
Showing total 43 results
43 results

Search Results

1. Drought patterns and multiple teleconnection factors driving forces in China during 1960–2018.

2. Spatio-temporal characteristics and driving factors of flash drought in northern China from 1978 to 2020.

3. Drought response analysis based on cross wavelet transform and mutual entropy.

4. A novel approach for quantifying water resource spatial equilibrium based on the regional evaluation, spatiotemporal heterogeneity and geodetector analysis integrated model.

5. Copula-based comprehensive drought identification and evaluation over the Xijiang River Basin in South China.

6. Research on response of the Chinese pine to regional climatic factors and drought events, Xiaowutai Mountain, China

7. Construction of a drought monitoring model using deep learning based on multi-source remote sensing data.

8. Do forests relieve crop thirst in the face of drought? Empirical evidence from South China.

9. Relationship between flood/drought disasters and ENSO from 1857 to 2003 in the Taihu Lake basin, China

10. The progradation and retrogradation of two newborn Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta lobes and its influencing factors.

11. Impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C on precipitation patterns in China by regional climate model (COSMO-CLM).

12. Farmers’ perception of effective drought policy implementation: A case study of 2009–2010 drought in Yunnan province, China.

13. A wavelet perspective on variabilities of hydrological processes in conjunction with geomorphic analysis over the Pearl River basin in South China.

14. Copula-based standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index and its evaluation in China.

15. Spatial-temporal distribution characteristics and hazard assessment of millet drought disaster in Northern China under climate change.

16. The Evaporative Stress Index as an indicator of agricultural drought in Brazil: An assessment based on crop yield impacts.

17. Drought structure based on a nonparametric multivariate standardized drought index across the Yellow River basin, China.

18. Drought assessment of terrestrial ecosystems in the Yangtze River Basin, China.

19. The role of groundwater depth in semiarid grassland restoration to increase the resilience to drought events: A lesson from Horqin Grassland, China.

20. Detection and attribution of the decreasing precipitation and extreme drought 2020 in southeastern China.

21. Drought monitoring and analysis in China based on the Integrated Surface Drought Index (ISDI).

22. Nonstationary analysis of hydrological drought index in a coupled human-water system: Application of the GAMLSS with meteorological and anthropogenic covariates in the Wuding River basin, China.

23. Assessing the impact of climatic factors on potential evapotranspiration in droughts in North China.

24. A Bayesian assessment of the current irrigation water supplies capacity under projected droughts for the 2030s in China.

25. Establishing and assessing the Integrated Surface Drought Index (ISDI) for agricultural drought monitoring in mid-eastern China.

26. A comprehensive drought monitoring method integrating MODIS and TRMM data.

27. Research Progress of Water Disaster Investment at Home and Abroad.

28. Reconstructed droughts for the northeastern Tibetan Plateau since AD 1411 and its linkages to the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans

29. Aridity changes in the eastern Qilian Mountains since AD 1856 reconstructed from tree-rings

30. Reconstructed precipitation for the north-central China over the past 380 years and its linkages to East Asian summer monsoon variability

31. The Study of Dynamic Monitor of Rice Drought in Jiangxi Province with Remote Sensing.

32. Desiccation of the Tarim River, Xinjiang, China, and mitigation strategy

33. Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Drought Vulnerability Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process: —An Empirical Study from Xiaogan City in Hubei Province.

34. Separating the effects of climate change and human activities on drought propagation via a natural and human-impacted catchment comparison method.

35. Characterizing spatio-temporal patterns of multi-scalar drought risk in mainland China.

36. Integrated urban and rural water affairs management reform in China: Affecting factors

37. Use of sustainability index and cellular automata-Markov model to determine and predict long-term spatio-temporal variation of drought in China.

38. Assessing the vulnerability and risk of maize to drought in China based on the AquaCrop model.

39. Insight from CMIP6 SSP-RCP scenarios for future drought characteristics in China.

40. Utility of integrated IMERG precipitation and GLEAM potential evapotranspiration products for drought monitoring over mainland China.

41. The use of combined soil moisture data to characterize agricultural drought conditions and the relationship among different drought types in China.

42. The Impact of Snowstorms, Droughts and Locust Outbreaks on Livestock Production in Inner Mongolia: Anticipation and Adaptation to Environmental Shocks.

43. Developing a fused vegetation temperature condition index for drought monitoring at field scales using Sentinel-2 and MODIS imagery.