Lombroni, R., Carusotti, S., Giorgetti, F., Scarpari, M., Buxton, P.F., Calabrò, G., Fanelli, P., Romanelli, M., Valdes, E. Ruiz de Villa, and Wood, J.
• Electro-Magnetic and structural evaluation of the loads coming from a plasma disruption event on ST40 structures, with particular focus to new inner vacuum chamber. • Successful application of a recently developed procedure based on the use of MAXFEA code in combination with ANSYS APDL in the context of the advanced non-conventional low aspect ratio tokamak ST40. • Evaluation of the induced eddy currents and related force distributions on the tokamak structures. Tokamak Energy Ltd. is developing compact fusion power plants based on two promising technologies, Spherical Tokamaks (STs) and High Temperature Superconductors (HTS), with the aim to build a first demonstrative plant by the 2030′s. On its path to fusion power, Tokamak Energy is presently operating ST40, a new generation ST that is currently the highest field device of its kind. In the near future, an important ST40 upgrade is planned and foresees the manufacturing and the installation of a new vacuum chamber, called IVC2. This upgrade will allow the exploitation of ST40 to its maximum performances enabling Double Null (DN) diverted operations with up to 2 MA of plasma current and 3 T of toroidal field. IVC2 is currently in the final design stage. The necessity to analyse in detail the Electro-Magnetic (EM) behaviour of this component under the loads coming from plasma disruptions has recently emerged in order to verify the design or drive further modifications. In this context, a study to analyse the EM response of IVC2 during a plasma Vertical Displacement Event (VDE) has been carried out using the MAXFEA code in combination with ANSYS APDL, following a recent workflow development. The main output of this study is the evaluation of the transient EM force density in IVC2 and other components for subsequent mechanical assessments. The aim of this paper is to present the results of this analysis to show the successful application of this procedure in the context of ST40 project. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]