hashim M, Hutton B, Tantakoun K, Olsen C, Mirzayeh Fashami F, Samjoo IA, and Cameron C
- Subjects
- Humans, Comparative Effectiveness Research, Decision Making, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Practice Guidelines as Topic
- Abstract
Objectives: Controls and governance over the methodology and reporting of indirect treatment comparisons (ITCs) have been introduced to minimize bias and ensure scientific credibility and transparency in healthcare decision making. The objective of this study was to highlight ITC techniques that are key to conducting objective and analytically sound analyses and to ascertain circumstantial suitability of ITCs as a source of comparative evidence for healthcare interventions., Methods: Ovid MEDLINE was searched from January 2010 through August 2023 to identify publicly available ITC-related documents (ie, guidelines and best practices) in the English language. This was supplemented with hand searches of websites of various international organizations, regulatory agencies, and reimbursement agencies of Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific. The jurisdiction-specific ITC methodology and reporting recommendations were reviewed., Results: Sixty-eight guidelines from 10 authorities worldwide were included for synthesis. Many of the included guidelines were updated within the last 5 years and commonly cited the absence of direct comparative studies as primary justification for using ITCs. Most jurisdictions favored population-adjusted or anchored ITC techniques opposed to naive comparisons. Recommendations on the reporting and presentation of these ITCs varied across authorities; however, there was some overlap among the key elements., Conclusions: Given the challenges of conducting head-to-head randomized controlled trials, comparative data from ITCs offer valuable insights into clinical-effectiveness. As such, multiple ITC guidelines have emerged worldwide. According to the most recent versions of the guidelines, the suitability and subsequent acceptability of the ITC technique used depends on the data sources, available evidence, and magnitude of benefit/uncertainty., Competing Interests: Author Disclosures Author disclosure forms can be accessed below in the Supplemental Material section., (Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Inc.) more...
- Published
- 2024
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14. Exploring the macrominerals and heavy metals profile of deep-sea fishes: A pioneering study on trawl bycatch and discards in the Arabian Sea.
- Author
Davood N, Vidya M, Abhirami N, Vishnu KV, Kumar KVA, Rajeeshkumar MP, and Hashim M
- Subjects
- Animals, Minerals, Metals, Heavy analysis, Fishes metabolism, Water Pollutants, Chemical analysis, Environmental Monitoring
- Abstract
This study assesses macrominerals (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P) and heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, Mn, Co, Fe, and Zn) content of deep-sea fish bycatch in the Arabian Sea, offering insights into their nutritional value, toxicant levels and health implications. Variations in Ca, K, P, Mg, and Na levels across species highlight mineral diversity. Setarches guentheri has the highest Ca (7716 mg/kg ww), K (2030.5 mg/kg ww), and P (13,180 mg/kg ww) concentrations. Dactyloptena orientalis exceeds the Cd limit (0.1284 mg/kg ww). Elevated Se levels in fishes were noted, with Dactyloptena orientalis (0.8607 mg/kg ww), Satyrichthys laticeps (0.7303 mg/kg ww), and Snyderina guentheri (0.6193 mg/kg ww). Fish like Pterygotrigla hemisticta contains high Zn (32 mg/kg ww), meeting Recommended Dietary Allowance limits. Deep-sea fish have safe heavy metal levels, but Cd, Se, and Zn exceed acceptable limits. It has been concluded that the consumption of fish species will not pose a potential health risk to humans., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.) more...
- Published
- 2024
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15. Preservative effect of pomegranate-based marination with β-resorcylic acid and cinnamaldehyde on the microbial quality of chicken liver.
