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2. Coladores de bronce en el Mediterráneo occidental (s. V-IV a.C.)
- Author
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Prehistoria, Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Filología Griega y Filología Latina, Graells i Fabregat, Raimon, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Prehistoria, Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Filología Griega y Filología Latina, and Graells i Fabregat, Raimon
- Abstract
This paper presents an updated catalogue of pre-Roman metal strainers documented in the Iberian Peninsula. The aim is not only to correctly classify the already published pieces or to make known others that had remained unpublished until now, but also to discuss their provenance. The Etruscan attribution of some, but above all the South Italic attribution of the majority of the catalogued pieces, gives rise to an interesting reflection on the interaction between the Iberian Peninsula and the South Italian Peninsula, which also includes other metallic productions. Without attempting to resolve the mechanism by which the metal strainers in question reached the Iberian Peninsula, we believe that this paper may serve as a useful basis for new paths of future research into commercial aspects as well as those related to mercenarism and technology transfer.
- Published
- 2023
3. Remarks on recent ancient warfare research: the sum of efforts or failure
- Author
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Prehistoria, Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Filología Griega y Filología Latina, Universidad de Alicante. Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología y Patrimonio Histórico, Graells i Fabregat, Raimon, Scarci, Azzurra, Verčík, Marek, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Prehistoria, Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Filología Griega y Filología Latina, Universidad de Alicante. Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología y Patrimonio Histórico, Graells i Fabregat, Raimon, Scarci, Azzurra, and Verčík, Marek
- Abstract
Research on ancient warfare, weaponry, and the warrior condition in the Mediterranean region necessarily involves the study of the Greek world. This field should be a subject to an analysis of archaeological, iconographic, and historical data, and should even have the ability to consider other aspects, hitherto little dealt with, such as technological, ergonomic or symbolic ones. Although this seems obvious, it is far from the usual practice. This paper focusses on the example of ancient warfare studies, in order to draw attention to the frequent failure by literature-based historians to give proper weight to the rapidly increasing evidence provided by archaeological discoveries and studies, though the failures are not entirely one-sided. By proposing this reflection, we aim to stimulate discussion on this topic and, much more importantly, to motivate scholars to join forces and seek the necessary means of collaboration.
- Published
- 2024
4. The northern coast of the Aegean sea: a linguistic overview
- Author
Benedetti, Marina, Bruno, Carla, Logozzo, Felicia, Tronci, Liana, Guijarro Ruano, Paloma, Benedetti, Marina, Bruno, Carla, Logozzo, Felicia, Tronci, Liana, and Guijarro Ruano, Paloma
- Abstract
This paper is part of the research HERA-project "Dialect contacts and Dialect Levelling in Ancient Northern Greece" (MuMIL-EU Madrid Research Unit). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 649307. • In questo volume sono pubblicati i risultati di ricerche condotte nell’ambito del progetto 'Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe' [HERA.29.015| CASSIO], finanziato dal programma Hera Joint Research Programme « Uses of the Past », Horizon 2020 – 649307., Recent archaeological and epigraphical surveys in the territory known as Aegean Thrace have brought to light new findings enhancing our knowledge in this area. New corpora of inscriptions, as well as prosopographical and onomastic studies, have been published in about the last 20 years. These contributions have boosted linguistic research on the different processes of language contact and acculturation that took place in this region. Additionally, further studies concerning Greek dialectology and the Thracian language have completed our previous understanding of the linguistic landscape of Aegean Thrace, but they have also challenged older tenets. Thus, this work attempts to provide an overall picture of the newly appeared linguistic evidence and an account of the linguistic approaches that this material has given rise to in modern scholarship., European Union, Depto. de Filología Clásica, Fac. de Filología, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
5. Millennials e religione : divergenza o continuità rispetto alla generazione dei genitori ?
- Author
Decataldo, A, Liberati, C, Michelangeli, A, Tognetti, M, Tognetti, MG, Decataldo, A, Liberati, C, Michelangeli, A, Tognetti, M, and Tognetti, MG
- Abstract
Millennials and Religion: Divergence or Continuity Compared to the Generation of their Parents? ·This paper deals with the relationship between Millennials and religion with the aim at determining whether this generation diverges from that of their mothers and fathers also from the point of view of religious identity and experience. The paper is divided into two parts: a literature review on the theme of generational differences in religious identity and experience with reference to the Italian context and a second part dedicated to data analysis. We analyze approximately 3,700 questionnaires on this issue completed by students attending the University of Milano-Bicocca.
- Published
- 2019
6. Qualche annotazione sull'Entrée d'Espagne
- Author
Gresti, Paolo, Paolo Gresti (ORCID:0000-0003-4767-0282), Gresti, Paolo, and Paolo Gresti (ORCID:0000-0003-4767-0282)
- Abstract
This paper displays a comparison between the Franco-Italian epic poem Entrée d’Espagne (especially the episode of the duel between Roland and Feragu) and some of the Italian or Franco-Italian works, such as the Inamoramento de Orlando, written between the end of 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century. At the end of the paper, some precise textual and interpretative observations on the text of Entrée d’Espagne are provided.
