
Showing total 11 results
11 results

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1. Construction of a drought monitoring model using deep learning based on multi-source remote sensing data.

2. Impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C on precipitation patterns in China by regional climate model (COSMO-CLM).

3. Spatial-temporal distribution characteristics and hazard assessment of millet drought disaster in Northern China under climate change.

4. The role of groundwater depth in semiarid grassland restoration to increase the resilience to drought events: A lesson from Horqin Grassland, China.

5. Drought monitoring and analysis in China based on the Integrated Surface Drought Index (ISDI).

6. A Bayesian assessment of the current irrigation water supplies capacity under projected droughts for the 2030s in China.

7. Separating the effects of climate change and human activities on drought propagation via a natural and human-impacted catchment comparison method.

8. Assessing the vulnerability and risk of maize to drought in China based on the AquaCrop model.

9. Insight from CMIP6 SSP-RCP scenarios for future drought characteristics in China.

10. The use of combined soil moisture data to characterize agricultural drought conditions and the relationship among different drought types in China.

11. The Impact of Snowstorms, Droughts and Locust Outbreaks on Livestock Production in Inner Mongolia: Anticipation and Adaptation to Environmental Shocks.