- Author
Osaili TM, Hasan F, Dhanasekaran DK, Arasudeen A, Cheikh Ismail L, Hasan H, Hashim M, Faris MAE, Radwan H, Naja F, Savvaidis IN, Obaid RS, and Holley R
- Subjects
- Animals, Colony Count, Microbial veterinary, Enterobacteriaceae, Food Preservation, Food Microbiology, Meat analysis, Chickens microbiology, Pomegranate, Acrolein analogs & derivatives, Hydroxybenzoates
- Abstract
Chicken liver is considered a delicacy in the Middle East where pomegranate molass is commonly used as a salad dressing and in marinade recipes. Marinated chicken liver is a common entrée and represents a value-added product compared to the otherwise unmarinated liver which commands a lower price. The aim of this study was to investigate the inhibitory effects of a pomegranate-based marinade alone or following the addition of cinnamaldehyde or β-resorcylic acid on the spoilage microorganisms present in chicken liver during storage for 14 d at 4°C or under mild temperature abuse conditions (10°C). The pH and microbial populations of total plate count (TPC), lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Pseudomonas spp. (PS), yeast and mold (YM), and Enterobacteriaceae (EN) were tested during the storage period and the shelf life was determined (defined as 10
7 log cfu/g). Sensory analysis was also conducted. The pH increased by a greater extent in unmarinated samples as compared to marinated samples (with or without antimicrobials) upon storage. The initial TPC, LAB, PS, YM, and EN microbial populations in the chicken liver were 3.85 ± 0.79, 3.73 ± 0.85, 3.85 ± 0.79, 3.73 ± 0.87, and 3.69 ± 0.23 log cfu/g, respectively. The marinade decreased the microbial populations by 2 to 4 log cfu/g. The marinade and antimicrobial mixture decreased the microbial populations by 3 to 4 log cfu/g. Except for 1 sample, none of the marinated chicken liver samples with or without antimicrobials reached the end of shelf life even up to 14 d of storage at both 4°C and 10°C. The overall sensory score was rated around 6/9 for the treated samples., (Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) more...- Published
- 2024
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16. Biallelic variants in PIGN cause Fryns syndrome, multiple congenital anomalies-hypotonia-seizures syndrome, and neurologic phenotypes: A genotype-phenotype correlation study.
- Author
Loong L, Tardivo A, Knaus A, Hashim M, Pagnamenta AT, Alt K, Böhrer-Rabel H, Caro-Llopis A, Cole T, Distelmaier F, Edery P, Ferreira CR, Jezela-Stanek A, Kerr B, Kluger G, Krawitz PM, Kuhn M, Lemke JR, Lesca G, Lynch SA, Martinez F, Maxton C, Mierzewska H, Monfort S, Nicolai J, Orellana C, Pal DK, Płoski R, Quarrell OW, Rosello M, Rydzanicz M, Sabir A, Śmigiel R, Stegmann APA, Stewart H, Stumpel C, Szczepanik E, Tzschach A, Wolfe L, Taylor JC, Murakami Y, Kinoshita T, Bayat A, and Kini U more...
- Subjects
- Limb Deformities, Congenital, Female, Pregnancy, Humans, Facies, Muscle Hypotonia genetics, Genetic Association Studies, Phenotype, Syndrome, Seizures genetics, Abnormalities, Multiple genetics, Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation, Hernia, Diaphragmatic genetics, Epilepsy genetics
- Abstract
Purpose: Biallelic PIGN variants have been described in Fryns syndrome, multiple congenital anomalies-hypotonia-seizure syndrome (MCAHS), and neurologic phenotypes. The full spectrum of clinical manifestations in relation to the genotypes is yet to be reported., Methods: Genotype and phenotype data were collated and analyzed for 61 biallelic PIGN cases: 21 new and 40 previously published cases. Functional analysis was performed for 2 recurrent variants (c.2679C>G p.Ser893Arg and c.932T>G p.Leu311Trp)., Results: Biallelic-truncating variants were detected in 16 patients-10 with Fryns syndrome, 1 with MCAHS1, 2 with Fryns syndrome/MCAHS1, and 3 with neurologic phenotype. There was an increased risk of prenatal or neonatal death within this group (6 deaths were in utero or within 2 months of life; 6 pregnancies were terminated). Incidence of polyhydramnios, congenital anomalies (eg, diaphragmatic hernia), and dysmorphism was significantly increased. Biallelic missense or mixed genotype were reported in the remaining 45 cases-32 showed a neurologic phenotype and 12 had MCAHS1. No cases of diaphragmatic hernia or abdominal wall defects were seen in this group except patient 1 in which we found the missense variant p.Ser893Arg to result in functionally null alleles, suggesting the possibility of an undescribed functionally important region in the final exon. For all genotypes, there was complete penetrance for developmental delay and near-complete penetrance for seizures and hypotonia in patients surviving the neonatal period., Conclusion: We have expanded the described spectrum of phenotypes and natural history associated with biallelic PIGN variants. Our study shows that biallelic-truncating variants usually result in the more severe Fryns syndrome phenotype, but neurologic problems, such as developmental delay, seizures, and hypotonia, present across all genotypes. Functional analysis should be considered when the genotypes do not correlate with the predicted phenotype because there may be other functionally important regions in PIGN that are yet to be discovered., Competing Interests: Conflict of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2022 American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. All rights reserved.) more...