- Published
- 2019
7. Esperienza religiosa, percorsi di socializzazione e differenze di genere tra i Millennials.
- Author
Crespi, Isabella
- Abstract
Religious Experience, Socialisation and Gender Differences among Millennials: Recent studies on young people conducted at national and international levels have shown an increasing trend towards individualised and plural forms of religious involvement inside and outside the institutional contexts of churches and religious groups. In the last decades, the debate on religious socialisation has been intertwined with the changing gender roles and stereotypes and with the increased level of women's emancipation in society. This paper focuses on young people, their religious experience and their relationships with adults, paying specific attention to the Millennial generation (women and men between the ages of 20 and 36). The main hypothesis is to verify the persistence and breadth of a diversification between women and men, especially among young Millennials, in relation to specific dimensions of the religious experience (belonging and practices) and to religious socialisation. With regard to gender differences, the paper will reflect on the role played by women/mothers in the intergenerational transmission of religious beliefs and on how religious socialisation is still linked to the family and to religious figures or associations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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8. Millennials e religione: divergenza o continuità rispetto alla generazione dei genitori?
- Author
Decataldo, Alessandra, Liberati, Caterina, Michelangeli, Alessandra, and Tognetti, Mara
- Abstract
Millennials and Religion: Divergence or Continuity Compared to the Generation of their Parents? This paper deals with the relationship between Millenniab and religion with the aim at determining whether this generation diverges from that of their mothers and fathers cdso from the point of view of religious identity and experience. The paper is divided into two parts: a literature review on the theme of generational differences in religious identity and experience with reference to the Italian context and a second part dedicated to data analysis. We analyse approximately, joo questionnaires on this issue completed by students attending the University of Milano-Bicocca. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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9. Some Aspects of the Democratization, Modernization and Transition of the Croatian Society (Challenges and Divisions).
- Author
Mihaljević, Lucija and Črpić, Gordan
- Abstract
This paper discusses some aspects of democratization, modernization and transition processes in the Croatian society. Focusing on the contemporary social situation the authors attempt to assess the achievements of the transitions in Croatia. In this endeavour the past was reviewed from the x ix, h century onward and many controversies were found which are relevant to current social divisions and impede the completion of the transition process. Relying on domestic and foreign theorists of modernization, the phenomenon of post-socialism is debated as it emerges in Croatia. Some divisions within Croatian society still clearly present are detected, such as the trauma of war, the problem of work ethics, nontransparent privatization, mistrust of institutions, and the unreached habitus of the two-way responsibility of democracy. The paper concludes with a recommendation on the necessity of a change in mentality, respectively social consciousness, but abo within social structures at the level of practical life. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Mendel, Toby
- Subjects
HISTORIOGRAPHY ,RIGHT of privacy ,REPUTATION ,MASS media laws ,HUMAN rights ,ACTIONS & defenses (Law) - Abstract
A conference paper on international human rights is presented. The paper compares laws and self-regulatory complaints systems used by the media to prevent hate speech and protect against invasions of privacy and attacks on reputation. According to the paper, self-regulation by historians should serve to articulate the values and goals of historiography.
- Published
- 2011
11. An efficiency analysis of Spanish airports
- Author
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Economía Aplicada y Política Económica, Nerja, Adrián, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Economía Aplicada y Política Económica, and Nerja, Adrián
- Abstract
Privatization and commercialization of airports in recent years are drawing a different picture in the aeronautical industry. Airport benchmarking shows the accommodation and performance of airports in the evolution of the market and the new requirements that they have to face. AENA manages a wide and heterogeneous network of airports. There are 46 airports divided into three categories and with particularities due to their geographical location or the competitive environment where they are located. This paper analyzes the technical efficiency and its determinants of the 39 commercial airports of the AENA network between the years 2011-2014. To do this, two benchmarking techniques, SFA and DEA, are used, with a two-stage analysis. The average efficiency of the network is between 75-79\%. The results with the two techniques are similar with a correlation of 0.67. With regard to the commercial part of the network, AENA has a high margin for improvement because it is below the world and European average. AENA must focus on the development of the commercial area and the introduction of competition within the network to improve the technical efficiency of regional airports mainly.
- Published
- 2021
12. The vine and the oak (Fronto, De Eloquentia 5): an interpretation based on the conventions of ancient fables and the contemporary rhetorical discourse
- Author
Gaertner, Jan Felix and Gaertner, Jan Felix
- Abstract
Fronto's fragmentary fable of the vine and the holly oak has been largely neglected by scholarship on Fronto and the Greco-Roman fable. This paper places the narrative in the tradition of ancient tree fables, explores the parallels in the rhetorical discourse (esp. Quintilian, Philostratus, Lucian), and highlights the debts to Callimachus and Horace. A better contextualization of the fable in the narrative conventions of its literary genre also enables the author to put forward a new reconstruction of the partly fragmentary text of the fable.
- Published
- 2021
13. Der Weinstock und die Eiche (Fronto, De Eloquentia 5): Eine Interpretation auf der Grundlage der antiken Fabelliteratur und der kaiserzeitlichen Rhetorik
- Author
Gaertner, Jan Felix and Gaertner, Jan Felix
- Abstract
Fronto's fragmentary fable of the vine and the holly oak has been largely neglected by scholarship on Fronto and the Greco-Roman fable. This paper places the narrative in the tradition of ancient tree fables, explores the parallels in the rhetorical discourse (esp. Quintilian, Philostratus, Lucian), and highlights the debts to Callimachus and Horace. A better contextualization of the fable in the narrative conventions of its literary genre also enables the author to put forward a new reconstruction of the partly fragmentary text of the fable.
