Industrial threading processes that use cutting taps are in high demand. However, industrial conditions differ markedly from laboratory conditions. In this study, a machine-learning solution is presented for the correct classification of threads, based on industrial requirements, to avoid expensive manual measurement of quality indicators. First, quality states are categorized. Second, process inputs are extracted from the torque signals including statistical parameters. Third, different machine-learning algorithms are tested: from base classifiers, such as decision trees and multilayer perceptrons, to complex ensembles of classifiers especially designed for imbalanced datasets, such as boosting and bagging decision-tree ensembles combined with SMOTE and under-sampling balancing techniques. Ensembles demonstrated the lowest sensitivity to window sizes, the highest accuracy for smaller window sizes, and the greatest learning ability with small datasets. Fourth, the combination of models with both high Recall and high Precision resulted in a reliable industrial tool, tested on an extensive experimental dataset., Projects TIN2015-67534-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE) of the Ministerio de Economía Competitividad of the Spanish Governmentand project BU085P17 (JCyL/FEDER, UE) of the Junta de Castilla y Le ́on, both co-financed through European-Union FEDER funds and project IT-2005/00201 of the INNOTEK Program of the Basque Government