
Showing total 15 results
15 results

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1. Comparative study of the main characteristics and composition of the mainstream smoke of ten cigarette brands sold in Spain

2. The evaluation of i-SIDRA - a tool for intelligent feedback - in a course on the anatomy of the locomotor system.

3. Amphetamines and cannabinoids testing in hair: Evaluation of results from a two-year period.

4. Cooperation in common property regimes under extreme drought conditions: Empirical evidence from the use of pooled transferable quotas in Spanish irrigation systems.

5. An empirical analysis of the integration of internal and external management system audits.

6. A comparative analysis of occupational health and safety risk prevention practices in Sweden and Spain.

7. Environmental reporting in the Spanish wind energy sector: an institutional view

8. Environmental assessment of pig slurry management after local characterization and normalization

9. A comparative analysis of cellular automata models for simulation of small urban areas in Galicia, NW Spain

10. A comparative study of stress integration methods for the Barcelona Basic Model

11. A comparative appraisal of the use of rainwater harvesting in single and multi-family buildings of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (Spain): social experience, drinking water savings and economic costs

12. Comparative reflections on the use of modelling tools in conflictive water management settings: The Mancha Occidental aquifer, Spain

13. The assessment of sustainable tourism: Application to Spanish coastal destinations

14. Education returns of wage earners and self-employed workers: Comment

15. Testing for kinship in a subdivided population