- Published
- 2021
14. 'Running seemed like a good option': gender, genre and the reluctant detective in Kate Atkinson's crime fiction
- Author
Di Ciolla, Nicoletta, Michelis, Angelica, Di Ciolla, Nicoletta, and Michelis, Angelica
- Abstract
Jackson Brodie, the (anti-) hero of Kate Atkinson’s crime novels, comes across as the antithesis of the traditional detective figure. Neither a master of ratiocination like Sherlock Holmes, nor the taciturn action-man of hard-boiled fiction’s mean streets, Brodie bumbles from one tragic-comic set piece to another, confused by a world he finds difficult to inhabit. Atkinson’s detective does not just challenge and experiment with the characteristics and masculinity of the traditional detective figure, her novels also push the narrative structure and standard themes of the crime fiction genre to its limits. This paper will explore the extent to which Atkinson’s Jackson Brodie series from Case Histories published in 2004 to her most recent volume Big Sky (2019) can be read as a post-modern engagement with the (male) detective and his typical traits. When child-care, marriage problems and a general sense of bewilderment have to be juggled alongside detective work, walking those mean streets becomes just that bit more complicated and unpredictable. Juxtaposing Brodie and the complex narratives in which he is embedded to more traditional and historical concepts of the detective figure, demonstrates that Atkinson’s experiments with the detective figure go hand in hand with a re-thinking of crime narratives’ spatial and temporal organisation. Furthermore, by inhabiting these new time/space configurations, the detective as a literary and cultural figure will become visible from new perspectives, in particular the ways in which it is linked to aspects of masculinity.
- Published
- 2021
15. Sociologizing Religious Freedom: Comparative Study of Attitudes among Young People in Belarus and Lithuania.
- Author
Breskaya, Olga and Ališauskienė, Milda
- Abstract
This paper suggests comparative analysis of attitudes toward religious freedom among young people in two different political and religious contexts in Belarus and Lithuania. The aim of the research is to understand whether belonging to religious, non-religious, and religious in general sense groups as well as to majority/ minority religions together with the religiosity of young people have a significant influence on considering the value of religious freedom. The paper brings evidence that religiosity, satisfaction with the state of democracy, and secularism pattern predict the religious freedom attitudes, while belonging to majority/minority religious groups does not contribute to the different perception of religious freedom in Belarus and Lithuania. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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16. È possibile che l'effetto isis ridisegni il Medio Oriente e il conflitto Israele-Palestina?
- Author
Roumani, Maurice M.
- Abstract
The paper addresses some issues with regard to isis as part of an evolved Radical Political Islam and its effects on the Middle East region and perhaps also on the Israel-Palestine conflict. The paper looks at how the economic, social and political frustration of younger groups, men and women, in the Arab world with the help of social media catapulted the Middle East into a region of turmoil, divisiveness and chaos without a solution in sight. The paper looks at the causes of this situation highlighting the long search for an identity by the Islamic world and how the new phenomenon of isis could also implicate the Israel-Palestine conflict. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
17. 'Ad instantia d'Hippolito Ferrarese'. Un cantimbanco editore nell'Italia del Cinquecento
- Author
Petrella, Giancarlo, Petrella, Giancarlo (ORCID:0000-0001-6385-8272), Petrella, Giancarlo, and Petrella, Giancarlo (ORCID:0000-0001-6385-8272)
- Abstract
This paper provides an overview of the artistic-writing career of Ippolito Ferrarese a storyteller who lived and worked between Venice and many other Central-Northern Italian cities in the early 16th century. He seems to have commissioned a large number of editions, mainly to some Venetian printers who had contacts with street artist (Guglielmo da Fontaneto, Venturino Ruffinelli, Francesco Bindoni and Maffeo Pasini). Most of these works are poetry collections, including Ariostean verses, and popular texts in small-sized, illustrated editions, sometimes with no short titles. A review of the references and front and end matter discovers the authors of many of such editions sine notis. This paper is completed by a descriptive list of references for such editions, some of which had been unknown so far, by Ippolito Ferrarese or commissioned by him.
- Published
- 2011
18. Time in production economics: a brief historical excursus
- Author
Morroni, M, Vittucci Marzetti, G, Morroni, Mario, Vittucci Marzetti, Giuseppe, Morroni, M, Vittucci Marzetti, G, Morroni, Mario, and Vittucci Marzetti, Giuseppe
- Abstract
In this paper, we critically review how alternative theories treat the time profile of production processes. We discuss how production and time are modelled in the Classical economics, in the von Neumann-Sraffa representation of production, and in mainstream production theories. Next, we focus on two time-specific analyses of production, developed by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and Gordon Winston. Georgescu-Roegen's flow-fund model deals with the relationship between production organization, scale and efficiency. Winston's analysis of production can be considered as a complement of the flow-fund model, because it combines the time-specific representation of the production process in the fund-flow model with the cost i mplications of time-specific and duration-specific prices of the productive services.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
- Subjects
This paper is a carrying on of the theme examined in (Bazzani, Freguglia 2013) where we discuss a proposal of studying of essential structural aspects of Darwinian Evolution Theory. Also in this case we apply a mathematical ago-antagonist theory inspired by Y. Cherruault's ideas (Cherruault 1998). In the present paper we consider the network structure of genes activity and its dynamics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
- Subjects
DINUCLEOTIDES ,CARDINAL numbers ,MODULAR arithmetic ,CIPHERS ,ALPHABET ,COMPUTER network resources - Abstract
In a recent paper, Michel and Pirillo prove that there are 24 dinucleotide circular codes of maximum cardinality over an alphabet of cardinality 4. In this paper we find the exact number of dinucleotide circular codes of maximum cardinality for any given (finite) cardinality of the alphabet. Moreover, we describe the structure of these codes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
21. The northern coast of the Aegean sea: a linguistic overview
- Author