- Published
- 2023
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17. Tuberculosis (TB) care challenges in post-conflict settings: The case of Afghanistan.
- Author
Stanikzai MH and Hashim-Wafa M
- Subjects
- Humans, Afghanistan epidemiology, Income, Poverty, COVID-19 epidemiology, Tuberculosis drug therapy, Tuberculosis epidemiology
- Abstract
Tuberculosis (TB) is a huge global health concern, especially for low and middle-income countries. In Afghanistan, TB is highly prevalent that is attributed in part to, notable poverty, resource constraints, and a mismanaged health care system that engulf the country. This article describes unique challenges for TB care in Afghanistan. It concludes this endemic problem may now multiply due to COVID-19 and political challenges and transform into a disaster that may result in higher morbidity and mortality among TB patients. We recommend addressing the need for appropriate and timely TB-care amid the post-conflict setting. Additionally, the health workforce needs to play a vital role in policy advocacy and health service delivery that promotes TB care in this post-conflict and resource-limited setting., Competing Interests: Conflicts of interest The authors have none to declare., (Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier B.V.) more...
- Published
- 2022
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18. Characteristics of Suture Materials Used in Oral Surgery: Systematic Review.
- Author
Faris A, Khalid L, Hashim M, Yaghi S, Magde T, Bouresly W, Hamdoon Z, Uthman AT, Marei H, and Al-Rawi N
- Subjects
- Humans, Nylons, Polyglycolic Acid, Oral Surgical Procedures instrumentation, Sutures
- Abstract
Background: The aim of this review was to evaluate the most used suture materials with regards to their inflammatory response, their bacterial adhesion, and their physical properties when used to close oral wounds., Methods: Four databases (PubMed, Scopus, Dentistry & Oral Sciences, and OVID) were searched to retrieve relevant studies from January 1, 2000, to January 31, 2020., Results: Out of the 269 articles, only 13 studies were selected as they were relevant and met the systematic review's protocol. These studies showed that almost all suture materials studies (catgut, polyglycolic acid [PGA] sutures, nylon, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene, and silk sutures) caused bacterial adherence and tissue reaction. In nylon and chromic catgut, the number of bacteria accumulated was lowest. Silk and nylon were found to be more impacted than catgut and PGA in terms of physical characteristics such as tensile strength. PGA, on the other hand, was said to be the most susceptible to knot unwinding., Conclusions: Following an oral surgical operation, all sutures revealed varied degrees of irritation and microbial accumulation. Nonresorbable monofilament synthetic sutures, however, exhibited less tissue response and less microbial accumulation., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest None disclosed., (Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) more...
- Published
- 2022
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19. Comparative evaluation of single or combined anticoccidials on performance, antioxidant status, immune response, and intestinal architecture of broiler chickens challenged with mixed Eimeria species.
- Author
Abdelhady AY, El-Safty SA, Hashim M, Ibrahim MA, Mohammed FF, Elbaz AM, and Abdel-Moneim AE
- Subjects
- Animals, Antioxidants therapeutic use, Chickens, Immunity, Coccidiosis drug therapy, Coccidiosis veterinary, Coccidiostats therapeutic use, Eimeria, Poultry Diseases drug therapy
- Abstract
Poultry production faces several threats and challenges, one of the most important of which is avian coccidiosis which causes annual losses exceeding US$ 3 billion. Discovering new drugs or combinations of existing anticoccidials has become inevitable to overcome the emergence of coccidiosis resistance. This study evaluated a new combination of maduramicin and diclazuril in comparison to the well-known product Maxiban72 which consisted of narasin and nicarbazin, and the single effect of monensin as treatments for avian coccidiosis. A total of 750 1-day-old Indian River broiler chicks were allocated equally into 5 experimental groups with 6 replicates each as follows: 1) negative unchallenged control group (NC) fed the basal diet; 2) positive control group (PC) received the basal diet and inoculated with Eimeria; 3) PC + 100 mg monensin sodium (Atomonsin)/kg diet (MS); 4) PC + 5 mg maduramicin ammonium (Madramycin) + 2.5 mg diclazuril (Atozuril)/kg diet (MMD); and 5) PC + 40 mg narasin + 40 mg nicarbazin (Maxiban
T 72)/kg diet (NN). Anticoccidials improved (P < 0.01) growth performance, dressing (%) and carcass yield of inoculated birds compared to untreated-inoculated ones. Erythrogram and leukogram parameters were affected by Eimeria challenge. Total protein, globulin, cholesterol, triglycerides, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase levels in PC birds' serum were reduced (P < 0.05) while their values of liver enzymes, malondialdehyde and catalase were elevated (P < 0.01) when compared to NC ones. Serum immunoglobulin A, and jejunal gene expressions of interleukin-6 and interferon gamma were increased (P < 0.05) in PC group compared to NC group. Anticoccidial drugs restored values of the aforementioned biomarkers near to those of NC. Jejunal architecture in inoculated birds was improved by the anticoccidial treatments in MS, MMD, and NN. Fecal oocyst counts were significantly reduced in MMD, NN, and MS groups compared to PC group. Conclusively, although all examined anticoccidial drugs were effective in treating Eimeriosis, the anticoccidial combinations in MMD and NN groups were more effective than the single administration of MS in treating avian coccidiosis., (Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) more...- Published
- 2021
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20. A simple screening tool for occupational burnout among dentists.
