We study in detail the M w 5.4 September 6, 2021 Tofalaria earthquake occurred in a mountain area of the Eastern Sayan which is characterized by a low level of seismic activity. An interest in the seismic event is caused, on the one hand, by poor knowledge about stress-strain field of the crust in the considered region, and, on the other hand, by its relation to the NW segment of the ancient Main Sayan fault – a structural boundary between the Sayan-Baikal fold belt and the tectonically stable Siberian platform. Seismic moment tensors and hypocentral depths of the mainshock and its largest aftershock (M w 4.6) are inverted from intermediate-period surface wave amplitude spectra calculated at the stations located at teleseismic distances. Integral source parameters of the mainshock, characterizing its spatio-temporal development, are also estimated and the fault plane is determined. Epicenters of 31 aftershocks with M ≥ 1.8, occurred up to the end of 2021, are constrained from body waves recorded at regional seismic stations. The obtained results show that the Tofalaria earthquake occurred under the influence of the SW-NE compression, which is observed in Western Mongolia. Focal mechanism of the largest aftershock and the NE elongation of the aftershock epicentral field (22 km) indicate stress redistribution after the mainshock in a local crustal volume, bordered by small-scale faults. • Source parameters and aftershock process of the Tofalaria earthquake (Eastern Sayan) are studied. • The Tofalaria earthquake occurred under the influence of the SW-NE compression. • The Tofalaria earthquake caused stress redistribution in a local crustal volume, bordered by small-scale faults. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]