Benedetti, Marina, Bruno, Carla, Logozzo, Felicia, Tronci, Liana, Guijarro Ruano, Paloma, Benedetti, Marina, Bruno, Carla, Logozzo, Felicia, Tronci, Liana, and Guijarro Ruano, Paloma
- Abstract
This paper is part of the research HERA-project "Dialect contacts and Dialect Levelling in Ancient Northern Greece" (MuMIL-EU Madrid Research Unit). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 649307. • In questo volume sono pubblicati i risultati di ricerche condotte nell’ambito del progetto 'Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe' [HERA.29.015| CASSIO], finanziato dal programma Hera Joint Research Programme « Uses of the Past », Horizon 2020 – 649307., Recent archaeological and epigraphical surveys in the territory known as Aegean Thrace have brought to light new findings enhancing our knowledge in this area. New corpora of inscriptions, as well as prosopographical and onomastic studies, have been published in about the last 20 years. These contributions have boosted linguistic research on the different processes of language contact and acculturation that took place in this region. Additionally, further studies concerning Greek dialectology and the Thracian language have completed our previous understanding of the linguistic landscape of Aegean Thrace, but they have also challenged older tenets. Thus, this work attempts to provide an overall picture of the newly appeared linguistic evidence and an account of the linguistic approaches that this material has given rise to in modern scholarship., European Union, Depto. de Filología Clásica, Fac. de Filología, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2019
22. La Biblia latina de Seidel y la filología de su tiempo : el caso de Isaías 52-53
- Author
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Toribio Pérez, Pablo [0000-0002-4263-3936], Cañas Reillo, José Manuel [0000-0002-8274-901X], Cañas Reillo, José Manuel, Toribio Pérez, Pablo, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Toribio Pérez, Pablo [0000-0002-4263-3936], Cañas Reillo, José Manuel [0000-0002-8274-901X], Cañas Reillo, José Manuel, and Toribio Pérez, Pablo
- Abstract
[EN] In his treatise Origo et fundamenta religionis christianae, Martin Seidel bases his reasoning on a great number of Latin quotations from the Old Testament. In his quotations he moves away from the Vulgate, as he claims, in order to come closer to the Hebrew original. This paper assesses Seidel’s claim through a detailed examination of his translation of Isaiah 52-53. The results show that he was originally combining the different possibilities he could find in the many Latin translations of the Bible produced in the 16th century, as well as in a number of lexicogaphical works available to him, particularly those included in the volumes of the Biblia Regia (Antwerp Polyglot)., [ES] En su tratado Origo et fundamenta religionis christianae, Martin Seidel fundamenta su discurso mediante un gran número de citas latinas del Antiguo Testamento, en las que, según él mismo afirma, se aparta de la Vulgata para acercarse al original hebreo. Este artículo se propone comprobar la veracidad de dicha afirmación mediante el examen detallado de la traducción de Isaías 52-53: el examen muestra que Seidel combinó de forma original las posibilidades que le brindaban las numerosas traducciones latinas de la Biblia del siglo XVI, así como diversos instrumentos lexicográficos a su alcance, en particular los disponibles en la Biblia Regia.
- Published
- 2019
23. Our History: Your Myths: Narrative and National Identity.
- Author
Partner, Nancy
- Subjects
POSTMODERNISM (Philosophy) ,PHILOSOPHY of history ,HISTORY & politics ,JOURNALISM & history ,IDENTITY politics ,COLLECTIVE memory - Abstract
A conference paper is presented from the historical conference entitled The Significance of History for Politics and Culture. It discusses the postmodern concept of a narrative as it can be applied to history and the reporting of ongoing political events in the international media. The use of the idea of a narrative in journalism is discussed and then related to ideas of political, religious, and social identity.
- Published
- 2012
24. Learning from History and the Recent Crisis of Capitalism.
- Author
Kocka, Jürgen
- Subjects
PHILOSOPHY of history ,GLOBAL Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 ,21ST century history ,20TH century history ,HISTORY of capitalism - Abstract
A conference paper is presented which was written for the 2010 conference the International Congress of Historical Sciences about the role in modern history of the global financial crisis. It discusses whether the period from 1989 to 2008 can be viewed as a definable era, the notion of learning from history, and the global financial crisis viewed as a crisis for capitalism.
- Published
- 2012
25. La concezione web eriana del carisma: il caso delle arti marziali.
- Author
Brown, David H. K.
- Subjects
RELIGION & sociology ,SOCIAL theory ,CHARISMA - Abstract
While Weber implicates the body in his descriptions of charismatic qualities and actions it is surprisingly underdeveloped in his own work on the sociology of religion. However, perhaps more surprising is that, while a range of classic sociological theory has been considerably recast in light of the generally agreed 'reemergence of the body' in sociological thinking over the past two decades, the concept of charisma has, been largely neglected. This paper starts to redress these lacunae by revisiting several key characteristics of Weber's sociology of charisma that strongly imply embodiment. It argues that an embodied perspective of charisma is a significant channel of inter-corporeal communication through which (religious) leadership and forms of continuity and change are Enacted and maintained over time. In illustrating this argument the paper draws on empirical illustrations taken from the examples of Jigoro Kano (1860-1938: Founder of Judo), Morihei Ueshiba: 1883-1969: Founder of Aikido) and Bruce Lee (1940-1973: Founder of Jeet Kune Do). These have been selected for the varied insights each has to offer the idea of embodied charisma. In conclusion the paper reflects on how a more developed idea of embodied charisma might be useful in providing a renewed focus for the sociological study of established, new and also what we refer to as emerging 'secular' religions of which martial culture is a prime example. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
26. Spiritismo: una medianità mediatica?
- Author
Cerolini, Reginaldo
- Subjects
This paper analyses both the concepts and phenomena of «medianity» and «mediaticità» relating to the Brazilian Spiritism, from an anthropological and interpretative perspective. The terminological meaning of «medianity» and «mediaticità» is here described through an interpretation which is as close as possible to the «native» or Dottrinary vision. The aim of this paper is to show the topicality of the Espirita belief with regards to the current religious phenomena, and relating to the socio-anthropological research methods. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