- Author
Chohan L, Dewa CS, El-Badrawy W, and Nainar SMH
- Subjects
- Child, Dentists, Depersonalization epidemiology, Humans, Surveys and Questionnaires, United States epidemiology, Burnout, Professional diagnosis, Burnout, Professional epidemiology, Physicians
- Abstract
Background: Nearly 40% of US physicians experience occupational burnout. The actual prevalence rate of burnout among US dentists remains unknown. The authors examined a simplified 2-item burnout screening tool based on the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) to identify possible occupational burnout among dentists., Methods: Data were obtained from a survey of pediatric dentists (n = 540) in the United States. The full MBI items from the data set were used to determine and categorize emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. Responses to 2 MBI items, 1 for emotional exhaustion and 1 for depersonalization, were analyzed separately and risk of experiencing high MBI emotional exhaustion and depersonalization was calculated using all subscale items for these 2 burnout dimensions. Spearman correlations were used to compare responses to the 2 MBI items and MBI emotional exhaustion and depersonalization., Results: Based on frequency of at least once per week, 18% of respondents had positive response to MBI item "I feel burned out from my work" and had high MBI emotional exhaustion, and 9% had positive response to MBI item "I have become more callous toward people since I took this job" along with high MBI depersonalization. The risk of experiencing the burnout dimensions of high emotional exhaustion and depersonalization increased with positive frequency score for the respective MBI items. There were strong positive correlations between responses to the 2 MBI items and emotional exhaustion and depersonalization scores, respectively., Conclusions: A simple 2-item burnout screening tool can be used to identify potential occupational burnout among dentists., Practical Implications: Improving awareness about occupational burnout can help mitigate its detrimental consequences., (Copyright © 2021. Published by Elsevier Inc.) more...
- Published
- 2021
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21. Respiratory disease and Ramadan.
- Author
Khan MH and Al-Lehebi R
- Subjects
- Humans, Life Style, Sleep Wake Disorders etiology, Smoking Cessation, Fasting, Islam, Medication Adherence, Respiratory System Agents therapeutic use, Respiratory Tract Diseases drug therapy
- Published
- 2020
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22. Nicotine patches with e-cigarettes for smoking cessation: Twitter discussion from a respirology journal club.
- Author
Diab N, Stanbrook MB, Khan MH, and Anand A
- Subjects
- Nicotine, Tobacco Use Cessation Devices, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, Smoking Cessation, Social Media
- Published
- 2020
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23. Short-term effects of fixed orthodontic appliance on concentrations of mutans streptococci and persister cells in adolescents.
- Author
Ko-Adams C, Cioffi I, Dufour D, Nainar SMH, Lévesque CM, and Gong SG
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Child, Female, Humans, Male, Orthodontic Appliances, Saliva, Dental Caries microbiology, Dental Plaque, Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed microbiology, Streptococcus mutans isolation & purification
- Abstract
Introduction: Orthodontic patients are at an increased risk for developing caries. Dental caries is a biofilm-mediated disease, with mutans streptococci (MS) as the primary etiologic bacterial group. It has been suggested that persister cells (PCs), a subset of cells within the biofilm, contribute to the chronic infectious nature of dental caries. PC formation can be induced by environmental stressors such as orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to quantify MS, aerobic and facultative anaerobe bacterial PC proportions from plaque samples during the initial stage of orthodontic treatment. This study is the first to analyze the role of PCs in a population of patients highly susceptible to caries, that is, patients undergoing orthodontic treatment., Methods: Plaque samples were collected from 17 participants (11 males and 6 females; age range: 11-18 years) before and 1 month after insertion of fixed orthodontic appliances. Percentages of MS and PCs were determined with selective media and a classical persister microbial assay, respectively., Results: There was a statistically significant decrease in %MS (P = 0.039) but no statistically significant difference in %PCs (P = 0.939) after 1 month of orthodontic appliance placement., Conclusion: Our study illustrated the technical feasibility of analysis of PCs in plaque samples of patients during orthodontic treatment and revealed that PC formation during orthodontic treatment is highly variable across individuals., (Copyright © 2019 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) more...
