Photodocumentation of the face before aesthetic or plastic surgery is of fundamental importance for at least three reasons: it is an aid to surgical planning, it can be used for illustrative purposes in discussions with the patient, and it satisfies medico-legal requirements for documentation. To achieve efficient and economic documentation of preoperative and postoperative status in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic procedures, the mirror system described here permits the required planes to be documented in a single photograph. The simple and inexpensive technical design allows six planes to be documented in constant and, therefore, comparable quality. Because the patient's data are also documented with the photographic record, the potential for mistaken patient identity is eliminated. No technical training is needed to operate the device and it can, therefore, be readily used by ancillary medical personnel. In a typical nasal surgery department performing about 150 rhinoplasty procedures per annum, the mirror system offers cost and time savings generated as a result of reducing the documentation burden by 750 photographs.