27. Spiritualità, identitâ e minoranze religiose nella Romania ortodossa.
- Author
Brucciani, Giacomo
- Subjects
DIALECTICAL theology ,SOCIALISM & religion ,POSTCOMMUNISM - Abstract
This paper examines the socio-political and religious dialectics of spirituality in post-communist Romania. Starting from a statistic evaluation of the distribution and subdivision of the Churches on Romanian territory, the paper studies the religious factor as a systemic element for understanding the deep relationship between people and "national belonging", understood as a relevant key of social self-representation. The close link with the historic-religious past of Romanians, partly obscured during the years of socialism, re-emerges after the collapse of the communist regime through specific forms: the monastic life, studies on the lives of saints, the history of Romanian Orthodoxy, are used for strengthening the bond between people and tradition in a new context, coinciding with the entry into the European Union. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
28. Lifestyles e partecipazione religiosa.
- Author
Berzano, Luigi
- Subjects
QUALITY of life ,SOCIAL classes ,CONSUMER goods ,RELIGIOUS movements - Abstract
The word and concept of life style have by now entered the language and the interpretive models of the Social Sciences, in particular in the researches about the condition of the young. The aim of this paper is to verify the utility of the concept of life style, not only in relation to standing, social classes and consumer goods, but also as a project of identity building of a group or a subculture. The aim is also to verify whether the concept of life style could represent an analytical category of interest even for the analysis of religious phenomena. In this context, a life style is a set of practices to which an individual gives unitary meaning, a distinctive model shared inside a collectivity. A model that does not have its genesis either in a pre-existing cognitive-value frame or in a pre-determined socio-structural condition. This paper examines life style forms in new religious movements, big happenings, Catholic militancy or participation, new spiritualities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
29. I sensi politici del sufismo.
- Author
Abenante, Paola
- Subjects
Within the dominant moral and sensorial landscape of public Islam in contemporary Cairo, the aim of my paper is to draw attention to the quiet inflections of a non-dominant and apparently non-political form of Islam such as Sufism, through the emotive, bodily and sensorial styles of its adepts. The paper proposes some examples of how this alternative symbolic and sensorial dimension of faith articulates practices and builds alternative paths in the politics of everyday's actions. The paper therefore leaves behind,just as my interlocutors have suggested me to do, the power of words and of discourse, because instruments that reproduce and are proper to the noisy and dominant Islam of the cassette-preachers of the da'wa, pointing out instead to the non-verbal dimensions of body and of emotions. In fact this silent presence of Sufis in the public sphere will be read as a politics of positioning within the religious panorama of contemporary Cairo. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
30. Construcción de la identidad en la diversidad a través del diálogo interreligioso. El Seminario de Formación Teológica de Puerto Iguazü.
- Author
Setton, Damián
- Subjects
IDENTITY (Philosophical concept) ,SELF ,THEOLOGICAL seminaries ,TERRORISTS - Abstract
The paper analyzes the identity-construction processes that take place in the Seminaries of Theological Formation in Argentine, focusing at the tensions between the ideal of self and, on the other hand, the partial realization of that ideal. In the relationship with the religious 'other', the social actors experience their own prejudices. This kind of experience is a part of the identity-construction processes, and the social actor must negotiate this part with the ideal of self. In 2005, the Seminary took place in the tri-border area of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. This area has been considered as a refuge for terrorist organizations. The paper analyzes the tension between this 'external' look and the point of view of the people who live there, that was expressed in the Seminary. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
31. Spiritualità come resistenza al laicismo: il movimento Nur in Turchia.
- Author
Introvigne, Massimo
- Subjects
LAICISM ,SPIRITUALITY ,SOCIAL movements ,RELIGION & sociology - Abstract
This paper focuses on what Turkish sociologist Hakan Yavuz called the «internal migration» of Islam during the years when public religious activities were severely restricted by the Kemalist regime. Religion survived by becoming spirituality, both in families and in small groups. While the most studied forms of Turkish spirituality include various Sufi brotherhoods, the paper argues that the circles of 'readers' of the Epistles of Light of Kurdish-born mystic Bediuzzaman Said Nursi were at least as important, despite the fact that Nursi himself spent the years of the Kemalist limitation of religious activities forcibly confined to small villages and even later did not often speak in public. Eventually, after Nursi's death in 1960 and the religious deregulation in the new Turkish democracy,from the circles of readers of Nursi's works several branches of a Nur movement grew up. They now include several million members both in Turkey and abroad, and are a key feature of Turkey's contemporary religious scenario. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
32. Cu Doamne ajuta. Azione religiosa e trasfigurazione del politico nella Moldova ortodossa.
- Author
Carnevale, Davide N.
- Abstract
Cu Doamne ajuta. Religious Action and the Transfiguration of Politics in the Orthodox Moldova. This paper discusses an ethnographic research carried out in the Republic of Moldova, within an eparhia of the Moldovan Orthodox Church. In this local scenario of insecurity and political disenchantment, Orthodox Churches appear as social protagonists and their observation as a possible pivotal point in the analysis of this post-Soviet region, politically and religiously divided between Bucharest and Moscow. The role played here by the resurgence of religion will be therefore briefly explored both as an individual and social instrument of adaptation and as a governmental instrument, through three different lenses: ritual, identity, politics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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33. Giovani e capitale sociale: gli orizzonti della religiosità.