- Published
- 2020
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24. Extrapolating Survival Data Using Historical Trial-Based a Priori Distributions.
- Author
Soikkeli F, Hashim M, Ouwens M, Postma M, and Heeg B
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Antineoplastic Agents economics, Antineoplastic Agents therapeutic use, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols economics, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols therapeutic use, Bortezomib economics, Bortezomib therapeutic use, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Decision Making, Female, Humans, Interatrial Block, Male, Melphalan economics, Melphalan therapeutic use, Middle Aged, Multiple Myeloma drug therapy, Prednisone economics, Prednisone therapeutic use, Clinical Trials as Topic methods, Data Interpretation, Statistical, Multiple Myeloma mortality, Survival Analysis
- Abstract
Objectives: To show how clinical trial data can be extrapolated using historical trial data-based a priori distributions., Methods: Extrapolations based on 30-month pivotal multiple myeloma trial data were compared with 75-month data from the same trial. The 30-month data represent a typical decision-making scenario where early results from a clinical trial are extrapolated. Mature historical trial data with the same comparator as in the pivotal trial were incorporated in 2 stages. First, the parametric distribution selection was based on the historical trial data. Second, the shape parameter estimate of the historical trial was used to define an informative a priori distribution for the shape of the 30-month pivotal trial data. The method was compared with standard approaches, fitting parametric distributions to the 30-month data with noninformative prior. The predicted survival of each method was compared with the observed survival (ΔAUC) in the 75-month trial data., Results: The Weibull had the best fit to the historical trial and the log-normal to the 30-month pivotal trial data. The ΔAUC of the Weibull with informative priors was considerably smaller compared with the standard Weibull. Also, the predicted median survival based on the Weibull with informative priors was more accurate (melphalan and prednisone [MP] 40 months, and bortezomib [V] combined with MP [VMP] 62 months) than based on the standard Weibull (MP 45 months and VMP 72 months) when compared with the observed median (MP 41.3 months and VMP 56.4 months)., Conclusions: Extrapolation of clinical trial data is improved by using historical trial data-based informative a priori distributions., (Copyright © 2019 ISPOR–The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) more...
- Published
- 2019
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25. Do Surrogate Endpoints Better Correlate with Overall Survival in Studies That Did Not Allow for Crossover or Reported Balanced Postprogression Treatments? An Application in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
- Author
Hashim M, Pfeiffer BM, Bartsch R, Postma M, and Heeg B
- Subjects
- Biomarkers, Disease Progression, Humans, Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung mortality, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung therapy, Lung Neoplasms mortality, Lung Neoplasms therapy, Survival Rate
- Abstract
Background: In previous studies, correlation between overall survival (OS) and surrogate endpoints like objective response rate (ORR) or progression-free survival (PFS) in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was poor. This can be biased by crossover and postprogression treatments., Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between these two surrogate endpoints and OS in advanced NSCLC studies that did not allow for crossover or reported balanced post-progression treatments., Methods: A systematic review in patients with advanced NSCLC receiving second- and further-line therapy was performed. The relationship between the absolute difference in ORR or median PFS (mPFS) and the absolute difference in median OS (mOS) was assessed using the correlation coefficient (R) and weighted regression models. The analysis was repeated in predefined data cuts based on crossover and balance of postprogression treatments. When the upper limit of R's 95% confidence interval (CI) was more than 0.7, the surrogate threshold effect (STE) was estimated., Results: In total, 146 randomized clinical trials (43,061 patients) were included. The mean ORR, mPFS, and mOS were 12.2% ± 11.2%, 3.2 ± 1.3 months, and 9.6 ± 4.1 months, respectively. The correlation coefficients of ORR and mPFS were 0.181 (95% CI 0.016-0.337) and 0.254 (95% CI 0.074-0.418), respectively, with mOS. Nevertheless, in trials that did not allow crossover and reported balanced postprogression treatments, the correlation coefficients of ORR and mPFS were 0.528 (95% CI 0.081-0.798) and 0.778 (95% CI 0.475-0.916), respectively, with mOS. On the basis of STE estimation, in trials showing significant treatment effect size of 41.0% or more ORR or 4.15 or more mPFS months, OS benefit can be expected with sufficient certainty., Conclusions: Crossover and postprogression treatments may bias the relationship between surrogate endpoints and OS. Presented STE calculation can be used to interpret treatment effect on either ORR or PFS when used as primary endpoints., (Copyright © 2018 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) more...
