Eduardo Kerzberg, Javier Rosa, José Angel Caracciolo, Laura Raiti, Andrea D’Orazio, Diana Klajn, Valeria Astudillo, Claudia Hartvig, Dora Pereira, Marta Mamani, José Velazco Zamora, Silvia Papasidero, Federico Giordano, Oscar Rillo, Mónica Sacnum, Rodolfo Perez Alamino, Hernán Maldonado Ficco, Mariana Benegas, María José Latorre Medina, A. C. Costi, Cinthya Retamozo, María de los Ángeles Correa, Olga Romano, Adriana Perez Dávila, María Julia Santa Cruz, Gustavo Citera, Damaris Alvarez, Vanesa Cruzat, Julia Sosa, Gisela Pendón, Mercedes García, Nicolás Lloves, Karin Kirmayr, Silvana Pérez, María Zalazar, Rosana Quintana, Gabriela Chávez Sánchez, María del Carmen Massé García, Fernando Melo, Graciela Gómez, Yamila Chichotky, B A Pons-Estel, Analía Bohr, and Paula Kohan
espanolIntroduccion El Educational Needs Assessment Tool-version espanola (SpENAT) es un cuestionario autorreportado que evalua las necesidades educacionales (NEd) con el fin de dar informacion adaptada y centrada en el paciente con artritis reumatoide (AR). Comprende 39 preguntas agrupadas en 7 dominios: Manejo del dolor, Movimiento, Sentimientos, Proceso de artritis, Tratamientos, Medidas de autoayuda y Sistemas de apoyo. Objetivos Evaluar las NEd en pacientes con AR mediante el SpENAT y determinar cuales son las principales fuentes de informacion a las que consultan. Material y metodos Estudio multicentrico, observacional, analitico, de corte transversal. Se incluyeron pacientes consecutivos ≥ 18 anos con diagnostico de AR (ACR 87 y/o ACR-EULAR 2010). Se consignaron datos demograficos, nivel educativo, caracteristicas de la enfermedad y medidas clinimetricas. Todos los pacientes completaron el SpENAT y fueron interrogados acerca de las fuentes a las que acuden para obtener informacion de su enfermedad. Analisis estadistico Se describieron las caracteristicas poblacionales. Se determinaron las NEd como porcentajes del puntaje maximo posible de cada dominio. Se compararon las necesidades por dominio segun sexo, anos de educacion, tiempo de evolucion, uso de biologico y capacidad funcional mediante test de Anova y las comparaciones de a pares con prueba t de Student y correccion de Bonferroni. Se determino correlacion entre los dominios con test de Spearman. Se comparo la edad segun la fuente de informacion con la prueba t de Student. Resultados Se incluyeron 496 pacientes de 20 centros de todo el pais. Se observaron mayores NEd en los dominios Movimiento, Sentimientos y Proceso de artritis. Los pacientes de mayor nivel educacional (> 7 anos) refirieron mayores NEd en los dominios Proceso de artritis y Medidas de autoayuda. Un mayor deterioro funcional (HAQ ≥ 0,87) se asocio con unas mayores NEd en todos los dominios. Los pacientes con alta actividad mostraron mayores NEd que los pacientes en remision en los dominios Manejo del dolor, Movimiento, Sentimientos, Tratamientos y Sistemas de apoyo, y que los pacientes con baja actividad en los dominios Medidas de autoayuda y Sistemas de apoyo. Todos los dominios del SpENAT mostraron correlaciones positivas entre si (p Conclusion Los pacientes con AR manifestaron un gran interes por conocer mas sobre su enfermedad. Un elevado deterioro funcional se asocia con mayores NEd. Los pacientes con alta actividad de la enfermedad presentan mayores NEd en casi todos los dominios. El medico reumatologo es la principal fuente de informacion del paciente con AR. EnglishBackground The SpENAT, a Spanish version of the Educational Needs Assessment Tool, is a self-completed questionnaire that assesses educational needs (ENs) with the purpose of providing tailored and patient-centered information. It consists of 39 questions grouped into the 7 following domains: Pain management, Movement, Feelings, Arthritic process, Treatments, Self-help measures and Support system. Objectives The objective of the study was to describe the ENs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients using the SpENAT and to determine the main sources of information consulted by these patients. Material and methods Multicenter, observational, cross-sectional study. We included consecutive patients ≥ 18 years with diagnosis of RA (ACR 87/ACR-EULAR 2010). Sociodemographic data, disease characteristics and clinimetric properties were recorded. All patients completed the SpENAT and were asked about the sources employed to obtain information about their disease. Statistical analysis Population characteristics were described. ENs were determined as percentages of the highest possible score for each domain. Needs for each domain according to sex, years of education, disease duration, use of biologicals and functional capacity were analyzed by means of ANOVA, and bivariate comparisons were made with Student's t-test and the Bonferroni correction. Correlation between domains was determined with the Spearman correlation coefficient. We compared patients’ age by source of information with Student's t-test. Results We included 496 patients from 20 centers across the country. More ENs were observed in the domains of Movement, Feelings and the Arthritic process. Patients with higher educational level (> 7 years) reported more ENs in the Arthritic process and Self-help measure domains. A higher functional impairment (HAQ-A ≥ 0.87) was associated with more ENs in every domain. Patients with high activity showed more ENs than those in remission in the domains of Pain management, Movement, Feelings, Treatments and Support system, as well as those with low activity in Self-help measures and Support system domains. All SpENAT domains showed positive correlations among each other (P Conclusion RA patients were very interested about knowing more about their disease. High functional impairment was associated with more ENs. Patients with high disease activity had higher EN levels in almost every domain. The rheumatologist was the main source of information for the patient with RA.