- Author
Amaturo, Enrica, Caputo, Amalia, Felaco, Cristiano, and Punziano, Gabriella
- Abstract
Youth and Social Capital: The Religiosity Horizons · This paper aims to study the relationship between religion and social capital considering young people living in Naples. The article discusses how the combination of different levels of social capital and religiosity can help us to identify profiles of religiosity. Technique of multivariate analysis was used to reach these scopes. The results compare the level of conceptualisation and the level of religious practices detected in the profiles, allowing to highlight the continuity and discontinuity in practices, identification and positioning of the young people in the local sample with respect to religion. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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34. Religione e Innovation Society.
- Author
Ragusi, Emanuele and Sannella, Alessandra
- Abstract
Religion and Innovation Society The paper analyses the relationship between young people, religion, and innovation. Our main assumption is that religious traditions are embedded in the digital society, too. Findings underline a relationship between religion and the digital society: results show that digital innovation modifies the religious practice among youths. The clash between tradition and innovation is an empirical evidence. The data were collected through the survey «Young People and Religion», promoted by the University of Milano-Bicocca and refer to a non-probabilistic sample of students (n -- i 86)from the University of Cassino and Southern Latium. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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35. Il vissuto religioso dei cattolici romani.
- Author
Costa, Cecilia
- Abstract
The Religious Experience of Roman Catholics In the present paper the Author discusses the lived religion of 29 Roman Catholics resident in Rome. The analysis focuses, in particular, on the interviewees' perceptions of God, good-evil Furthermore, attention was paid to the socialisation and the link between family and religion, the conception of sin, the beliefs about Hell-Purgatory-Paradise, eternal life. These points were foregrounded because characteristic of the entire experience of belief and because, in some ways, they manage to account for mutations in religion. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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36. The Process of Reconciliation and Memory Healing after Vukovar Tragedy. The Contribution of Catholic Church in Croatia.
- Author
Nimac, Jasna Ćurković and Valković, Jerko
- Abstract
In this paper the authors describe the atmosphere in Croatia after the Homeland War and the role that Vukovar, as a place of tremendous suffering, has in the Croatian collective consciousness and memory. In the first part, they present the theoretical framework of the reconciliation process, and thematise a phenomenon such as memory and forgiveness as the most important notions in this process. In the second part, they examine the role that Catholic Church in Croatia had in the reconciliation. As they argue, this role was mainly positive: Church in Croatia always encouraged forgiveness and reconciliation but also tried to insert it in the real context of ordinary life. Today however the theme on reconciliation in Croatia it seems that it is not in focus any more (there is a lack of more updated research on the topic) which is both promising and preoccupying: promising because it gives hope that citizens are no more clinging to the past andpreoccupying because the experience taught us that past, if not purified, always returns back even in a harsher way. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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37. Una ricerca visuale sulle Giornate Giubilari degli Ammalati e delle Persone Disabili. L'evidenza delle interazioni agapiche.
- Author
Conti, Uliano
- Abstract
The Evidence of Agapic Interactions The article proposes a visual empirical research of the Jubilee of Mercy announced by Pope Fran-cis. In particular, the paper illustrates the way in which the empirical research was organised on the Days dedicated to illness and disability. Visual analysis focuses attention on micro-relational dynamics, on gestures, on the meta-communicative elements captured between the jubilant and those around them. It emerges that the actions and interactions of thejubilants are configured as agapic. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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38. Le mura fenicie del Cabezo Pequeño del Estaño (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante - Spagna). Un esempio di 'Casemate walls' in Occidente
- Author
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Prehistoria, Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Filología Griega y Filología Latina, García Menarguez, Antonio, Prados Martínez, Fernando, Jiménez Vialás, Helena, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Prehistoria, Arqueología, Historia Antigua, Filología Griega y Filología Latina, García Menarguez, Antonio, Prados Martínez, Fernando, and Jiménez Vialás, Helena
- Abstract
The first results of our new archaeological works in the Phoenician site of Cabezo Pequeño del Estaño (Guardamar, Alicante, Spain) in 2013 and 2014 are shown in this paper. These help us to define the very first impact of Phoenician colonization in the south-eastern coast of Spain and to better understand the urban development of Bajo Segura area from the Archaic period on (7th-8th centuries BC).
- Published
- 2017
39. Metascientific views: Challenge and opportunity for philosophy of biology in practice
- Author
- Abstract
In this paper I take evolutionary biology as an example to reflect on the role of philosophy and on the transformations that philosophy is constantly stimulated to do in its own approach when dealing with science. I consider that some intellectual movements within evolutionary biology (more specifically, the various calls for 'synthesis') express metascientific views, i.e., claims about 'what it is to do research' in evolutionary biology at different times. In the construction of metascientific views I see a fundamental role to be played by philosophy, and, at the same time, a need to complement the philosophical methods with many more methods coming from other sciences. What leads philosophy out of itself is its own attention to scientific practice. My humble methodological suggestions are, at this stage, only meant to help us imagine metascientific views that are built with a more scientific, interdisciplinary approach, in order to attenuate partiality, subjectivity and impressionism in describing the scientific community. And yet, we should not be naïve and imbued with the myth of 'datadriven' research, especially in this field: other complex issues about metascientific views call for a serious, constant philosophical reflection on scientific practice.
- Published
- 2017
40. El valle medio del Guadiana: la identificación de una nueva realidad territorial para Tarteso
- Author
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Celestino Pérez, Sebastián, Rodríguez González, Esther, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Celestino Pérez, Sebastián, and Rodríguez González, Esther
- Abstract
The fact that the middle valley of the Guadiana River has been considered as a peripheral region of Tartesos since the Late Bronze Age has highly conditioned the different interpretations regarding the settlement pattern of this area. Considered as a system that had been inspired by the main territories of Tartesos, this preconception of its territorial organization has nullified the strong personality that this territory possesses by increasing its supposed dependence on the population documented in the Guadalquivir Valley, while diminishing its strong link to the Atlantic world. Therefore, in the following paper we pose a new re-lecture for a better understanding of the territorial and social-economical organization of this region based on new archaeological evidences obtained throughout a series of archaeological excavations carried out in the last couple of years.