- Published
- 2018
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26. Utero-cutaneous fistula after caesarean section secondary to red degeneration of intramural fibroid.
- Author
Lim PS, Shafiee MN, Ahmad S, and Hashim Omar M
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Necrosis, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Complications pathology, Cesarean Section, Cutaneous Fistula etiology, Fistula etiology, Leiomyoma pathology, Uterine Diseases etiology, Uterine Diseases pathology
- Abstract
A 33 year-old woman had an emergency caesarean section for retained second twin which was complicated by utero-cutaneous fistula due to red degeneration of intramural fibroid. The utero-cutaneous communication was demonstrated by an examination under anaesthesia using dye test. She then underwent excision of the fistula tract and myomectomy. She recovered well following the surgery. This is the first case of utero-cutaneous fistula where the communication is between the endometrial cavity and skin lesion via a necrotic intramural fibroid following caesarean section. Fistulogram might fail to demonstrate the communication. In highly suspected case, other modalities of investigations could be utilised., (Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.) more...
- Published
- 2012
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27. Assessment of the renal toxicity of novel anti-inflammatory compounds using cynomolgus monkey and human kidney cells.
- Author
Cai H, Agrawal AK, Putt DA, Hashim M, Reddy A, Brodfuehrer J, Surendran N, and Lash LH
- Subjects
- Animals, Anti-Inflammatory Agents chemistry, Anti-Inflammatory Agents pharmacokinetics, Cells, Cultured, Drug Evaluation, Preclinical methods, Drugs, Investigational chemistry, Drugs, Investigational pharmacokinetics, Humans, Kidney Tubules, Proximal cytology, Kidney Tubules, Proximal metabolism, Macaca fascicularis, Organic Anion Transport Protein 1 genetics, Organic Anion Transport Protein 1 physiology, Organic Anion Transporters, Sodium-Independent genetics, Organic Anion Transporters, Sodium-Independent physiology, Predictive Value of Tests, Transfection, Anti-Inflammatory Agents toxicity, Drugs, Investigational toxicity, Kidney Tubules, Proximal drug effects
- Abstract
PF1, an anti-inflammatory drug candidate, was nephrotoxic in cynomolgus monkeys in a manner that was qualitatively comparable to that observed with the two previous exploratory drug candidates (PF2and PF3). Based on the severity of nephrotoxicity, PF1 ranked between the other two compounds, withPF2 inducing mortality at all doses and PF3 eliciting only mild nephrotoxicity. To further characterize nephrotoxicity in monkeys and enable direct comparisons with humans, primary cultures of proximal tubular (PT) cells from monkey and human kidneys were used as in vitro tools, using lactate dehydrogenase release as the biomarker of cytotoxicity. In both human and monkey PT cells, PF2was by far the most cytotoxic compound of the three drugs. PF1 exhibited modest cytotoxicity at the highest concentration tested in human PT cells but none in monkey kidney cells whereas PF3 exhibited the reverse pattern.Because these drugs are organic anions, mechanistic studies using human organic anion transporters 1 and 3 (hOAT1 andhOAT3) transfected cell lines were pursued to evaluate the potential of these compounds to interact with these transporters. All three drugs exhibited high affinity for hOAT3 (PF1 exhibited the lowest IC50 of 6M) but only weakly interacted with hOAT1 (with no interaction found for PF2). PF2 was a strong hOAT3 (not hOAT1) substrate, whereas PF1 and PF3 were substrates for both hOAT1 and hOAT3.Upon pretreatment of monkeys with the OAT substrate probenecid, PF3 systemic exposure (AUC) and half-life (t1/2) increased approximately 2-fold whereas clearance (CL) and volume of distribution (Vdss) decreased, as compared to naïve monkeys. This indicated that PF3 competed with probenecid for hOAT1 and/or hOAT3mediated elimination of PF3. Thus, hOAT1 and/or hOAT3 may be responsible for the uptake of this series of drugs in renal PT cells, which may directly or indirectly lead to the observed nephrotoxicity in vivo. more...
- Published
- 2009
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