[Display omitted] • A study on ultrasonic wave propagation in liquid filled containers is shown. • A unique non-invasive liquid level detection method is developed and demonstrated. • The developed method has the potential for universal applicability. Techniques to measure liquid level in containers and vessels non-invasively are of great interest for the manufacturing, chemical industries, and energy sectors. Most commercial solutions use invasive techniques, which are not always practical and can lead to unsafe conditions when measuring devices encounter high pressures or hazardous chemical contents. In this study, a portable, non-invasive acoustic liquid level identification technique is developed. The technique relies on comprehensive analysis of acoustic guided wave modes in the container walls and their coupling to liquid contents to determine the optimal sensor separation distance and excitation signal characteristics, resulting in liquid level determination with high accuracy and precision. First, dispersion characteristics of guided wave propagation in container walls in contact with a liquid boundary are studied in detail. Based on the dispersion analysis a general-purpose short-range liquid level detection methodology is developed. The developed methodology is then validated using numerical wave propagation simulations and experiments on various metal containers with different physical characteristics, illustrating the versatility of the method. Compared to existing techniques, which are optimized for specific applications, the proposed method, due to its short range and non-invasive nature, has the potential for universal applicability on virtually any container, irrespective of its shape, size, wall-thickness, and whether it has any internal components. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]