- Published
- 2017
41. «questo corpo che ora troppo ci pesa»: pesantezza e leggerezza nel Porto Sepolto
- Author
Millefiorini, Federica, Millefiorini, Federica (ORCID:0000-0002-3166-9116), Millefiorini, Federica, and Millefiorini, Federica (ORCID:0000-0002-3166-9116)
- Abstract
Si prende in esame la dicotomia pesantezza / leggerezza, che, secondo le parole di Milan Kundera, è «la più misteriosa e la più ambigua tra tutte le opposizioni». Sebbene il Porto Sepolto del 1916 possa sembrare, a una prima impressione, dominato dal peso della guerra, del fango, della vita in trincea e della morte, in realtà molte poesie sono giocate sulla duplicità di immagini che fanno riferimento a entrambi i campi semantici. Il poeta–soldato Ungaretti infatti, nell’hic et nunc della guerra e del travaglio terreno, cerca l’assenza di peso, e la cerca nel sogno, nell’immaginazione, nella fusione panica con l’universo, ma spesso la sua ricerca di levitas si rivela già ricerca della fede. Non c’è quindi vera opposizione tra leggerezza e pesantezza. La compresenza dei due poli della dicotomia è ineludibile, in quanto connaturata alla nostra vita di uomini su questa terra., The paper examines the heaviness / lightness dichotomy that, according to Milan Kundera, is «the most mysterious and most ambiguous of all oppositions». Although the 1916 Porto Sepolto may at first seem dominated by the burden of war, by mud, by life in the trenches an by death, as a matter of fact many poems in the collection play on the duplicity of images that refer to both semantic fields. In the hic et nunc of war and of worldly pain, the poet-soldier Ungaretti actually searches for the absence of weight, and he looks for it in the dream, in the imagination, in the panic fusion with the universe, but his search of levitas often reveals itself as a search fot faith. There's no true opposition between lightness and heaviness. The compresence of the two poles of the dichotomy is unavoidable, as it is intrinsic in the life of men on earth.
- Published
- 2017
42. Émile Durkheim, sociologo del cosmopolitismo.
- Author
Pendenza, Massimo
- Abstract
By means of a hermeneutic approach that revisits Émile Durkheim and sets his work within the theoretical framework of cosmopolitanism, our article aims to provide scholars and readers with new arguments to support the ever pertinence of this 20th century intellectual. In our paper, through a new and original analysis of his work, or at least the part which rejects the vision of a conservative Durkheim, we re-evaluate from a cosmopolitan standpoint, the scholar's contribution to the interpretation of a world open to globalisation processes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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43. Sessualità e stampa cattolica in Italia. Un confronto fra aree e riviste.
- Author
Bertuzzi, Niccolò
- Abstract
We here present some results of a wider research about the representation of sexuality on the Italian Catholic press. Specifically, the paper analyses four magazines, different for editorial characteristics and ethical approach: to stratify the phenomenon we used the typology proposed by Garelli (1991), with the goal to test it and to determine whether the four magazines express actually different conceptions on the topic of sexuality, whether there are instead convergences and whether the representations of sexuality on the Catholic press are congruent with the official positions promoted by the Holy See in its documents. To achieve our purpose, we adopted a Foucaltian perspective (1976) assuming that, in the Catholic propaganda, sex is not only the object of taboos, prohibitions and complaints, but is also framed in a positive discourse that highlights some of its attributes, components and contexts: in particular, sex is dislodged from its biological value to confer it an higher meaning tied to the conditions of its lawful exercise, namely a stable heterosexual relationship within marriage. From our empirical analysis emerged that the four magazines express aligned positions, even if with some relevant differences that reflect, in the way they speak about sexuality, the pluralism within the Catholic associationism identified by Garelli. The official Magisterium is embedded in substance, but declined according to different accents and sensitivities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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44. Religioni per il futuro. Mutamenti di genere, avvicendamento generazionale e prove di dialogo interreligioso.
- Author
Antonelli, Francesco and Ruspini, Elisabetta
- Abstract
The paper discusses the relationship between interreligious dialogue, gender and generational change. Gender and generational changes are challenging religious institutions and traditional ways to worship and express one's faith. Recent studies have shown that there is a strong connection between social change -- such as the impact of ICTS, globalisation, increased intercultural and transcultural interaction and exchange, migration processes -- and religious identities. Recent literature has overall revealed a great complexity and often contradiction in late modern negotiations of religion and secularism by girls and women, and a range of possibilities for change. Based on these premises, this article explores the role played by interfaith dialogue in promoting gender equality and empowering women. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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45. National Identity Building in Mexican Historiography during the Nineteenth Century. An Attempt at Synthesis.
- Author
Díaz-Maldonado, Rodrigo
- Subjects
NATIONALISM ,19TH century Mexican history ,MEXICAN Wars of Independence, 1810-1821 ,19TH century imperialism ,HISTORIOGRAPHY - Abstract
This paper proposes a conceptualisation of the main modalities of historical consciousness in Mexican historiography during the nineteenth century. These modalities are based on the analysis of different overarching historical narratives that were intended to produce a new national identity after the War of Independence (1810-1821). These narratives disclose different notions about the utility of historical knowledge and the relationship between past and present. Consequently, in the first place it is presented a brief discussion of the interaction between the concepts of historical consciousness and national identity. Secondly a succinct historical background of the Colonial period is provided. Finally, through the examination of specific historical works and authors, the three modalities of historical consciousness that have been identified are presented; the past as will, the past as experience and the past as memory. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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46. La beatitudo (e il suo nesso con l’amor) in Tommaso d’Aquino
- Author
Samek Lodovici, Giacomo, Samek Lodovici, Giacomo (ORCID:0000-0001-5084-4568), Samek Lodovici, Giacomo, and Samek Lodovici, Giacomo (ORCID:0000-0001-5084-4568)
- Abstract
Lo scopo del contributo è ricostruire il pensiero di Tommaso d’Aquino circa la felicità. Dapprima viene riferita la sua concezione dell’amore e il nesso di quest’ultimo con il gaudium, il quale è accessibile all’amor amicitiae e non all’amor concupiscentiae. Poi viene tematizzata la prospettiva di Tommaso circa l’entità e l’attività massimamente felicitanti, che implicano la beatitudo, la quale comporta, senza contraddizione, immutabilità e dinamismo. Infine viene trattato il rapporto tra moralità, amore e parziale felicità/contentezza, poi il paradosso della felicità, e accennata la necessità delle passioni per la pienezza della moralità., The purpose of the paper is to reconstruct Aquinas' theory about happiness. First of all it refers his conception of love and the relationship of the latter with gaudium, which is available to amor amicitiae but not to amor concupiscentiae. Then it focuses Thomas’ perspective about the entity and the activity that maximally produce happiness, or beatitude, which includes immutability and dynamism, without contradiction. Finally it treats the link between morality, love and partial happiness/contentment, then the paradox of happiness and the necessity of passions for the fullness of morality.
- Published
- 2016
47. Brevi note sulle strategie giurisdizionali per la tutela degli acquedotti pubblici in Roma antica
- Author
Maganzani, L., Maganzani L. (ORCID:0000-0002-8404-4240), Maganzani, L., and Maganzani L. (ORCID:0000-0002-8404-4240)
- Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to show how in classical Rome the protection of res publicae, in- cluding aqueducts, would not be totally delegated to the public authorities, but often implied the direct involvement of private citizens, who were made in some way jointly responsible for the safeguard of the public interest. The legal instruments used for this purpose – interdicta, operis novi nuntiatio, cautio damni infecti – were provided by the praetor’s edict, in the sense that private individuals were authorized by the edict to bring a series of jurisdictional means before the ma- gistrate himself, primarily aiming at the protection of their own interests and indirectly at the safeguard of public interest. Such means are usually studied in their own peculiarity: instead they were intimately connected one to the other thus providing a large and well organized protection.
- Published
- 2016
48. il nuovo catasto di Verona. Analisi storico-giuridica
- Author
Maganzani, Lauretta, Maganzani, Lauretta (ORCID:0000-0002-8404-4240), Maganzani, Lauretta, and Maganzani, Lauretta (ORCID:0000-0002-8404-4240)
- Abstract
his paper contains a juridical analysis of a piece of a bronze land register recently published and found in Verona by archaeologist Giuliana Cavalieri Manasse during the excavations of the city’s Capitolium, the temple built approximately between 40 and 20 B.C. (that is shortly after the shift of the city itself from the left side of the Adige, where the Cenomane village existed, to the right side of the river where the new Roman city was built). The land register was posted on a wall of the triportico that was part of the temple, next to another form of a bronze land register, probably more recent, which was published in 2000 by archaeologist Cavalieri Manasse. These are very important pieces because of their rarity: in fact, many texts of Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum speak about land registers, but the epigraphic documentation is so far limited both to a small frag- ment in bronze by Lacimurga (published in Spain in the Nineties) and of course to the land registers of Orange (which however differ from the land registers of the centurion because of their predominant fiscal function).
- Published
- 2016
49. Diodoro: il lessico della collaborazione e dell’opposizione
- Author
Bearzot, Cinzia Susanna, Bearzot, Cinzia Susanna (ORCID:0000-0003-4414-7963), Bearzot, Cinzia Susanna, and Bearzot, Cinzia Susanna (ORCID:0000-0003-4414-7963)
- Abstract
This paper aims at discussing Diodoros’ terminology (books xi-xx) about political collaboration and opposition. First of all, Diodoros often employs a relatively late terminology ; his vocabulary seems to depend on Hellenistic Greek rather than on the language of his sources. Furthermore, while some of the considered words show an exclusive military significance or express a ‘military’ perception of collaboration and opposition in the context of violent political ‘battles’, the words referring to the specific language of internal political collaboration and opposition are relatively rare. Both facts seem to reflect the culture of an age in which direct political participation was no longer present. Finally, it is worth noting that, when Diodoros refers to internal politics, terminology of ‘practical’ significance prevails on ‘ideological’ lexis. It can be concluded that Diodoros’ vocabulary, in this particular field, seems to be partially original in comparison with that of his sources.
- Published
- 2016
50. Religione nei ‘borderscapes’. Diritti umani e dis-integrazione religiosa delle comunità rom in Italia.
- Author
Di Giovanni, Elisabetta
- Abstract
This paper proposes an anthropological reflection on the connection between social inequality and Roma/ Gypsies’ religious experience in Italy, focusing on religious practices between Orthodox Christians and Muslims Roma groups living in marginal conditions. The essay, finally, refers to the way in which the Italian state does not consider the religious practices of the Roma and the issue of human rights, stressing that the religious dimension is totally ignored at government level because of harmful categorization and discriminatory attitude. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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